Prepared by
Harvey J. Karten
Dept. of Neurosciences
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0608
I. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS 1. NIH Image On Macintosh And PC/Windows 95 2. Contents Of This Manual 3. Some Hardware Considerations A) Operating System B) Graphic RAM and Monitors C) RAM vs. Virtual Memory D) Disks And Storage Media E) Extensions 4. Loading NIH Image And The Confocal Macros A) Macros 5. Other Software Used In Conjunction With NIH Image A) Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 And Canvas 5.0 B) FileMaker Pro 3.0 6. Image Database Software 7. Cataloging Software: Where Are The Files When You Need Them? II. EVALUATING FLUORESCENT IMAGES WITH NIH IMAGE PRIOR TO CONFOCAL IMAGING 1. Evaluation of Fluorescent Images Prior to Confocal Microscopy 2. Fluorescent Excitation/Emission: A Moving Target 3. Selection Of Fluorophores 4. Using NIH Image To Visualize Cy5 5. On-Chip Integration 6. Practical Guidelines For Implementing On-Chip Integration 7. Macros For Shutter Control 8. On-Chip Integration, Multiple Labeled Sections, And RGB Images III. OPENING CONFOCAL IMAGES IN NIH IMAGE 1. Transferring Files From A DOS, DOS/Windows Or OS/2 Based Computer To A Macintosh A) Sneaker Net B) Local Area Network (LAN) C) FTP Via Internet D) ZIP Drives 1. A Few Words Of Caution About Using Zip Disks E) Magneto-Optical Disks For Archival Storage 2. Opening BioRAD Files In NIH Image A) BioRAD Split Screen Images B) Merging Split Screen Z-Series 3. Leica Files 4. Zeiss Files 5. Molecular Dynamics/Sarastro 6. Noran Confocal Files IV. BASIC IMAGE MANIPULATIONS 1. Evaluating The Quality Of Your Original CLSM Image A) Making Sure That Your Original CLSM Image Uses The Full Range Of 8-Bit Values (0-255) B) Avoiding High Contrast Images C) Avoiding Noisy Images 2. Editing Image A) Cropping Images, Erasing, Superimposing Text, Scale Bars, Rotating And Scaling Images 1. Notes On Scaling 2. Caution On Scale And Rotation Of Images 3. Using LUTs A) Modifying Brightness And Contrast B) Linear And Non-Linear LUTs, Including Custom LUTs C) Enhance Contrast Operator In NIH Image D) Thresholding And Density Slicing E) Pseudocoloring Images F) Exporting To Adobe Photoshop 4. Enhancing/Filtering Image 5. Quantitative Measurements 6. NIH Image Macro Language V. ADVANCED TOPICS 1. Merging Pairs Of Double Labeled Sections A) NIH Image and Adobe Photoshop B) Double Labeled Sections: Building A Stack (Best Done Using A Macro) 1. Color Merge In NIH Image 2. Merging Files With Adobe Photoshop 3. Preferred Method C) Compare Results Of NIH Image 8-Bit Merge With Adobe Photoshop 24-Bit Merge D) Adjusting Color Contrast On Sections In A Stack (See Macros) E) Merging A Double Labeled Pair Of Z-Series Using A Macro 2. Projection Of A Z-Series And 3D Rotations A) Stepping Through A Z-Series Using Stacks B) Animating A Z-Series C) Projecting A Z-Series Onto A Single Plane 1. Selection Of An Area For Z-Projection 2. Optimizing Settings For Project Function Of Z-Series D) Reslicing The Z-Series Along Alternate Planes: (X-Z, Y-Z And Theta-Z) E) Reslicing To Make A Z-Series In An Alternate Plane 1. Rapid Dynamic 3D Reslicing F) Generating A 3D-Series From A Z-Series G) Animating A 3D-Series (Producing "Apparent Rotation") H) Make A Stereo Pair Or Series Of Stereos? 1. Stereo Series In Black And White 2. Stereo Pair Of Single Labeled Section In Color 3. Color Stereo Images Of A Double Labeled Section I) Exporting Stacks To QuickTime Movies And VCR Recordings Of Stack 1. Saving Stacks In QuickTime Format VI. PRINTING ON VIDEO PRINTER, DYE SUBLIMATION PRINTER, SLIDE MAKER AND VCR 1. Video Printer 2. Dye Sublimation Printer 3. Slide Maker 4. VCR VII. USE OF NIH IMAGE FOR IMAGE COLLECTION AND INSTRUMENT CONTROL VIII. APPENDIX 1. Macros IX. ADDENDA TO NIH IMAGE CONFOCAL IMAGING MANUAL Addenda March, 1995 Addenda June, 1995 Addenda September, 1996 List of Macros provided in Confocal Macros Define Procedures for Stacks Some Universal Operations Operations on Confocal Files: Import, Split, Merge General Stack Operations Shutter Controls and On-Chip Integration Stack Modifications, Z-Projections, Stereo Pairs LUT Manipulations Hot Keys MacrosAcknowledgments
With many thanks to Wayne Rasband for his invaluable contributions to scientists of
all disciplines, and his advancement of image processing.
The work that led to this manual was supported by grants to H. J. Karten from NIMH,
NINDS and NEI. This manual was prepared with the direct support of NIMH and the
Human Brain Project and the Brain Database Project. Under the stress of attempts
to obtain grant support, we often neglect to sufficiently thank the many dedicated scientists
who work so hard to establish those programs that provide the necessary funds. This
manual is dedicated to those many loyal supporters of all of us at NIH, NSF, DOD,
NASA, and elsewhere.
I have adopted and adapted a number of macros contributed by various NIH Image
users. The authorship of the original macros was often difficult to determine. I
am grateful to the unacknowledged authors, and hope that they are not offended if
not specifically credited. My special thanks to Rusty Gage and Larry Goldstein for
providing me with unlimited access to their confocal microscope facilities. Without their generosity,
this manual would not have been possible.
Please let me know if this manual is helpful. Please inform me of any of errors in
this manual. If you have any suggestions to improve this manual, additional macros
that are helpful for processing confocal images, or other strategies for processing
CLSM images, please let me know, and I will try to incorporate these changes in future versions.
Happy confocaling,
Harvey J. Karten, M.D.
NIH Image
is a useful tool for evaluating fluorescent material prior to examining it on the
confocal microscope and for post-processing of confocal laser scanning microscope
(CLSM) images. The experienced user of NIH Image
may find many of these operations obvious. However, many users of CLSMs, previously
unfamiliar with NIH Image
will find it a useful tool for both pre- and post-acquisition processing of images.
I hope that this manual provides a relatively easy introduction to the use of NIH Image
for CLSM users.
Performing post-acquisition processing of images on the Macintosh will free the confocal
instrument for image collection. Though not as extensive as VoxelView, Analyze, VolVis,
SYNU or VoxBlast, particularly in applications requiring advanced volume rendering and Voxel based calculations, the use of NIH Image
and Adobe Photoshop 3.0 (Adobe Systems Inc., Mountain View, CA) on the PowerPC will
provide most of the functions needed for manipulating confocal images, and at a much
lower price.
This manual is intended for use with NIH Image
, version 1.60 or later. Several of the procedures described in the manual will not
operate correctly on earlier versions. You can obtain a copy of the latest version
of NIH Image
from the FTP site: (login: anonymous; Password: <your EMail address>;
cd/pub/image) or the associated Website (
1. NIH Image
on Macintosh and PC/Windows 95
This manual describes the use of NIH Image
on a Macintosh. In principle, it should be fully applicable to a version of NIH Image
being prepared for PC/Windows 95.
Tod Weinberg of Scion Corporation (Frederick, MD) is sponsoring the transfer of NIH Image
to PC/Windows95. This is a direct "port" of NIH Image
--i.e., it should have the exact look and feel of NIH Image
for the Macintosh, with the exception of those features of the operating system that
reflect the individual platforms. At this time (October, 1996), ImagePC (NIH Image
for PC) is still in alpha testing, and some operations are not yet functional, but
it is available for downloading by interested individuals. It is available from the
same location that provides NIH Image
for the Macintosh, both from the FTP site and the Website. The "port" of the program
to the PC seems very promising, and the final version will hopefully permit users
to perform the same operations on the PC and Macintosh with equal facility.
2. Contents Of This Manual
A) How to use NIH Image
to evaluate the quality of single or multiple labeled fluorescent histological sections
in preparation for confocal microscopy.
B) How to transfer files from the BioRAD, Leica or Zeiss CLSM to NIH Image
, both individual images and Z-series.
C) How to use NIH Image
for image processing and analysis: NIH Image
provides a wide range of functions for image analysis and processing, including changing
contrast and brightness values, pseudocoloring images, rotating, cropping, scaling,
various filtering operations, measuring density, density slicing, measuring length and area, profile of a line, and counting particles. These are useful tools for modifying
and analyzing confocal images. These functions fall into the more general category
of image processing, and are discussed at greater length in the NIH Image
manual, About NIH Image.
D) How to use multiple windows, Z-series and Stacks: The Macintosh allows you to open
many windows, each containing a different confocal image. This facilitates comparison
of different images. The various Stacks functions are amongst the most powerful features of NIH Image
. NIH Image
Stacks function allows you to rapidly step back-and-forth through a Z-series of sections.
You can crop this Stack to select specific features of interest. You can also use
the Stacks function to rapidly and alternately compare different images.
E) How to "Project" all the plates (or only a selected number of plates) of a Z-series
onto a single plane.
F) How to generate 3D images and 3D rotations: NIH Image
allows you to generate a 3D-series of images from the Z-series. You can display them
in a montage window, fabricate stereo pairs or animate them to give the appearance
of rotating a 3D object in space.
G) How to merge double and triple labeled sections, producing a three color images
(RGB) with NIH Image
H) How NIH Image
can generate a double/triple labeled 3D-series for stereo pairs and rotations.
3. Some Hardware Considerations
Macintosh computers have proven particularly suitable for graphics applications. Their
32-bit memory model permits use of large quantities of RAM for rapid processing of
image files. The graphics hardware and operating system have proven very suitable
for image processing. All the procedures described in this manual can be achieved on a
"low end" Macintosh, such as the Mac IIci, IIfx, to midlevel machines such as the
68040 Quadra series and, of course, will perform extremely well on the PowerPC series
of machines. Most of the routines described in this manual were developed using a Quadra
950. Separate versions of NIH Image
, optimized for the 680X0 series, as well as a single "fat" binary version that is
optimized for both a 680X0 and a PowerPC, are available. Both versions are now available
from the FTP site. Much less expensive than many dedicated graphics workstations,
such as a Silicon Graphics Indy^2, the cost of a fully equipped Macintosh will vary
in price based on some of the variables listed below. NIH Image
will perform adequately on any current Macintosh.
