/* ROI Manager Tools.txt
* ImageJ toolset that renames selections stored in the ROI Manager. Supersedes the
* 'Rename and Save ROI Set.txt' macro. Save this file in ImageJ/macros/toolsets/,
* then use the '>>' drop down menu to activate it. Requires IJ 1.45d or newer.
* tiago ferreira, 04.2012;
* 12.2013: Fixed a bug in which labels were not being saved.
var labels= getPrefList("labels");
var prefixs= getPrefList("prefixes");
var suffixs= getPrefList("suffixes");
var oldstr= "", newstr= "", usenames, label= true;
macro "AutoRun" { run("ROI Manager..."); }
macro "Unused Tool-" {}
var bCmds= newMenu("Settings Menu Tool", newArray("Define tags...", "Define prefixes...",
"Define suffixes...", "-", "Rename by pattern...", "-", "Remove all prefixes",
"Remove all suffixes", "-", "Toggle numeric labels", "Toggle labels in Results"));
macro "Settings Menu Tool - C037D3eD4eD5eD6bD6cD6dD7aD89D98Da7Db6Dc6Dd6De4De5D2aD5dDa2Dd5D59D68D69D77D78D86D87D96D1aD1bD1cD29D2bD39D49D4bD4cD4dD58D67D76D85D92D93D94Da1Db1Db2Db4Dc1Dc4Dd4De3D5aD6aD79D88D95D97Da5Da6D19D91D4aD5bDa4Db5D3aD5cDa3Dc5" {
cmd= getArgument(); i= roiManager("index"); n= roiManager("count");
bools= newArray("true", "false");
if(cmd=="Define tags...") {
createNewList("labels", "Label");
} else if(cmd=="Define prefixes...") {
createNewList("prefixes", "Prefix");
} else if(cmd=="Define suffixes...") {
createNewList("suffixes", "Suffix");
} else if(cmd=="Rename by pattern...") {
help= "Search is case sensitive. Regex patterns can also be used, e.g.,
+"\"[0-9&&[^1]]\\" to find a digit that is not 1, or \"-.*-\\" to "
any character sequence flanked by hyphens. You may need to
+"escape metacharacters ('.', '[', ']', '^', '$', etc.) by a backslash.
+"Note that replaced patterns should always give rise to unique
+"names as the ROI Manager cannot cope with duplicated entries.";
Dialog.create("Rename Pattern");
Dialog.addString("Find:", oldstr, 18);
Dialog.addString("Replace:", newstr, 18);
Dialog.addString("Range:", maxOf(1,i+1) +"-"+ n, 9);
oldstr= Dialog.getString(); newstr= Dialog.getString();
range= parseRange(Dialog.getString);
renamePattern(range[0], range[1], oldstr, newstr);
} else if(cmd=="Remove all prefixes") {
renamePattern(0, n, ".*\\[", "");
} else if(cmd=="Remove all suffixes") {
renamePattern(0, n, "\\].*", "");
} else if(cmd=="Toggle numeric labels") {
roiManager("UseNames", bools[usenames]); usenames= !usenames;
roiManager("Show All with labels");
} else if(cmd=="Toggle labels in Results") {
setOption("Display Label", label); label= !label;
} else if (cmd!="-")
var cCmds= newMenu("Rename Menu Tool", labels);
macro "Rename Menu Tool - C037T0b11T T6b10a Tab10g Tfb10s" {
cmd= getArgument(); i= roiManager("index");
renameROI(cmd, "Label", i);
walkList(i, 0);
var dCmds= newMenu("Add prefix Menu Tool", prefixs);
macro "Add prefix Menu Tool - C037T0b10PT6b10rTab10fTeb10x" {
cmd= getArgument(); i= roiManager("index");
renameROI(cmd, "Prefix", i);
walkList(i, 0);
var eCmds= newMenu("Add suffix Menu Tool", suffixs);
macro "Add suffix Menu Tool - C037 T0b10ST6b10fTab10fTeb10x" {
cmd= getArgument(); i= roiManager("index");
renameROI(cmd, "Suffix", i);
walkList(i, 0);
macro "Selection cycler [Shift click: Previous] [Alt click: First] Action Tool - C037L020dL0268L0d68Lf2fdLf298Lfd98" {
if (roiManager("count")==0) {showStatus("ROI Manager is empty."); exit;}
i= roiManager("index");
if (isKeyDown("alt") || i<0)
roiManager('select', 0);
else if (isKeyDown("shift"))
walkList(i, 1);
walkList(i, 0);
var fCmds= newMenu("Save all regions Menu Tool", newArray("In image directory", "Elsewhere..."));
macro "Save all regions Menu Tool - C037D11D12D13D14D15D16D17D18D19D1aD1bD1cD21D27D28D29D2aD2bD2cD2dD31D33D35D37D38D39D3aD3bD3cD3dD3eD41D43D45D47D48D4eD51D53D55D57D58D5aD5bD5cD5eD61D63D65D67D68D6aD6bD6cD6eD71D73D75D77D78D7eD81D83D85D87D88D8eD91D93D95D97D98D9eDa1Da3Da5Da7Da8DaeDb1Db7Db8DbeDc1Dc2Dc3Dc4Dc5Dc6Dc7Dc8Dc9DcaDcbDccDcdDce" {
if (roiManager("count")==0)
exit("The selection list is empty.");
if (nImages==0)
exit(" No images open. Alternatively, use the\nROI Manager \"More>>Save...\" command.");
cmd= getArgument();
if (cmd=="In image directory") {
path= getDirectory("image");
if (!File.exists(path)) exit("Could not retrieve path of image.");
} else if (cmd=="Elsewhere...")
