Authors: Christopher Mei (christopher.mei at
Anthony Joshua (Anthony.Joshua at
Tony Collins (tonyc at 2003/12/15 : First version
2005/06/15: Added 16-bit version
Requires: ImageJ 1.31p or later, which adds the ability to package plugins in JAR files Source: Contained in Otsu_Thresholding.jar, which can be opened using a ZIP utility Installation: Download Otsu_Thresholding.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new Plugins/Filters/Otsu Thresholding... command. Description: This algorithm is an implementation of the Otsu thresholding technique [otsu79]. The histogram is divided in two classes and the inter-class variance is minimized. This plugin outputs a thresholded image with the selected threshold. @Article{otsu79, author = "N. Otsu", title = "A threshold selection method from gray level histograms", journal = "{IEEE} Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics", year = "1979", volume = "9", pages = "62--66", month = mar, keywords = "threshold selection", note = "minimize inter class variance", }A 16-bit version of this plugin (, contributed by Anthony Joshua and Tony Collins, is also available. They also contributed a macro (FullTelomerecounter) that uses the 16-bit version.