package ij;
import ij.plugin.Converter;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;
import ij.plugin.frame.Editor; 
import ij.text.TextWindow;
import ij.plugin.frame.PlugInFrame;
import ij.util.Tools;
import ij.macro.Interpreter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import ij.gui.*;

/** This class consists of static methods used to manage ImageJ's windows. */
public class WindowManager {

    public static boolean checkForDuplicateName;
    private static Vector imageList = new Vector();      // list of image windows
    private static Vector nonImageList = new Vector();  // list of non-image windows (Frames and Dialogs)
    private static ImageWindow currentWindow;            // active image window
    private static Window frontWindow;
    private static Frame frontFrame;
    private static Hashtable tempImageTable = new Hashtable();
    private WindowManager() {

    /** Makes the image contained in the specified window the active image. */
    public static void setCurrentWindow(ImageWindow win) {
        if (win==null || win.isClosed() || win.getImagePlus()==null) // deadlock-"wait to lock"
        //IJ.log("setCurrentWindow: "+win.getImagePlus().getTitle()+" ("+(currentWindow!=null?currentWindow.getImagePlus().getTitle():"null") + ")");
        if (win==currentWindow || imageList.size()==0)
        if (currentWindow!=null) {
            // free up pixel buffers used by current window
            ImagePlus imp = currentWindow.getImagePlus();
            if (imp!=null ) {
                if (!Prefs.keepUndoBuffers)
        currentWindow = win;
        if (Recorder.record && !IJ.isMacro())
            Recorder.record("selectWindow", win.getImagePlus().getTitle());
    /** Returns the active ImageWindow. */
    public static ImageWindow getCurrentWindow() {
        //if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.write("ImageWindow.getCurrentWindow");
        return currentWindow;

    static int getCurrentIndex() {
        return imageList.indexOf(currentWindow);

    /** Returns a reference to the active image or null if there isn't one.
     * @see ij.IJ#getImage
    public static ImagePlus getCurrentImage() {
        ImagePlus img = (ImagePlus)tempImageTable.get(Thread.currentThread());
        //String str = (img==null)?" null":"";
        if (img==null)
            img = getActiveImage();
        //if (img!=null) IJ.log("getCurrentImage: "+img.getTitle()+" "+Thread.currentThread().hashCode()+str);
        return img;

    /** Makes the specified image temporarily the active 
        image for this thread. Call again with a null
        argument to revert to the previous active image. */
    public static void setTempCurrentImage(ImagePlus img) {
        //IJ.log("setTempImage: "+(img!=null?img.getTitle():"null")+" "+Thread.currentThread().hashCode());
        if (img==null)
            tempImageTable.put(Thread.currentThread(), img);
    /** Sets a temporary image for the specified thread. */
    public static void setTempCurrentImage(Thread thread, ImagePlus img) {
        if (thread==null)
            throw new RuntimeException("thread==null");
        if (img==null)
            tempImageTable.put(thread, img);

    /** Returns the active ImagePlus. */
    private static ImagePlus getActiveImage() {
        if (currentWindow!=null)
            return currentWindow.getImagePlus();
        else if (frontWindow!=null && (frontWindow instanceof ImageWindow))
            return frontWindow!=null?((ImageWindow)frontWindow).getImagePlus():null;
        else if (imageList.size()>0) {  
            ImagePlus imp = getFocusManagerActiveImage();
            if (imp!=null)
                return imp;
            ImageWindow win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(imageList.size()-1);
            return win.getImagePlus();
        } else
            return Interpreter.getLastBatchModeImage(); 
    private static ImagePlus getFocusManagerActiveImage() {
        if (IJ.isMacro())
            return null;
        KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
        Window win = kfm.getActiveWindow();
        ImagePlus imp = null;
        if (win!=null && (win instanceof ImageWindow))
            imp = ((ImageWindow)win).getImagePlus();
        return imp;

    /** Returns the number of open image windows. */
    public static int getWindowCount() {
        int count = imageList.size();
        return count;

    /** Returns the number of open images. */
    public static int getImageCount() {
        int count = imageList.size();
        count += Interpreter.getBatchModeImageCount();
        if (count==0 && getCurrentImage()!=null)
            count = 1;
        return count;