Major differences in performance will be noticed when generating a rotation series,
resectioning a Z-series, or applying various filters. It is not necessary to have
a 68040 with a floating point processor (FPU). However, for improved speed performance,
a PowerPC 7100, 8500, or the 9500, will prove most attractive. The 6100 does not have
room for a frame grabber or a video output card to video printers or VHS tape. If
you have the funds, the 9500/200 MHz unit is obviously preferable. The 8500 and 9500
have fast SCSI-2 ports for rapid data file transfers between external devices, built-in
Ethernet for communication, and can be equipped with a high speed graphics display
card. NIH Image
does not support a multiprocessor Macintosh.
As we accumulate more experience using NIH Image
on a PC/Windows 95 platform, future editions of this manual will include comments
pertinent to that platform. Based on preliminary considerations, we suggest the use
of a fast Pentium (e.g., Pentium Pro 200), with large quantities of RAM, fast 24-bit
graphics card, a large hard disk and a 20-inch RGB monitor.
A) Operating System
Use System 7.1 or higher. System 7.5.5 is quite stable, and we now use it routinely.
B) Graphic RAM and Monitors
NIH Image
is an 8-bit program. However, beginning with version 1.56 NIH Image
will run even if the monitor is in 24-bit mode. This permits rapid switching between
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 (24-bit program) and NIH Image
. In order to obtain a full 24-bit image on a 20-inch monitor (at 1024x768 or higher),
the graphics display card on an PowerPC should be packed with 4 MB of VRAM to permit
24-bit color on a 20-inch monitor. The Apple Trinitron 20-inch multisynch monitor
provides an excellent image, and also is the lowest priced 20-inch monitor for the size
and quality of the image. However, all the operations outlined in this manual will
work on a 14-inch monitor with 8-bits. The 7100 and 6100 only permit 2 MB of VRAM,
thus you will be limited to using a 17-inch monitor with 24-bit color.
C) RAM Vs. Virtual Memory
You will need large quantities of RAM for optimal performance. I suggest a minimum
of 32 MB of RAM, and more if you can afford it. Avoid Virtual Memory if at all possible.
(However, Apple does recommend that you assign 1 MB of Virtual Memory when using
System 7.5.x on a PowerPC.) Graphics files are large, and confocal Z-series are often
huge. If you also have a motorized stage and make extended XY planes of Z-series,
your files are likely to be 30-50 MB or larger and you will have to reconcile yourself
to buying a minimum of 80-256 MB of RAM if you want to move faster than a glacier. A minimal
rule of thumb is that you should have 2.5-3 times more RAM than the size of your
largest files. You should also learn how to allocate this memory to NIH Image
using Get Info
. Otherwise the additional memory will be of no benefit to you. I suggest that you
allocate a minimum of 24 MB of RAM to NIH Image
, and another 24 MB to Adobe Photoshop. Play around with the program. Many people
are using RAM Doubler to compensate for limited amounts of RAM. I have no experience
with this program and have heard mixed reports as to it value in working with large
graphics files.
D) Disks And Storage Media
You will need storage media with a large capacity. But I assume that if you are working
with confocal images, you have already had to deal with this problem. A hard disk
of at least 500 MB is required. For greater flexibility, a system disk of 1 GB and
a magneto- optical disk of 500 MB or larger for your data files is suggested. You may
find it helpful to transfer your larger files from the slower magneto-optical to
your system hard disk when working on them. Then move them back to the magneto-optical
for long term storage. Confocal Z-series may readily exceed 25 MB. You should have enough
storage space on your hard disk to allow you to save both the original file and any
modifications you may make during a work session. We often find that we use more
than 75 MB per Z-series in a single session.
E) Extensions
A few words about those clever System Extensions on the Macintosh--the Extensions
that make tea while you compute, or respond to voice commands (such as Apple's PlainTalk).
These extensions not only chew up space, but worse, they convert your PowerPC to
molasses while continually polling for voice inputs, losing CPU cycles, etc. Turn them
all off. Stay with the basics. When you are doing image processing, turn off "File
Sharing". If someone else on the network decides to just glance at your directory,
your machine will be distracted and slow things down. You will still be able to get
back onto the network with the click of key, but not be impeded by curious onlookers.
Get used to dedicated computing, as in the days of yore, if you want to obtain your results
as speedily as possible.
4. Loading NIH Image
And The Confocal Macros
This manual is written with the assumption that the reader is familiar with the Macintosh
Operating System 7.1 or higher.
Make sure that you have allocated sufficient memory to NIH Image
to perform many of the operations outlined. In addition to allocating memory to the
program as described above, using the File
menu item, Get Info,
you must also allocate sufficient memory to the NIH Image
"Undo & Clipboard Buffer Size", shown under the Options + Preferences
menu item. I suggest a minimum of 1400 KB. You must then Record Preferences
under the File
menu. Close
the program and Restart
the program.
A) Macros
The accompanying file, "Confocal Macros" should be copied into the Folder (Directory)
containing the other NIH Image
macros. Select the Specials
menu, and the Load Macros
item. Select the "Confocal Macros" from the resulting dialog box.
The "Confocal Macros" file contains a series of macros that are particularly useful
for processing double labeled pairs of sections, Z-series, and generating stereo
pairs. The reader should also familiarize themselves with the use of Stacks in NIH Image
, as described in About NIH Image.
A copy of the macros file is included in the binhexed file "/pub/image/documents/confocals.hqx"
provided via FTP. However, for those users who have obtained this file directly from
the Website, the confocal macros file is not readily available. In order to provide access to this file, "Confocal Macros" has been appended to the end of this
manual. It should be copied to a "Simple Text" file, and saved as "Confocal Macros."
5. Other Software Used In Conjunction With NIH Image
NIH Image
provides a variety of powerful operations not readily available in other software,
regardless of the price. Some functions, however, are best performed using other
software packages. This is particularly true for those procedures that benefit from
true 24-bit operations, such as adjusting individual color planes, color filtration and printing
24-bit images to dye sublimation printers.
A) Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 and Canvas 5.0
Most confocal microscopy labs currently use Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for adjusting color
saturation, brightness/contrast, cropping, assembling composite illustrations of
multiple images, labeling the images and printing RGB confocal images. A new version
of Canvas 5.0 (Deneba Corporation, Miami, FL) provides all these important functions of
Adobe Photoshop needed by confocal microscopists for about one-third of the cost.
Canvas 5.0 handles text labels and layers much better than Adobe Photoshop, but the
cropping tool takes a bit of getting used to.
B) FileMaker Pro 3.0
In order to maintain a record of the content of each image or series of images as
you collect them on the confocal scope, I have prepared a FileMaker Pro template.
The Template is also posted on the FTP server for NIH Image
within "confocals.hqx". When you download and decompress "confocals.hqx" the template
will be decompressed as "Confocal_FileMaker_Template". FileMaker Pro is a simple
and inexpensive database program. It is available for both Macintosh and DOS/Windows,
and files are interchangeable between the two versions.
The careful design of a database will encourage you to store important information
including the material and parameters used for the collection of the original image,
storage location of the file, and modifications to the file.
6. Image Database Software
FileMaker Pro 3.0 can save images as well as text. However, dedicated image databases
will automatically scan a disk and generate thumbnail images, store location, and
can directly reopen the original image file. Many users may find this preferable.
There are several useful image databases, including Multi-Ad Search 3.1 (Multi-Ad Services,
Peoria, IL), Cumulus 2.5, Kudo and Kodak Shoebox (Adobe Fetch is no longer available).
Of the various databases that I have tested, Multi-Ad Search 3.1 and Cumulus 2.5
are the most useful. Cumulus is particularly advantageous as it supports Apple ScriptMaker,
and can automatically transfer thumbnail images to a FileMaker Pro database. A new
low cost single-user version of Cumulus (3.0) is scheduled for release in the Fall
of 1996.
7. Cataloging Software: Where Are The Files When You Need Them?
By this time, you will be overloaded with files, different disks, floppies, Zip, Jaz,
magneto-opticals, Syquests and everything but paper tape. You will have various versions
of the same file in many different locations. How will you ever find a file that
you need for a publication?
Iomega Corp. (Roy, UT) provides a utility called "FindIt" with their Jaz drives that
makes a compiled directory of the contents of various hard disks and removables.
It works very well with magneto-opticals disks, Zip and Jaz drives, and floppies.
However, it will only work with drives that have Macintosh formatting. It does not even recognize
the presence of a PC-formatted Zip or PC-formatted magneto-optical disk (see below).
PRIOR TO CONFOCAL IMAGING 1. Evaluation Of Fluorescent Images Prior To Confocal Microscopy The best way to obtain excellent final confocal images is to start with a good specimen.
All the digital magic in the world won't make a good picture if you start with a
bad specimen. Careful evaluation of your fluorescent labeled specimen on a high quality fluorescent
microscope will save you a lot of time and effort on the confocal microscope. Your
best confocal images will be obtained from sections of highest quality. Such sections
are easily identified on a standard fluorescent microscope. The qualities that should
be evaluated include: A) General tissue quality, including fixation, lack of tears or folding in tissue B) High signal to noise ratio. The labeled processes should be bright and readily
distinguished from the background. High background fluorescence poses a difficult
problem that cannot be easily overcome by even the best confocal microscope. Poor
signal to noise ratio will prompt you to modify your final image by increasing the contrast
to excess. C) Good separation of fluorophores. Very bright intensity of fluorescence of tetramethyl
rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) or indocarbocyanine (Cy3) will produce substantial
breakthrough of the image into the range of the fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)
image. While your naked eye will note this to be somewhat red in color, the PMT in
the CLSM is colorblind and will detect this and not distinguish it from the FITC
component of the image. While additional filters may help, there are several strategies
that will help you deal with this problem. 2. Fluorescent Excitation/Emission: A Moving Target Fluorescent excitation/emission is a degradative process. The brighter the excitation
(within limits), the brighter the resulting emitted image. In order to examine the
image for adequate evaluation of its quality and content, the user will expose the
tissue for increasing lengths of time. Both excitation brightness and duration of exposure,
while required for evaluation of the tissue, also degrade the quality of the fluorescence.
At saturating levels, the half life of FITC and TRITC is only about 1-2 seconds. When dealing with in vivo
or in vitro
specimens, the problem is even more notable, as the prolonged exposure to intense
excitation light degrades the cells, and hastens cell death. (This has been used
to good benefit in the selective killing of identified cells in nervous tissue).
Achieving good dark adaptation by the observer, use of efficient microscopes, supercooling the
specimen, pulsing the light source and various reagents (often toxic to living cells)
have all been used to diminish the fading, but the inevitable lose of fluorescence
cannot be fully avoided. As a result of these limitations, you may find that you are reluctant to examine the
tissue at length before going to the confocal microscope to capture your "perfect"
confocal images. This results in many bad confocal images, often consequent to the
fact that the original tissue was not properly evaluated before using the CLSM. All the
tricks in the world of post-acquisition processing of confocal images won't improve
a lousy specimen. An expensive CLSM won't take a good picture of a bad specimen. Far too often, investigators would be better served learning how to optimize their
use of a fluorescent microscope more thoroughly before spending time hacking images
from a confocal microscope. 3. Selection Of Fluorophores This is a large and complex topic. It is dealt with extensively in the excellent chapter
by Brelje, Wessendorf and Sorenson (1993) in the monograph Methods in Cell Biology: Cell Biological Applications of Confocal Microscopy
, edited by Brian Matsumoto. If working with a single fluorophore, most users seem to prefer either FITC or Cy3.
