package ij.plugin;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import ij.*;

/** This plugin reads BMP files. If 'arg' is empty, it
        displays a file open dialog and opens and displays the 
        selected file. If 'arg' is a path, it opens the 
        specified file and the calling routine can display it using
        "((ImagePlus)IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BMP_Reader", path)).show()".
public class BMP_Reader extends ImagePlus implements PlugIn {

        public void run(String arg) {
                OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Open BMP...", arg);
                String directory = od.getDirectory();
                String name = od.getFileName();
                if (name==null)
                String path = directory + name;

                //IJ.showStatus("Opening: " + path);
                BMPDecoder bmp = new BMPDecoder();
                FileInputStream  is = null;
                try {
                        is = new FileInputStream(path);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                        String msg = e.getMessage();
                        if (msg==null || msg.equals(""))
                                msg = ""+e;
                        IJ.error("BMP Reader", msg);
                } finally {
                    if (is!=null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {}

                MemoryImageSource mis = bmp.makeImageSource();
                if (mis==null) IJ.write("mis=null");
                Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mis);
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo();
                fi.fileFormat = FileInfo.BMP;
                fi.fileName = name;
       = directory;
                if (bmp.topDown)
                if (arg.equals(""))

/** A decoder for Windows bitmap (.BMP) files. */
class BMPDecoder {
        InputStream is;
        int curPos = 0;
        int bitmapOffset;               // starting position of image data

        int width;                              // image width in pixels
        int height;                             // image height in pixels
        short bitsPerPixel;             // 1, 4, 8, or 24 (no color map)
        int compression;                // 0 (none), 1 (8-bit RLE), or 2 (4-bit RLE)
        int actualSizeOfBitmap;
        int scanLineSize;
        int actualColorsUsed;

        byte r[], g[], b[];             // color palette
        int noOfEntries;

        byte[] byteData;                // Unpacked data
        int[] intData;                     // Unpacked data
        boolean topDown;

        private int readInt() throws IOException {
                int b1 =;
                int b2 =;
                int b3 =;
                int b4 =;
                curPos += 4;
                return ((b4 << 24) + (b3 << 16) + (b2 << 8) + (b1 << 0));

        private short readShort() throws IOException {
                int b1 =;
                int b2 =;
                curPos += 2;
                return (short)((b2 << 8) + b1);

        void getFileHeader()  throws IOException, Exception {
                // Actual contents (14 bytes):
                short fileType = 0x4d42;// always "BM"
                int fileSize;                   // size of file in bytes
                short reserved1 = 0;    // always 0
                short reserved2 = 0;    // always 0

                fileType = readShort();
                if (fileType != 0x4d42)
                        throw new Exception("Not a BMP file");  // wrong file type
                fileSize = readInt();
                reserved1 = readShort();
                reserved2 = readShort();
                bitmapOffset = readInt();

        void getBitmapHeader() throws IOException {
                // Actual contents (40 bytes):
                int size;                               // size of this header in bytes
                short planes;                   // no. of color planes: always 1
                int sizeOfBitmap;               // size of bitmap in bytes (may be 0: if so, calculate)
                int horzResolution;             // horizontal resolution, pixels/meter (may be 0)
                int vertResolution;             // vertical resolution, pixels/meter (may be 0)
                int colorsUsed;                 // no. of colors in palette (if 0, calculate)
                int colorsImportant;    // no. of important colors (appear first in palette) (0 means all are important)
                int noOfPixels;

                size = readInt();
                width = readInt();
                height = readInt();
                planes = readShort();
                bitsPerPixel = readShort();
                compression = readInt();
                sizeOfBitmap = readInt();
                horzResolution = readInt();
                vertResolution = readInt();
                colorsUsed = readInt();
                colorsImportant = readInt();
                if (bitsPerPixel==24)
                    colorsUsed = colorsImportant = 0;

                topDown = (height < 0);
                if (topDown) height = -height;
                noOfPixels = width * height;

                // Scan line is padded with zeroes to be a multiple of four bytes
                scanLineSize = ((width * bitsPerPixel + 31) / 32) * 4;

                actualSizeOfBitmap = scanLineSize * height;

                if (colorsUsed != 0)
                        actualColorsUsed = colorsUsed;
                        // a value of 0 means we determine this based on the bits per pixel
                        if (bitsPerPixel < 16)
                                actualColorsUsed = 1 << bitsPerPixel;
                                actualColorsUsed = 0;   // no palette
                if (IJ.debugMode) {
                    IJ.log("  width: "+width);
                    IJ.log("  height: "+height);
                    IJ.log("  compression: "+compression);
                    IJ.log("  scanLineSize: "+scanLineSize);
                    IJ.log("  planes: "+planes);
                    IJ.log("  bitsPerPixel: "+bitsPerPixel);
                    IJ.log("  sizeOfBitmap: "+sizeOfBitmap);
                    IJ.log("  horzResolution: "+horzResolution);
                    IJ.log("  vertResolution: "+vertResolution);
                    IJ.log("  colorsUsed: "+colorsUsed);
                    IJ.log("  colorsImportant: "+colorsImportant);

