package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.macro.Interpreter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
public class Projector implements PlugIn {
private static final int xAxis=0, yAxis=1, zAxis=2;
private static final int nearestPoint=0, brightestPoint=1, meanValue=2;
private static final int BIGPOWEROF2 = 8192;
private static final String[] axisList = {"X-Axis", "Y-Axis", "Z-Axis"};
private static final String[] methodList = {"Nearest Point", "Brightest Point", "Mean Value"};
private static int axisOfRotationS = yAxis;
private static int projectionMethodS = brightestPoint;
private static int initAngleS = 0;
private static int totalAngleS = 360;
private static int angleIncS = 10;
private static int opacityS = 0;
private static int depthCueSurfS = 0;
private static int depthCueIntS = 50;
private static boolean interpolateS;
private static boolean allTimePointsS;
private int axisOfRotation = axisOfRotationS;
private int projectionMethod = projectionMethodS;
private int initAngle = initAngleS;
private int totalAngle = totalAngleS;
private int angleInc = angleIncS;
private int opacity = opacityS;
private int depthCueSurf = depthCueSurfS;
private int depthCueInt = depthCueIntS;
private boolean interpolate = interpolateS;
private boolean allTimePoints = allTimePointsS;
private boolean debugMode;
private double sliceInterval = 1.0; private int transparencyLower = 1;
private int transparencyUpper = 255;
private ImagePlus imp;
private ImageStack stack;
private ImageStack stack2;
private int width, height, imageWidth;
private int left, right, top, bottom;
private byte[] projArray, opaArray, brightCueArray;
private short[] zBuffer, cueZBuffer, countBuffer;
private int[] sumBuffer;
private boolean isRGB;
private String label = "";
private boolean done;
private boolean batchMode = Interpreter.isBatchMode();
private double progressBase=0.0, progressScale=1.0;
private boolean showMicroProgress = true;
public void run(String arg) {
imp = IJ.getImage();
ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
if (ip.isInvertedLut() && !IJ.isMacro()) {
if (!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("3D Project", ZProjector.lutMessage))
if (!showDialog())
if (sliceInterval>100) {
IJ.error("Z spacing ("+(int)sliceInterval+") is too large.");
isRGB = imp.getType()==ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB;
if (imp.isHyperStack()) {
if (imp.getNSlices()>1)
IJ.error("Hyperstack Z dimension must be greater than 1");
if (interpolate && sliceInterval>1.0) {
imp = zScale(imp, true);
if (imp==null) return;
sliceInterval = 1.0;
if (isRGB)
else {
ImagePlus imp2 = doProjections(imp);
if (imp2!=null);
private boolean showDialog() {
ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
double lower = ip.getMinThreshold();
if (lower!=ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) {
transparencyLower = (int)lower;
transparencyUpper = (int)ip.getMaxThreshold();
Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
boolean hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack() && imp.getNFrames()>1;
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("3D Projection");
gd.addChoice("Projection method:", methodList, methodList[projectionMethod]);
gd.addChoice("Axis of rotation:", axisList, axisList[axisOfRotation]);
gd.addNumericField("Slice spacing ("+cal.getUnits()+"):",cal.pixelDepth,2);
