Timm Weitkamp1,a,
David Haas2,3,b,
and Alexander Rack4,c
1Synchrotron Soleil, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
2ANKA Light Source,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
3Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
4European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France
aE-mail: timm.weitkamp@synchrotron-soleil.fr
bE-mail: david.haas@kit.edu
cE-mail: arack@snafu.de
Apr 23, 2013
1 General description
1.1 What ANKAphase is
1.2 ANKAphase Version History
1.3 The phase reconstruction algorithm
1.4 Flat-field and dark-image correction
1.5 Boundary treatment; image padding
1.6 Image restoration
2 Where to get ANKAphase
3 Files in the distribution
4 Requirements
4.1 Platforms and operating systems
4.2 Software requirements
4.3 Data format requirements
5 Getting started
5.1 Running it as a standalone application
5.2 Running it as a plugin for ImageJ
5.3 Using it
5.3.1 General settings
5.3.2 Flat-field settings
5.3.3 Phase-retrieval settings
5.3.4 Other settings
5.3.5 Launching the processing
5.3.6 Menu bar
6 Further information; referencing
1 General description
1.1 What ANKAphase is
ANKAphase [1] is a computer program that
processes X-ray inline phase-contrast radiographs and reconstructs
the projected thickness of the object(s) imaged in the
radiographs. It uses an algorithm described in a paper by David
Paganin et al. [2] (see also section 1.3,
ANKAphase is designed to be used with sets of radiographs recorded
for tomographic reconstruction (although it does not perform
tomographic reconstruction itself). This means that it can process a
series of phase-contrast radiographs taken of different views of a
sample with an otherwise unchanged setup. If desired, it also
performs flat-field and dark-image correction (i.e., normalization to
the background intensity profile of the X-ray beam and subtraction
of the "dark-signal" offset value for each pixel).
ANKAphase is written in Java and can either be used as a standalone
application or as a plugin to ImageJ, a widely-used scientific image
viewing and processing program developed and maintained at the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland, USA (see
sections 4 and 5.2 below).
1.2 ANKAphase Version History
The current version of ANKAphase is 2.1. Below is a brief list of changes in the major releases:
- Version 1.0: for development purposes only, no public release.
- Version 2.0: re-coded graphical user interface, multi-threading capabilities added, optional boundary treatment and multiple file formats supported, first public release [1].
- Version 2.1: image restoration implemented as well as the (optional) use of the delta/beta ratio as phase-retrieval parameter.
The phase reconstruction algorithm
In this section we give a short synopsis of the algorithm used by
ANKAphase and first published by Paganin et al. [2]. Although very robust under conditions deviating
from the ideal situation [1], the algorithm is
strictly valid only if the following experimental conditions are
- The object imaged consists of a single, homogeneous material.
- Monochromatic radiation is used.
- The distance z between the object and the detector plane
fulfils the near-field condition, i.e.,
where z is the distance between object and
detector, d is the characteristic size of the smallest discernible
features in the object, and
λ is the X-ray wavelength.
If these conditions are met, the intensity distribution I(x,y)
measured at a single, known distance z between the object and the
detector plane can then be used to retrieve the projected thickness
t(x,y) of the object (or, which is equivalent, the projected phase
shift of the X-ray wavefront) using the relation
Here, x and y are the Cartesian coordinates in the image and/or
object plane, μ is the linear attenuation coefficient of the
object material, F and F−1 are,
respectively, the forward and backward Fourier transform operators,
I(x,y) is the intensity distribution in the phase-contrast
radiograph, I0(x,y) is the incident intensity just upstream of the
object, δ is the decrement
from unity of the X-ray refractive index of the object material,
u,v are the complex conjugate coordinates of x and y, and z
is the object-detector distance. The quantities
δ and
μ are related to the complex-valued
X-ray refractive index n by
where both β and
δ are dimensionless real
numbers, and λ is the X-ray
It can be useful to consider the reconstructed
phase map φ(x,y) as the quantity of interest, rather than the
projected thickness t(x,y), because the latter is not meaningful
if the material density varies. The
reconstruction formula given above can be rewritten as [1]
It is worth pointing out that in the latter case only the ratio δ/β is
required as input parameter for the phase-retrieval, not
the explicit values for β and δ. The ratio δ/β is often easier to tweak manually in cases where the exact chemical composition of the sample material is unkown.
