package ij.process;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.measure.*;

/** This class converts an ImageProcessor to another data type. */
public class TypeConverter {

    private static final int BYTE=0, SHORT=1, FLOAT=2, RGB=3;
    private ImageProcessor ip;
    private int type;
    boolean doScaling = true;
    int width, height;

    public TypeConverter(ImageProcessor ip, boolean doScaling) {
        this.ip = ip;
        this.doScaling = doScaling;
        if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor)
            type = BYTE;
        else if (ip instanceof ShortProcessor)
            type = SHORT;
        else if (ip instanceof FloatProcessor)
            type = FLOAT;
            type = RGB;
        width = ip.getWidth();
        height = ip.getHeight();

    /** Converts processor to a ByteProcessor. */
    public ImageProcessor convertToByte() {
        switch (type) {
            case BYTE:
                return ip;
            case SHORT:
                return convertShortToByte();
            case FLOAT:
                return convertFloatToByte();
            case RGB:
                return convertRGBToByte();
                return null;

    /** Converts a ShortProcessor to a ByteProcessor. */
    ByteProcessor convertShortToByte() {
        int size = width*height;
        short[] pixels16 = (short[])ip.getPixels();
        byte[] pixels8 = new byte[size];
        if (doScaling) {
            int value, min=(int)ip.getMin(), max=(int)ip.getMax();
            double scale = 256.0/(max-min+1);
            for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
                value = (pixels16[i]&0xffff)-min;
                if (value<0) value = 0;
                value = (int)(value*scale+0.5);
                if (value>255) value = 255;
                pixels8[i] = (byte)value;
            return new ByteProcessor(width, height, pixels8, ip.getCurrentColorModel());
        } else {
            int value;
            for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
                value = pixels16[i]&0xffff;
                if (value>255) value = 255;
                pixels8[i] = (byte)value;
            return new ByteProcessor(width, height, pixels8, ip.getColorModel());

    /** Converts a FloatProcessor to a ByteProcessor. */
    ByteProcessor convertFloatToByte() {
        if (doScaling) {
            Image img = ip.createImage();
            return new ByteProcessor(img);
        } else {
            ByteProcessor bp = new ByteProcessor(width, height);
            bp.setPixels(0, (FloatProcessor)ip);
            bp.resetMinAndMax();        //don't take min&max from ip
            return bp;

    /** Converts a ColorProcessor to a ByteProcessor. 
        The pixels are converted to grayscale using the formula
        g=r/3+g/3+b/3. Call ColorProcessor.setRGBWeights() 
        to do weighted conversions. */
    ByteProcessor convertRGBToByte() {
        int[] pixels32 = (int[])ip.getPixels();
        double[] w = ColorProcessor.getWeightingFactors();
        if (((ColorProcessor)ip).getRGBWeights()!=null)
            w = ((ColorProcessor)ip).getRGBWeights();
        double rw=w[0], gw=w[1], bw=w[2];
        byte[] pixels8 = new byte[width*height];
        int c, r, g, b;
        for (int i=0; i < width*height; i++) {
            c = pixels32[i];
            r = (c&0xff0000)>>16;
            g = (c&0xff00)>>8;
            b = c&0xff;
            pixels8[i] = (byte)(r*rw + g*gw + b*bw + 0.5);
        return new ByteProcessor(width, height, pixels8, null);
    /** Converts a ColorProcessor to a FloatProcessor. 
        The pixels are converted to grayscale using the formula
        g=r/3+g/3+b/3. Call ColorProcessor.setRGBWeights() 
        to do weighted conversions. */
    FloatProcessor convertRGBToFloat() {
        int[] pixels = (int[])ip.getPixels();
        double[] w = ColorProcessor.getWeightingFactors();
        if (((ColorProcessor)ip).getRGBWeights()!=null)
            w = ((ColorProcessor)ip).getRGBWeights();
        double rw=w[0], gw=w[1], bw=w[2];
        float[] pixels32 = new float[width*height];
        int c, r, g, b;
        for (int i=0; i < width*height; i++) {
            c = pixels[i];
            r = (c&0xff0000)>>16;
            g = (c&0xff00)>>8;
            b = c&0xff;
            pixels32[i] = (float)(r*rw + g*gw + b*bw);
        return new FloatProcessor(width, height, pixels32);

