package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import java.awt.Color;

 * This plugin implements the Image/Stacks/Tools/Make Substack command.
 * What it does is extracts selected images from a stack to make a new substack.
 * It takes three types of inputs: a range of images (e.g. 2-14), a range of images
 * with an increment (e.g. 2-14-3), or a list of images (e.g. 7,9,25,27,34,132).
 * It then copies those images from the active stack to a new stack in the order
 * of listing or range.
 * @author Anthony Padua
 * @author Daniel Barboriak, MD
 * @author Neuroradiology
 * @author Duke University Medical Center
 * @author Ved P. Sharma, Ph.D.
 * @author Anatomy and Structural Biology
 * @author Albert Einstein College of Medicine

public class SubstackMaker implements PlugIn {
    private static boolean delete = false;

    public void run(String arg) {
        ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage();
        if (imp.isHyperStack() || imp.isComposite()) {
            (new SubHyperstackMaker()).run("");
        String userInput = showDialog();
        if (userInput==null)
        ImagePlus imp2 = makeSubstack(imp, userInput);
        if (imp2!=null)

    public ImagePlus makeSubstack(ImagePlus imp, String userInput) {
        String stackTitle = "Substack ("+userInput+")";
        if (stackTitle.length()>25) {
            int idxA = stackTitle.indexOf(",",18);
            int idxB = stackTitle.lastIndexOf(",");
            if(idxA>=1 && idxB>=1){
                String strA = stackTitle.substring(0,idxA);
                String strB = stackTitle.substring(idxB+1);
                stackTitle = strA + ", ... " + strB;
        ImagePlus imp2 = null;
        try {
            int idx1 = userInput.indexOf("-");
            if (idx1>=1) {                                  // input displayed in range
                String rngStart = userInput.substring(0, idx1);
                String rngEnd = userInput.substring(idx1+1);
                Integer obj = new Integer(rngStart);
                int first = obj.intValue();
                int inc = 1;
                int idx2 = rngEnd.indexOf("-");
                if (idx2>=1) {
                    String rngEndAndInc = rngEnd;
                    rngEnd = rngEndAndInc.substring(0, idx2);
                    String rngInc = rngEndAndInc.substring(idx2+1);
                    obj = new Integer(rngInc);
                    inc = obj.intValue();
                obj = new Integer(rngEnd);
                int last = obj.intValue();
                imp2 = stackRange(imp, first, last, inc, stackTitle);
            } else {
                int count = 1; // count # of slices to extract
                for (int j=0; j<userInput.length(); j++) {
                    char ch = Character.toLowerCase(userInput.charAt(j));
                    if (ch==',') {count += 1;}
                int[] numList = new int[count];
                for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
                    int idx2 = userInput.indexOf(",");
                    if(idx2>0) {
                        String num = userInput.substring(0,idx2);
                        Integer obj = new Integer(num);
                        numList[i] = obj.intValue();
                        userInput = userInput.substring(idx2+1);
                        String num = userInput;
                        Integer obj = new Integer(num);
                        numList[i] = obj.intValue();
                imp2 = stackList(imp, count, numList, stackTitle);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            IJ.error("Substack Maker", "Invalid input string:        \n \n  \""+userInput+"\"");
        return imp2;
    String showDialog() {
        String options = Macro.getOptions();
        if  (options!=null && !options.contains("slices=")) {
            Macro.setOptions(options.replace("channels=", "slices="));
            Macro.setOptions(options.replace("frames=", "slices="));
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Substack Maker");
        gd.addMessage("Enter a range (e.g. 2-14), a range with increment\n(e.g. 1-100-2) or a list (e.g. 7,9,25,27)", null, Color.darkGray);
        gd.addStringField("Slices:", "", 40);
        gd.addCheckbox("Delete slices from original stack", delete);
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return null;
        else {
            delete = gd.getNextBoolean();
            return gd.getNextString();

    // extract specific slices
    ImagePlus stackList(ImagePlus imp, int count, int[] numList, String stackTitle) throws Exception {
        ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
        ImageStack stack2 = null;
        boolean virtualStack = stack.isVirtual();
        double min = imp.getDisplayRangeMin();
        double max = imp.getDisplayRangeMax();
        Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
        for (int i=0, j=0; i<count; i++) {
            int currSlice = numList[i]-j;
            ImageProcessor ip2 = stack.getProcessor(currSlice);
            ip2 = ip2.crop();
            if (stack2==null)
                stack2 = new ImageStack(ip2.getWidth(), ip2.getHeight());
            stack2.addSlice(stack.getSliceLabel(currSlice), ip2);
            if (delete) {
        if (delete) {
            // next three lines for updating the scroll bar
            ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
            StackWindow swin = (StackWindow) win;
            if (swin!=null)
        ImagePlus impSubstack = imp.createImagePlus();
        impSubstack.setStack(stackTitle, stack2);
        if (virtualStack)
            impSubstack.setDisplayRange(min, max);
        return impSubstack;
    // extract range of slices
    ImagePlus stackRange(ImagePlus imp, int first, int last, int inc, String title) throws Exception {
        ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
        ImageStack stack2 = null;
        boolean virtualStack = stack.isVirtual();
        double min = imp.getDisplayRangeMin();
        double max = imp.getDisplayRangeMax();
        Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
        boolean showProgress = stack.getSize()>400 || stack.isVirtual();
        for (int i= first, j=0; i<= last; i+=inc) {
            if (showProgress) IJ.showProgress(i,last);
            int currSlice = i-j;
            ImageProcessor ip2 = stack.getProcessor(currSlice);
            ip2 = ip2.crop();
            if (stack2==null)
                stack2 = new ImageStack(ip2.getWidth(), ip2.getHeight());
            stack2.addSlice(stack.getSliceLabel(currSlice), ip2);
            if (delete) {
        if (delete) {
            // next three lines for updating the scroll bar
            ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
            StackWindow swin = (StackWindow) win;
            if (swin!=null)
        ImagePlus substack = imp.createImagePlus();
        substack.setStack(title, stack2);
        if (virtualStack)
            substack.setDisplayRange(min, max);
        return substack;