Flat-field and dark-image correction
In a real X-ray imaging system, the background signal (i.e., signal
recorded if no object is in the beam) is generally not uniform. This
can be due to inhomogeneities in the X-ray beam intensity distribution
or to non-uniform detector response (for example due to vignetting or
varying pixel sensitivities), or both. Moreover, the quantity of
interest for any quantitative analysis of the radiographs is generally
the relative transmitted intensity, I / I0.
It is therefore generally required to normalize each radiograph by an
image of the beam without the object. This is called a flat-field
correction. Also, in each image recorded with the detector, the
offset signal recorded even with no photons hitting the detector
(dark signal) should be subtracted from the image before
further processing (dark-image correction). The corrected images
where So(x,y) is the image signal measured with the object in the
beam, Sd(x,y) is the dark signal, and Sf(x,y)
the flat signal (i.e., the image with the sample removed).
In order to keep the increase of statistical noise by the correction
to a minimum, it is preferable to take a series of flat-field and dark
images (rather than just one of each) and average these before using
them for correcting the object images.
ANKAphase can perform flat-field and dark correction of the
radiographs. It can process series of flat-field images, as well as
series of dark images by calculating, for every pixel, the
average gray value for that pixel, where the averaging is done over
all images in the series (but separately for each pixel). In doing
this, ANKAphase uses median averaging (rather than the arithmetic mean).
Boundary treatment; image padding
To avoid crosstalk between opposed ends of the images, the
flat-corrected projection images Ic(x,y) are padded to
larger size before applying the phase retrieval algorithm. Without
padding, crosstalk occurs because the convolution of the projection
data with a phase-reconstruction kernel is carried out in Fourier
space (via the reconstruction formula in section 1.3), so
that the convolution is periodic. Further padding is required
because the fast Fourier transform (FFT) routine used by ANKAphase requires the number of pixels in each dimension to be a power of two.
In the numerical implementation of the phase-reconstruction algorithm,
the corrected projection radiographs containing the normalized
intensity distribution Ic(x,y) are therefore extended to
larger size by a surrounding margin before the reconstruction formula
from section 1.3 is applied. Thus, each of the two
dimensions of the image is padded from its original value of
noriginal pixels to a new width npadded of
npadded = exp{ (ln2) ×ceil[log2(noriginal + next)] } , |
next = 2×ceil[3 λz / (Δx)2] . |
Here, ceil(x) is the ceiling function, which yields the
smallest integer number that is equal to or greater than x. The X-ray
wavelength and propagation distance are denoted, respectively,
λ and z, as before,
and Δx is the pixel
size of the detector.
Each flat-corrected projection radiograph is thus first extended by
margins of width next/2 on all four sides and then
padded further up so that its dimensions are powers of two.
Each pixel in the padded area is filled with the value of the nearest
pixel in the original image.
The formula for next takes into account the radius of
the area around each position in the detector plane from which
diffraction effects by features in the object plane are not
negligible. A derivation of the formula can be found elsewhere
A checkbox option allows the user to force next=0 ("no
automatic padding", see section 5.3.3). If
this option is set, the images will still be padded to a size
corresponding to a power of two. This option is included for cases in
which the images have already been padded before processing with
ANKAphase. It should not be used on images to which no boundary
treatment has been applied before.
In any case, before output, the reconstructed images are cropped back
to the original dimensions of the input images.
