3D objects counter


Fabrice Cordeli�res, Institut Curie, Orsay (France).

fabrice.cordelieres at curie.u-psud.fr


Thanks to Gabriel Landini for major feedbacks and suggestions


2005/06/15: First version

2005/12/05: Threshold can now be set up using a slider. Modifications in algorithm: first step of ID attribution followed by a second step of ID minimization (regularization)




Download _3D_objects_counter.class to the plugins folder and restart ImageJ.


This plug-in counts the number of 3D objects in a stack and displays the volume, the surface, the centre of mass and the centre of intensity for each object. The threshold value can be adjusted using the first slider and user may navigate through the stack using a second slider. Results are presented both as a results table and as new stacks where either the full volume, the edges of each particle, the centre of mass or centre of intensity is represented. On this stack, each structure appears under a different colour. A tick box allows logging a summary of the overall measurement (useful to keep a track of successive counts).

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