gd.addNumericField("Initial angle (0-359 degrees):", initAngle, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Total rotation (0-359 degrees):", totalAngle, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Rotation angle increment:", angleInc, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Lower transparency bound:", transparencyLower, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Upper transparency bound:", transparencyUpper, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Opacity (0-100%):", opacity, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Surface depth-cueing (0-100%):", 100-depthCueSurf, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Interior depth-cueing (0-100%):", 100-depthCueInt, 0);
gd.addCheckbox("Interpolate", interpolate);
if (hyperstack)
gd.addCheckbox("All time points", allTimePoints);
if (gd.wasCanceled())
return false;;
projectionMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
axisOfRotation = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
cal.pixelDepth = gd.getNextNumber();
if (cal.pixelWidth==0.0) cal.pixelWidth = 1.0;
sliceInterval = cal.pixelDepth/cal.pixelWidth;
initAngle = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
totalAngle = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
angleInc = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
transparencyLower = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
transparencyUpper = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
opacity = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
depthCueSurf = 100-(int)gd.getNextNumber();
depthCueInt = 100-(int)gd.getNextNumber();
interpolate = gd.getNextBoolean();
if (hyperstack)
allTimePoints = gd.getNextBoolean();
axisOfRotationS = axisOfRotation;
projectionMethodS = projectionMethod;
initAngleS = initAngle;
totalAngleS = totalAngle;
angleIncS = angleInc;
opacityS = opacity;
depthCueSurfS = depthCueSurf;
depthCueIntS = depthCueInt;
interpolateS = interpolate;
allTimePointsS = allTimePoints;
return true;
private void doHyperstackProjections(ImagePlus imp) {
double originalSliceInterval = sliceInterval;
ImagePlus buildImp = null;
ImagePlus projImpD = null;
int finalChannels = imp.getNChannels();
int finalSlices = imp.getNSlices();
int finalFrames = imp.getNFrames();
int f1 = 0;
int f2 = imp.getNFrames()-1;
if (imp.getBitDepth()==24)
allTimePoints = false;
if (!allTimePoints)
f1 = f2 = imp.getFrame();
int channels = imp.getNChannels();
progressScale = 1.0/channels;
if (allTimePoints)
showMicroProgress = false;
int count = 1;
for (int c=0; c<channels; c++) {
for (int f=f1; f<=f2; f++) {
if (allTimePoints)
IJ.showProgress(count++, channels*imp.getNFrames());
sliceInterval = originalSliceInterval;
ImagePlus impD = (new Duplicator()).run(imp, c+1, c+1, 1, imp.getNSlices(), f+1, f+1);
if (interpolate && sliceInterval>1.0) {
impD = zScale(impD, false);
if (impD==null) return;
sliceInterval = 1.0;
if (isRGB)
else {
progressBase = (double)c/channels;
projImpD = doProjections(impD);
if (projImpD==null) return;
finalSlices = projImpD.getNSlices();
if ((f==0||!allTimePoints)&& c==0) {
buildImp = projImpD;
} else {
Concatenator concat = new Concatenator();
buildImp = concat.concatenate(buildImp, projImpD, false);
if (done) return;
if (imp.getNFrames()==1 || !allTimePoints) {
finalFrames = finalSlices;
finalSlices = 1;
if (imp.getNChannels()>1)
buildImp = HyperStackConverter.toHyperStack(buildImp, finalChannels, finalSlices, finalFrames, "xyztc", "composite");
if (imp.isComposite()) {
CompositeImage buildImp2 = new CompositeImage(buildImp, 0);
buildImp = buildImp2;
buildImp.setTitle("Projections of "+imp.getShortTitle());;
private void doRGBProjections(ImagePlus imp) {
boolean saveUseInvertingLut = Prefs.useInvertingLut;
Prefs.useInvertingLut = false;
ImageStack[] channels = ChannelSplitter.splitRGB(imp.getStack(), true);
ImagePlus red = new ImagePlus("Red", channels[0]);
ImagePlus green = new ImagePlus("Green", channels[1]);
ImagePlus blue = new ImagePlus("Blue", channels[2]);
Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
if (roi!=null)
{red.setRoi(roi); green.setRoi(roi); blue.setRoi(roi);}
red.setCalibration(cal); green.setCalibration(cal); blue.setCalibration(cal);
label = "Red: ";
progressBase = 0.0;
progressScale = 1.0/3.0;
red = doProjections(red);
if (red==null || done) return;
label = "Green: ";
progressBase = 1.0/3.0;
green = doProjections(green);
if (green==null || done) return;
label = "Blue: ";
progressBase = 2.0/3.0;
blue = doProjections(blue);
if (blue==null || done) return;
int w = red.getWidth(), h = red.getHeight(), d = red.getStackSize();
RGBStackMerge merge = new RGBStackMerge();
ImageStack stack = merge.mergeStacks(w, h, d, red.getStack(), green.getStack(), blue.getStack(), true);
new ImagePlus("Projection of "+imp.getShortTitle(), stack).show();
Prefs.useInvertingLut = saveUseInvertingLut;
private ImagePlus doProjections(ImagePlus imp) {
int nSlices; int projwidth, projheight; int xcenter, ycenter, zcenter; int theta; double thetarad; int sintheta, costheta; int offset;
int curval, prevval, nextval, aboveval, belowval;
int n, nProjections, angle;
boolean minProjSize = true;
stack = imp.getStack();
if (imp.getBitDepth()==16 || imp.getBitDepth()==32) {
ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(),imp.getHeight());
for (int i=1; i<=stack.size(); i++)
stack = stack2;
if ((angleInc==0) && (totalAngle!=0))
angleInc = 5;
boolean negInc = angleInc<0;
if (negInc) angleInc = -angleInc;
angle = 0;
nProjections = 0;
if (angleInc==0)
nProjections = 1;
else {
while (angle<=totalAngle) {
angle += angleInc;
if (angle>360)
if (nProjections<=0)
nProjections = 1;
if (negInc) angleInc = -angleInc;
ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
left = r.x;
top = r.y;
right = r.x + r.width;
bottom = r.y + r.height;
nSlices = imp.getStackSize();
imageWidth = imp.getWidth();
width = right - left;
height = bottom - top;
xcenter = (left + right)/2; ycenter = (top + bottom)/2;
zcenter = (int)(nSlices*sliceInterval/2.0+0.5);
projwidth = 0;
projheight = 0;
if (minProjSize && axisOfRotation!=zAxis) {
switch (axisOfRotation) {
case xAxis:
projheight = (int)(Math.sqrt(nSlices*sliceInterval*nSlices*sliceInterval+height*height) + 0.5);
projwidth = width;
case yAxis:
projwidth = (int)(Math.sqrt(nSlices*sliceInterval*nSlices*sliceInterval+width*width) + 0.5);
projheight = height;
} else {
projwidth = (int) (Math.sqrt (nSlices*sliceInterval*nSlices*sliceInterval+width*width) + 0.5);
projheight = (int) (Math.sqrt (nSlices*sliceInterval*nSlices*sliceInterval+height*height) + 0.5);
if ((projwidth%2)==1)
int projsize = projwidth * projheight;
if (projwidth<=0 || projheight<=0) {
IJ.error("'projwidth' or 'projheight' <= 0");
return null;
try {
allocateArrays(nProjections, projwidth, projheight);
} catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
Object[] images = stack2.getImageArray();
if (images!=null)
for (int i=0; i<images.length; i++) images[i]=null;
stack2 = null;
IJ.error("Projector - Out of Memory",
"To use less memory, use a rectanguar\n"
+"selection, reduce \"Total Rotation\",\n"
+"and/or increase \"Angle Increment\"."
return null;
ImagePlus projections = new ImagePlus("Projections of "+imp.getShortTitle(), stack2);
theta = initAngle;
for (n=0; n<nProjections; n++) {
thetarad = theta * Math.PI/180.0;
costheta = (int)(BIGPOWEROF2*Math.cos(thetarad) + 0.5);
sintheta = (int)(BIGPOWEROF2*Math.sin(thetarad) + 0.5);
projArray = (byte[])stack2.getPixels(n+1);
if (projArray==null)
if ((projectionMethod==nearestPoint) || (opacity>0)) {
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
zBuffer[i] = (short)32767;
if ((opacity>0) && (projectionMethod!=nearestPoint)) {
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
