package ij.plugin.filter;  //##
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.ParticleAnalyzer;
import ij.measure.*;
import ij.util.*;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

 *  Implements ImageJ's Analyze/Tools/Analyze Line Graph command.
 *  2022-07-19 Michael Schmid:  New implementation, tries to follow the curves.
 *                              Plots (and lists) different curves as separate data sets.
 *                              Works on all image types (for RGB, uses gray value and threshold at 127.5)
public class LineGraphAnalyzer implements PlugInFilter, Measurements  {
    static final int MAX_EXTRAPOLATE = 10;  //maximum extrapolation in x (pixels) to find the same curve
    static final int MAX_Y_JUMP = 10;       //maximum jump in y (pixels) for continuation of the curve
    ImagePlus imp;

    public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
        this.imp = imp;
        return DOES_ALL|NO_CHANGES;

    public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
    /** Uses extracts a set of coordinate pairs from a digitized line graph.
     *  Assumes the graph is thresholded or dark on white.
     *  Only analyzes pixels inside the ROI */
    public void analyze(ImagePlus imp) {
        Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
        boolean invertedLut = imp.isInvertedLut();
        Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
        Rectangle rect = ip.getRoi();
        int height = ip.getHeight();
        double minThreshold = ip.getMinThreshold();
        double maxThreshold = ip.getMaxThreshold();
        if (minThreshold == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) {  //if we have no threshold, assume a bright background and 50% threshold
            double midValue = cal.getCValue(0.5*(ip.getMin() + ip.getMax()));
            minThreshold = invertedLut ? midValue : -Float.MAX_VALUE;
            maxThreshold = invertedLut ? Float.MAX_VALUE : midValue;
        int xStart = -1;        // all arrays will begin with x=xStart (there is nothing at lower x)
        FloatArray xData = new FloatArray(rect.width);
        ArrayList<FloatArray> yDataAll = new ArrayList<FloatArray>(10);  //will contain the data for each curve
        FloatArray yValuesLo = new FloatArray(10);          //foreground y ranges for current x
        FloatArray yValuesHi = new FloatArray(10);
        FloatArray curveValuesLo = new FloatArray(10);      //last y range for each curve
        FloatArray curveValuesHi = new FloatArray(10);
        Extrapolator extrapolator = new Extrapolator();
        for (int x=rect.x; x < rect.x+rect.width; x++) {
            boolean lastIsForeground = false;
            for (int y=rect.y; y<rect.y+rect.height; y++) {  //transverse vertically at fixed x
                boolean isForeground = false;
                if (roi == null || roi.contains(x,y)) {
                    float value = ip.getPixelValue(x, y);
                    isForeground = value >= minThreshold && value <= maxThreshold;
                if (isForeground) {
                    if (!lastIsForeground) {                //we have reached a line
                        lastIsForeground = true;
                        if (xStart < 0) xStart = x;
                } else if (lastIsForeground) {
                    yValuesHi.add(y-1);                     //we have stepped over the line
                    lastIsForeground = false;
            if (yValuesLo.size() > yValuesHi.size())

            if (xStart >= 0) {
                float xScaled = (float)cal.getX(x);
            if (yValuesLo.size() > 0) {
                double[] missing = new double[yDataAll.size()];
                for (int n=0; n<yDataAll.size(); n++) {     //count recent data points of all curves (first try extending curves with many points)
                    FloatArray arr = yDataAll.get(n);
                    for (int ix = x-xStart-1; ix >= 0 && ix >= x-xStart-MAX_EXTRAPOLATE; ix--) {
                        if (ix >= arr.size() || Float.isNaN(arr.get(ix)))
                int[] ranks = Tools.rank(missing);
                for (int i=0; i<ranks.length; i++) {        //for curves with many recent points first,
                    int n = ranks[i];                       //try to find a continuation of the curve n (using the current y values)
                    double yExtrapolated = extrapolated(yDataAll.get(n), x-xStart, extrapolator);
                    double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                    int jOfMinDist = -1;
                    for (int j=0; j<yValuesLo.size(); j++) {
                        float yValue = 0.5f*(yValuesLo.get(j) + yValuesHi.get(j));
                        double distance = Math.abs(yExtrapolated - yValue);
                        double tolerance = yValuesHi.get(j) - yValuesLo.get(j) + 1;
                        distance = Math.sqrt(distance*distance + tolerance*tolerance) - tolerance; //better score if in or near (yLo-yHi) range
                        float overlap = Float.NaN;
                        if (!Float.isNaN(curveValuesLo.get(n))) {
                            overlap = Math.min(curveValuesHi.get(n) - yValuesLo.get(j), yValuesHi.get(j) - curveValuesLo.get(n));
                            if (overlap >= -1)
                                distance *= 0.2;            //curve continues 8-connected, better score
                        if (distance < minDistance && (distance <= MAX_Y_JUMP || overlap > -1)) {
                            minDistance = distance;
                            jOfMinDist = j;
                    if (jOfMinDist >= 0) {
                        addPoint(yDataAll, curveValuesLo, curveValuesHi, n, x-xStart, yValuesLo.get(jOfMinDist), yValuesHi.get(jOfMinDist));
                        yValuesLo.set(jOfMinDist, Float.NaN);   //continuation found, don't search for that value any more
                for (int j=0; j<yValuesLo.size(); j++) {    //add the remaining points to an arbitrary curve that has not been used recently
                    if (!Float.isNaN(yValuesLo.get(j))) {
                        for (int n=0; n<yDataAll.size(); n++) {
                            FloatArray arr = yDataAll.get(n);
                            if (arr.size() < x-xStart-MAX_EXTRAPOLATE) {
                                addPoint(yDataAll, curveValuesLo, curveValuesHi, n, x-xStart, yValuesLo.get(j), yValuesHi.get(j));
                                yValuesLo.set(j, Float.NaN);
                    if (!Float.isNaN(yValuesLo.get(j)))     //no curve to add it, start a new curve
                        addPoint(yDataAll, curveValuesLo, curveValuesHi, -1, x-xStart, yValuesLo.get(j), yValuesHi.get(j));
            for (int n=0; n<yDataAll.size(); n++) {
                FloatArray arr = yDataAll.get(n);
                if (arr.size() < x-xStart)                  //all curves where we have no current point:
                    curveValuesLo.set(n, Float.NaN);        //no valid information on last y range
        if (xData.size() == 0)

