package ij.plugin.filter;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.measure.*;
import ij.plugin.ContrastEnhancer;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;

This class implements the Process/FFT/Bandpass Filter command. It is based on 
Joachim Walter's FFT Filter plugin at "".
2001/10/29: First Version (JW)
2003/02/06: 1st bugfix (works in macros/plugins, works on stacks, overwrites image(=>filter)) (JW)
2003/07/03: integrated into ImageJ, added "Display Filter" option (WSR)
2007/03/26: 2nd bugfix (Fixed incorrect calculation of filter from structure sizes, which caused
            the real structure sizes to be wrong by a factor of 0.75 to 1.5 depending on the image size.)
public class FFTFilter implements  PlugInFilter, Measurements {

    private ImagePlus imp;
    private String arg;
    private static int filterIndex = 1;
    private FHT fht;
    private int slice;
    private int stackSize = 1;  
    private static double filterLargeDia = 40.0;
    private static double  filterSmallDia = 3.0;
    private static int choiceIndex = 0;
    private static String[] choices = {"None","Horizontal","Vertical"};
    private static String choiceDia = choices[0];
    private static double toleranceDia = 5.0;
    private static boolean doScalingDia = true;
    private static boolean saturateDia = true;
    private static boolean displayFilter;
    private static boolean processStack;

    public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
        this.arg = arg;
        this.imp = imp;
        if (imp==null)
            {IJ.noImage(); return DONE;}
        stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
        fht  = (FHT)imp.getProperty("FHT");
        if (fht!=null) {
            IJ.error("FFT Filter", "Spatial domain image required");
            return DONE;
        if (!showBandpassDialog(imp))
            return DONE;

    public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {
    void filter(ImageProcessor ip) {
        ImageProcessor ip2 = ip;
        if (ip2 instanceof ColorProcessor) {
            showStatus("Extracting brightness");
            ip2 = ((ColorProcessor)ip2).getBrightness();
        Rectangle roiRect = ip2.getRoi();       
        int maxN = Math.max(roiRect.width, roiRect.height);
        double sharpness = (100.0 - toleranceDia) / 100.0;
        boolean doScaling = doScalingDia;
        boolean saturate = saturateDia;

        /*  tile mirrored image to power of 2 size      
            first determine smallest power 2 >= 1.5 * image width/height
            factor of 1.5 to avoid wrap-around effects of Fourier Trafo */

        int i=2;
        while(i<1.5 * maxN) i *= 2;     
        // Calculate the inverse of the 1/e frequencies for large and small structures.
        double filterLarge = 2.0*filterLargeDia / (double)i;
        double filterSmall = 2.0*filterSmallDia / (double)i;
        // fit image into power of 2 size 
        Rectangle fitRect = new Rectangle();
        fitRect.x = (int) Math.round( (i - roiRect.width) / 2.0 );
        fitRect.y = (int) Math.round( (i - roiRect.height) / 2.0 );
        fitRect.width = roiRect.width;
        fitRect.height = roiRect.height;
        // put image (ROI) into power 2 size image
        // mirroring to avoid wrap around effects
        showStatus("Pad to "+i+"x"+i);
        ip2 = tileMirror(ip2, i, i, fitRect.x, fitRect.y);
        // transform forward
        showStatus(i+"x"+i+" forward transform");
        FHT fht = new FHT(ip2);
        //new ImagePlus("after fht",ip2.crop()).show(); 

        // filter out large and small structures
        showStatus("Filter in frequency domain");
        filterLargeSmall(fht, filterLarge, filterSmall, choiceIndex, sharpness);
        //new ImagePlus("filter",ip2.crop()).show();

        // transform backward
        showStatus("Inverse transform");
        //new ImagePlus("after inverse",ip2).show();    
        // crop to original size and do scaling if selected
        showStatus("Crop and convert to original type");
        ip2 = fht.crop();
        if (doScaling) {
            ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus(imp.getTitle()+"-filtered", ip2);
            new ContrastEnhancer().stretchHistogram(imp2, saturate?1.0:0.0);
            ip2 = imp2.getProcessor();

        // convert back to original data type
        int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth(); 
        switch (bitDepth) {
            case 8: ip2 = ip2.convertToByte(doScaling); break;
            case 16: ip2 = ip2.convertToShort(doScaling); break;
            case 24:
                showStatus("Setting brightness");
            case 32: break;

        // copy filtered image back into original image
        if (bitDepth!=24) {
            ip.copyBits(ip2, roiRect.x, roiRect.y, Blitter.COPY);
    void showStatus(String msg) {
        if (stackSize>1 && processStack)
            IJ.showStatus("FFT Filter: "+slice+"/"+stackSize);