FITC has long been used, and the emission wavelength corresponds to the range of
peak sensitivity of the human eye. Cy3, with an emission wavelength in the short
red range, has become increasingly popular. Cy3 is intensely fluorescent and bleeds both high
and low--use it only in single fluorophore configuration, unless you have previously
determined that the two compounds of interest definitely do not co-localize in the
same structure. The great advantage of so bright a fluorophore is that you can use a smaller
aperture, with a favorable signal to noise ratio, lower laser power and shorter exposure
times. My own preferences are: A) Single fluorophore: Cy3 B) Double label fluorophores: FITC and LRSC or FITC and Cy5 C) Triple label fluorophores: FITC, LRSC and Cy5 D) Quadruple label: aminomethylcoumarin acetate (AMCA), FITC, LRSC and Cy5 (AMCA requires
a laser that excites in the range of UV to short blue. While expensive, microscopes
with lasers in this range are increasingly available.) All these fluorophores can be obtained from Jackson Immunoresearch Laboratories, Incorporated
(West Grove, PA).
4. Using NIH Image
To Visualize Cy5 Many people have difficulty with Cy5 for the very reason that makes it so useful--it's
emission is widely separated from that of FITC, and thus is barely visible to the
naked eye. It is only visible if you are completely dark adapted, have a very efficient microscope and the intensity of fluorescence is robust. Even then, you will not be
able to see much of the fine detail. However, as users of NIH Image
, you have one of the best tools available for imaging Cy5, if you have a video camera
that supports on-chip integration (see following section) and a Scion LG-3 frame
grabber. CCD video cameras are quite sensitive in the red to infra-red range. Wayne
Rasband has provided a useful macro that allows you to vary the on-chip integration time
and adjust the duration of integration while viewing the image on your computer monitor.
For even greater control of signal fading, you should also use a Uniblitz shutter
between the fluorescent light source and the microscope (see "Macros For Shutter Control"
below). 5. On-Chip Integration The intensity of fluorescent images is relatively low compared to the sensitivity
of most CCD cameras. Video cameras sample available light, then send a complete image
to the monitor every 1/30 of a second (33.3 msec or 30 frames per second). At that
moment, the previous image is erased and the camera again starts to accumulate a charge
proportional to the intensity of the incident light. As the amount of light declines, the camera produces a more grainy, noisy image. With
progressively lower light levels, the camera fails to detect a sufficient number
of incident photons to provide a useful image. Averaging frames will not help, nor
will software integration of multiple weak images. In photography with film, the user has a number of options: A) Increase the speed of the film B) Increase the aperture or light collecting ability of the optics C) Increase the exposure time--i.e., decrease the shutter speed The analogous situation pertains to improving image capture with video cameras. A) Increase the speed of the film If you need to observe rapidly changing events, the only strategy you have available
is to increase the sensitivity of your detector by using an intensified video camera.
This is quite expensive, and the quality of the image is often degraded by the intensifier. B) Increase the aperture or light collecting ability of the optics There have been great improvements in the quality of fluorophores, light sources,
lenses and filters. However, many images are still too faint to be adequately captured
with a standard video camera. C) Increase the exposure time--i.e., decrease the shutter speed If your specimen is stable, then you can opt for longer exposure times. On-chip integration acts by increasing the exposure time, thus increasing the number
of photons captured. Rather than sending the image to the monitor every 33 msec,
photons are allowed to accumulate on the sensor, and the image sent to the monitor
when it is deemed adequately saturated. This technology has been available for many decades,
but the cost often seemed beyond the budget of most labs. NIH Image
, in conjunction with some inexpensive hardware, now permits this technology to be
widely used. In order for this to work properly, you need four components: A) A video camera capable of on-chip integration. B) A source for a properly timed TTL pulse. C) A frame grabber (video digitizer) that grabs the image at exactly the correct moment
that the camera is sending the integrated image. D) A computer and software that can control this process. 6. Practical Guidelines For Implementing On-Chip Integration A) Choice of Camera: Several video cameras now provide built-in circuitry for on-chip
integration at no additional cost. These include the two most widely used video cameras
in labs, the Cohu 4915 (Cohu Inc., San Diego, CA) and the Dage-MTI 72 (Dage-MTI,
Inc, Michigan City, IN). Images are allowed to accumulate on the camera sensor until
a suitable level of exposure is achieved. A TTL pulse is then sent to the camera
indicating that the computer now expects to receive the accumulated (integrated)
image. B) and C) TTL Pulse Source and Synchronized Frame Grabber: The Scion LG-3 card has
made this technology available at low cost. Under normal operating conditions, the
LG-3 continually samples the input from the video camera and displays the results
to the monitor. However, under appropriate software control, the LG-3 card provides an output
of a TTL pulse that is synchronized to the video digitizer, and captures the next
image and holds it in the display buffer. D) The software for controlling this whole process is provided in NIH Image
. Wayne Rasband has provided a macro to control the duration of the exposure time
for on-chip integration. 7. Macros For Shutter Control I strongly recommend the use of Uniblitz shutter between the excitation light source
and the specimen. The Uniblitz shutter is manufactured by Vincent Associates in Rochester,
N.Y. Most microscope manufacturers can provide an adapter to mount the shutter between the excitation source and the microscope. The shutter is controlled by a Uniblitz
controller box connected to the computer. The advantage of using the shutter control is that it will limit the exposure of your
tissue to the fading effects of the excitation by restricting exposure times to only
that period required for actually collecting the images. Without this, I often forget to manually close the shutter, only to discover that I have burned out my best specimens.
Chi-Bin Chien, formerly of UCSD, has written a series of macros to control the shutter.
I have combined the shutter control macros with Wayne's macro for on-chip integration.
These macros are available as part of the collection of "Confocal Macros" provided at the NIH Image
FTP site. The following description pertains to the use of a fluorescent specimen. I suggest
that you practice the use of on-chip integration with a transmitted light specimen,
with the illumination set to a very low level. Once you have mastered the procedure
for on-chip integration, you can then experiment with a fluorescent specimen. A) A camera window should be selected. The shutter can be closed. Turn off the AGC
(automatic gain control) on the CCU (camera control unit ). Set the manual gain and
manual black level fully counterclockwise. B) Select the macro for on-chip integration. If you do not have a Uniblitz shutter,
you should open the manual shutter to allow excitation of your specimen. C) If the image is too dim, move the mouse towards the top of the camera window. D) If the image is too bright, move the mouse towards the bottom of the camera window.
E) The information window in the lower left corner of the screen will report on the
number of frames that were integrated for the latest image. You can modify the macro
to provide a direct readout of the duration of integration in seconds. F) Observe the histogram for best spread of brightness values. G) You may find it helpful to make minor adjustments in the quality of the image by
changing the gain and black level settings on the CCU. H) When you are satisfied with the quality of the image, terminate data collection
by moving the mouse off the left side of the camera window and hold down the mouse
button. The last image will continue to be displayed on the monitor. The shutter
will then close, protecting the specimen from further fluorescent excitation. This procedure requires practice to obtain images with a broad range of values. As on-chip integration time increases, you will note a marked delay between the time
you press down the mouse button and the appearance of a change in the image. 8. On-Chip Integration, Multiple Labeled Sections, And RGB Images NIH Image
permits you to evaluate the quality of multiply stained sections prior to using the
confocal. If you first obtain optimal quality images on the standard fluorescent scope using
NIH Image
, you can then combine the images to produce a useful RGB Stack. This can be tentatively
evaluated using the NIH Image
function RGB to Indexed Color
. The Stack can also be saved and produces a high quality 24-bit RGB image that can
be further modified in Adobe Photoshop. A) Collect the image that you wish to be in the red slice of the Stack, using on-chip
integration. Adjust the gain and black level to obtain the widest range of values,
as indicated in a histogram of the image. B) Run the macro provided "Make Stack from Current Image". This will take the current
selected image, make a new Stack with three slices, for the R, G and B planes, and
paste the selected image into the "red" plane. C) Now collect a second image using the on-chip integration. Copy it to the buffer
and paste it into the second slice ("green" plane). D) If you have a triple labeled section, collect this with the on-chip integration
routine, place it in the third slice ("blue" plane). E) You can now use the RGB to Indexed Color
operation under the Stacks
menu to generate an indexed color image showing the double or triple labeled result. F) Save
the file as an RGB TIFF file. It can now be opened with Adobe Photoshop for better
color images. The steps in the above procedure can be further automated with a macro. III. OPENING CONFOCAL IMAGES IN NIH IMAGE
The most commonly used CLSMs are made by BioRAD, Zeiss, and Leica instruments. The software/hardware used to generate
images in these instruments stores the files in a DOS based file format. Thus the
user is confronted with two initial tasks: transferring the file from a DOS based
computer to a Macintosh and converting the file from its original file structure to an
NIH Image
file. 1. Transferring Files From A DOS, DOS/Windows Or OS/2 Based Computer To A Macintosh I suggest that you initially collect your images to the hard disk connected to your
system. This will speed up data collection of extended Z-series. At the end of each
work-session you can transfer all the files to your Macintosh using one of three
methods: A) Sneaker net, B) Local area network, or C) FTP via Internet. A) Sneaker Net Transfer the files from the storage location on the original disk to a Zip,
Syquest, magneto-optical or similar high capacity medium. These disks can be formatted
as a DOS disk, and data directly transferred from BioRAD, Zeiss and Leica CLSM computers
to these media. The Macintosh PC Exchange provided by Macintosh in System 7.1.2 and higher allows you to directly read PC-formatted floppies, Zip disks, and others.