        int maxlen = 0;                                     //maximum array length of y data
        for (int n=0; n<yDataAll.size(); n++)
            if (yDataAll.get(n).size() > maxlen)
                maxlen = yDataAll.get(n).size();

        double[] points = new double[yDataAll.size()];
        for (int n=0; n<yDataAll.size(); n++) {             //count data points of all curves
            FloatArray arr = yDataAll.get(n);
            for (int ix=0; ix<arr.size(); ix++) {
                if (!Float.isNaN(arr.get(ix)))
        int[] ranks = Tools.rank(points);

        String xLabel = "X ("+cal.getUnits()+")";
        String yLabel = "Y ("+cal.getYUnit()+")";
        Plot plot = new Plot(WindowManager.getUniqueName("Line Graph"), xLabel, yLabel);
        float[] xArray = xData.toArray();
        if (xArray.length > maxlen)
            xArray = Arrays.copyOf(xArray, maxlen);
        for (int i=ranks.length-1; i>=0; i--) {             //plot curves with many points first
            int n = ranks[i];
            float[] yArray = yDataAll.get(n).toArray();
            for (int j=0; j<yArray.length; j++) {
                if (cal.scaled())
                    yArray[j] = (float)cal.getY(yArray[j], height);
                    yArray[j] = height - 1 - yArray[j];
            plot.addPoints(xArray, yArray, null, Plot.LINE, "y"+(ranks.length-i));

    /** Adds the average of yLo, yhi to the n-th FloatArray at a given (integer) x value.
     *  A new FloatArray is created if n < 0.
     *  Missing data are filled with NaN if necessary.
     *  Also writes the yLo and yHi values to the curveValuesLo, curveValuesHi arrays at the corresponding index n */
    void addPoint(ArrayList<FloatArray> yDataAll, FloatArray curveValuesLo, FloatArray curveValuesHi, int n, int x, float yLo, float yHi) {
        if (n < 0) {
            yDataAll.add(new FloatArray());
            n = yDataAll.size() - 1;
        FloatArray arr = yDataAll.get(n);
        for (int i=arr.size(); i<x; i++)    //fill unwritten range with NaN
        arr.add(0.5f*(yLo + yHi));
        curveValuesLo.set(n, yLo);
        curveValuesHi.set(n, yHi);

    /** Returns the extrapolated value or NaN if we can't extrapolate.
     *  Extrapolation is based on the last array value added and the slope
     *  of the last values (never more than MAX_EXTRAPOLATE points back)
     *  A Extrapolator instance must be provided (avoids unnnecessary garbage) */
    float extrapolated(FloatArray arr, int x, Extrapolator extrapolator) {
        for (int i=0, ix=x-1; ix>=0; ix--) {
            if (ix >= arr.size()) continue; //we don't have a point at this x value
            double y = arr.get(ix);
            if (Double.isNaN(y) && ix < x-MAX_EXTRAPOLATE && i==0)
                return Float.NaN;       //no data in allowed extrapolation range
            if (ix < x-MAX_EXTRAPOLATE)
                break;                  //don't take extrapolated data from too far
            if (!Double.isNaN(y)) {
                extrapolator.add(ix, y);
        return (float)extrapolator.extrapolate(x);

    /** Extrapolator class.
     *  Extrapolation is based on the first point added and the slope of a
     *  linear regression over all points added to the Extrapolator. */
    class Extrapolator {
        int counter = 0;
        double sumX = 0, sumY = 0, sumXY = 0, sumX2 = 0;
        double firstX, firstY = Double.NaN;

        /** Clears the extrapolator */
        public void clear() {
            counter = 0;
            sumX = 0;  sumY = 0;
            sumXY = 0; sumX2 = 0;
            firstY = Double.NaN;

        /** Adds a point x,y */
        public void add(double x, double y) {
            sumX+=x;     sumY+=y;
            sumXY+=x*y;  sumX2+=x*x;
            if (Double.isNaN(firstY)) {
                firstX = x;
                firstY = y;

        /** Gets the value of the extrapolation or NaN if undefined.
         *  If the x value where we want the extrapolated value is close to
         *  the first point added and no slope is avialable, assumes a slope of 0 */
        public double extrapolate(double x) {
            if (counter <= 0) return Double.NaN;
            double slope=(sumXY-sumX*sumY/counter)/(sumX2-sumX*sumX/counter);
            if (Double.isNaN(slope) && Math.abs(x-firstX) <= 3) slope=0; //if we have no valid slope, assume slope=0 for nearby points
            return firstY + slope*(x-firstX);
