package ij.process;
import java.util.Arrays;

/** A table for easier downsizing by convolution with a kernel.
 *  Supports the interpolation methods of ImageProcessor: none, bilinear, bicubic
 *  Convention used: The left edges of the first pixel are the same for source and destination.
 *  E.g. when downsizing by a factor of 2, pixel 0 of the destination
 *  takes the space of pixels 0 and 1 of the source.
 *  Example for use: Downsizing row 0 of 'pixels' from 'roi.width' to 'destinationWidth'.
 *  The input range is given by the roi rectangle.
 *  Output is written to row 0 of 'pixels2' (width: 'destinationWidth')
    DownSizeTable dt = new DownSizeTable(width, roi.x, roi.width, destinationWidth, ImageProcessor.BICUBIC);
    int tablePointer = 0;
    for (int srcPoint=dt.srcStart, srcPoint<=dt.srcEnd; srcPoint++) {
        float v = pixels[srcPoint];
        for (int i=0; i<dt.kernelSize; i++, tablePointer++)
            pixels2[dt.indices[tablePointer]] += v * dt.weights[tablePointer];
public class DownsizeTable {
    /** Number of kernel points per source data point */
    public final int kernelSize;
    /** index of the first point of the source data that should be accessed */
    public final int srcStart;
    /** index of the last point of the source data that should be accessed */
    public final int srcEnd;
    /** For each source point between srcStart and srcEnd, indices of destination
     *  points where the data should be added.
     *  Arranged in blocks of 'kernelSize' points. E.g. for kernelSize=2, array
     *  elements 0,1 are for point srcStart, 2,3 for point srcStart+1, etc. */
    public final int[] indices;
    /** For each source point, weights for adding it to the destination point
     *  given in the corresponding element of 'indices' */
    public final float[] weights;
    /** Kernel sizes corresponding to the interpolation methods NONE, BILINEAR, BICUBIC */
    private final static int[] kernelSizes = new int[] {1, 2, 4};
    private final int srcOrigin, srcLength;
    private final double scale;         //source/destination pixel numbers
    private final int interpolationMethod;
    private final static int UNUSED=-1; //marks unused entries in 'indices' array

    /** Create a table for 1-dimensional downscaling interpolation.
     *  Interpolation is done by 
     * @param srcSize    Size of source data, i.e., width or height of input image
     * @param srcOrigin  Index of first pixel of source data that corresponds to an ouput pixel,
     *                   0 or origin of source rectangle if only a roi is scaled
     * @param srcLength  Number of pixels of source data that should correspond to output, i.e.,
     *                   width or height of source roi
     * @param dstSize    Number of destination pixels.
     * @param interpolationMethod One of the methods defined in ImageProcessor: NONE, BILINEAR, BICUBIC
    DownsizeTable(int srcSize, int srcOrigin, int srcLength, int dstSize, int interpolationMethod) {
        this.srcOrigin = srcOrigin;
        this.srcLength = srcLength;
        this.interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod;
        this.scale = srcLength / (double)dstSize;
        this.kernelSize = kernelSizes[interpolationMethod];
        int srcStartUncorr = (int)(Math.ceil(1e-8+srcIndex(-0.5*kernelSize))); //may be <0
        srcStart = srcStartUncorr < 0 ? 0 : srcStartUncorr;    //corrected value, avoids pointing out of array
        int srcEndUncorr = (int)(Math.floor(1e-8+srcIndex(dstSize-1 + 0.5*kernelSize)));
        srcEnd = srcEndUncorr >=srcSize ? srcSize-1 : srcEndUncorr;
        int arraySize = (srcEnd - srcStart + 1) * kernelSize;
        indices = new int[arraySize];
        weights = new float[arraySize];
        Arrays.fill(indices, UNUSED);
        //IJ.log("src size="+srcSize+" range="+srcStart+"-"+srcEnd+" array:"+arraySize+" scale="+(float)scale);

        for (int dst=0; dst<dstSize; dst++) {
            double sum = 0;
            int lowestS = (int)(Math.ceil(1e-8+srcIndex(dst-0.5*kernelSize)));
            int highestS = (int)(Math.floor(-1e-8+srcIndex(dst+0.5*kernelSize)));
            for (int src=lowestS; src<=highestS; src++) {
                //out of bounds policy is 'use value of edge pixel'.
                //We therfore replace an out-of-bounds pixel by the edge pixel:
                int s = src < 0 ? 0 : (src >= srcSize ? srcSize-1 : src);
                int p = (s-srcStart)*kernelSize;// points to first value in 'indices' and 'weights'
                                                // arrays reserved for this source pixel
                while(indices[p]!=UNUSED && indices[p]!=dst)
                    p++;                    //position used for other destination pixel, try the next one
                //if(p-(s-srcStart)*kernelSize>=kernelSize)IJ.log(srcSize+">"+dstSize+": too long: src="+src+" dst="+dst);
                indices[p] = dst;
                float weight = kernel(dst - dstIndex(src));
                sum += weight;
                weights[p] += weight;
                //IJ.log("src="+src+"("+s+") to "+dst+" w="+weight+" p="+p);
            //normalize: sum of weights contributing to this destination pixel should be 1
            int iStart = (lowestS-srcStart)*kernelSize;
            if (iStart < 0) iStart = 0;
            int iStop = (highestS-srcStart)*kernelSize+(kernelSize-1);
            if (iStop>=indices.length) iStop = indices.length-1;
            //IJ.log("normalize "+iStart+"-"+iStop+" sum="+sum);
            for (int i=iStart; i<=iStop; i++)
                if (indices[i] == dst)
                    weights[i] = (float)(weights[i]/sum);
        for (int i=0; i<indices.length; i++)
            if (indices[i]==UNUSED)
                indices[i] = 0;     //set unused entries to pixel 0 (weight is 0 anyhow), then they do no harm
    // Converts a destination pixel coordinate (index) to the corresponding
    // source coordinate
    // All coordinates refer to the centers of the pixel
    // Also for fractional indices, e.g. dstIndex = i-0.5 for left edge of pixel.
    // The output is also fractional (not converted to int)
    // No check for source array bounds, may result in a value <0 or >= array size.
    private double srcIndex(double dstIndex) {
        return srcOrigin-0.5 + (dstIndex+0.5)*scale;
    // Converts the coordinate (index) of a source pixel to the destination pixel
    private double dstIndex(int srcIndex) {
        return (srcIndex-srcOrigin+0.5)/scale - 0.5;
    // Calculates the kernel value. Only valid within +/- 0.5*kernelSize
    protected float kernel(double x) {
        switch (interpolationMethod) {
            case ImageProcessor.NONE:
                return 1f;
            case ImageProcessor.BILINEAR:
                return 1f - (float)Math.abs(x);
            case ImageProcessor.BICUBIC:
                return (float)ImageProcessor.cubic(x);
        return Float.NaN;