I don't recommend using Zip drives for original data collection as they are relatively
slow, with access times of ca. 30 msec. The Jaz and Syquest drives have access/write times approximately equal to that of hard disks. For further comments and cautions,
see below. These disks can be manually carried to your Macintosh, which is presumably equipped
with a similar drive. This is commonly referred to as a "Sneaker net". The major
limitation of this method is that it demands that your Macintosh be able to read
the various formats of different media. This is not always a valid assumption and relies upon
your ability to find the correct drivers for different operating systems for the
different types of media. My own preference is for a disk of reasonable cost that can hold a typical workday's
worth of data. The Zip drive, with storage capacity of ca. 100 MB and at a unit price
of about $12-15, though relatively slow, meets both these criteria. I don't recommend the use of floppy disks. They are very slow and cumbersome if you
have many files, and requires that you have many pre-formatted disks. If you have
an extended Z-series on a BioRAD CLSM, the file may be 7-25 MB, and is not easily
transported via floppy disks. Magneto-optical disks have a large capacity, and are long-lived. However, each drive
manufacturer seems to have a different formatting scheme. I recommend them for archiving
your files, but not for transferring them from the CLSM to the Macintosh. We have
had endless aggravation with various incompatibilities. B) Local Area Network (LAN) An efficient method of transferring files is to have both the DOS and Macintosh based
machines on a common Ethernet network, with a common local server. If you have an
Office of Computer Services (or something of similar ilk), they can provide various
options for LAN between Macintoshes and PCs. An alternate means is to use MacLAN 5.5 for
your PC MacLAN (Miramar Systems, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA) operates within Windows
3.1 and Windows 95. MacLAN allows your Macintosh "Chooser" to see the PC as another
client on an AppleTalk zone, and your PC to act as if it were another Macintosh on your
AppleTalk network. Assuming that you are familiar with using a Macintosh on a Ethernet
network, this allows simple file transfers at high speed. We have found MacLAN to
be a good idea, but seems to be plagued with bugs and problems in reliability and speed
of transfer of files. C) FTP Via Internet
Transfer between computers that do not share a common server or network can be accomplished
using Internet protocols such as FTP (file transfer protocol). In our experience,
the most efficient program for doing this on the Macintosh is Fetch 2.1.2 (or higher), a public domain freeware program available on the server.
Fetch 2.1.2 will facilitate all aspects of the transfer from a PC/DOS machine. If
you do not know how to set up your PC as an FTP site, contact your local computer
center for assistance. The advantage of FTP using Fetch 2.1.1 on the Macintosh is that it doesn't
seem to care what kind of operating system is working on the remote host. Fetch may
be one of the most bomb-proof programs I have worked with--and it's free! When performing an FTP, make sure that you perform the transfer in binary format,
or the files will be unusable. Do not erase the original files until you are certain that you have obtained a successful
transfer and conversion.
We recommend that you always save copies of the original files in their original
native (DOS or OS/2) format. A potential drawback to both LAN and FTP transfers is that the host computer containing
the original files must be continuously available for the transfer. If someone decides
to turn off the computer, or wants to use it for further data collection before you get back to your computer to effect the transfer, you may be cut off. In addition,
if you are mainly a Macintosh user, you may find that setting up LANs and FTP links
from the PC side is not as simple as on the Macintosh. D) Zip Drives The new Zip drives from Iomega have inexpensive removable media that hold 100 MB/disk.
This is usually sufficient for a single day's CLSM collection. A major advantage
of the Zip drive is that it is also compatible with the IBM OS/2. I have used this
without difficulty with the Leica/Windows 3.1 version, BioRAD Comos for DOS, and LaserSharp
1024 running under IBM's OS/2. The advantage of the Iomega Zip drive is that the
drive is small, relatively inexpensive, and is supplied in two different hardware
versions that can be connected to either the standard SCSI port on the Macintosh and many
PCs, or to the parallel port on PCs. Iomega provides drivers for use with MacOS,
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT and IBM's OS/2. The disks, if formatted for the
PC, are also suitable for OS/2, and can be read on a Macintosh using the standard PC Exchange
provided in the Macintosh operating system. If you open a file on your a PC-formatted Zip disk on the Macintosh, and then Save
it, you will have difficulty using the disk again on a PC. Iomega has not been helpful
about the issue of cross compatibility of their drivers between PC and MacOS. In view of the problems I have encountered with the Zip drives mentioned above, my
current practice is to transfer the contents of the PC-formatted Zip drive to a magneto-optical
with Macintosh formatting. If I want to use the files on a Macintosh (e.g., at home), I transfer the files to a Zip disk that has been formatted for the Macintosh.
The archival stability of Zip drives is still unknown. I strongly recommend that you
store the original data files on archival media.
E) Magneto-Optical Disks For Archival Storage The simplest means of storing large quantities of data is to store the file on a removable
disk medium of large capacity that can be read by DOS, Macintosh and OS/2 systems.
Since confocal images generate large data files, most systems have magneto-optical (MO) disks of 500 MB to 1.3 GB. A popular medium for this is the 1.2 GB MO disk,
sold by Sony, Verbatim and others. These have the advantage of large capacity and
have an archival life of at least thirty years. The most common drives are the Tahiti
Max Optix 3, Pinnacle Sierra, various Sony, Ricoh, HP and NEC units. The disks are frequently
(though not always) interchangeable. Many BioRAD confocal scopes were supplied with
Panasonic MO drives. These use a proprietary disk that cannot be read by the drives
of the previously mentioned manufacturers. When confronted with a Panasonic drive,
use a LAN or FTP to transfer your files. Until recently, these were the most common means of primary data storage for confocal
microscopy. The price of the disks have dropped recently, and are now available for
about $50 for a 1.3 GB disk. This is about half the price of a Jaz drive (also 1
GB), and though slower than the Jaz drives, is less prone to data loss. The popularity of magneto-optical disks has declined recently due to the widespread
availability and low price of Zip drives. Many people have had problems when attempting
to read standard 1.2 GB disks that were originally formatted on a DOS based Pinnacle or Tahiti drive. This is particularly severe if you are using OS/2 with LaserSharp
1024. A significant problem with magneto-optical disks is the lack of universal driver
standards. Use "Multi-Driver" on your Macintosh to facilitate reading DOS-formatted
optical disks. "Multi-Driver" is a Macintosh Control Panel included in a software package
sold by PC Access. The BioRAD OS/2 optical driver cannot read Macintosh-formatted magneto-optical disks
at this time. I no longer recommend using magneto-optical disks to move files from
a PC platform (Windows or OS/2) to a Macintosh. Go with a Sneaker net using Zip drives,
LAN or FTP. Magneto-optical disks, however, remain an ideal medium for archival storage
of large files. 2. Opening BioRAD Files in NIH Image
BioRAD files consist of a 76-byte header that defines the size of the image in width
and height, states if it is a Z-series, and, following the image data, provides information
on parameters during collection of data, magnification scale and notes. The file structure of the new software, LaserSharp 1024, is similar to that of the earlier
versions of Comos, with only minor exceptions pertaining to the footer at the end
of the file that contains information about the parameters used during data collection.
Individual BioRAD files can be opened using the Import
function of NIH Image
. However, this requires that the user know the width and height of the individual
file (Most frequently 768x512 in BioRAD files from an MRC600; 512x512 or 1024x1024
in LaserSharp 1024 for an MRC1000; 512x512 in Leica files). Unfortunately, I cannot
figure out how to transfer a merged 8-bit BioRAD image to a Macintosh. The associated LUT
(look-up table) is apparently stored in a manner or location that eludes me. If someone
has solved this problem, please let me know. The Import
function does not permit importing a Z-series. The macro for importing BioRAD files
will correctly import a Z-series. The macro "Import BioRAD MRC Z Series ", contained in the associated file "Confocal
Macros", enables opening of either single sections or a Z-series. This works equally
well on files generated with Comos and those generated with the recently released
software, LaserSharp 1024. LaserSharp 1024 operates under OS/2. These files can be opened
using the same macro employed to open the DOS-formatted files. LaserSharp 1024 stores
each separate color plane of an RGB Z-series as a separate file. All three image
planes of a single RGB file can be optionally stored as a single file. After loading the BioRAD macro, you can "run" it by selecting it from the Special
menu. The dialog will ask you for the "Starting Slice" of the Z-series. The default
is 1.00. Accept that value for the moment. A BioRAD file containing only a single
image will appear on the screen with the title of the original file (e.g., Axons03.PIC).
I suggest that you immediately Save
the file, prior to making any modifications, (e.g., "Axons03.PIC.Img"). This macro
will load as many sections as possible, dependent upon memory. If the number of Z-sections exceeds the memory allocated to NIH Image
, the macro will stop running. You can Save
the first group of sections in a separate file. Close
the file, and again run the macro "Import BioRAD MRC Z Series", but when prompted
for the "Starting Slice", enter the number of the last Z-section displayed. If the
original Z-series is very large, you may have to do this several times. You can solve
this problem either by buying lots of RAM, or store Z-series in smaller increments. This
problem is particularly notable if you have collected images at 1024x1024 as well
as collecting an extended Z-series. (e.g., 70 sections at 1024x1024 results in a
file of ca. 74 MB.) The associated calibration and notes of a single image file will be placed in a separate
NIH Image
text window. If you wish to include this information on the image that you saved
as an NIH Image
file, you must Paste
it from the text window to the image window. If your notes contain information about
pixel size and dimension of the image, use that to calibrate the scale of the image.
(See "Set Scale" in NIH Image Manual
). Once you have calibrated the image, Save
the file once again. The current version of the BioRAD macro does not properly read
the calibration or notes file attached to a Z-series file. BioRAD Z-series can be stored as a single large file, or as a series of individual
sections. The former configuration has the advantage that all related files are stored
in a single locus. However, it also means that such files may be huge. Using the
above macro, a BioRAD Z-series will be opened into a new Stack. Save this in a similar
manner suggested above for a single image file. If this is a Z-series, use Stacks
menu, and select Options
to enter the step size of the motorized focus used when originally recording the
Z-series. The magnification and slice spacing are stored with the original BioRAD
file. You may find it useful to Add
a Slice
to the beginning of a Stack to record specific comments about the series, what the
data represents, and an image of Z-projection to demonstrate the contents of the
file. Save
the original BioRAD *.PIC files, just in case. You can move all the original files
into a separate sub directory to reduce clutter. A) BioRAD Split Screen Images Simultaneous collection of double labeled sections on the BioRAD can be displayed
and saved on a "split screen" image, with the two images from PMT 1 and 2 displayed
"side by side." This has two advantages: The macro described in the previous section will open and display the split screen
image. If you want to separate the two halves of the screen into separate images,
use the macro "Merge BioRAD Split". This will convert the original split image into
a three slice Stack (left image, right image and one blank black slice), then produce a merged
color image. If you want to interchange the red and green planes, Select the window
containing the Stack of three images, and run the macro "Swap Red_Green". The Stack of three slices (left, right and blank), can then be saved as a 24-bit image
in Adobe Photoshop 3.0 format, in the following manner: B) Merging Split Screen Z-Series The macro that operates on a Z-series of a split screen multi-labeled section will: Leica file format is a TIFF format. The Leica operating system is a peculiar hybrid
using a VME bus with a 68040 CPU operating under OS/9, but uses a Windows front-end
that generates DOS types of files. Leica has announced the release of a new software/operating system for their confocal microscope, based on Windows NT. The format of the
images, however, will reportedly be unchanged. The original Leica files (and the
new Windows NT files) can be directly read by a Macintosh. They will show up on your
Macintosh desktop as PC files, with various optional icons, depending on how you set your
system parameters in the Control Panel, PC Exchange.