    /** Converts processor to a ShortProcessor. */
    public ImageProcessor convertToShort() {
        switch (type) {
            case BYTE:
                return convertByteToShort();
            case SHORT:
                return ip;
            case FLOAT:
                return convertFloatToShort();
            case RGB:
                ip = convertRGBToByte();
                return convertByteToShort();
                return null;

    /** Converts a ByteProcessor to a ShortProcessor. */
    ShortProcessor convertByteToShort() {
        byte[] pixels8 = (byte[])ip.getPixels();
        short[] pixels16 = new short[width * height];
        for (int i=0,j=0; i<width*height; i++)
            pixels16[i] = (short)(pixels8[i]&0xff);
        return new ShortProcessor(width, height, pixels16, ip.getColorModel());

    /** Converts a FloatProcessor to a ShortProcessor. */
    ShortProcessor convertFloatToShort() {
        float[] pixels32 = (float[])ip.getPixels();
        short[] pixels16 = new short[width*height];
        double min = ip.getMin();
        double max = ip.getMax();
        double scale;
        if ((max-min)==0.0)
            scale = 1.0;
            scale = 65535.0/(max-min);
        double value;
        for (int i=0,j=0; i<width*height; i++) {
            if (doScaling)
                value = (pixels32[i]-min)*scale;
                value = pixels32[i];
            if (value<0.0) value = 0.0;
            if (value>65535.0) value = 65535.0;
            pixels16[i] = (short)(value+0.5);
        return new ShortProcessor(width, height, pixels16, ip.getColorModel());

    /** Converts processor to a FloatProcessor. */
    public ImageProcessor convertToFloat(float[] ctable) {
        switch (type) {
            case BYTE:
                return convertByteToFloat(ctable);
            case SHORT:
                return convertShortToFloat(ctable);
            case FLOAT:
                return ip;
            case RGB:
                return convertRGBToFloat();
                return null;

    /** Converts a ByteProcessor to a FloatProcessor. Applies a
     * calibration function if the 'cTable' is not null.
     * @see ImageProcessor.setCalibrationTable
    FloatProcessor convertByteToFloat(float[] cTable) {
        int n = width*height;
        byte[] pixels8 = (byte[])ip.getPixels();
        float[] pixels32 = new float[n];
        int value;
        if (cTable!=null && cTable.length==256) {
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
                pixels32[i] = cTable[pixels8[i]&255];
        } else {
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
                pixels32[i] = pixels8[i]&255;
        ColorModel cm = ip.getColorModel();
        return new FloatProcessor(width, height, pixels32, cm);

    /** Converts a ShortProcessor to a FloatProcessor. Applies a
        calibration function if the calibration table is not null.
        @see ImageProcessor.setCalibrationTable
    FloatProcessor convertShortToFloat(float[] cTable) {
        short[] pixels16 = (short[])ip.getPixels();
        float[] pixels32 = new float[width*height];
        int value;
        if (cTable!=null && cTable.length==65536)
            for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
                pixels32[i] = cTable[pixels16[i]&0xffff];
            for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
                pixels32[i] = pixels16[i]&0xffff;
        ColorModel cm = ip.getColorModel();
        return new FloatProcessor(width, height, pixels32, cm);
    /** Converts processor to a ColorProcessor. */
    public ImageProcessor convertToRGB() {
        if (type==RGB)
            return ip;
        else {
            ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.convertToByte(doScaling);
            return new ColorProcessor(ip2.createImage());
