Author: Dimiter Prodanov (dimiter.prodanov at History: 2006/11/28: First version
Requires: Java 1.5
Source: Contained in the JAR file. To open a JAR file, change the extension from ".jar" to ".zip" and double click on it. Installation: Download Float_Morphology.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new "Float Morphology" command in the Plugins/Morphology submenu. Description: This plugin does Mathematical Morphology operations (erode, dilate, open, close) on 32 bit float images. The following Structure Elements are supported: "circle", "diamond", "square", "horizontal line", "vertical line", "2 horizontal points", "2 vertical points" and "free form". In addition, it can do the same operations on the brightness channel of RGB images. The plugin supports ROIs and Stacks. Here is an example of a float image of cells. The image is colored by the spectrum lut.