Each separate image file is accompanied by an "info.dat" file. Z-series are stored
as single files with sequential numbers but with only a single info.dat file for
the whole series. In order to reduce confusion in handling these Z-series with large
numbers of files, move each Z-series set into a separate folder on your Macintosh. If you are running NIH Image
, you can Open
these files directly, without having to Import
them. However, you will not be able to double-click on the files to open them in
NIH Image
. In order to do that, pursue the following procedure: A) Obtain a copy of "CTC 1.4" (or later) to change file type and creator. CTC 1.4
is available from the NIH Image
server at B) Select all the Leica graphics files in each folder (not the information.dat files)
and drag them on top of the icon for CTC. C) Using the resulting dialog box, change the "New Creator" to Imag
, and the "New Type" to TIFF
(creator and type are case sensitive, so enter exactly as spelled). All the files will now have an NIH Image
icon, and will be treated as NIH Image
files by the program. The info.dat files should be changed to "New Creator" Imag
and "New Type" to TEXT
. This file contains important information including scaling factors, size of image,
size of pixel, and spacing in a Z-series. To open a Leica Z-series Stack: A) Close
all other NIH Image
windows at this time. Make sure that you have placed all the related Leica image
files into a separate folder. B) Select Open
from the File
menu. In the resulting dialog box, go to the desired folder and click "Open All",
then Open
. This will open all the files in rapid sequence. C) Select Windows to Stack
from the Stacks
menu. Make sure that you set the magnification/calibration scales and slice spacing. D) Save
the resulting Stack with a new name. 4. Zeiss Files Zeiss files saved using the newer version of software with the LSM 310 and 410 are
"standard" *.TIF files. Use the same procedure outlined above for the Leica files--i.e.,
use CTC to change "New Creator" to Imag
and "New Type" to TIFF
. The files can then be directly opened by NIH Image
. Make sure the LUT is correctly set. I have often found the Zeiss LUT map to be inverted,
with a negative slope, and an inverted image. Click on the icon in the lower left
corner of the mapping window to obtain the correct black/white relationship. 5. Molecular Dynamics/Sarastro
Jay Hirsh kindly provided information on the format of Molecular Dynamics files. The
data files are simple files without a header or footer. Each image of a Z-series
is stored as a separate file. Information about a single image, or about a Z-series
is stored in a separate text file. The text file can be directly opened by NIH Image
. A) Place all associated images of a single Z-series in a single folder. Make sure
that they are correctly numbered to reflect their order of collection (e.g., 008.ext,
009.ext, 010.ext, not 8, 9, 10). B) Select Import
from Stacks
menu. The user must know the image format (512x512 or 1024x1024) in order to use
this correctly. The offset value is 0. C) Check boxes "Open All" and "Invert". D) Click Open
. This will open all the files to the screen. E) Select Windows to Stack
from the Stack
menu. F) Save
the Stack with a name of your choosing. 6. Noran Confocal Files There is a version of NIH Image
that is used for direct data collection on the Noran. The resultant files are obviously
compatible with NIH Image
. The Noran is also sold with a version of Image-1, a DOS based program. A version
of this program is now also available for DOS/Windows. I have no information about
the file format used by Image-1. IV. BASIC IMAGE MANIPULATIONS NIH Image
provides the user with an extensive range of image processing tools. You should become
fully conversant with all these tools, including how to obtain a histogram, how to
interpret the histogram, manipulating the look-up table (LUT), substituting a pseudocolor LUT in place of the standard gray scale LUT and inverting the LUT. Keep in mind that most changes will only be made to the "display" buffer not to the
"file" buffer. Thus, if you examine a histogram, then modify the brightness and/or
contrast, the histogram will not be changed. If you now Apply LUT
to the file buffer, the new histogram will reflect those changes. The original file,
stored on your disk, will not be altered by this operation unless you now Save
this modified file. The reader should use one of their own sample CLSM files to familiarize
themselves with operations of NIH Image
. All the operations in this section are fully dealt with in the NIH Image
manual, About NIH Image
. You now can open one of the files that you imported to the Macintosh. Until you are
experienced with the program, make a backup copy of the file, and only work on the
copy, not the original file. Using the Save As...
function of NIH Image
, change the name of the file so that you don't mistakenly modify your original data
file. 1. Evaluating The Quality Of Your Original CLSM Image As stated previously, the quality of the image that you obtain from the following
manipulations will be directly dependent upon the quality of the image that you start
with. Thus, if you start with a lousy image, you may be able to make it look presentable, but it is still going to be a lousy image. A) Making sure that your original CLSM image uses the full range of 8-bit values (0-255) The most common flaw with confocal images, as with video images in general, is that
the user has not utilized the full 8-bit range of gray values. Many of the manipulations
that you perform on the original CLSM may make your image appear to be satisfactory. However, many data files do not contain a full dynamic range of values (0-255),
and the image was massaged by artificially spreading a narrow range of values (e.g.,
50-120) by modifying the LUT. In order to develop an appreciation for the gray scale content of your images in NIH Image
, examine a histogram of the image. Learn to use the adjustments to black level and gain on the CLSM to optimize the spread
of gray values. If you have to trade off between using the "+1 to +3 LUT" position
on the BioRAD versus a brighter setting of the laser, choose the brighter laser setting. It will burn out your specimen faster, but give you a better signal to noise ratio
and a wider dynamic range in gray scale value. The "Photon Counting" mode, or the
"Accumulate" mode on the BioRAD will often provide an image with the best dynamic
range. On the BioRAD, I prefer to use the "Accumulate" mode with "Slow Scan" for best results.
It is not the purpose of this manual to teach the use of CLSMs, but I only wish to
emphasize the importance of the quality of the original image. B) Avoiding High Contrast Images If you get into the habit of checking the histogram of your images as you collect
them on the CLSM, you will improve the quality of the original images, and find less
need to twiddle with the LUT values. C) Avoiding Noisy Images If possible, collect images using the "F1" (Slow) setting (on the BioRAD) with a Kalman
setting of at least 3, or "Accumulate" mode. When using "Accumulate mode", you can
use a less intense laser source, and manually accumulate until the image appears
satisfactory. 2. Editing Image A) Cropping Images, Erasing, Superimposing Text, Scale Bars, Rotating And Scaling
NIH Image
provides a wide range of tools for editing your image. These are described in NIH Image
manual About NIH Image
. 3. Using LUTs The following operations are commonly used to enhance the image. These are standard
operations on all confocal scopes, and are based on methods that are widely used
for manipulating digital images. See appropriate section of the NIH Image
manual. A) Modifying Brightness And Contrast In the simplest operation involving look-up tables, you may choose to emphasize a
selected range of index values (gray scale values), and minimize other values. The
choice may be based on your interpretation of the information content of the image.
Learning how to interpret the histogram, and modifying brightness and contrast are essential
skills in image processing. B) Linear And Non-Linear LUTs, Including Custom LUTs The standard LUT shown in the mapping window (lower left side of your screen) is a
linear LUT. You can modify the brightness and contrast values by either dragging
the Brightness and Contrast
slider buttons, or by directly dragging the plotted line in the mapping window. The "Confocal Macros" file included with this manual provides a number of alternate,
non-linear LUTs based on sampling the values within your display buffer. These include
Log, Parabolic, Square, Square Root and Gamma transforms. Play with each of these
and observe the effects on your images. You will probably find the Gamma transforms
most useful when used with a setting of 1.5 to 2.0. Many of the resultant changes
produce results similar to those obtained on the BioRAD with +1, +2 and +3 LUT settings.
When you open BioRAD files with NIH Image
, the results may not match what you saw on the BioRAD. Most commonly, the image will
appear much darker, and lacking the detail you so clearly remember seeing on the
screen when collecting the original image. NIH Image
has not corrupted your files. This is most frequently due to the fact that the image
you viewed on the confocal microscope may have had a non-linear output LUT attached
to it. The original data is imported intact, but the output LUT is not attached to
the new NIH Image
file, and a new linear LUT is appended to the file. See the NIH Image
manual for instruction on how to modify the LUT. C) Enhance Contrast Operator In NIH Image
The Enhance
menu item in NIH Image
has a specific function entitled Enhance Contrast.
This produces a custom linear LUT effect that is as good as any result I can obtain
in my attempts to manually modify the LUT curves. However, you may find that this
operation produces an excessively contrasty image, with too steep a slope in the
LUT mapping window. If so, then manually change the LUT in the mapping window to give a slope
of the LUT about halfway between the original value and that produced by Enhance Contrast
. If that is satisfactory, then Apply LUT
). If you feel that you want still more contrast in the image, repeat the above sequence.
In order to appreciate the effects of this operation on the original image, examine
a histogram of the image before and after this procedure. As in all alterations to the LUT, the Enhance Contrast
operation only modifies the display buffer, not the image in the file buffer or the
original file on the disk. In order to alter the file buffer, you must perform Apply LUT
. This will not alter your original disk file. If you wish to do so, Save
the file. Once you have done that, you cannot go back to the previous image. You
may, therefore, prefer to save the modified file under an alternate name. Enhance Contrast
is very different from the Equalize
operation, which is likely to result in excessively splotchy images. Compare the
effect of each of these operations on the appearance of the mapping, histogram windows
and LUT. D) Thresholding And Density Slicing See NIH Image
manual. E) Pseudocoloring Images Pseudocoloring confocal images assists the viewer in displaying double labeled sections,
detecting major differences in concentration, or changing concentrations, as in calcium
ratio imaging. See appropriate menu item, and NIH Image
manual for use of this operation. All the color applications described in this manual,
although they may resemble the original colored fluorescent image, are pseudocolor.
F) Exporting To Adobe Photoshop Recent versions of NIH Image
save single files and RGB files in a format that can be directly opened by Adobe
Photoshop 3.0. This will not work with Z-series. 4. Enhancing/Filtering Image NIH Image
provides a wide range of tools for enhancing and filtering images, including filters
to sharpen, smooth, shadow and detect edges. You can write your own kernels, run
median filters, and Sobel operators. Some of these operations are multistage operations
and alter both the display buffer and the file buffer (but not the disk file), and
cannot be Undone
. You will have to reopen the original file to restore the image. For further details, see NIH Image
manual. 5. Quantitative Measurements NIH Image
was originally developed for quantitative measurements. There are many useful functions
described in the About NIH Image
manual. Various measuring functions include: length, area, density, particle counting,
and profile of a Line. About NIH Image
will provide guidance in the use of these operations. 6. NIH Image
Macro Language One of the most powerful features of NIH Image
is the macro language. This allows the user to write simple Pascal-like scripts.
The distribution kit provided from the FTP site contains many sample macros that
can be readily modified to your particular needs. V. Advanced topics 1. Merging Pairs Of Double Labeled Sections One of the most valuable and commonly used features of confocal microscopy is the
ease of obtaining images of double and triple labeled histological sections. There
are two major obstacles that may cause difficulties when attempting to merge two
images: A) The contrast and brightness values of one section may be markedly different from
the other(s). This is best dealt with by careful evaluation of the images at the
time of original data collection, and modifying your means of collection. B) The two series of images of such a pair may not be in perfect register with each
other. This may be due to various factors, including misalignment of the PMTs, the
mirrors, and filter blocks. Most of the errors appear to occur in translation (X-
and Y-axes) and not in rotation. A shift of a few pixels may not be noticed, but occasionally
the error results in a marked shift from one color plane to the second. Simple translation
errors can be corrected by shifting the images one or more pixels at a time. Rotational errors are more difficult to correct, take longer, and frequently result
in image warping. If you find that you have marked rotational errors, the service
personnel from the manufacturer of your confocal microscope should deal with this.
