Author: Tony Collins (tcollins at
McMaster Biophotonics Facility
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
History: 2006/02/16:First version
2006/03/02:Fixed error arising from series with similar names containing spaces; errors arising from images with Gray LUT.
2006/03/20:Filenames listed in multiple columns (max number of rows per column can be set by running the plugin with the alt-key down.).
Requires: ImageJ 1.35m or later Source: Installation: Save to plugins folder; compile and run plugin. This plugin is also included with the MBF ImageJ distribution Limitations: First release. Based on trial and error dissection of TXT file. A typical series may throw errors. Please contact me with any errors/fixes. Description: This plugin opens multi-TIFF series acquired with Leica SP2 confocal.� Run the plugin; select the TXT file associated with the TIFF series and select the series to be opened. This information is then passed to the native "Import Sequence" function.
Optional ability to split the channels.
The plugin should apply the spatial calibration found in the TXT file.