Class Resize_


public class Resize_
extends java.lang.Object
implements ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter

Constructor Index

 o Resize_()

Method Index

 o run(ImageProcessor)
Implementation of the "run" method of the PlugInFilter class.
 o setup(String, ImagePlus)
Implementation of the "setup" method of the PlugInFilter class.
 o showAbout()
Implementation of the "showAbout" method of the PlugInFilter class.


 o Resize_
 public Resize_()


 o run
 public void run(ij.process.ImageProcessor ipSource)
Implementation of the "run" method of the PlugInFilter class.

 o setup
 public int setup(java.lang.String arg,
                  ij.ImagePlus imp)
Implementation of the "setup" method of the PlugInFilter class.

 o showAbout
 public void showAbout()
Implementation of the "showAbout" method of the PlugInFilter class.