opaArray[i] = (byte)0;
if ((projectionMethod==brightestPoint) && (depthCueInt<100)) {
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
brightCueArray[i] = (byte)0;
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
cueZBuffer[i] = (short)0;
if (projectionMethod==meanValue) {
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
sumBuffer[i] = 0;
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
countBuffer[i] = (short)0;
switch (axisOfRotation) {
case xAxis:
doOneProjectionX (nSlices, ycenter, zcenter,projwidth, projheight, costheta, sintheta);
case yAxis:
doOneProjectionY (nSlices, xcenter, zcenter,projwidth, projheight, costheta, sintheta);
case zAxis:
doOneProjectionZ (nSlices, xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, projwidth, projheight, costheta, sintheta);
if (projectionMethod==meanValue) {
int count;
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++) {
count = countBuffer[i];
if (count!=0)
projArray[i] = (byte)(sumBuffer[i]/count);
if ((opacity>0) && (projectionMethod!=nearestPoint)) {
for (int i=0; i<projsize; i++)
projArray[i] = (byte)((opacity*(opaArray[i]&0xff) + (100-opacity)*(projArray[i] &0xff))/100);
if (axisOfRotation==zAxis) {
for (int i=projwidth; i<(projsize-projwidth); i++) {
curval = projArray[i]&0xff;
prevval = projArray[i-1]&0xff;
nextval = projArray[i+1]&0xff;
aboveval = projArray[i-projwidth]&0xff;
belowval = projArray[i+projwidth]&0xff;
if ((curval==0)&&(prevval!=0)&&(nextval!=0)&&(aboveval!=0)&&(belowval!=0))
projArray[i] = (byte)((prevval+nextval+aboveval+belowval)/4);
theta = (theta + angleInc)%360;
if (IJ.escapePressed()) {
} showProgress(1.0);
if (debugMode) {
if (projArray!=null) new ImagePlus("projArray", new ByteProcessor(projwidth, projheight, projArray, null)).show();
if (opaArray!=null) new ImagePlus("opaArray", new ByteProcessor(projwidth, projheight, opaArray, null)).show();
if (brightCueArray!=null) new ImagePlus("brightCueArray", new ByteProcessor(projwidth, projheight, brightCueArray, null)).show();
if (zBuffer!=null) new ImagePlus("zBuffer", new ShortProcessor(projwidth, projheight, zBuffer, null)).show();
if (cueZBuffer!=null) new ImagePlus("cueZBuffer", new ShortProcessor(projwidth, projheight, cueZBuffer, null)).show();
if (countBuffer!=null) new ImagePlus("countBuffer", new ShortProcessor(projwidth, projheight, countBuffer, null)).show();
if (sumBuffer!=null) {
float[] tmp = new float[projwidth*projheight];
for (int i=0; i<projwidth*projheight; i++)
tmp[i] = sumBuffer[i];
new ImagePlus("sumBuffer", new FloatProcessor(projwidth, projheight, tmp, null)).show();
return projections;
private void allocateArrays(int nProjections, int projwidth, int projheight) {
int projsize = projwidth*projheight;
ColorModel cm = imp.getProcessor().getColorModel();
if (isRGB) cm = null;
stack2 = new ImageStack(projwidth, projheight, cm);
projArray = new byte[projsize];
for (int i=0; i<nProjections; i++)
stack2.addSlice(null, new byte[projsize]);
if ((projectionMethod==nearestPoint) || (opacity > 0))
zBuffer = new short[projsize];
if ((opacity>0) && (projectionMethod!=nearestPoint))
opaArray = new byte[projsize];
if ((projectionMethod==brightestPoint) && (depthCueInt<100)) {
brightCueArray = new byte[projsize];
cueZBuffer = new short[projsize];
if (projectionMethod==meanValue) {
sumBuffer = new int[projsize];
countBuffer = new short[projsize];
private void doOneProjectionX (int nSlices, int ycenter, int zcenter, int projwidth, int projheight, int costheta, int sintheta) {
int thispixel; int offset, offsetinit; int z; int ynew, znew; int zmax, zmin; int zmaxminuszmintimes100; int c100minusDepthCueInt, c100minusDepthCueSurf;
boolean DepthCueIntLessThan100, DepthCueSurfLessThan100;
