// This macro demonstrates how to access the // "Summary", "Plot Values and "Overlay Elements" tables. // Access particle analyzer's "Summary" table print("\\Clear"); run("T1 Head (2.4M, 16-bits)"); setAutoThreshold("Default dark"); run("Analyze Particles...", "summarize stack"); print("Table: "+Table.title); print("Size: "+Table.size); print("'Count' at index 8 (row 9): "+Table.get("Count",8)); print("'%Area' at index 50 (row 51): "+Table.get("%Area",50)); // Access plot values yValues = newArray(0, 0.7, 2.3, 2.8, 1, 0.5); Plot.create("Simple Plot", "X", "Y", yValues); Plot.show; title = "Plot Values"; Plot.showValues(title); print(""); print("Table: "+Table.title(title)); headings = split(Table.headings(title)); print("Columns: "+headings.length); print("Rows: "+Table.size(title)); for (i=0; i