Image restoration
To partially compensate the image blurring introduced by the single-distance
phase-retrieval, a basic image restoration algorithm [3] has been implemented in ANKAphase from version 2.1 onward. It consists in deconvolution by multiplication with a Gaussian kernel in Fourier space:
with the parameter c (termed stabiliser in the graphical user
interface) being a dimensionless, real number added to avoid division by zero and σ the width of the Gaussian (expressed
in units of the pixel size of the imaging system in ANKAphase 2.1). u and v are the complex conjugate coordinates of the Cartesian coordinates x and y.
2 Where to get ANKAphase
ANKAphase can be downloaded from the ImageJ plugin web site hosted by
NIH. The address is http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/.
3 Files in the distribution
The ANKAphase software distribution package contains the following
files. We recommend that you place all of these files in the same
- ANKAphase_2_1.jar
- The Java application executable.
- runANKAphase.bat
- A batch file recommended to launch ANKAphase as a
standalone file on Windows systems.
- runANKAphase.command
- A shell script recommended to launch ANKAphase as a
standalone file on Mac OS X systems.
- runANKAphase.sh
- A shell script recommended to launch ANKAphase as a
standalone file on GNU/Linux or other Unix systems.
Note: You can edit the launcher batch file or shell script with
a standard text editor to set paths according to your needs, or to
decide for yourself how much heap space Java will allocate for
ANKAphase when it is run as a standalone application.
- ankaphase-jsr2011-authorprint.pdf
- A reprint of a peer-reviewed
article [1] about ANKAphase (see also section
6), as a Portable Document Format file (can be viewed
and/or printed with Adobe Reader, xpdf, Foxit Reader or other PDF
viewer software).
- ankaphase-erratum2012-authorprint.pdf
- A reprint of a published
correction concerning a mistake in one of the formulas in the paper
- ankaphase-userguide.pdf
- The User Guide, as a Portable Document
Format file (can be viewed and/or printed with Adobe Reader, xpdf,
Foxit Reader or other PDF viewer software).
- ankaphase-userguide.html
- The User Guide, in Hypertext Markup
Language, for viewing in Web browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Safari
- ankaphase-userguide-e0[0-7].gif
- Eight small auxiliary graphics files
used by the HTML User Guide file.
4.1 Platforms and operating systems
ANKAphase being written in Java, it should run on any platform and
with any operating system for which Java is available, i.e., Microsoft
Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and Sun Solaris systems. However, the
program has so far been tested only on Microsoft Windows XP and Vista, GNU/Linux
and Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) systems.
4.2 Software requirements
In order to run ANKAphase, you need a Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) version 6 or higher (Java version 1.6.0 or
higher) [4], installed on your system. There is a
high probability that Java and the JRE are already installed on your
computer. If they are not, you can download them free of charge from
Sun Microsystems [5].
You can use ANKAphase as a plugin for ImageJ. If you want to
do this, you will need ImageJ installed on your system. Like ANKAphase,
ImageJ is programmed in Java. It is open-source software and can be
downloaded from the NIH web site [6].
4.3 Data format requirements
The input data should be stacks of two-dimensional image files,
containing a single image frame per file. ANKAphase can read and write
the following image file formats (when reading images, it determines
the format from the file-name extension):
- TIFF (unsigned integers with 8 or 16 bit depth, or
single-precision float data),
- JPEG (8-bit unsigned integer),
- PNG (8-bit unsigned integer),
- BMP (8-bit unsigned integer),
- and the ESRF-specific EDF format (4-byte single-precision float
Getting started
5.1 Running it as a standalone application
Used as a standalone application, ANKAphase does not need any
particular installation at all. It runs perfectly well if you don't
"install" it. Just make sure that the files in the distribution -
preferably all of them (see section 3
above), but at least the Java application executable
(ANKAphase_2_1.jar) and the launcher batch file (runANKAphase.bat
for Windows, runANKAphase.command for Mac OS X, runANKAphase.sh for
GNU/Linux or other Unix-like systems) - are in the same
directory. Then open that directory and start the launcher batch file
(typically by double-clicking on its name, or by entering its name at
the command prompt).