boolean OpacityOrNearestPt, OpacityAndNotNearestPt;
boolean MeanVal, BrightestPt;
int ysintheta, ycostheta;
int zsintheta, zcostheta, ysinthetainit, ycosthetainit;
byte[] pixels;
int projsize = projwidth * projheight;
zmax = zcenter + projheight/2;
zmin = zcenter - projheight/2;
zmaxminuszmintimes100 = 100 * (zmax-zmin);
c100minusDepthCueInt = 100 - depthCueInt;
c100minusDepthCueSurf = 100 - depthCueSurf;
DepthCueIntLessThan100 = (depthCueInt < 100);
DepthCueSurfLessThan100 = (depthCueSurf < 100);
OpacityOrNearestPt = ((projectionMethod==nearestPoint) || (opacity>0));
OpacityAndNotNearestPt = ((opacity>0) && (projectionMethod!=nearestPoint));
MeanVal = (projectionMethod==meanValue);
BrightestPt = (projectionMethod==brightestPoint);
ycosthetainit = (top - ycenter - 1) * costheta;
ysinthetainit = (top - ycenter - 1) * sintheta;
offsetinit = ((projheight-bottom+top)/2) * projwidth + (projwidth - right + left)/2 - 1;
for (int k=1; k<=nSlices; k++) {
pixels = (byte[])stack.getPixels(k);
z = (int)((k-1)*sliceInterval+0.5) - zcenter;
zcostheta = z * costheta;
zsintheta = z * sintheta;
ycostheta = ycosthetainit;
ysintheta = ysinthetainit;
for (int j=top; j<bottom; j++) {
ycostheta += costheta; ysintheta += sintheta; ynew = (ycostheta - zsintheta)/BIGPOWEROF2 + ycenter - top;
znew = (ysintheta + zcostheta)/BIGPOWEROF2 + zcenter;
offset = offsetinit + ynew * projwidth;
int lineIndex = j*imageWidth;
for (int i=left; i<right; i++) {
thispixel = pixels[lineIndex+i]&0xff;
if ((offset>=projsize) || (offset<0))
offset = 0;
if ((thispixel <= transparencyUpper) && (thispixel >= transparencyLower)) {
if (OpacityOrNearestPt) {
if (znew<zBuffer[offset]) {
zBuffer[offset] = (short)znew;
if (OpacityAndNotNearestPt) {
if (DepthCueSurfLessThan100)
opaArray[offset] = (byte)( (depthCueSurf*(thispixel)/100 +
opaArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} else {
if (DepthCueSurfLessThan100)
projArray[offset] = (byte)( (depthCueSurf*(thispixel)/100 +
projArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} } if (MeanVal) {
sumBuffer[offset] += thispixel;
} else
if (BrightestPt) {
if (DepthCueIntLessThan100) {
if ((thispixel>(brightCueArray[offset]&0xff)) || (thispixel==(brightCueArray[offset]&0xff)) && (znew>cueZBuffer[offset])) {
brightCueArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel; cueZBuffer[offset] = (short)znew; projArray[offset] = (byte)((depthCueInt*thispixel/100 +
} else {
if (thispixel>(projArray[offset]&0xff))
projArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} } } } } }
private void doOneProjectionY (int nSlices, int xcenter, int zcenter, int projwidth, int projheight, int costheta, int sintheta) {
int thispixel; int offset, offsetinit; int z; int xnew, znew; int zmax, zmin; int zmaxminuszmintimes100; int c100minusDepthCueInt, c100minusDepthCueSurf;
boolean DepthCueIntLessThan100, DepthCueSurfLessThan100;
boolean OpacityOrNearestPt, OpacityAndNotNearestPt;
boolean MeanVal, BrightestPt;
int xsintheta, xcostheta;
int zsintheta, zcostheta, xsinthetainit, xcosthetainit;
byte[] pixels;
int projsize = projwidth * projheight;
zmax = zcenter + projwidth/2;
zmin = zcenter - projwidth/2;
zmaxminuszmintimes100 = 100 * (zmax-zmin);
c100minusDepthCueInt = 100 - depthCueInt;
c100minusDepthCueSurf = 100 - depthCueSurf;
DepthCueIntLessThan100 = (depthCueInt < 100);
DepthCueSurfLessThan100 = (depthCueSurf < 100);
OpacityOrNearestPt = ((projectionMethod==nearestPoint) || (opacity>0));
OpacityAndNotNearestPt = ((opacity>0) && (projectionMethod!=nearestPoint));
MeanVal = (projectionMethod==meanValue);
BrightestPt = (projectionMethod==brightestPoint);
xcosthetainit = (left - xcenter - 1) * costheta;
