Author: Wayne Rasband (wsr at History: 2009/03/16: First version
Source: Installation: Download to the plugins folder, or subfolder, then compile and run it using Plugins>Compile and Run. Description: This plugin demonstrates how to display a stack using multiple lookup tables (LUTs). An n-image stack normally has only one LUT but convert it to an n-channel composite image and each image in the stack will have its own LUT. This is what this plugin looks like when it is converted into a macro:
w=500; h=500; images=10; newImage("Multiple LUT Stack", "32-bit ramp", w, h, images); Stack.setDimensions(images, 1, 1); run("Make Composite", "display=Grayscale"); for (i=1; i<=images; i++) { setSlice(i); run("Multiply...", "value=100"); run("Add...", "value="+100*i); //run("Macro...", "code=v=x*(z+1)+z*100 slice"); resetMinAndMax(); } for (i=1; i<=images; i++) { setSlice(i); getMinAndMax(min, max); print(i+": "+min+"-"+max); }