Module ij
Package ij.gui

Class PolygonRoi

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Iterable<java.awt.Point>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    EllipseRoi, FreehandRoi, PointRoi, RotatedRectRoi

    public class PolygonRoi
    extends Roi
    This class represents a polygon region of interest or polyline of interest.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • maxPoints

        protected int maxPoints
      • xp

        protected int[] xp
      • yp

        protected int[] yp
      • xpf

        protected float[] xpf
      • ypf

        protected float[] ypf
      • xp2

        protected int[] xp2
      • yp2

        protected int[] yp2
      • nPoints

        protected int nPoints
      • xSpline

        protected float[] xSpline
      • ySpline

        protected float[] ySpline
      • splinePoints

        protected int splinePoints
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(int[] xPoints,
                          int[] yPoints,
                          int nPoints,
                          int type)
        Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from x and y coordinate arrays. Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.TRACED_ROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.
      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(float[] xPoints,
                          float[] yPoints,
                          int nPoints,
                          int type)
        Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from float x and y arrays. Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.
      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(float[] xPoints,
                          float[] yPoints,
                          int type)
        Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from float x and y arrays. Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.
      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(java.awt.Polygon p,
                          int type)
        Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from a Polygon. Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.TRACED_ROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.
      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(FloatPolygon p,
                          int type)
        Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from a FloatPolygon. Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.TRACED_ROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.
      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(int[] xPoints,
                          int[] yPoints,
                          int nPoints,
                          ImagePlus imp,
                          int type)
      • PolygonRoi

        public PolygonRoi​(int sx,
                          int sy,
                          ImagePlus imp)
        Starts the process of creating a new user-generated polygon or polyline ROI.
    • Method Detail

      • draw

        public void draw​(java.awt.Graphics g)
        draw in class Roi
      • grow

        protected void grow​(int sx,
                            int sy)
        grow in class Roi
      • updatePolygon

        protected void updatePolygon()
      • mouseMoved

        public void mouseMoved​(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
        mouseMoved in class Roi
      • wipeBack

        protected void wipeBack()
      • exitConstructingMode

        public void exitConstructingMode()
      • moveHandle

        protected void moveHandle​(int sx,
                                  int sy)
        moveHandle in class Roi
      • resetBoundingRect

        protected void resetBoundingRect()
      • mouseDownInHandle

        protected void mouseDownInHandle​(int handle,
                                         int sx,
                                         int sy)
        mouseDownInHandle in class Roi
      • deleteHandle

        public void deleteHandle​(double ox,
                                 double oy)
      • deletePoint

        protected void deletePoint​(int index)
      • getClosestPoint

        protected int getClosestPoint​(double x,
                                      double y,
                                      FloatPolygon points)
      • fitSpline

        public void fitSpline​(int evaluationPoints)
        Fits a spline, which becomes the new shape of this Roi
      • fitSpline

        public void fitSpline()
        Fits a spline, which becomes the new shape of this Roi
      • removeSplineFit

        public void removeSplineFit()
      • isSplineFit

        public boolean isSplineFit()
        Returns 'true' if this selection has been fitted with a spline.
      • fitSplineForStraightening

        public void fitSplineForStraightening()
        Creates a spline fitted polygon with (roughly) one pixel segment lengths and sets it as the Roi shape. It can be retrieved using the getFloatPolygon() method.
      • handleMouseUp

        protected void handleMouseUp​(int sx,
                                     int sy)
        With segmented selections, ignore first mouse up and finalize when user double-clicks, control-clicks or clicks in start box.
        handleMouseUp in class Roi
      • addOffset

        protected void addOffset()
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int x,
                                int y)
        Returns whether the center of pixel (x,y) is contained in the Roi. The position of a pixel center determines whether a pixel is selected. Note the ImageJ convention of 0.5 pixel shift between outline and pixel centers, i.e., pixel (0,0) is enclosed by the rectangle spanned between (0,0) and (1,1). Points exactly at the left (right) border are considered outside (inside); points exactly on horizontal borders, are considered outside (inside) at the border with the lower (higher) y. This convention is opposite to that of the java.awt.Shape class. In x, the offset is chosen slightly below 0.5 to reduce the impact of numerical errors.
        contains in class Roi
      • containsPoint

        public boolean containsPoint​(double x,
                                     double y)
        Returns whether coordinate (x,y) is contained in the Roi. Note that the coordinate (0,0) is the top-left corner of pixel (0,0). Use contains(int, int) to determine whether a given pixel is contained in the Roi.
        containsPoint in class Roi
      • isHandle

        public int isHandle​(int sx,
                            int sy)
        Returns a handle number if the specified screen coordinates are inside or near a handle, otherwise returns -1.
        isHandle in class Roi
      • getMask

        public ImageProcessor getMask()
        Description copied from class: Roi
        Always returns null for rectangular Roi's
        getMask in class Roi
      • getLength

        public double getLength()
        Returns the perimeter (for ROIs) or length (for lines).
        getLength in class Roi
      • getUncalibratedLength

        public double getUncalibratedLength()
      • getAngle

        public double getAngle()
        Returns the angle in degrees between the first two segments of this polyline.
        getAngle in class Roi
      • getNCoordinates

        public int getNCoordinates()
        Returns the number of points that define this PolygonRoi.
        See Also:
      • getXCoordinates

        public int[] getXCoordinates()
        Obsolete; replaced by either getPolygon() or getFloatPolygon().
      • getYCoordinates

        public int[] getYCoordinates()
        Obsolete; replaced by either getPolygon() or getFloatPolygon().
      • getNonSplineCoordinates

        public java.awt.Polygon getNonSplineCoordinates()
      • getNonSplineFloatPolygon

        public FloatPolygon getNonSplineFloatPolygon()
      • getFloatPolygon

        public FloatPolygon getFloatPolygon()
        Returns this polygon or polyline as float arrays in image pixel coordinates.
        getFloatPolygon in class Roi
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of points in this selection; equivalent to getPolygon().npoints.
        size in class Roi
      • getInterpolatedPolygon

        public FloatPolygon getInterpolatedPolygon​(double interval,
                                                   boolean smooth)
        Description copied from class: Roi
        Returns, as a FloatPolygon, an interpolated version of this selection with points spaced 'interval' pixels apart. If 'smooth' is true, traced and freehand selections are first smoothed using a 3 point running average.
        getInterpolatedPolygon in class Roi
      • clipRectMargin

        protected int clipRectMargin()
        clipRectMargin in class Roi
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Returns a copy of this PolygonRoi.
        clone in class Roi
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(double x,
                                double y)
        Description copied from class: Roi
        Set the location of the ROI in image coordinates.
        setLocation in class Roi
      • getDebugInfo

        public java.lang.String getDebugInfo()
        getDebugInfo in class Roi