program MiniDisplay; uses TransSkel, TransDisplay; const fileMenuNum = skelAppleMenuID + 1; var r: Rect; m: MenuHandle; w: WindowPtr; ignore: Boolean; str: Str255; procedure DoFileMenu (item: Integer); begin SkelStopEventLoop; end; begin SkelInit(nil); SkelApple('', nil); m := NewMenu(fileMenuNum, 'File'); AppendMenu(m, 'Quit/Q'); ignore := SkelMenu(m, @DoFileMenu, nil, false, true); SetRect(r, 100, 75, 420, 275); w := NewDWindow(r, 'MiniDisplay', false, WindowPtr(-1), false, 0); if (w = nil) then begin SkelCleanup; ExitToShell; end; DisplayString('This is MiniDisplay, a minimal demonstration of '); DisplayString('TransDisplay. The following types of output may '); DisplayString('be written with the built-in output calls:'); DisplayLn; DisplayLn; DisplayString('Arbitrary length text: '); str := 'Some text'; DisplayText(Ptr(@str[1]), 9); DisplayLn; DisplayString('Pascal string: '); DisplayString('"\pThis is a Pascal string."'); DisplayLn; DisplayString('C string: '); DisplayString('(not available in Pascal demo version)'); DisplayLn; DisplayString('Char: '); DisplayChar(chr(120)); { x } DisplayString(' Hex char: '); DisplayHexChar(chr(120)); { x } DisplayLn; DisplayString('Short: '); DisplayShort(1023); DisplayString(' Hex short: '); DisplayShort(1023); DisplayLn; DisplayString('Long: '); DisplayLong(32768); DisplayString(' Hex long: '); DisplayHexLong(32768); DisplayLn; DisplayString('Boolean: '); DisplayBoolean(true); DisplayString(', '); DisplayBoolean(false); DisplayLn; DisplayString('OS text type: '''); DisplayOSType('TEXT'); DisplayString(''''); DisplayLn; DisplayString('Carriage return.'); DisplayLn; DisplayLn; DisplayString('Select Quit from the File menu to exit.'); SetDWindowPos(w, 0); { scroll back to top } ShowWindow(w); SkelEventLoop; SkelCleanup; end.