Author: Steffen Schmidt (Steffen.Schmidt at History: 2009/05/26: First version
2009/07/28: Improved version
2009/09/11: Bug fixes; opens URLs
2011/01/06: Works with Process->Batch->Convert
2012/03/22: Bug fixes
2015/04/21: Updated
Source: Contained in the JAR file. Installation: Download TIA_Reader.jar to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new "TIA Reader" command in the Plugins>Input-Output menu. Description: This plugin opens the .ser-files produced by the TIA software (Emispec) commonly used with the FEI TEM microscopes. The TIA software writes typically two different file formats: (1) the .emi-file as an internal format of the TIA program and one or more .ser-file(s) as an open format. An acquired single image or spectra will be readable by this plugin, because the data will be written to a single .ser-file. The application of more advanced TEM techniques, such as EDS mapping, can lead to complex file structures including multiple .ser-files containing images and spectra. This plugin was written using the file description given on Dr. Chris Boothroyd's website.