[Macro interactive mode. Type "help" for info.] help Type a function (e.g., "run('Invert')") to run it. Enter an expression (e.g., "x/2" or "log(2)") to evaluate it. Move cursor to end of line and press 'enter' to repeat. "quit" - exit interactive mode cmd+M - enter interactive mode cmd+shift+F - open Function Finder "js" - switch language to JavaScript x=2 2.0 x/3 0.6666666666666666 sin(PI/3) 0.8660254037844386 run("Blobs (25K)"); run("invert") Unrecognized command: "invert" run("Invert") close("*") run("Invert") There are no images open. js [JavaScript interactive mode. Type "help" for info.] n=3 3 n/4 0.75 sin(PI/n) ReferenceError: "sin" is not defined in nashorn:mozilla_compat.js Math.sin(Math.PI/n) 0.8660254037844386 img = IJ.openImage("http://wsr.imagej.net/images/blobs.gif"); img["blobs.gif" (-8), 8-bit, 256x254x1x1x1] ip = img.getProcessor() ip[width=256, height=254, bits=8, min=0.0, max=255.0] ip.getStats() stats[count=65024, mean=103.26857775590551, min=8.0, max=248.0] ip.blurGaussian(5); ip.GetStats(); TypeError: ip.GetStats is not a function in ip.getStats(); stats[count=65024, mean=103.36157418799213, min=34.0, max=238.0] img.show() ip.invert() // img.updateAndDraw() is automatic quit [Exiting interactive mode.]