    /** Returns the front most window or null. */
    public static Window getActiveWindow() {
        return frontWindow;

    /** Obsolete; replaced by getActiveWindow. */
    public static Frame getFrontWindow() {
        return frontFrame;

    /** Returns a list of the IDs of open images. Returns
        null if no image windows are open. */
    public synchronized static int[] getIDList() {
        int nWindows = imageList.size();
        int[] batchModeImages = Interpreter.getBatchModeImageIDs();
        int nBatchImages = batchModeImages.length;
        if ((nWindows+nBatchImages)==0)
            return null;
        int[] list = new int[nWindows+nBatchImages];
        for (int i=0; i<nBatchImages; i++)
            list[i] = batchModeImages[i];
        int index = 0;
        for (int i=nBatchImages; i<nBatchImages+nWindows; i++) {
            ImageWindow win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(index++);
            list[i] = win.getImagePlus().getID();
        return list;

    /** Returns a list of the titles of all open images. */
    public synchronized static String[] getImageTitles() {
        int[] list = getIDList();
        if (list==null)
            return new String[0];
        String[] titles = new String[list.length];
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
            ImagePlus img = getImage(list[i]);
            titles[i] = img.getTitle();
        return titles;

    /** Returns an array containing a list of the non-image Frames. */
    public synchronized static Frame[] getNonImageWindows() {
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0; i<nonImageList.size(); i++) {
            Object win = nonImageList.elementAt(i);
            if (win instanceof Frame)
        Frame[] frames = new Frame[list.size()];
        return frames;

    /** Returns an array containing a list of the non-image Frames and Dialogs. */
    public synchronized static Window[] getAllNonImageWindows() {
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0; i<nonImageList.size(); i++) {
            Object win = nonImageList.elementAt(i);
            if (win instanceof Window)
        Window[] windows = new Window[list.size()];
        return windows;

    /** Returns an array containing the titles of non-image Frames and Dialogs. */
    public synchronized static String[] getNonImageTitles() {
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0; i<nonImageList.size(); i++) {
            Object win = nonImageList.elementAt(i);
            String title = win instanceof Frame?((Frame)win).getTitle():((Dialog)win).getTitle();
        String[] titles = new String[list.size()];
        return titles;

    /** For IDs less than zero, returns the ImagePlus with the specified ID. 
        Returns null if no open window has a matching ID or no images are open. 
        For IDs greater than zero, returns the Nth ImagePlus. Returns null if 
        the ID is zero. */
    public synchronized static ImagePlus getImage(int imageID) {
        //if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.write("ImageWindow.getImage");
        if (imageID>0)
            imageID = getNthImageID(imageID);
        if (imageID==0 || getImageCount()==0)
            return null;
        ImagePlus imp2 = Interpreter.getBatchModeImage(imageID);
        if (imp2!=null)
            return imp2;
        ImagePlus imp = null;
        for (int i=0; i<imageList.size(); i++) {
            ImageWindow win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(i);
            imp2 = win.getImagePlus();
            if (imageID==imp2.getID()) {
                imp = imp2;
        imp2 = getCurrentImage();
        if (imp==null &&imp2!=null && imp2.getID()==imageID)
            return imp2;
        return imp;
    /** Returns the ID of the Nth open image. Returns zero if n<=0 
        or n greater than the number of open image windows. */
    public synchronized static int getNthImageID(int n) {
            if (n<=0) return 0;
            if (Interpreter.isBatchMode()) {
                int[] list = getIDList();
                if (n>list.length)
                    return 0;
                    return list[n-1];
            } else {
                if (n>imageList.size()) return 0;
                ImageWindow win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(n-1);
                if (win!=null)
                    return win.getImagePlus().getID();
                    return 0;

    /** Returns the first image that has the specified title or null if it is not found. */
    public synchronized static ImagePlus getImage(String title) {
        int[] wList = getIDList();
        if (wList==null) return null;
        for (int i=0; i<wList.length; i++) {
            ImagePlus imp = getImage(wList[i]);
            if (imp!=null && imp.getTitle().equals(title))
                return imp;
        return null;