If you want the "Help" function in ANKAphase to work properly, the
files whose names start with ankaphase-userguide should also be
placed in the same directory as ANKAphase_2_1.jar.
What the batch file does: Actually, ANKAphase will start up
fine when launched without the batch file (by just opening
ANKAphase_2_1.jar directly). However, this will usually cause Java to
allocate only a very limited amount of "heap space" (memory used for
data). What the batch file does is cause Java to allocate a larger
amount of heap space than it does by default. This ensures that
ANKAphase will work properly when used with large amounts of data. We
therefore strongly recommend using the batch file when launching
ANKAphase as a standalone application.
Note: You can edit the batch file with a standard text editor
to set paths according to your needs, or to decide for yourself how
much heap space Java will allocate for ANKAphase when it is run as a
standalone application.
Running it as a plugin for ImageJ
Place the ANKAphase_2_1.jar file in the subdirectory plugins
of your ImageJ installation directory. (On a Microsoft Windows system,
this could be
"C:\Program Files\ImageJ\plugins".)
When running ImageJ, an entry named "ANKAphase" will then be
available in the "Plugins" menu or in one of its submenus.
If you want the "Help" function in ANKAphase to work properly, the
files whose names start with ankaphase-userguide should be
placed in the same directory as ANKAphase_2_1.jar.
5.3 Using it
All of ANKAphase's control elements are contained in a
single control window that will appear when you launch the
application. The window is thematically divided into three areas:
"General settings", "Flat-field settings", and "Phase-retrieval
settings". Some additional settings can be made near the bottom of the
window, where you will also find the "Run" and "Stop"
buttons. There is also a menu bar at the top of the window. The
following sections explain these control elements in more detail.
5.3.1 General settings
The "General settings" area in the upper part of the ANKAphase control window is where you
- set the directory paths in which
ANKAphase will look for its input data,
- choose whether or not to perform dark-image subtraction, and
whether and how to carry out flat-field correction.
How ANKAphase finds its input images
ANKAphase identifies the input image files it will process by the
directory in which these files are located. For a given set of images
taken under the same experimental conditions and with the same image
dimensions for all frames, it expects all the projection radiographs
to be in one directory, while the series of dark images to be averaged
for the dark correction are supposed to be in another
For the flat-field images, ANKAphase foresees two directories: one in
which flat images taken before the acquisition of the projections are
stored, and another in which flats taken after the acquisition of the
projections are stored. If two blocks of flat-field images obtained in
this manner are available, ANKAphase will correct the first half of
the projection images using the first set of flat-field images, and the
second half of the projections will be corrected using the second set
of flat-field images (unless the "Interpolate flat-field images")
option is set - see section 5.3.2 below).
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the dimensions and data
type of all of the images in the input directories are the same.
- Projection images directory
- This is the directory in which
ANKAphase looks for the projection radiographs. The program will scan
this directory for all files whose filename extension matches one of
the image formats allowed for input. All of these images are then
- Dark-field images directory
- This is the directory in which
ANKAphase looks for dark images. All images found in this directory
are averaged (pixel-wise, median average) to form an average dark
image that will then be used for the dark correction.
The checkbox on the left of this field controls whether a dark
correction will be performed or not. Dark correction will only be made
if the box is checked.
- Flat-field 1 images directory
- This is the directory in which
ANKAphase looks for flat-field images taken before the
acquisition of the projection radiographs to be processed. The flat
images are averaged in the same way as the dark image series, and the
averaged image is then used for the correction.
The checkbox on the left of this field controls whether the images in
the "Flat-field 1 images directory" will actually be read, processed
and used for flat-field correction or not.
- Flat-field 2 images directory
- This is the directory in which
ANKAphase looks for flat-field images taken after the acquisition of
the projection radiographs to be processed. The images are averaged in
the same way as the dark image series and the first block of
flat-field images, and the averaged image is then used for the
The checkbox on the left of this field controls whether the images in
the "Flat-field 2 images directory" will actually be read, processed
and used for flat-field correction or not.
