 * This plugin implements the "Selection Rotator" tool, which 
 * can be used to interactively rotate selections.
 * @author:     Peter Haub, Oct. 2015, phaub@dipsystems.de

package ij.plugin.tool;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.plugin.RoiRotator;
import ij.plugin.tool.PlugInTool;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class RoiRotationTool extends PlugInTool {
    ImageCanvas ic = null;
    int startX=0, startY=0;
    Roi roi, newRoi;
    int centerX, centerY, xNew, yNew, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
    double l, l1, l2, dx, dy, phi, phi1, phi2;
    boolean isImageRoi;
    Rectangle bounds;
    ImagePlus imp2;
    int defaultRotationMode = CIRCULARROTATION;
    public void mousePressed(ImagePlus imp, MouseEvent e) {
        if (imp == null) return;
        imp2 = imp;
        ic = imp.getCanvas();
        if (ic == null) return;
        roi = imp.getRoi();
        if (roi==null) {
            IJ.showStatus("No selection");
        startX = ic.offScreenX(e.getX());
        startY = ic.offScreenY(e.getY());
        if (defaultRotationMode == UPDOWNROTATION){
            centerX = imp.getWidth()/2;
            centerY = imp.getHeight()/2;
        } else {
            double[] centroid = roi.getContourCentroid();
            centerX = (int)Math.round(centroid[0]);
            centerY = (int)Math.round(centroid[1]);
    public void mouseDragged(ImagePlus imp, MouseEvent e) {
        if (imp == null || ic == null) return;
        roi = imp.getRoi();
        if (roi == null) return;
        isImageRoi = roi instanceof ImageRoi;
        if (isImageRoi)
        if ( e.isAltDown() || e.isShiftDown() )
            moveRoi(e.getX(), e.getY());
            rotateRoi(e.getX(), e.getY());
    public void mouseReleased(ImagePlus imp, MouseEvent e) {
        if (Recorder.record) {
            Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
            int n = roi.getPolygon().npoints;
            if (n<=20 && roi.getType()!=Roi.LINE)
            else if (n>20)
                Recorder.recordString("// Selection has "+n+" points, too many to record.\n");

    public void showOptionsDialog() {
        IJ.log("PlugInTool MouseRoiRotator Peter Haub dipsystems.de 10'2015");

    public String getToolName() {
        return "Selection Rotator (press alt or shift to move)";
    public String getToolIcon() {
        return "C037D06D15D16D24D25D26D27D28D29D2aD33D34D35D36D37D3bD3cD42D43D44D45D46D47D48D4cD4dDb1Db2Db6Db7Db8Db9DbaDbbDbcDc2Dc3Dc7Dc8Dc9DcaDcbDd4Dd5Dd6Dd7Dd8Dd9DdaDe8De9Df8CabcD05D14D17D18D19D1aD23D2bD2cD32D3dD41D51D52D53D54D55D56D57D58Da6Da7Da8Da9DaaDabDacDadDbdDc1DccDd2Dd3DdbDe4De5De6De7DeaDf9";

    void rotateRoi(int sx, int sy){     
        xNew = ic.offScreenX(sx);
        yNew = ic.offScreenY(sy);
        dx1 = centerX - xNew;
        dy1 = centerY - yNew;
        dx2 = centerX - startX; 
        dy2 = centerY - startY;
        if (defaultRotationMode == UPDOWNROTATION){
            l1 = Math.sqrt(dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1);
            l2 = Math.sqrt(dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2);
            l = (l1 + l2)/2.0;
            dy = yNew - startY;
            if (l==0 || dy==0)  return;
            phi = Math.atan2(dy, l);
            phi1 = Math.atan2(dy1, dx1);    
            phi2 = Math.atan2(dy2, dx2);
            phi = phi1 - phi2;
            if (phi == 0 || phi == Double.NaN) return;
        startX = xNew;  
        startY = yNew;
        newRoi = RoiRotator.rotate(roi, phi*180/Math.PI);
        if (isImageRoi)

    void moveRoi(int sx, int sy){
        xNew = ic.offScreenX(sx);
        yNew = ic.offScreenY(sy);
        dx1 = xNew - startX;
        dy1 = yNew - startY;
        if (dx1==0 && dy2==0)  return;
        startX = xNew;  
        startY = yNew;
        dx = roi.getXBase() + dx1;
        dy = roi.getYBase() + dy1;
        roi.setLocation(dx, dy);