    /** Adds the specified window to the Window menu. */
    public synchronized static void addWindow(Window win) {
        //IJ.write("addWindow: "+win.getTitle());
        if (win==null)
        else if (win instanceof ImageWindow)
        else {

    /** Adds the specified Frame to the Window menu. */
    public static void addWindow(Frame win) {

    private static void addImageWindow(ImageWindow win) {
        ImagePlus imp = win.getImagePlus();
        if (imp==null) return;

    static void checkForDuplicateName(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (checkForDuplicateName) {
            String name = imp.getTitle();
            if (isDuplicateName(name))
        checkForDuplicateName = false;

    static boolean isDuplicateName(String name) {
        int n = imageList.size();
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
            ImageWindow win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(i);
            String name2 = win.getImagePlus().getTitle();
            if (name.equals(name2))
                return true;
        return false;

    /** Returns a unique name by adding, before the extension,  -1, -2, etc. as needed. */
    public static String getUniqueName(String name) {
        String name2 = name;
        String extension = "";
        int len = name2.length();
        int lastDot = name2.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (lastDot!=-1 && len-lastDot<6 && lastDot!=len-1) {
            extension = name2.substring(lastDot, len);
            name2 = name2.substring(0, lastDot);
        int lastDash = name2.lastIndexOf("-");
        len = name2.length();
        if (lastDash!=-1&&len-lastDash<4&&lastDash<len-1&&Character.isDigit(name2.charAt(lastDash+1))&&name2.charAt(lastDash+1)!='0')
            name2 = name2.substring(0, lastDash);
        for (int i=1; i<=99; i++) {
            String name3 = name2+"-"+ i + extension;
            //IJ.log(i+" "+name3);
            if (!isDuplicateName(name3))
                return name3;
        return name;

    /** If 'name' is not unique, adds -1, -2, etc. as needed to make it unique. */
    public static String makeUniqueName(String name) {
        return isDuplicateName(name)?getUniqueName(name):name;

    /** Removes the specified window from the Window menu. */
    public synchronized static void removeWindow(Window win) {
        //IJ.write("removeWindow: "+win.getTitle());
        if (win instanceof ImageWindow)
        else {
            int index = nonImageList.indexOf(win);
            ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance();
            if (index>=0) {
                //if (ij!=null && !ij.quitting())

    /** Removes the specified Frame from the Window menu. */
    public static void removeWindow(Frame win) {

    private static void removeImageWindow(ImageWindow win) {
        int index = imageList.indexOf(win);
        if (index==-1)
            return;  // not on the window list
        if (imageList.size()>1 && IJ.isMacro()) {
            int newIndex = index-1;
            if (newIndex<0)
                newIndex = imageList.size()-1;
        } else
            currentWindow = null;
        setTempCurrentImage(null);  //???
        int nonImageCount = nonImageList.size();
        if (nonImageCount>0)

    /** The specified Window becomes the front window. */
    public static void setWindow(Window win) {
        frontWindow = win;
        if (win instanceof Frame)
            frontFrame = (Frame)win;

    /** The specified frame becomes the front window, the one returnd by getFrontWindow(). */
    public static void setWindow(Frame win) {
        frontWindow = win;
        frontFrame = win;
        //IJ.log("Set window: "+(win!=null?win.getTitle():"null"));

    /** Closes all windows. Stops and returns false if an image or Editor "save changes" dialog is canceled. */
    public synchronized static boolean closeAllWindows() {
        while (imageList.size()>0) {
            if (!((ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(0)).close())
                return false;
            if (!quittingViaMacro())
        Frame[] nonImages = getNonImageWindows();
        for (int i=0; i<nonImages.length; i++) {
            Frame frame = nonImages[i];
            if (frame!=null && (frame instanceof Editor)) {
                if (((Editor)frame).fileChanged())
                    return false;
                if (!quittingViaMacro())
        ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance();
        if (ij!=null && ij.quitting() && IJ.getApplet()==null)
            return true;
        for (int i=0; i<nonImages.length; i++) {
            Frame frame = nonImages[i];
            if ((frame instanceof PlugInFrame) && !(frame instanceof Editor))
            else if (frame instanceof TextWindow)
            else {
        return true;
    private static boolean quittingViaMacro() {
        ImageJ ij = IJ.getInstance();
        return ij!=null && ij.quittingViaMacro();
    /** Activates the next image window on the window list. */
    public static void putBehind() {
        if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("putBehind");
        if (imageList.size()<1 || currentWindow==null)
        int index = imageList.indexOf(currentWindow);
        ImageWindow win = null;
        int count = 0;
        do {
            if (index<0) index = imageList.size()-1;
            win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(index);
            if (++count==imageList.size()) return;
        } while (win instanceof HistogramWindow || win instanceof PlotWindow);
        if (win==null) return;
        ImagePlus imp = win.getImagePlus();
        if (imp!=null)