path= getDirectory("Select a Directory");
roiManager('save', path + getTitle +'-ROIset.zip');
showStatus("All ROIs in Manager have been saved...");
macro "Help Action Tool - C037T3e16?" {
help= "The ROI Manager Rename... command cannot rename multiple ROIs, requiring user
+"input each time it is used. This set of tools addresses this issue by using 3 types of
+"predefined labels: \"Tags\", \"Prefixes\" and \"Suffixes\", specified in the Settings Menu.
+"Tags rename ROIs, prefixes and suffixes are appended to the listed name.
+"To rename multiple ROIs, press Deselect in the ROI Manager, and choose a label
+"from one of menus. Alternatively, choose Rename by pattern... from the Settings
+" menu. In both cases, you can specify the Range of ROIs to be renamed, as when
+"using the ROI Manager Properties... command.
+"To rename single ROIs, use the Selection cycler to walk through the listed ROIs one<
+"item at a time.
+"Use the Save menu to store all ROIs in a .zip file named after the active image.
+"You may need to stretch the ROI Manager window to accommodate long ROI names.";
showMessage("ROI Manager Tools", help);
function getPrefList(type) {
prefs= call("ij.Prefs.get", "rmtools."+type, "no"+type);
if (startsWith(prefs,"no")) {
if (type=="labels") items= "Cortex|DG|CA3|CA1|Striatum|-|Custom...";
if (type=="prefixes") items= "WT|KO|Custom...";
if (type=="suffixes") items= "Anterior|Posterior|Ventral|Medial|Dorsal|Custom...";
call("ij.Prefs.set", "rmtools."+type, items);
return split(items, "|");
} else
return split(prefs, "|");
function createNewList(type, prompt) {
help= "None of the "+ type +" should contain \"|\", \"[\" and \"]\" as these are
+"used to define word boundaries. Entries defined by a single
+"hyphen are interpreted as menu separators.
If you prefer, you can define "
+"the last "+ prompt +" as \"Custom...\" to
be prompted for ad-hoc strings.";
prefs= ""; items= getPrefList(type);
Dialog.create('Define '+ type);
for (i=1; i<=items.length; i++)
Dialog.addString(prompt +" "+ i +":", items[i-1], 15);
Dialog.addCheckbox("Add more "+type, false);
Dialog.addCheckbox("Reset all entries", false);
add= Dialog.getCheckbox(); res= Dialog.getCheckbox();
for (i=1; i<=items.length; i++)
prefs+= Dialog.getString() +"|";
if (res) {
call("ij.Prefs.set", "rmtools."+type, "no"+type);
createNewList(type, prompt);
call("ij.Prefs.set", "rmtools."+type, prefs); // store new list
if (add) { // keep prompting for new items
prefs+= "-";
call("ij.Prefs.set", "rmtools."+type, prefs);
createNewList(type, prompt);
// The Fiji editor appends ".ijm" to .txt files, we'll try to find the file w/o extension
path= getDirectory("macros")+"toolsets/";
list= getFileList(path);
for (i=0; i=lngth) idx= 0;
roiManager("select", idx);
function renamePattern(min, max, old, new) {
for (i=min; imax || max==0) exit("Invalid ROI range.");
return newArray(min, max);