    /** Puts ImageProcessor (ROI) into a new ImageProcessor of size width x height y at position (x,y).
    The image is mirrored around its edges to avoid wrap around effects of the FFT. */
    public ImageProcessor tileMirror(ImageProcessor ip, int width, int height, int x, int y) {
        if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("FFT.tileMirror: "+width+"x"+height+" "+ip);
        if (x < 0 || x > (width -1) || y < 0 || y > (height -1)) {
            IJ.error("Image to be tiled is out of bounds.");
            return null;
        ImageProcessor ipout = ip.createProcessor(width, height);
        ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.crop();
        int w2 = ip2.getWidth();
        int h2 = ip2.getHeight();
        //how many times does ip2 fit into ipout?
        int i1 = (int) Math.ceil(x / (double) w2);
        int i2 = (int) Math.ceil( (width - x) / (double) w2);
        int j1 = (int) Math.ceil(y / (double) h2);
        int j2 = (int) Math.ceil( (height - y) / (double) h2);      

        if ( (i1%2) > 0.5)
        if ( (j1%2) > 0.5)
        for (int i=-i1; i<i2; i += 2) {
            for (int j=-j1; j<j2; j += 2) {
                ipout.insert(ip2, x-i*w2, y-j*h2);
        for (int i=-i1+1; i<i2; i += 2) {
            for (int j=-j1; j<j2; j += 2) {
                ipout.insert(ip2, x-i*w2, y-j*h2);
        for (int i=-i1+1; i<i2; i += 2) {
            for (int j=-j1+1; j<j2; j += 2) {
                ipout.insert(ip2, x-i*w2, y-j*h2);
        for (int i=-i1; i<i2; i += 2) {
            for (int j=-j1+1; j<j2; j += 2) {
                ipout.insert(ip2, x-i*w2, y-j*h2);
        return ipout;

    filterLarge: down to which size are large structures suppressed?
    filterSmall: up to which size are small structures suppressed?
    filterLarge and filterSmall are given as fraction of the image size 
                in the original (untransformed) image.
    stripesHorVert: filter out: 0) nothing more  1) horizontal  2) vertical stripes
                (i.e. frequencies with x=0 / y=0)
    scaleStripes: width of the stripe filter, same unit as filterLarge
    void filterLargeSmall(ImageProcessor ip, double filterLarge, double filterSmall, int stripesHorVert, double scaleStripes) {
        int maxN = ip.getWidth();
        float[] fht = (float[])ip.getPixels();
        float[] filter = new float[maxN*maxN];
        for (int i=0; i<maxN*maxN; i++)

        int row;
        int backrow;
        float rowFactLarge;
        float rowFactSmall;
        int col;
        int backcol;
        float factor;
        float colFactLarge;
        float colFactSmall;
        float factStripes;
        // calculate factor in exponent of Gaussian from filterLarge / filterSmall

        double scaleLarge = filterLarge*filterLarge;
        double scaleSmall = filterSmall*filterSmall;
        scaleStripes = scaleStripes*scaleStripes;
        //float FactStripes;

        // loop over rows
        for (int j=1; j<maxN/2; j++) {
            row = j * maxN;
            backrow = (maxN-j)*maxN;
            rowFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(-(j*j) * scaleLarge);
            rowFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(-(j*j) * scaleSmall);

            // loop over columns
            for (col=1; col<maxN/2; col++){
                backcol = maxN-col;
                colFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(- (col*col) * scaleLarge);
                colFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(- (col*col) * scaleSmall);
                factor = (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall;
                switch (stripesHorVert) {
                    case 1: factor *= (1 - (float) Math.exp(- (col*col) * scaleStripes)); break;// hor stripes
                    case 2: factor *= (1 - (float) Math.exp(- (j*j) * scaleStripes)); // vert stripes
                fht[col+row] *= factor;
                fht[col+backrow] *= factor;
                fht[backcol+row] *= factor;
                fht[backcol+backrow] *= factor;
                filter[col+row] *= factor;
                filter[col+backrow] *= factor;
                filter[backcol+row] *= factor;
                filter[backcol+backrow] *= factor;