    /** Returns the temporary current image for this thread, or null. */
    public static ImagePlus getTempCurrentImage() {
        return (ImagePlus)tempImageTable.get(Thread.currentThread()); 

    /** Returns the window (a Frame or a Dialog) with the specified
          title,  or null if a window with that title is not found. */
    public static Window getWindow(String title) {
        for (int i=0; i<nonImageList.size(); i++) {
            Object win = nonImageList.elementAt(i);
            String winTitle = win instanceof Frame?((Frame)win).getTitle():((Dialog)win).getTitle();
            if (title.equals(winTitle))
                return (Window)win;
        return getImageWindow(title);

    /** Obsolete; replaced by getWindow(). */
    public static Frame getFrame(String title) {
        for (int i=0; i<nonImageList.size(); i++) {
            Object win = nonImageList.elementAt(i);
            String winTitle = win instanceof Frame?((Frame)win).getTitle():null;
            if (title.equals(winTitle))
                return (Frame)win;
        Frame frame = getImageWindow(title);
        if (frame==null) {
            Window win = getWindow(title);
            if (win!=null)
                frame = new Frame("Proxy");
        return frame;
    private static Frame getImageWindow(String title) {
        int[] wList = getIDList();
        int len = wList!=null?wList.length:0;
        for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
            ImagePlus imp = getImage(wList[i]);
            if (imp!=null) {
                if (imp.getTitle().equals(title))
                    return imp.getWindow();
        return null;

    /** Activates a window selected from the Window menu. */
    synchronized static void activateWindow(String menuItemLabel, MenuItem item) {
        for (int i=0; i<nonImageList.size(); i++) {
            Object win = nonImageList.elementAt(i);
            String title = win instanceof Frame?((Frame)win).getTitle():((Dialog)win).getTitle();
            if (menuItemLabel.equals(title)) {
                if (win instanceof Frame)
                if (Recorder.record && !IJ.isMacro())
                    Recorder.record("selectWindow", title);
        int lastSpace = menuItemLabel.lastIndexOf(' ');
        if (lastSpace>0) // remove image size (e.g., " 90K")
        menuItemLabel = menuItemLabel.substring(0, lastSpace);
        String idString = item.getActionCommand();
        int id = (int)Tools.parseDouble(idString, 0);
        ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id);
        if (imp==null) return;
        ImageWindow win1 = imp.getWindow();
        if (win1==null) return;
        int index = imageList.indexOf(win1);
        int n = Menus.window.getItemCount();
        int start = Menus.WINDOW_MENU_ITEMS+Menus.windowMenuItems2;
        for (int j=start; j<n; j++) {
            MenuItem mi = Menus.window.getItem(j);
            if (mi instanceof CheckboxMenuItem)
    /** Repaints all open image windows. */
    public synchronized static void repaintImageWindows() {
        int[] list = getIDList();
        if (list==null) return;
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
            ImagePlus imp2 = getImage(list[i]);
            if (imp2!=null) {
                imp2.setTitle(imp2.getTitle()); // update "(G)" flag (global calibration)
                ImageWindow win = imp2.getWindow();
                if (win!=null) win.repaint();
    static void showList() {
        if (IJ.debugMode) {
            for (int i=0; i<imageList.size(); i++) {
                ImageWindow win = (ImageWindow)imageList.elementAt(i);
                ImagePlus imp = win.getImagePlus();
                IJ.log(i + " " + imp.getTitle() + (win==currentWindow?"*":""));
            IJ.log(" ");
    public static void toFront(Frame frame) {
        if (frame==null) return;
        if (frame.getState()==Frame.ICONIFIED)