NIH Image
provides an alignment operation, "Register". This can be used on sections in a Stack
(see below).
A) NIH Image
And Adobe Photoshop Two or three gray scale images of different fluorophores can be combined into a single
colored image, with each fluorophore represented by a different color. The color
chosen to represent each fluorophore is arbitrary, and can differ from the original
one. There are two different programs that can be used successfully for this purpose,
NIH Image
and Adobe Photoshop. There are benefits and disadvantages in the use of each program.
Adobe Photoshop is relatively expensive, but a superb commercial program. It supports
24-bit images and allows almost instantaneous adjustment of the individual red, green and blue planes of a merged image. NIH Image
produces an 8-bit custom palette of the merged image. It takes 5-10 seconds to produce
this image on a Macintosh IIfx, and is correspondingly faster on a Quadra 950 or
a PowerPC. Although this is an 8-bit color image, the result is often satisfactory,
and occasionally even comparable to that obtainable with Adobe Photoshop. However, NIH Image
may produce excessive dithering of the resultant image, and you cannot make small
adjustments in brightness or contrast of the final color image obtained with NIH Image
. Instead, you have to go back to the original gray scale images, modify them, and
then once again Merge
the images. Since each "Indexed Color" image produced with NIH Image
has its own unique LUT, you cannot directly do a side-by-side comparison of two different
color images if you merged using "Custom Colors", as the color values shift markedly
as you change windows. If you selected "System Colors", the quality of the color is more limited, but you will be able to compare results with other windows merged
using the same system LUT. This is a major disadvantage in relying exclusively on
NIH Image
. However, for routine operations, NIH Image
is satisfactory. In comparison, Adobe Photoshop, using a full 24-bit window, allows you to compare
multiple colored images simultaneously on a single screen. Adobe Photoshop also provides
an excellent range of filters and convolutions. The more immediate advantages of
NIH Image
are manifest in measurement capability, generating Stacks, Z-series projections,
and 3D-projections and rotations. Adobe Photoshop does not provide such facilities.
Until recently (prior to version 1.56), NIH Image
could only run under an 8-bit monitor setting. If you wanted to shift back and forth
from NIH Image
to Adobe Photoshop, you had to reset the monitor to 24-bit. Beginning with version
1.56, NIH Image
operates satisfactorily with the monitor set to 24-bits. NIH Image
version 1.59 now directly allows the user to save an RGB stack of three sections
in a format that can directly be read by Adobe Photoshop 3.0. If the file is modified
in Adobe Photoshop, then saved as an Adobe Photoshop TIFF file, it can be re-opened
by NIH Image
as a three slice stack. However, if you add additional Layers
or Channels
in Adobe Photoshop, it forces you to Save
the file in Adobe Photoshop format. This cannot be read by NIH Image
. An NIH Image
Z-series containing Merged
color slices cannot be read by Adobe Photoshop.
B) Double Labeled Sections: Building A Stack (Best Done Using A Macro) Two color plate: If you wish to combine only two plates, open the two files. Use the macro "Color Merge Two Images" contained in the sample "Confocal Macros" that
is provided with this manual. If you examine the sequence of commands in the macro,
you will find the following operations: A) Open
a fresh stack B) Paste
the "red" image into the first slice C) Add
to add an additional slice D) Paste
the "green" image into the second slice E) Add
to add a black (empty) third slice F) Merge
from RGB to 8-bit color using a custom LUT G) Open
a new window containing the merged color image Alternately, you can do this operation manually to familiarize yourself with the procedure.
The first file opened will become the red plane, the second file the green plane.
Under menu item Stack
choose Windows to Stack
. This will put the two plates into a stack labeled "RGB". Any further operations
will not alter your original data files, so you can always go back and start again. Save
a copy of the NIH Image
Stack. The following section describes how to use this Stack with Adobe Photoshop
3.0. If you want to alter the contrast or brightness of either of the color planes, you
have to modify either the original images or those in the RGB stack. I suggest that
you limit your initial attempts to the slices in the RGB stack. When you change the
Brightness or Contrast
of any single image, you must then Apply LUT
menu) to that single image. Do not use the Apply LUT
to "Stack" macro as this will modify all the images in the Stack. From the Stacks
menu select RGB to 8-bit Color.
In the resulting dialog box, select "Custom Colors". This will generate an "Indexed
Color" window from the Stack, but will not alter the stack itself. Since each original file may have a different distribution of values (see histogram),
the saturation of each color plane may differ markedly. Be creative, try different
ways of doing it. (e.g., use Enhance Contrast
operation on one slice at a time). Try non-linear LUTs, various filters, etc. The resulting "Indexed
Color" image can be saved with a unique name. Once you have mastered this sequence, you will have a clearer understanding of the
operation of the macro "Color Merge Two Images" contained in the sample "Confocal
Macros" that is provided with this manual. If you now Save
the RGB stack (RGB TIFF) in NIH Image
, the resulting file can be viewed with Adobe Photoshop as a 24-bit file. Version 1.58/1.59 of NIH Image
now permits Stacks to be directly saved in Adobe Photoshop 3.0 TIFF format. A) The stack must consist of 3 slices. B) Before saving the stack, open Slice Info
in the Stacks
menu. Confirm that RGB is selected. C) Save
the file. It will write the file as an RGB TIFF file. You can then directly open this NIH Image
Stack in Adobe Photoshop 3.0. An alternate means of converting the stack to an RGB TIFF format is to call the RGB
function. This will automatically change the "Slice Info" window to RGB. The resulting
"Indexed Color" image will give an approximate (8-bit) preview of the results to
be obtained with Adobe Photoshop (24-bit). Save
this file. You will now be able to use the various Adobe Photoshop tools to modify the resulting
24-bit image. You should explore the use of the Levels
command (Command+L
), as well as the Brightness/Contrast
command (Command+B
). If you have a quadruple (or more) labeled section (e.g., 512x512, four fluorophores,
or three fluorophores and a Nomarski/DIC image), and have stored them in a four slice
stack in NIH Image
, you can open them in Adobe Photoshop using the method described below. A) From the Adobe Photoshop File
menu, select Open.
B) Using the Adobe Photoshop Open dialog, go to the desired directory containing the
NIH Image
Stack file of interest. C) Using the same dialog box, pull down list at the bottom of dialog box, choose Raw
file format. D) This will show all files in the chosen folder. E) Select the NIH Image
Stack containing the four slices. You have to know the dimensions of the slices. F) The resulting dialog box requests that you fill in: H) Save the new Photoshop image using the Save As...
dialog box. Do not save as a Raw
image. Select TIFF format, and choose a new name for the file, otherwise the simple
command will overwrite the original NIH Image
file and store the data in the Raw
You can modify each color channel separately using several different methods, as described
in the Adobe Photoshop 3.0 manual. The quality of the resulting color image will generally be much better than that provided
by NIH Image
, as it can utilize a full 24-bit look-up table, and does not require dithering of
the image. The Adobe Photoshop manual and tutorial will provide further guidance in modifying
the images. C) Compare Results Of NIH Image
8-Bit Merge With Photoshop 24-Bit Merge The quality of the color image (assuming your monitor is set for 24-bit color) is
generally much better in Adobe Photoshop than the optimized 8-bit image obtained
in NIH Image
. D) Adjusting Color Contrast On Sections In A Stack (See Macros) Do the Enhance Contrast
operation separately on each section in the stack. Failure to do so will result in
the merging of both saturated and unsaturated images. If you are dealing with a single RGB section, you will find that Adobe Photoshop provides
much better tools for this. E) Merging A Double Labeled Pair Of Z-Series Using A Macro The drawback of this procedure is that the resulting images are 8-bits, not 24-bits.
I cannot find a way to do this procedure with Adobe Photoshop. 2. Projection Of A Z-Series And 3D Rotations Many of the most valuable qualities of confocal Z-series are that the data can be
manipulated to obtain "through views" of the stack, the stack can be resliced at
various angles converting a transverse view into a sagittal or horizontal plane,
it can be used to generate 3D images, stereo pairs, and other operations. Indeed, NIH Image
is able to perform operations as well as much of the software provided by the manufacturers
of confocal microscopes, and equivalent to many of the basic operations provided
by very expensive image processing programs such as VoxelView, VolVis and VoxBlast running on a Silicon Graphics Workstation. For more elaborate operations using true
Voxels, complex shading and ray-tracing in 24-bits, these latter programs are excellent
choices. For the most common operations, however, NIH Image
is quite adequate. Optimal performance on these tasks will be achieved using a PowerPC
with sufficient memory to handle your typical data sets. A) Stepping Through A Z-Series Using Stacks B) Animating A Z-Series This is an extremely useful benefit of the confocal microscope. A stack of Z-series
sections are all in optimal focus. If projected onto a single plane, all objects
throughout the thickness of the imaged section will now be in sharp focus and spatial
relationships may be more evident. NIH
version 1.58 and later provides macros to perform the Z-projection. A sample macro
to accomplish this operation is included in the accompanying macro files. A) Choose an extended Z-series (e.g., more than 10-20 images) with well defined profiles
of objects. B) Run the macro "Project Z Series". C) Use Project
command D) Set
: E) Select
"Minimize Window Size" F) Select
"X-Axis" G) Select
"Brightest Point" After you develop a sense of familiarity with the program, play with different values.
Start with the default values. Once you are more familiar with the Thresholding
tool (Magic Wand), you will be able to use that to set the range of values desired
for your Z-series. This will generate a single Z-projection of all the plates in the Stack, viewed from
directly in front of the stack. Experiment with different view angles by using different values for the "Initial
Angle", while leaving "Total
Rotation" at 0. If you want to make a quick and dirty stereo pair of images from a Z-series, then
the values should be something such as: Select the "Y-Axis" as your "Axis of Rotation". This will cause the resulting image
to rotate left to right (i.e., around
the Y-axis). Choose "Brightest Point" as the "Projection Method". This will produce a new Stack containing two images at an 8 increment. This is a
common angle for stereo pairs. In order to visualize this, you can do two different
procedures. A) Make sure that "Invert Pixel Values" are not selected in the Edit/Preferences
menu item. If selected, de-select this item. Then Select File/Record Preferences.
