program Skel; uses TransSkel; const fileMenuRes = 129; { File menu } aboutAlrtRes = 1000; { About box } theWindRes = 260; { Window } reportDlog = 257; { message dialog box } aboutStr = 128; { message strings } rattleStr = 129; frightStr = 130; { dialog item numbers } okayItem = 1; messageItem = 2; titleItem = 3; outlineItem = 4; { File menu item numbers } rattle = 1; frighten = 2; { gray line } quit = 4; var theWind: WindowPtr; fileMenu: MenuHandle; { Read a string resource and put into the Alert/Dialog paramtext values } procedure SetParamText (strNum: Integer); var h: StringHandle; flags: SignedByte; begin h := GetString(strNum); flags := HGetState(Handle(h)); HLock(Handle(h)); ParamText(h^^, '', '', ''); HSetState(Handle(h), flags); end; { Put up a dialog box with a message and an OK button. The message } { is stored in the 'STR ' resource whose number is passed as strNum. } procedure Report (strNum: Integer); var theDialog: DialogPtr; savePort: GrafPtr; itemHit: Integer; begin SetParamText(strNum); theDialog := GetNewDialog(reportDlog, nil, WindowPtr(-1)); SkelPositionWindow(theDialog, skelPositionOnParentDevice, FixRatio(1, 2), FixRatio(1, 5)); GetPort(savePort); SetPort(theDialog); SkelSetDlogButtonOutliner(theDialog, outlineItem); ShowWindow(theDialog); ModalDialog(SkelDlogFilter(nil, true), itemHit); SkelRmveDlogFilter; DisposeDialog(theDialog); SetPort(savePort); end; { Handle selection of "About Skel..." item from Apple menu } procedure DoAppleMenu (item: Integer); var ignore: Integer; begin SetParamText(aboutStr); ignore := SkelAlert(aboutAlrtRes, SkelDlogFilter(nil, true), skelPositionOnParentDevice); SkelRmveDlogFilter; end; { Process selection from File menu. } { Rattle, Frighten A dialog box with message } { Quit Request a halt by calling SkelStopEventLoop(). This } { makes SkelMain return. } procedure DoFileMenu (item: Integer); begin case item of rattle: Report(rattleStr); frighten: Report(frightStr); quit: SkelStopEventLoop; { request halt } end; end; { Initialize menus . Tell TransSkel to process the Apple menu } { automatically, and associate the proper procedures with the } { File and Edit menus . } { \311 is the ellipsis character. } procedure SetupMenus; var ignore: Boolean; begin SkelApple('About SkelÉ', @DoAppleMenu); fileMenu := GetMenu(fileMenuRes); ignore := SkelMenu(fileMenu, @DoFileMenu, nil, false, true); end; { Window Handling Routines } { On update event, can ignore the resizing information, since the whole } { window is always redrawn in terms of the current size, anyway. } { Content area is dark gray except scroll bar areas, which are white. } { Draw grow box as well. } { Note that we can assume the current port is set to theWind. } procedure Update (resized: Boolean); var r: Rect; begin r := theWind^.portRect; { paint window dark gray } r.bottom := r.bottom - 15; { don't bother painting the } r.right := r.right - 15; { scroll bar areas } FillRect(r, dkGray); r := theWind^.portRect; { paint scroll bar areas white } r.left := r.right - 15; FillRect(r, white); r := theWind^.portRect; := r.bottom - 15; FillRect(r, white); DrawGrowIcon(theWind); end; procedure Activate (active: Boolean); begin DrawGrowIcon(theWind); { make grow box reflect new window state } end; procedure Clobber; begin DisposeWindow(theWind); end; { Read window from resource file and install handler for it. Mouse } { and key clicks are ignored. There is no close proc since the window } { doesn't have a close box. There is no idle proc since nothing is } { done while the window is in front (all the things that are done are } { handled by TransSkel). } procedure WindInit; var ignore: Boolean; begin if (SkelQuery(skelQHasColorQD) <> 0) then theWind := GetNewCWindow(theWindRes, nil, WindowPtr(-1)) else theWind := GetNewWindow(theWindRes, nil, WindowPtr(-1)); ignore := SkelWindow(theWind, nil, nil, @Update, @Activate, nil, @Clobber, nil, false); end; begin SkelInit(nil); SetupMenus; WindInit; SkelEventLoop; SkelCleanup; end.