package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.*;
import ij.util.Tools;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;

/** This plugin implements most of the Edit/Options/Colors command. */
public class Colors implements PlugIn, ItemListener {
    public static final String[] colors = {"red","green","blue","magenta","cyan","yellow","orange","black","white","gray","lightgray","darkgray","pink"};
    private static final String[] colors2 = {"Red","Green","Blue","Magenta","Cyan","Yellow","Orange","Black","White","Gray","lightGray","darkGray","Pink"};
    private Choice fchoice, bchoice, schoice;
    private Color fc2, bc2, sc2;

    public void run(String arg) {

    /** The Edit>Options>Colors dialog */
    void showDialog() {
        Color fc =Toolbar.getForegroundColor();
        String fname = getColorName(fc, "black");
        Color bc =Toolbar.getBackgroundColor();
        String bname = getColorName(bc, "white");
        Color sc =Roi.getColor();
        String sname = getColorName(sc, "yellow");
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Colors");
        gd.addChoice("Foreground:", colors, fname);
        gd.addChoice("Background:", colors, bname);
        gd.addChoice("Selection:", colors, sname);
        Vector choices = gd.getChoices();
        if (choices!=null) {
            fchoice = (Choice)choices.elementAt(0);
            bchoice = (Choice)choices.elementAt(1);
            schoice = (Choice)choices.elementAt(2);

        if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
            if (fc2!=fc) Toolbar.setForegroundColor(fc);
            if (bc2!=bc) Toolbar.setBackgroundColor(bc);
            if (sc2!=sc) {
                ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
                if (imp!=null && imp.getRoi()!=null) imp.draw();
        fname = gd.getNextChoice();
        bname = gd.getNextChoice();
        sname = gd.getNextChoice();
        fc2 = getColor(fname,;
        bc2 = getColor(bname, Color.white);
        sc2 = getColor(sname, Color.yellow);
        if (fc2!=fc) Toolbar.setForegroundColor(fc2);
        if (bc2!=bc) Toolbar.setBackgroundColor(bc2);
        if (sc2!=sc) {
            ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
            if (imp!=null) imp.draw();
            Toolbar tb = Toolbar.getInstance();
            if (tb!=null) tb.repaint();

    /** For named colors, returns the name, or 'defaultName' if not a named color.
     *  If 'defaultName' is non-null and starts with an uppercase character,
     *  the returned name is capitalized (first character uppercase).
     *  Use colorToString or colorToString2 to get a String representation (hexadecimal)
     *  also for unnamed colors.*/
    public static String getColorName(Color c, String defaultName) {
        if (c==null) return defaultName;
        boolean useCapitalizedName = defaultName!=null && defaultName.length()>0 && Character.isUpperCase(defaultName.charAt(0));
        return getColorName(c, defaultName, useCapitalizedName);

    /** For named colors, returns the name, or 'defaultName' if not a named color.
     *  'color' must not be null. */
    private static String getColorName(Color c, String defaultName, boolean useCapitalizedName) {
        String[] colorNames = useCapitalizedName ? colors2 : colors;
        if (c.equals(            return colorNames[0];
        else if (c.equals(     return colorNames[1];
        else if (c.equals(      return colorNames[2];
        else if (c.equals(Color.magenta))   return colorNames[3];
        else if (c.equals(Color.cyan))      return colorNames[4];
        else if (c.equals(Color.yellow))    return colorNames[5];
        else if (c.equals(    return colorNames[6];
        else if (c.equals(     return colorNames[7];
        else if (c.equals(Color.white))     return colorNames[8];
        else if (c.equals(Color.gray))      return colorNames[9];
        else if (c.equals(Color.lightGray)) return colorNames[10];
        else if (c.equals(Color.darkGray))  return colorNames[11];
        else if (c.equals(      return colorNames[12];
        return defaultName;

    /** For named colors, converts the name String to the corresponding color.
     *  Returns 'defaultColor' if the color has no name.
     *  Use 'decode' to also decode hex color names like "#ffff00" */
    public static Color getColor(String name, Color defaultColor) {
        if (name==null || name.length()<2)
            return defaultColor;
        name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        Color c = defaultColor;
        if (name.contains(colors[7])) c =;
        else if (name.contains(colors[8]))  c = Color.white;
        else if (name.contains(colors[0]))  c =;
        else if (name.contains(colors[2]))  c =;
        else if (name.contains(colors[5]))  c = Color.yellow;
        else if (name.contains(colors[1]))  c =;
        else if (name.contains(colors[3]))  c = Color.magenta;
        else if (name.contains(colors[4]))  c = Color.cyan;
        else if (name.contains(colors[6]))  c =;
        else if (name.contains(colors[12])) c =;
        else if (name.contains(colors[9]) || name.contains("grey")) { //gray or grey
            if (name.contains("light"))     c = Color.lightGray;
            else if (name.contains("dark")) c = Color.darkGray;
            else                            c = Color.gray;
        return c;