NIH Image
in order to implement the changes in preferences. If this item is "selected", you
will be easily confused by the various values displayed in the info, mapping and
histogram windows. B) There are a number of parameters in the Project
item under the Stacks
menu. Understanding the proper use of this item is critical to obtaining pleasing
results in Z-projections and rotations. C) The first of several items include obvious settings regarding "Slice Spacing",
"Initial Angle", "Total Rotation" and "Rotation Angle Increment". These values are
all obvious and pertain to the sampling interval of the resulting projection. The remaining items on the list, "Lower" and "Upper Transparency Bounds", "Surface
Opacity", "Surface-Depth Cueing", and "Interior-Depth Cueing", however, are very
confusing, and cannot be easily understood without some explanation. One of the greatest difficulties in mastering these functions is because once you
have selected specific settings, obtained an image, and then try other settings,
your screen will be cluttered with images, and the particular parameters used to
obtain them has been forgotten. Start with the "Lower" and "Upper
Bounds" in relationship to the stereo pairs you generated a few minutes ago. When making a simple single view Z-projection, the slice spacing is irrelevant. However,
depending upon the setting of the "Lower"
and "Upper Transparency
Bounds", and "Interior Depth-Cueing", or the resulting image is likely to appear somewhat
lacking in brightness. "Lower Transparency Bound" must be set to 0. (Note that this value is expressed from
0-254). This value determines the cut-off point of displayed pixels. All pixel values
below the setting selected will be discarded and modified to a darker value. Remember the whitest/brightest pixel on the Macintosh has a value of 0, the black pixel a
value of 255. "Lower Transparency Bound" greater than 0 (e.g., n
), will modify all pixels from zero to n
in your image and replace them with darker pixels. This results in dark gray to
black holes in the midst of a bright object. The setting of this value is quite simple.
The most effective way to appreciate the consequences of this choice is to look at
histograms of the images produced with "Lower
Bound" set to zero, and compare that with a histogram generated with a "Lower
Bound" of perhaps 50. Make sure that your starting image has prominent objects with
histogram brightness index values of 1-10 (out of a range of 0-255). For the "Upper Transparency Bound", I suggest that you start with a value of 254.
After using this for a while, play with other values. The three following functions in the Project
dialog box are expressed as values of 0-100%. NIH Image
1.61 sets "Interior Depth-Cueing" to a default of 50. This will produce "muddy" images.
You must set this to 0. D) Reslicing The Z-Series Along Alternate Planes: (X-Z, Y-Z And Theta-Z) One of the most useful features of NIH Image
is the ability to rapidly reslice a Z-series data stack along alternate planes.
In addition to simple orthogonal planes (i.e., X-Z and Y-Z), you can reslice at any
arbitrary angle between X and Y to generate a single Z-plane cross section. This
is very useful for evaluating the extent of penetration of antibodies into tissue, evaluating
cell spacing, etc. The closer the images in the original Z-series, and the greater their number, the
more natural appearing the final results. In order to provide a seemingly continuous
image in the resliced plane, the software interpolates gray values. For improved
quality of resliced images, your original Z-series should be as close as possible (e.g., 0.25
m). Have you set the calibration for magnification and slice spacing, as described above?
(Also see NIH Image
manual). Your original data file may contain the needed information about slice spacing. In
many of our files, the step size was 0.38 m (on a BioRAD), and the pixel size 0.105
m (9.5 pixels per m). However, this depends upon the Z-axis step size, the objective
and the zoom factor. A) From the Stacks
menu, select Options
. Enter the appropriate value in the slice spacing dialog. B) Select an image from the series that best shows the features of interest. Using
the Calibration/Measurement
tool (dashed line in the right hand column of Tool Palette), draw a line across the
section along the desired plane of resectioning. If you wish to constrain the plane
to either the X-or Y-axis, press the Shift
key and hold down as you draw the line. C) From the Stacks
menu, choose Reslice
(Command /
). If circular profiles appear excessively flattened in either the X- or Y-axis, experiment
with different values of "Slice Spacing" in the Options
dialog. E) Reslicing To Make A Z-Series In An Alternate Plane The preceding instructions describe how to obtain a single reslice in the X-Z or Y-Z
plane. If you would like to obtain a new stack of Z-series section, not just a single
section, use the macro provided, "Reslice Horizontally" or "Reslice Vertically".
The reslicing is limited to orthogonal planes of section. Thus, if you wish to reslice
along an oblique angle, you will first have to rotate the stack. In order to do this,
use the Angle
tool from the Tool Palette. Measure the degrees of variance of the object in the
image from the angle you finally desire. A) Use the macro "Scale and Rotate Stack",
using the angle value established in the previous paragraph. B) Now select a rectangular area that encloses the region you want to reslice in either
horizontal or vertical plane. C) Use the macro "Reslice Horizontally" or "Reslice Vertically". 1. Rapid Dynamic 3D Reslicing Norbert Vischer of the Netherlands has recently contributed an extremely useful macro,
"3D Slicer" for reslicing a stack of sections along the X-, Y- and Z-axes. This macro
is provided in the program "Object-Image 1.59", available from the NIH Image
FTP site. Object-Image 1.59 provides extremely rapid reslicing in real time. The
individual resliced sections cannot be saved, for unlike the macros described above,
they are not placed in a new stack. The reslicing of sections is accomplished by
dragging the mouse along the X-, Y- or Z-axes of a master stack, and results in rapid generation
of resliced images in the two other planes. Reslicing can only be done along orthogonal
planes. A) Open
a Z-stack of sections, such as the sample MRI Images of a human skull and brain.
B) Enter the correct magnification scale and slice spacing (5.0 mm), as described
above. C) Under Stacks
menu, select 3D Slicer.
This will open a new window containing an angled perspective view of the original
stack, with 3D-projection planes along the two alternate planes, as well. In the
upper part of the window will be an image of the resliced section parallel to the
X-axis. On the right side of the window will be the resliced section parallel to the Y-axis.
D) Place the mouse over the X, Y or Z margin. The cursor changes to a two headed arrow
indicating the direction of movement. Drag the X-, Y- or Z- axis on the main central
image, and observe the rapid resectioning in the alternate planes. E) Place the mouse over the intersection of the X- and Y-axes and the cursor becomes
a four-pointed arrow. You can now simultaneously reslice parallel to both the X-
and Y-axes. F) Double clicking the mouse on the X-or Y-axes will turn off the reslicing tool for
that axis. Double clicking on the dashed lines on the X- or Y-axis will restore the
reslicing planes. F) Generating A 3D-Series From A Z-Series This is a computationally intensive procedure. A fast PowerPC will prove very desirable
when doing this operation. When you are still learning the basics of this procedure,
use the Selection
tool from the Tool Palette and outline a small portion of the image when generating
a 3D-series. It will complete the task much more rapidly. Use care in settings. Remember to correct for thickness and spacing of individual
sections. Select the "Y-Axis" as your "Axis of Rotation". This will cause the resulting image
to rotate left to right (i.e., around
the Y-axis). Choose "Brightest Point" as the "Projection Method". Now click OK and wait. The program will generate a new stack of images of the "rotating"
objects in the original stack. Once you have had further experience with this procedure, Project
using a full 360 degree rotation at closer intervals, changing transparency values,
axes of rotation and the various other options available. A macro to facilitate this operation is provided. G) Animating A 3D-Series (Producing "Apparent Rotation") Under Special
menu, select Video Options
. Check "Oscillate Movies". Close the dialog box. To generate the impression of rotation with your newly generated 3D stack, use the
menu and select Animate
). This is heavily memory dependent, so keep your initial efforts small. You can control the speed of rotation with keys 1-9. You can step through single sections
using the < and the > keys. H) Make A Stereo Pair Or Series Of Stereos? There are several methods of generating stereo images from a stack of sections collected
in the Z plane. One simple method, the "pixel shift" method, is that used in the
original BioRAD software. The pixel shift method starts with a stack of a Z-series. You will generate two Z-projections
from this original stack. One will be "pixel shifted" to the left and a second "pixel
shifted" to the right. This is achieved by shifting each successive section in the stack by one additional pixel (or more, if desired) prior to performing the
Z-projection. The two resultant images are then placed side by side. The pixel shift
method is generally limited to stereo images centered around the original plane of
image collection. Projecting and ray-tracing is a second method that projects (ray-tracing) the stack
onto an imaginary view plane from different angles of view and generating a 3D rotation
series. This second method is computationally more complex, but provides the possibility of generating stereo views from any angle around a central point. Start with the original Z-series Stack. Select the Project
from the Stacks
menu and set "Initial Angle" to 354, "Increment Angle" to 6 and "Total
Rotation" to 12. This will produce a new Stack containing three slices (354 , 0 and
6 ). 1. Stereo Series In Black And White Once you have generated a 3D-series, make a Montage
series using the appropriate function from the Stacks
menu. The Montage
function is non-destructive, i.e., it does not erase the 3D stack, however, I suggest
that you Save
your work as you go along. A) Stacks Menu: Montage The resulting dialog box will show a series of values that are dependent upon the
number of sections in the stack. If you made a simple stack with only 3 sections,
then choose 1 row and 3 columns, and an increment of 1. If you generated a full 360
rotation series, you can select any range of slices (e.g., slices #4-8 out of 16 slices),
or incremental slices (every 2nd or 3rd slice in the stack), and define the numbers
of rows and columns you wish to see displayed. This will generate a series of images in a new window on the screen. If the resulting
images are too large to line up next to each other, use a scaling factor when generating
the montage. Start with two side-by-side images. To facilitate seeing the stereo effect without
special viewers, choose a set of images with a prominent object to provide an alignment
cue in the center of each image. Set the image size and separation with the alignment cues no more than 50 mm apart on the screen. Gradually work your way up to greater
separations and then slightly larger images. Initially, you may find that you require
a stereo viewer to visualize a stereo image from side-by-side images. With practice,
you will not require a stereo viewer and should be able to scan across pairs of sections
and jump from one stereo image to the next. (The typical interpupillary distance
of most people is about 65 mm. You can also practice learning to fuse stereo images
by using some of the recent popular books with "random dot stereograms", such as The Magic Eye
.) 2. Stereo Pair Of Single Labeled Section In Color An alternate manner of presenting stereo images is to merge a stereo pair into a single
image plane, assigning one image to red and the other to green. To generate a 3D rotation series around the Y-axes., limit the number of image to
two at a separation of ca. 6-12 . For the first trials, set the "Initial Angle" to
354, the "Increment Angle" to 6 and the "Total Rotation" to 12. This will generate
three plates in a new stack. Animate
the new stack of images, and if the animation produces the desired effect, delete
either the middle or one of the end plates. Add
a black plate as slice 3/3. (See section above on Merging Slices to generate 8-bit
color images). Using the Stacks
menu item RGB to 8-bit Color
, you will obtain a single merged image which can be viewed with a pair of Red/Green
stereo glasses. The greater the separation between plates (i.e., 12 rather than 6 ) the more exaggerated
the stereo effect. Play with different values. Some people find that angles greater
than 15-18 are excessive. 3. Color Stereo Images Of A Double Labeled Section Although this is a more complex set of operations, it is a logical extension of the
methods described above. First generate a 3D rotation series of each Z-series of a double labeled section.
the results. Close
all windows except those of the two 3D rotation series. Now use the macro "Color
Merge of Two Stacks". You will now have a rotation series (3D) of two simultaneous
different fluorophores. Animate
the series. Now generate stereo pairs, using the montage method described above. I) Exporting Stacks to QuickTime Movies and VCR Recordings of Stacks A rotating Z-series, or any other Stack, can be saved in QuickTime format, allowing
it to be viewed with a variety of other programs, such as a simple QuickTime Viewer,
or with a program designed for preparing and transcribing clips on a VCR, such as
Avid VideoShop 3.0. The latter program is presently distributed at no additional cost with
many Apple Computers. Avid Videoshop can be used to prepare a VCR tape of your data,
merging different data sets into a single sequence, etc. A) Save
the Stack in standard NIH Image
format. B) Open
the Stack, and select Save As...