        //process meeting points (maxN/2,0) , (0,maxN/2), and (maxN/2,maxN/2)
        int rowmid = maxN * (maxN/2);
        rowFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleLarge);
        rowFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleSmall);  
        factStripes = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleStripes);
        fht[maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall; // (maxN/2,0)
        fht[rowmid] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall; // (0,maxN/2)
        fht[maxN/2 + rowmid] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*rowFactSmall; // (maxN/2,maxN/2)
        filter[maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall; // (maxN/2,0)
        filter[rowmid] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall; // (0,maxN/2)
        filter[maxN/2 + rowmid] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*rowFactSmall; // (maxN/2,maxN/2)

        switch (stripesHorVert) {
            case 1: fht[maxN/2] *= (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[rowmid] = 0;
                    fht[maxN/2 + rowmid] *= (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[maxN/2] *= (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[rowmid] = 0;
                    filter[maxN/2 + rowmid] *= (1 - factStripes);
                    break; // hor stripes
            case 2: fht[maxN/2] = 0;
                    fht[rowmid] *=  (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[maxN/2 + rowmid] *= (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[maxN/2] = 0;
                    filter[rowmid] *=  (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[maxN/2 + rowmid] *= (1 - factStripes);
                    break; // vert stripes
        //loop along row 0 and maxN/2   
        rowFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleLarge);
        rowFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleSmall);          
        for (col=1; col<maxN/2; col++){
            backcol = maxN-col;
            colFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(- (col*col) * scaleLarge);
            colFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(- (col*col) * scaleSmall);
            switch (stripesHorVert) {
                case 0:
                    fht[col] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall;
                    fht[backcol] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall;
                    fht[col+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall;
                    fht[backcol+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall;
                    filter[col] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall;
                    filter[backcol] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall;
                    filter[col+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall;
                    filter[backcol+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall;  
                case 1:
                    factStripes = (float) Math.exp(- (col*col) * scaleStripes);
                    fht[col] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[backcol] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[col+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[backcol+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[col] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[backcol] *= (1 - colFactLarge) * colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[col+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[backcol+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                case 2:
                    factStripes = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleStripes); 
                    fht[col] = 0;
                    fht[backcol] = 0;
                    fht[col+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[backcol+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[col] = 0;
                    filter[backcol] = 0;
                    filter[col+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[backcol+rowmid] *= (1 - colFactLarge*rowFactLarge) * colFactSmall*rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
        // loop along column 0 and maxN/2
        colFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleLarge);
        colFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleSmall);
        for (int j=1; j<maxN/2; j++) {
            row = j * maxN;
            backrow = (maxN-j)*maxN;
            rowFactLarge = (float) Math.exp(- (j*j) * scaleLarge);
            rowFactSmall = (float) Math.exp(- (j*j) * scaleSmall);

            switch (stripesHorVert) {
                case 0:
                    fht[row] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall;
                    fht[backrow] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall;
                    fht[row+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall;
                    fht[backrow+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall;
                    filter[row] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall;
                    filter[backrow] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall;
                    filter[row+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall;
                    filter[backrow+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall;
                case 1:
                    factStripes = (float) Math.exp(- (maxN/2)*(maxN/2) * scaleStripes);
                    fht[row] = 0;
                    fht[backrow] = 0;
                    fht[row+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[backrow+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[row] = 0;
                    filter[backrow] = 0;
                    filter[row+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[backrow+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                case 2:
                    factStripes = (float) Math.exp(- (j*j) * scaleStripes);
                    fht[row] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[backrow] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[row+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    fht[backrow+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[row] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[backrow] *= (1 - rowFactLarge) * rowFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[row+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);
                    filter[backrow+maxN/2] *= (1 - rowFactLarge*colFactLarge) * rowFactSmall*colFactSmall * (1 - factStripes);  
        if (displayFilter && slice==1) {
            FHT f = new FHT(new FloatProcessor(maxN, maxN, filter, null));
            new ImagePlus("Filter", f).show();

    boolean showBandpassDialog(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (imp.getCompositeMode()==IJ.COMPOSITE)
            processStack = true;
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("FFT Bandpass Filter");
        gd.addNumericField("Filter_large structures down to", filterLargeDia, 0, 4, "pixels");
        gd.addNumericField("Filter_small structures up to", filterSmallDia, 0, 4, "pixels");
        gd.addChoice("Suppress stripes:", choices, choiceDia);
        gd.addNumericField("Tolerance of direction:", toleranceDia, 0, 2, "%");
        gd.addCheckbox("Autoscale after filtering", doScalingDia);
        gd.addCheckbox("Saturate image when autoscaling", saturateDia);
        gd.addCheckbox("Display filter", displayFilter);
        if (stackSize>1)
            gd.addCheckbox("Process entire stack", processStack);   
            return false;
        if(gd.invalidNumber()) {
            IJ.error("Error", "Invalid input number");
            return false;
        filterLargeDia = gd.getNextNumber();
        filterSmallDia = gd.getNextNumber();    
        choiceIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
        choiceDia = choices[choiceIndex];
        toleranceDia = gd.getNextNumber();
        doScalingDia = gd.getNextBoolean();
        saturateDia = gd.getNextBoolean();
        displayFilter = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if (stackSize>1)
            processStack = gd.getNextBoolean();
        return true;