Note: If none of the checkboxes on the left of "Flat-field 1
images directory" and "Flat-field 2 images directory" is checked,
no flat-field correction will be made. If only one of the two
checkboxes is checked, all projection images will be
flat-field-corrected using the images in the flat-field directory
checked. If both boxes are checked and the option "Interpolate
flat-field images" (see section "Flat-field settings" below) is not
selected, the first half of the projection image files will be
corrected using the "flat-field 1" images, and the second half using
the "flat-field 2" images. If both boxes are checked and the option
"Interpolate flat-field images" is selected, each projection image
will be corrected by a linear combination of the averaged flat-field
images from each of the two flat-image directories.
5.3.2 Flat-field settings
The "Flat-field settings" area of the control window is where you
- choose whether or not to save flat-field corrected images to disk, and,
- if flat-field correction is performed (see section
5.3.1 for how to control this), whether or not
the correction should be made using interpolated flat-field images.
- Save flat-corrected images
- Check this box if you want to write
out files containing the projection images after flat-field and
dark correction (but prior to phase reconstruction). The
following parameters can only be set if this option is selected:
- Output directory
- The path of the directory to which the
corrected projection files will be written.
- File prefix
- The filename prefix of the corrected projection
files. The entire file name of each output file will consist of
this prefix, an underscore sign, a four-digit number, and the
filename extension corresponding to the file format. The numbering
starts at the number indicated in the field "Output file start
number" near the bottom of the window. (The numbering of the
input files is ignored in the output file naming.)
For example, if you enter "out" in this field, and have chosen TIFF
as the output format, the reconstruction files will have names
out_0000.tiff, out_0001.tiff, and so forth.
- Format
- The image file format, data type and bit depth for the
output files. "Float"-type images are stored in single
precision, i.e., with a depth of 4 bytes per pixel.
- Scaling option
- If you have chosen an output format with
integer data type (i.e., any except the "float" formats), this
option list allows you to select how the values of the corrected
projections, which are internally calculated as floating-point
values, are mapped to the range of values allowed by the output data
Be aware that the scaling operation, while necessary for
integer-type output, will usually result in a loss of information
due to the reduced dynamic range of the output data type.
In order for you to be able to retrieve the approximate original
floating-point values from the images afterwards, a text file named
Scaling_flat_images.txt will be written to the output
directory. This file contains the original minimum and maximum
values of each output image, before the conversion from
floating-point to integer data type.
Caveat: The file Scaling_flat_images.txt will be
overwritten without backup upon every new run of ANKAphase, unless
you have changed the output directory.
The possible scaling options are:
- Scale each image to its min/max
- This is the default
behavior. The values of each image will be scaled so the the full
range of values in the integer output image is used. This ensures
minimum loss of information, although it means that the scaling
parameters will usually be different for each image in the series
of images processed. Use the information in the file
Scaling_flat_images.txt (see above) if you need to retrieve
the quantitative values of the corrected images later.
- Scale to 3×(max-min) of first image
- This will use a
global set of scaling parameters for all images in the series. The
parameters are defined automatically so that the output image
range is three times the range of the first processed image in the
series. The assumption behind this is that the original range of
values in the series of images may change, but the change is not
excessive. As with the other scaling options, the information in
the file Scaling_flat_images.txt (see above) can be used if
you need to retrieve the quantitative values of the corrected
images later.
- Scale to user-specified value range
- This will use a global
set of scaling parameters defined by the user via the values
entered in the "from:" and "to:" fields. Set these two
values to the expected minimum and maximum floating-point values
of all corrected projections. As with the other scaling options,
the information in the file Scaling_flat_images.txt (see
above) can be used if you need to retrieve the quantitative
values of the corrected images later.