        void getPalette() throws IOException {
                noOfEntries = actualColorsUsed;
                //IJ.write("noOfEntries: " + noOfEntries);
                if (noOfEntries>0) {
                        r = new byte[noOfEntries];
                        g = new byte[noOfEntries];
                        b = new byte[noOfEntries];

                        int reserved;
                        for (int i = 0; i < noOfEntries; i++) {
                                b[i] = (byte);
                                g[i] = (byte);
                                r[i] = (byte);
                                reserved =;
                                curPos += 4;

        void unpack(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, int bpp, byte[] byteData, int byteOffset, int w) throws Exception {
                int j = byteOffset;
                int k = rawOffset;
                byte mask;
                int pixPerByte;

                switch (bpp) {
                case 1: mask = (byte)0x01; pixPerByte = 8; break;
                case 4: mask = (byte)0x0f; pixPerByte = 2; break;
                case 8: mask = (byte)0xff; pixPerByte = 1; break;
                        throw new Exception("Unsupported bits-per-pixel value: " + bpp);

                for (int i = 0;;) {
                        int shift = 8 - bpp;
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < pixPerByte; ii++) {
                                byte br = rawData[k];
                                br >>= shift;
                                byteData[j] = (byte)(br & mask);
                                //System.out.println("Setting byteData[" + j + "]=" + Test.byteToHex(byteData[j]));
                                if (i == w) return;
                                shift -= bpp;

        void unpack24(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, int[] intData, int intOffset, int w) {
                int j = intOffset;
                int k = rawOffset;
                int mask = 0xff;
                for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
                        int b0 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask);
                        int b1 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask) << 8;
                        int b2 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask) << 16;
                        intData[j] = 0xff000000 | b0 | b1 | b2;

        void unpack32(byte[] rawData, int rawOffset, int[] intData, int intOffset, int w) {
                int j = intOffset;
                int k = rawOffset;
                int mask = 0xff;
                for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
                        int b0 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask);
                        int b1 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask) << 8;
                        int b2 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask) << 16;
                        int b3 = (((int)(rawData[k++])) & mask) << 24; // this gets ignored!
                        intData[j] = 0xff000000 | b0 | b1 | b2;

        void getPixelData() throws IOException, Exception {
                byte[] rawData;                 // the raw unpacked data

                // Skip to the start of the bitmap data (if we are not already there)
                long skip = bitmapOffset - curPos;
                if (skip > 0) {
                        curPos += skip;

                int len = scanLineSize;
                if (bitsPerPixel > 8)
                        intData = new int[width * height];
                        byteData = new byte[width * height];
                rawData = new byte[actualSizeOfBitmap];
                int rawOffset = 0;
                int offset = (height - 1) * width;
                for (int i = height - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        int n =, rawOffset, len);
                        if (n < len) throw new Exception("Scan line ended prematurely after " + n + " bytes");
                        if (bitsPerPixel==24)
                                unpack24(rawData, rawOffset, intData, offset, width);
                        else if (bitsPerPixel==32)
                                unpack32( rawData, rawOffset, intData, offset, width);
                        else // 8-bits or less
                                unpack(rawData, rawOffset, bitsPerPixel, byteData, offset, width);
                        rawOffset += len;
                        offset -= width;

        public void read(InputStream is) throws IOException, Exception {
       = is;
                if (compression!=0)
                        throw new Exception("Compression not supported");

        public MemoryImageSource makeImageSource() {
                ColorModel cm;
                MemoryImageSource mis;

                if (noOfEntries>0 && bitsPerPixel!=24) {
                        // There is a color palette; create an IndexColorModel
                        cm = new IndexColorModel(bitsPerPixel, noOfEntries, r, g, b);
                } else {
                        // There is no palette; use the default RGB color model
                        cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();

                // Create MemoryImageSource

                if (bitsPerPixel > 8) {
                        // use one int per pixel
                        mis = new MemoryImageSource(width,
                                height, cm, intData, 0, width);
                } else {
                        // use one byte per pixel
                        mis = new MemoryImageSource(width,
                                height, cm, byteData, 0, width);

                return mis;      // this can be used by Component.createImage()