xsinthetainit = (left - xcenter - 1) * sintheta;
for (int k=1; k<=nSlices; k++) {
pixels = (byte[])stack.getPixels(k);
z = (int)((k-1)*sliceInterval+0.5) - zcenter;
zcostheta = z * costheta;
zsintheta = z * sintheta;
offsetinit = ((projheight-bottom+top)/2) * projwidth +(projwidth - right + left)/2 - projwidth;
for (int j=top; j<bottom; j++) {
xcostheta = xcosthetainit;
xsintheta = xsinthetainit;
offsetinit += projwidth;
int lineOffset = j*imageWidth;
for (int i=left; i<right; i++) {
thispixel =pixels[lineOffset+i]&0xff;
xcostheta += costheta; xsintheta += sintheta; if ((thispixel <= transparencyUpper) && (thispixel >= transparencyLower)) {
xnew = (xcostheta + zsintheta)/BIGPOWEROF2 + xcenter - left;
znew = (zcostheta - xsintheta)/BIGPOWEROF2 + zcenter;
offset = offsetinit + xnew;
if ((offset>=projsize) || (offset<0))
offset = 0;
if (OpacityOrNearestPt) {
if (znew<zBuffer[offset]) {
zBuffer[offset] = (short)znew;
if (OpacityAndNotNearestPt) {
if (DepthCueSurfLessThan100)
opaArray[offset] = (byte)((depthCueSurf*thispixel/100 +
opaArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} else {
if (DepthCueSurfLessThan100)
projArray[offset] = (byte)((depthCueSurf*thispixel/100 +
projArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} } if (MeanVal) {
sumBuffer[offset] += thispixel;
} else if (BrightestPt) {
if (DepthCueIntLessThan100) {
if ((thispixel>(brightCueArray[offset]&0xff)) || (thispixel==(brightCueArray[offset]&0xff)) && (znew>cueZBuffer[offset])) {
brightCueArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel; cueZBuffer[offset] = (short)znew; projArray[offset] = (byte)((depthCueInt*thispixel/100 +
} else {
if (thispixel > (projArray[offset]&0xff))
projArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} } } } } }
private void doOneProjectionZ (int nSlices, int xcenter, int ycenter, int zcenter, int projwidth, int projheight, int costheta, int sintheta) {
int thispixel; int offset, offsetinit; int z; int xnew, ynew; int zmax, zmin; int zmaxminuszmintimes100; int c100minusDepthCueInt, c100minusDepthCueSurf;
boolean DepthCueIntLessThan100, DepthCueSurfLessThan100;
boolean OpacityOrNearestPt, OpacityAndNotNearestPt;
boolean MeanVal, BrightestPt;
int xsintheta, xcostheta, ysintheta, ycostheta;
int xsinthetainit, xcosthetainit, ysinthetainit, ycosthetainit;
byte[] pixels;
int projsize = projwidth * projheight;
zmax = (int)((nSlices-1)*sliceInterval+0.5) - zcenter;
zmin = -zcenter;
zmaxminuszmintimes100 = 100 * (zmax-zmin);
c100minusDepthCueInt = 100 - depthCueInt;
c100minusDepthCueSurf = 100 - depthCueSurf;
DepthCueIntLessThan100 = (depthCueInt < 100);
DepthCueSurfLessThan100 = (depthCueSurf < 100);
OpacityOrNearestPt = ((projectionMethod==nearestPoint) || (opacity>0));
OpacityAndNotNearestPt = ((opacity>0) && (projectionMethod!=nearestPoint));
MeanVal = (projectionMethod==meanValue);
BrightestPt = (projectionMethod==brightestPoint);
xcosthetainit = (left - xcenter - 1) * costheta;
xsinthetainit = (left - xcenter - 1) * sintheta;
ycosthetainit = (top - ycenter - 1) * costheta;
ysinthetainit = (top - ycenter - 1) * sintheta;
offsetinit = ((projheight-bottom+top)/2) * projwidth + (projwidth - right + left)/2 - 1;
for (int k=1; k<=nSlices; k++) {
pixels = (byte[])stack.getPixels(k);
z = (int)((k-1)*sliceInterval+0.5) - zcenter;
ycostheta = ycosthetainit;
ysintheta = ysinthetainit;
for (int j=top; j<bottom; j++) {
ycostheta += costheta;
ysintheta += sintheta;
xcostheta = xcosthetainit;
xsintheta = xsinthetainit;
int lineIndex = j*imageWidth;
for (int i=left; i<right; i++) {
thispixel = pixels[lineIndex+i]&0xff;
xcostheta += costheta; xsintheta += sintheta; if ((thispixel <= transparencyUpper) && (thispixel >= transparencyLower)) {