- Interpolate flat-field images
- If this option is set, each
projection image is corrected with a flat-field image calculated by
pixel-wise linear interpolation of the averaged flat-field image
from the first block and the averaged flat-field image from the
second block of flat-field images. If the option is not set (the
default setting), the first half of the projection images will be
corrected using the first set of flat-field images, and the second
half of the projections will be corrected using the second set of
flat-field images.
5.3.3 Phase-retrieval settings
The "Phase-retrieval settings" area of the control window is where you
- choose whether or not phase reconstruction should be carried out,
- enter the physical parameters that will be used for phase reconstruction,
- chose whether or not image restoration should be performed,
- select the output file path.
- Save phase-retrieval images
- Check this box if phase retrieval
should be carried out and the phase-retrieved projection files
written out to files. (Not selecting this option can make sense if
you want to use ANKAphase to only perform flat-field and dark-image
correction on a series of projection images.)
The parameters that you need to set if this option is selected are:
- Experiment parameters:
- The physical parameters of the
experimental setup and X-ray optical properties of the sample.
- beta:
- The imaginary part
β of the estimated
complex-valued X-ray index of refraction (see section
1.3 above) of the sample material, in units of
10−9. For example, if
β=1.73× 10−8, you should enter "17.3" here.
- delta:
- The real-part decrement
δ of the estimated
complex-valued X-ray index of refraction (see section
1.3 above) of the sample material, in units of
10−6. For example, if
δ=8.95× 10−7, you should enter "0.895" here.
Note: If you don't know the X-ray refractive index of the
material your sample consists of, but you do know (or have an idea
of) the elemental composition and density of the material, you can
look up the quantities δ and β in tabulated databases,
some of which can be accessed or downloaded online and free of
charge [7,8].
- use delta/beta ratio:
- As an alternative to the usage of the individual values
for β and δ,
the ratio δ/β can be supplied by the user. This will lead to
retrieval of a phase map φ(x,y) rather than the projected thickness
t(x,y) (see section 1.3). Be aware that the contrast will be inverted
when switching from β and δ
to the δ/β ratio.
Note: The δ/β ratio is easier to tweak manually than the individual values of β and δ. Still, using this option will not solve the problem of an unknown X-ray refractive index
of the material. To approach a solution in such cases, you can proceed in a similar manner as described above, starting with a ratio based on the refractive index and attenuation coefficient
from lookup tables as soon as approximate elemental composition and density of the material are known [7,8]. For example, if
δ=8.95× 10−7 and β=1.73× 10−8, you should enter a value of 51.7 for the δ/β ratio.
- distance:
- The distance between the sample and the
detector plane, in millimeters (mm).
- energy:
- The mean effective X-ray photon energy, in
kiloelectronvolts (keV).
- pixel size:
- The effective pixel size of the detector, in
microns (µm).
- Image restoration parameters:
- If this option is activated, the Paganin kernel (see section 1.3) in Fourier space
will be modified by multiplication with the Gaussian-based deconvolution kernel introduced in section 1.6.
This will somewhat compensate the blurring introduced by the single-distance phase-retrieval.
- Gauss width:
- Defines the width of the Gaussian in the deconvolution kernel expressed in units of the pixel size as
used for the phase-retrieval.
Note: Per default, this value is set to 1, a value empirically proven to be applicable for most cases when
the conditions introduced in section 1.3 are reasonably well fulfilled. A simple explanation is that the highest spatial
frequency in the images is determined by the sampling, i. e., fmax = (pixel size)−1. It is therefore desirable
to deconvolve with a Gaussian whose width is related to that.
- stabiliser:
- In order to avoid division by zero during for the deconvolution an additive offset is considered, termed
stabiliser in our case, see again section 1.6.
Note: Empirically, for most cases in which the conditions introduced in section 1.3 are reasonably well fulfilled, the value of this parameter should be chosen between 0.1 and 0.2. The default value is 0.2, which is often
a good compromise between reduction of blurring and prevention of artifacts. For 0.1, the effect of the deconvolution becomes stronger; it suppresses the blurring more efficiently but is more likely to lead to artifacts.