C) There are a series of optional buttons at the bottom of the dialog box, including
TIFF, PICT, PICS and others. D) Choose "PICS" E) Rename file with new name (e.g., if file name was "NewCell", rename it "NewCell.PICS")
to avoid overwriting your original data file. F) The new file can still be opened as a Stack within NIH Image
. G) If you Save
the file, it will revert to the original TIFF format, though with the new filename,
and is likely to be confusing when you try to open it with a QuickTime player. Therefore,
any additional Save
operations should always be done using Save As...
VI. Printing on Video Printer, Dye sublimation printer, Slide Maker And VCR 1. Video Printer You can obtain an instant print of the NIH Image
window using a video printer, such as the Mitsubishi 67U or Sony thermal video printer.
This provides a gray scale print. The Mitsubishi produces a print of approximately
3x4 inches, and provides a running record of your results. Scion markets a NuBus
board (TV-3) that will directly send the contents of a selected window to an NTSC device.
The driver for the TV-3 board must be placed in the NIH Image
Plug-Ins folder. The drawback of the TV-3 is that it can only send out an image of
maximum dimension of 640x480 pixels. Since the standard BioRAD image is 768x512,
the image must first be scaled to a 640x480 size, or select a portion of the image
corresponding to this size. Images smaller than 640x480 will only fill a portion of the printed
field. It would be useful if the driver provided an autoscaling function. A simple
macro, however, can be written to accomplish a similar result. The new PowerPC 8500
provides direct NTSC and S-Video output. I have not had a chance to test them with
the Mitsubishi printer, but based on published specifications, these should provide
results similar to those obtained with the Scion TV-3 board. 2. Dye Sublimation Printer Prints of much better quality, including black and white or color prints, can be obtained
using the Kodak 8600 dye sublimation printer. The printer is provided with a Adobe
Photoshop Plug-In driver. Place this Plug-In in the folder of the same name in the
main NIH Image
directory. When you want to print the contents of a window, select the desired image.
Under the File
menu, choose Export
, and select the "Kodak 8600" printer driver. The typical image will print in approximately
one minute. If you are in NIH Image
, this works only with monochrome images printed on a black ribbon. Color prints are
best produced using Adobe Photoshop. A major limitation in the use of the Kodak printer
is the cost of each print ($2-$3), as well as the cost of the printer itself (ca.
$8,000). The wider availability of color laser printers may provide satisfactory color prints
at lower cost than those obtained with the Kodak 8600 printer. 3. Slide Maker There are a number of slide makers, including the LFR Lasergraphics, the GCC/Polaroid
slidemaker, Agfa and others. If you are using Microsoft PowerPoint to send images to a slidemaker, Scale
the images to the full size of the screen (e.g., 768x512) prior to saving them. Use
the "Bilinear Interpolation", rather than "Nearest Neighbor", for best results. You
can also use PowerPoint to combine different images on a single slide, add text,
or other graphics elements. Paste
the NIH Images
onto a black background to avoid having a white border around the image.
4. VCR Videotape players are now commonly available at all universities and scientific meetings.
You may find it far more effective to display rotating projections as well as sequences
of sections on videotape, rather than with 2x2 slides or overheads. The technology for transferring such Stacks is widely available, and a brief description of
its application to NIH Image
and confocal Stacks is described in the preceding section. VII. USE OF NIH IMAGE
FOR IMAGE COLLECTION AND INSTRUMENT CONTROL The majority of CLSMs have their own dedicated software for image collection. However,
several instruments, such as BioRAD's direct viewing slit scanner, and Noran's AOD
real-time scanner have also been used directly with NIH Image
for data collection. VIII. APPENDIX 1. Macros A set of macros has been provided for use with confocal images, as well as for the
collection of fluorescent images using an integrating CCD. These are to be found
in a separate file, entitled "Image Macros for CLSM". They can be used directly with
NIH Image
without modification. However, you may find that your personal preferences differ
from mine, and you may modify the macros to better suit your needs. See Mark Vivino's
excellent manual on Macro Programming with NIH Image
, available from the usual FTP site (
). If you wish these macros to load automatically each time you start NIH Image
, place them in the same folder with the program or in the System Folder. Before you
do that, Save
the current version of "Image Macros" using an alternate name. Rename a copy of
"Image Macros for CLSM" as "Image Macros".
D) If you are examining the distribution of two or more substances in the section,
your strategy will depend upon whether the two antigens are in the same or in different
loci in the tissue. If one antigen is in the nucleus, and the other in the cytoplasm, then you obviously don't have to worry about minor levels of breakthrough.
The Iomega manual does not imply that a Macintosh disk can be read on a PC, so be
careful about your formatting if you plan to use the disk on both a Macintosh and
a PC. The drivers for the Iomega Zip do not operate as smoothly as they should. If
the drive is formatted for use with a PC, you may have a problem displaying the root directory
on your Macintosh. The disk seems to open, but it seems as if the root directory
opens in a window that is "off-the screen" rather than on the monitor. I have narrowed
down the problem to one of the Extensions I use with the MacOS 7.5.5, but I don't know
exactly which one it is (I suspect one of the "Now Utility" Extensions). A kludgey
work-around is to make a master folder on the Zip drive while still on the PC, and
then put the sub directory folders inside that. Then, when using the Macintosh, if the
root directory opens off the screen, select the Zip drive, and Open
it. Then perform a Select All
operation and Open
again. This will usually open a window on the screen containing the sub directory.
The Z-motor drive on the BioRAD has not proven as reliable as it should be, and is
prone to slippage due to poor mechanical linkage. If the Z-series for two or more
antigens is collected sequentially, you may not be able to rely on the accuracy of
Z-position to return the section to the same vertical location in subsequent scans. The inaccuracy
may also be due to the current use of sloppy focus mechanisms on most modern microscopes.
The modern co-axial planetary gears do not reliably return the stage to the starting position when restored to the same position on the fine focus knob.
The quality of the RGB image produced within NIH Image
is an 8-bit indexed image, is of marginal quality, and should be considered to be
a crude "proof" image. You may find that the image can be greatly improved by changing
contrast or brightness of the individual slices. Before you do this, make sure that
you have saved a copy of the unmodified Stack. In general, you will find that such modifications
are best accomplished in Adobe Photoshop 3.0.
3. Leica Files
This will open a separate window with a histogram showing the distribution of gray
scale values (from 0-255) on the X-axis, and the number of pixels for each gray scale
value on the Y-axis. Ideally, the histogram should be spread out over the full range
of values. The most common form of error is to have an extremely contrasty image with
all the values clustered at one extreme end of the histogram.
You may find that you want to enlarge a selected portion of an image to emphasize
a particular point. For optimal images, do not use the magnifying tool for enlarging
images prior to printing. Use the Scale and Rotate
function of the Edit
menu. Select the option "Bilinear Interpolation" method, rather than "Nearest Neighbor."
The resultant image will appear much smoother, with less "pixellation". The "Bilinear
Interpolation" function will operate correctly on an indexed color image. In order to avoid pixellation in this instance, move the components of the RGB Stack to
individual windows, Scale/Bilinear, then move them back to an RGB Stack and convert
to 8-bit color. The macro "Crop and Scale-Smooth" will simplify this operation on
The original confocal image may not be oriented at an optimal angle for the final
publication. You can easily rotate digital images in order to align them for your
final illustration. However, this results in potentially severe image degradation
associated with digital rotation. This will not occur if your you rotate the image in 90 increments.
However, any other rotation will result in progressive degradation due to smoothing
functions (interpolation). You can best demonstrate this by taking an image containing many fine, threadlike profiles, and rotate it in 10 increments through 360 .
Test this using both linear and bicubic interpolation. Place the resulting images
into a Stack and Animate
the Stack. You can now directly observe the increasing blurring of the fine processes
consequent to the rotation of the image. In order to minimize this effect, I suggest
that you determine the final angle of rotation desired and make only a single rotation of your original image. If the angle selected is unsatisfactory, discard the result
and start again.
other windows. Once you become more adept at handling and opening new Stacks (using
a macro), it will not be necessary to close other windows.
The recently released version of Adobe Photoshop 3.0.1 has excellent layer management.
G) The original NIH Image
stack will now open as a four channel color stack in Adobe Photoshop. However, the
colors in the image are inverted. Invert (Command+I
) the image to obtain an appropriately colored image.
It is obviously easier to use the new procedure provided in NIH Image
version 1.58. The first slice of the NIH Image
Stack forms the red layer, green the second layer, and the third slice forms the
blue layer. The gamma, brightness and contrast of each layer can be individually
modified with immediately evident results. For further details, see the Adobe Photoshop
3.0 manual.
When completed, Select
the "Merged" stack and Animate
it, or step through it with the "<" and ">" keys.
Use < and > to step through the plates in Stack, one at a time. The reader is urged
to read the section in the NIH Image
manual regarding Stacks.
C) Projecting A Z-Series Onto A Single Plane
You will gain a better understanding of this procedure if you examine the macro, and
will find that it merely automates the following procedures:
Slice Spacing (Pixels): Set with your slice spacing
Initial Angle (0-359): 0
Rotation (0-360): 0
Rotation Angle Increment: 0
Lower Transparency Bound: 0
Upper Transparency Bound: 100
Surface Opacity (0-100): 0
Surface Depth-Cueing (0-100): 100
Interior Depth-Cueing (0-100): 0
Initial Angle (0-359): 356
Rotation (0-360): 8
Rotation Angle Increment: 8
Remember that a value of 0 equals the brightest level, and a value of 255 equals absolute
This is a feature of the Macintosh Operating system setting, and also conforms to
the original software that preceded NIH Image
. This software was developed to measure the density of dark regions. Thus, a dark
area had a high concentration of a substance, and correspondingly, a "high" value.
Regardless of what your intuition may tell you, just accept this as a fact of life,
and avoid the confusion that comes with protest.
Surface Opacity (0-100): 0
Surface Depth-Cueing (0-100): 100
Interior Depth-Cueing (0-100): 0
Initially, follow these instructions:
Leave the remaining values in their default configuration.
Initial Angle (0-359): 0
Rotation (0-360): 15
Rotation Angle Increment: 180
An advantage of viewing the Stack with Avid Videoshop 3.0 is that you can increase
the image size in continuous steps by dragging the lower right corner of the image
window. This does not alter the aspect ratio of the original image.