package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.plugin.frame.ThresholdAdjuster;
import java.awt.*;

/** This class implements the Window menu's "Show All", "Main Window", "Cascade" and "Tile" commands. */
public class WindowOrganizer implements PlugIn {

    private static final int XSTART=4, YSTART=94, XOFFSET=8, YOFFSET=24,MAXSTEP=200,GAP=2;
    private int titlebarHeight = IJ.isMacintosh()?40:20;

    public void run(String arg) {
        if (arg.equals("imagej"))
            {showImageJ(); return;}
        int[] wList = WindowManager.getIDList();
        if (arg.equals("show"))
            {showAll(wList); return;}
        if (wList==null) {
        if (arg.equals("tile"))
    void tileWindows(int[] wList) {
        Rectangle screen = GUI.getMaxWindowBounds(IJ.getInstance());
        int minWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        boolean allSameSize = true;
        int width=0, height=0;
        double totalWidth = 0;
        double totalHeight = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<wList.length; i++) {
            ImageWindow win = getWindow(wList[i]);
            if (win==null)
            if (win instanceof PlotWindow && !((PlotWindow)win).getPlot().isFrozen()) {
                IJ.error("Tile", "Unfrozen plot windows cannot be tiled.");
            Dimension d = win.getSize();
            int w = d.width;
            int h = d.height + titlebarHeight;
            if (i==0) {
                width = w;
                height = h;
            if (w!=width || h!=height)
                allSameSize = false;
            if (w<minWidth)
                minWidth = w;
            if (h<minHeight)
                minHeight = h;
            totalWidth += w;
            totalHeight += h;
        int nPics = wList.length;
        double averageWidth = totalWidth/nPics;
        double averageHeight = totalHeight/nPics;
        int tileWidth = (int)averageWidth;
        int tileHeight = (int)averageHeight;
        int hspace = screen.width - 2 * GAP;
        if (tileWidth>hspace)
            tileWidth = hspace;
        int vspace = screen.height - YSTART;
        if (tileHeight>vspace)
            tileHeight = vspace;
        int hloc, vloc;
        boolean theyFit;
        do {
            hloc = XSTART;
            vloc = YSTART;
            theyFit = true;
            int i = 0;
            do {
                if (hloc+tileWidth>screen.width) {
                    hloc = XSTART;
                    vloc = vloc + tileHeight;
                    if (vloc+tileHeight> screen.height)
                        theyFit = false;
                hloc = hloc + tileWidth + GAP;
            } while (theyFit && (i<nPics));
            if (!theyFit) {
                tileWidth = (int)(tileWidth*0.98 +0.5);
                tileHeight = (int)(tileHeight*0.98+0.5);
        } while (!theyFit);
        int nColumns = (screen.width-XSTART)/(tileWidth+GAP);
        int nRows = nPics/nColumns;
        if ((nPics%nColumns)!=0)
        hloc = XSTART;
        vloc = YSTART;
        for (int i=0; i<nPics; i++) {
            if (hloc+tileWidth>screen.width) {
                hloc = XSTART;
                vloc = vloc + tileHeight;
            ImageWindow win = getWindow(wList[i]);
            if (win!=null) {
                win.setLocation(hloc + screen.x, vloc + screen.y);
                ImageCanvas canvas = win.getCanvas();
                while (win.getSize().width*0.85>=tileWidth && canvas.getMagnification()>0.03125)
                    canvas.zoomOut(0, 0);
                ImagePlus imp = win.getImagePlus();
                if (imp!=null) imp.setIJMenuBar(i==nPics-1);
            hloc += tileWidth + GAP;

    ImageWindow getWindow(int id) {
        ImageWindow win = null;
        ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id);
        if (imp!=null)
            win = imp.getWindow();
        return win;
    void cascadeWindows(int[] wList) {
        Rectangle screen = GUI.getMaxWindowBounds(IJ.getInstance());
        int x = XSTART;
        int y = YSTART;
        int xstep = 0;
        int xstart = XSTART;
        for (int i=0; i<wList.length; i++) {
            ImageWindow win = getWindow(wList[i]);
            if (win==null)
            Dimension d = win.getSize();
            if (i==0) {
                xstep = (int)(d.width*0.8);
                if (xstep>MAXSTEP)
                    xstep = MAXSTEP;
            if (y+d.height*0.67>screen.height) {
                xstart += xstep;
                if (xstart+d.width*0.67>screen.width)
                    xstart = XSTART+XOFFSET;
                x = xstart;
                y = YSTART;
            win.setLocation(x + screen.x, y + screen.y);
                x += XOFFSET;
            y += YOFFSET;
            ImagePlus imp = win.getImagePlus();
            if (imp!=null) imp.setIJMenuBar(i==wList.length-1);
    void showImageJ() {
        ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance();
        if (ij!=null)

    void showAll(int[] wList) {
        if (wList!=null) {
            for (int i=0; i<wList.length; i++) {
                ImageWindow win = getWindow(wList[i]);
                if (win!=null)
        Window[] windows = WindowManager.getAllNonImageWindows();
        if (windows!=null) {
            for (int i=0; i<windows.length; i++)