For values significantly smaller than 0.1 the retrieved image will more and more resemble the input picture (before phase reconstruction), i. e., the
original inline phase-contrast image. For values significantly larger than 0.2 the retrieved image will converge towards the result without image restoration.
- Output directory
- The path of the directory to which the
corrected projection files will be written.
- File prefix, Format, Scaling option
- The filename prefix of
the phase-retrieved projection files, their image data format and
data type, and the method of value rescaling. For details, see the
description of the corresponding fields in the "Flat-field
settings" (section 5.3.2 above). Note that
the output text file containing the scaling parameters applied
(Scaling_flat_images.txt for the flat images) is named
Scaling_phase_images.txt for the phase-retrieved images.
Caveat: The file Scaling_phase_images.txt will be
overwritten without backup upon every new run of ANKAphase, unless
you have changed the output directory.
- No automatic padding
- If this option is set, the images will
not be automatically extended by a margin of width adapted to the
experimental parameters prior to application of the phase retrieval
transform. See section 1.5 above for more details.
Note: You should only use this option if you have applied
your own adapted edge extension to the projection images before
processing with ANKAphase.
5.3.4 Other settings
The bottom region of the control window allows you to set a few more
- Calculate images from <n1> to <n2>
- : Select this option to
define a limited range of input files to be processed. If this option
is not selected, all image files in the "projection images"
directory will be processed. If it is selected, only the <n1>st to the
<n2>st projection image will be processed. Counting starts at 1.
- Show images
- If this option is selected, the processed images
will be displayed on the screen during processing. Note that images
displayed may appear black on screen when a "float"-type output file
format is selected. If this happens, it does not mean that the image
files are not okay.
- CPUs
- Select the maximum number of CPUs used in parallel by
- Output file start number
- The file number offset of the output
image files (see also the explanation on output file naming and
numbering above, section 5.3.2). This can be
handy in cases where more than two blocks of flat-field images exist in
the primary data. Such cases are not handled automatically by
ANKAphase, but you can use the "Calculate images from ... to ..."
option together with the "Output file start number" option to
perform flat-field correction in the desired way, i.e.,
in batches of images.
5.3.5 Launching the processing
Once all parameters are set, use the "Run" button on the lower right
of the control window to launch data processing and writing to the
output files.
The status bar at the bottom of the control window will show the
progress of the processing. If the "Show images" option has been
selected, display windows with the processed images will pop up during
processing. After processing has finished, a small alert window will
pop up informing you how many output image files have been written to
The "Stop" button to the left of the "Run" button allows you to
abort processing.
5.3.6 Menu bar
The menu bar (at the top of the ANKAphase window) has only two entries: "File" and "Help". While none of them is strictly necessary to use the program, both give access to functionality that may be very useful.
"File" menu
The items in the "File" drop-down menu allows you to
- save a set of parameters for later use ("Save parameters"),
- load a parameter set previously saved ("Load parameters"), or
- quit ANKAphase ("Exit").
Note: Parameter files are written as Ascii files and store the
current contents of all the control elements in the ANKAphase window. When ANKAphase starts, it will look for a parameter file named
parameter21.txt in the directory from which it was started (usually
the same directory in which the .jar executable is located). If
parameter21.txt exists, it will automatically be loaded. When saving
a parameter file through the "Save parameters" menu entry, you can
give it any name. If you name it parameter21.txt and store it in the
ANKAphase distribution directory, it will be loaded automatically the
next time ANKAphase is started. The parameter files from ANKAphase 2.0
(parameter.txt) are not compatible with those from version 2.1, hence
the default parameter file name was changed to parameter21.txt in order to
avoid conflicts.
Note that ANKAphase saves its parameters automatically when
exiting, but only when processing was launched at least once.