xnew = (xcostheta - ysintheta)/BIGPOWEROF2 + xcenter - left;
ynew = (xsintheta + ycostheta)/BIGPOWEROF2 + ycenter - top;
offset = offsetinit + ynew * projwidth + xnew;
if ((offset>=projsize) || (offset<0))
offset = 0;
if (OpacityOrNearestPt) {
if (z<zBuffer[offset]) {
zBuffer[offset] = (short)z;
if (OpacityAndNotNearestPt) {
if (DepthCueSurfLessThan100)
opaArray[offset] = (byte)((depthCueSurf*(thispixel)/100 + c100minusDepthCueSurf*(thispixel)*(zmax-z)/zmaxminuszmintimes100));
opaArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} else {
if (DepthCueSurfLessThan100) {
int v = (depthCueSurf*thispixel/100 + c100minusDepthCueSurf*thispixel*(zmax-z)/zmaxminuszmintimes100);
projArray[offset] = (byte)v;
} else
projArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} } if (MeanVal) {
sumBuffer[offset] += thispixel;
} else if (BrightestPt) {
if (DepthCueIntLessThan100) {
if ((thispixel>(brightCueArray[offset]&0xff)) || (thispixel==(brightCueArray[offset]&0xff)) && (z>cueZBuffer[offset])) {
brightCueArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel; cueZBuffer[offset] = (short)z; projArray[offset] = (byte)((depthCueInt*(thispixel)/100 + c100minusDepthCueInt*(thispixel)*(zmax-z)/zmaxminuszmintimes100));
} else {
if (thispixel > (projArray[offset]&0xff))
projArray[offset] = (byte)thispixel;
} } } } } }
private ImagePlus zScale(ImagePlus imp, boolean showProgress) {
if (imp.getBitDepth()==16 || imp.getBitDepth()==32), "8-bit", "");
IJ.showStatus("Z Scaling...");
ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack();
int depth1 = stack1.getSize();
ImagePlus imp2 = null;
String title = imp.getTitle();
ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
ColorModel cm = ip.getColorModel();
int width1 = imp.getWidth();
int height1 = imp.getHeight();
Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
int width2 = r.width;
int height2 = r.height;
int depth2 = (int)(stack1.getSize()*sliceInterval+0.5);
imp2 = NewImage.createImage(title, width2, height2, depth2, isRGB?24:8, NewImage.FILL_BLACK);
if (imp2==null || depth2!=imp2.getStackSize()) return null;
ImageStack stack2 = imp2.getStack();
ImageProcessor xzPlane1 = ip.createProcessor(width2, depth1);
ImageProcessor xzPlane2;
int[] line = new int[width2];
for (int y=0; y<height2; y++) {
for (int z=0; z<depth1; z++) {
if (isRGB)
getRGBRow(stack1, r.x, r.y+y, z, width1, width2, line);
getByteRow(stack1, r.x, r.y+y, z, width1, width2, line);
xzPlane1.putRow(0, z, line, width2);
xzPlane2 = xzPlane1.resize(width2, depth2);
for (int z=0; z<depth2; z++) {
xzPlane2.getRow(0, z, line, width2);
if (isRGB)
putRGBRow(stack2, y, z, width2, line);
putByteRow(stack2, y, z, width2, line);
if (showProgress)
IJ.showProgress(y, height2-1);
ImageProcessor ip2 = imp2.getProcessor();
return imp2;
private void showProgress(double percent) {
if (showMicroProgress && !done)
private void getByteRow(ImageStack stack, int x, int y, int z, int width1, int width2, int[] line) {
byte[] pixels = (byte[])stack.getPixels(z+1);
int j = x + y*width1;
for (int i=0; i<width2; i++)
line[i] = pixels[j++]&255;
private void putByteRow(ImageStack stack, int y, int z, int width, int[] line) {
byte[] pixels = (byte[])stack.getPixels(z+1);
int j = y*width;
for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
pixels[j++] = (byte)line[i];
private void getRGBRow(ImageStack stack, int x, int y, int z, int width1, int width2, int[] line) {
int[] pixels = (int[])stack.getPixels(z+1);
int j = x + y*width1;
for (int i=0; i<width2; i++)
line[i] = pixels[j++];
private void putRGBRow(ImageStack stack, int y, int z, int width, int[] line) {
int[] pixels = (int[])stack.getPixels(z+1);
int j = y*width;
for (int i=0; i<width; i++)
pixels[j++] = line[i];