    /** Converts a String with the color name or the hexadecimal representation
     *  of a color with 6 or 8 hex digits to a Color.
     *  With 8 hex digits, the first two digits are the alpha.
     *  With 6 hex digits, the color is opaque (alpha = hex ff).
     *  A hex String may be preceded by '#' such as "#80ff00".
     *  When the string does not include a valid color name or hex code,
     *  returns Color.GRAY. */
    public static Color decode(String hexColor) {
        return decode(hexColor, Color.gray);

    /** Converts a String with the color name or the hexadecimal representation
     *  of a color with 6 or 8 hex digits to a Color.
     *  With 8 hex digits, the first two digits are the alpha.
     *  With 6 hex digits, the color is opaque (alpha = hex ff).
     *  A hex String may be preceded by "#" such as "#80ff00" or "0x".
     *  When the string does not include a valid color name or hex code,
     *  returns 'defaultColor'. */
    public static Color decode(String hexColor, Color defaultColor) {
        if (hexColor==null || hexColor.length()<2)
            return defaultColor;
        Color color = getColor(hexColor, null);  //for named colors
        if (color==null) {
            if (hexColor.startsWith("#"))
                hexColor = hexColor.substring(1);
            else if (hexColor.startsWith("0x"))
                hexColor = hexColor.substring(2);
            int len = hexColor.length();
            if (!(len==6 || len==8))
                return defaultColor;
            boolean hasAlpha = len==8;
            try {
                int rgba = (int)Long.parseLong(hexColor, 16);
                color = new Color(rgba, hasAlpha);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return defaultColor;
        return color;

    public static int getRed(String hexColor) {
        return decode(hexColor,;

    public static int getGreen(String hexColor) {
        return decode(hexColor,;

    public static int getBlue(String hexColor) {
        return decode(hexColor,;

    /** Converts a hex color (e.g., "ffff00") into "red", "green", "yellow", etc.
     *  Returns null if the hex color does not have a name.
     *  Unused in ImageJ, for compatibility only. */
    public static String hexToColor(String hex) {
        if (hex==null) return null;
        Color color = decode(hex, null);
        if (color==null) return null;
        return getColorName(color, null, false);

    /** Converts a hex color (e.g., "ffff00" or "#ffff00") into a color name
     *  "Red", "Green", "Yellow", etc.
     *  Returns null if the hex color does not have a name.
     *  Unused in ImageJ, for compatibility only. */
    public static String hexToColor2(String hex) {
        if (hex==null) return null;
        Color color = decode(hex, null);
        if (color==null) return null;
        return getColorName(color, null, true);

    /** Converts a Color into a lowercase string ("red", "green", "#aa55ff", etc.).
     *  If <code>color</code> is <code>null</code>, returns the String "none". */
    public static String colorToString(Color color) {
        if (color == null) return "none";
        String str = getColorName(color, null, false);
        if (str == null)
            str = "#"+getHexString(color);
        return str;

    /** Converts a Color into a string ("Red", "Green", #aa55ff, etc.).
     *  If <code>color</code> is <code>null</code>, returns the String "None". */
    public static String colorToString2(Color color) {
        if (color == null) return "None";
        String str = getColorName(color, null, true);
        if (str == null)
            str = "#"+getHexString(color);
        return str;

    /** Returns the 6-digit hex string such as "aa55ff" for opaque colors or
     *  or 8-digit like "80aa55ff" for other colors (the first two hex digits are alpha).
     *  'color' must not be null. */
    private static String getHexString(Color color) {
        int rgb = color.getRGB();
        boolean isOpaque = (rgb & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000;
        if (isOpaque)
            rgb &= 0x00ffffff;  //don't show alpha for opaque colors
        String format = isOpaque? "%06x" : "%08x";
        return String.format(format, rgb);

    /** Returns an opaque color with the specified red, green, and blue values.
     *  Values is outside the 0-255 range are replaced by the nearest
     *  valid number (0 or 255) */
    public static Color toColor(int red, int green, int blue) {
        if (red<0) red=0; if (green<0) green=0; if (blue<0) blue=0; 
        if (red>255) red=255; if (green>255) green=255; if (blue>255) blue=255;  
        return  new Color(red, green, blue);

    /** Callback listener for Choice modifications in the dialog */
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
        Choice choice = (Choice)e.getSource();
        String item = choice.getSelectedItem();
        Color color = getColor(item,;
        if (choice==fchoice)
        else if (choice==bchoice)
        else if (choice==schoice) {
            ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
            if (imp!=null && imp.getRoi()!=null) imp.draw();

    /** Returns an array of the color Strings in the argument(s) and the 13
     *  predefined color names "Red", "Green", ... "Pink".
     *  The Strings arguments must be either "None" or hex codes starting with "#".
     *  Any null arguments are ignored. */
    public static String[] getColors(String... moreColors) {
        ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
        for (String arg: moreColors) {
            if (arg!=null && arg.length()>0 && (!Character.isLetter(arg.charAt(0))||arg.equals("None")))
        for (String arg: colors2)
        return (String[])names.toArray(new String[names.size()]);