Note also that saving the parameters (automatically or via the
"Save parameters" entry in the File menu) will overwrite any
potentially existing parameter files of the same name without
"Help" menu
The "Help" drop-down menu allows you to
- display some basic information about the program ("About"),
- open the online help file for ANKAphase (i.e., the text you
are reading) as an HTML file in the standard web browser of your
system ("Help"). In order for this feature to work properly, you
should place all the help files in the distribution (files whose
names start with ankaphase-userguide) in the same folder as
Further information; referencing
Beyond this User Guide, an article in the Journal of Synchrotron
Radiation [1] further describes the details of the
algorithm used here, the conditions under which it yields good
results, and gives application examples. If you find ANKAphase useful
and present or publish results obtained with it, we kindly ask you to
give us proper credits by citing the article.
More examples of results obtained with ANKAphase can be found in the
scientific literature, for example in [9,10,11,12].
A more complete list of publications related to ANKAphase is available
online [13]. Please contact us if you are aware
of articles that should be included in this list.
- [1]
- T. Weitkamp, D. Haas, D. Wegrzynek, and A. Rack, ANKAphase: software for single-distance phase-retrieval from inline X-ray phase contrast radiographs, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 18 (2011) 617-629, doi: 10.1107/S0909049511002895 | [PDF].
See also Erratum, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 20 (2013) 205, doi: 10.1107/S0909049512044871 | [PDF].
- [2]
- D. Paganin, S. C. Mayo, T. E. Gureyev, P. R. Miller, and S. W. Wilkins, Simultaneous phase and amplitude
extraction from a single defocused image of a homogeneous object,
Journal of Microscopy 206 (2002) 33-40, DOI
- [3]
- H. C. Andrews, B. R. Hunt, Digital Image Restoration, Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series, 1977.
- [4]
- If you are unsure which version of Java is
installed on your system, you can find out by typing "java -version"
at the command prompt of your system (this works both on Windows [on
Windows XP, Vista and 7 the command prompt is accessible via "All Programs -
Accessories - Command prompt"] and on Unix systems).
- [5]
- http://www.java.com/download/, the download
address for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
- [6]
- http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/, the ImageJ web site.
- [7]
- http://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants/, an online
calculator of X-ray optical properties at the Center for X-Ray
Optics (CXRO) at Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory in Berkeley, California, USA.
- [8]
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/TBS/SciSoft/xop2.3,
the web site of XOP (X-Ray Oriented Programs), a software suite for
X-ray optical calculations including a database of X-ray optical
properties (DABAX). XOP is maintained by two synchrotron light
laboratories, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
(ESRF) in Grenoble, France, and the
Advanced Photon Source (APS) in Argonne,
Illinois, USA.
- [9]
M. A. Denecke, W. de Nolf, A. Rack, R. Tucoulou, P. Cloetens, T. Vitova,
G. Falkenberg, S. Abolhassani, and B. Kienzler,
Speciation of actinides in granite subjected to tracer studies,
in Actinide Nanoparticle Research, edited by S. N. Kalmykov and
M. A. Denecke, pages 413-436, Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg, first
edition, 2011.
- [10]
C. Mochales, A. Maerten, A. Rack, P. Cloetens, W. D. Mueller, P. Zaslansky, and
C. Fleck,
Monoclinic phase transformations of zirconia-based dental prostheses,
induced by clinically-practised surface manipulations,
Acta Biomater. 7 (2011) 2994-3002,
doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.04.007.
- [11]
T. van de Kamp, P. Vagovic, T. Baumbach, and A. Riedel,
A biological screw in a beetle's leg,
Science 333 (2011) 52,
doi: 10.1126/science.1204245,
and supporting online material.
- [12]
- G. Artioli, M. C. Dalconi, M. Parisatto,
L. Valentini, M. Voltolini, and G. Ferrari,
3D imaging of complex materials: the case of cement,
Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.) 103 (2012)
145-150, doi: 10.3139/146.110665.
- [13]
- http://www.alexanderrack.eu/ANKAphase/ankaphase_users.html,
list of publications related to ANKAphase and to results obtained with ANKAphase.