1.53a15 24 April 2020
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the Plot.setOptions() macro function.
See Help>Examples>>Plots>Plot Results for an example.
- Thanks to Michael Ellis, added the ImagePlus.setProp(key,string)
and ImagePlus.getProp(key) methods
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the Plot.getCurrentFont(),
Plot.getDefaultFont() and Tools.getNumberFromList() methods.
- Thanks to Herbie Gluender, added the GenericDialog.getLabel()
and FHT.getRawPowerSpectrum() methods.
- Thanks to Kenneth Sloan, added the ImageProcessor.getForegroundValue()
- Thanks to Curtis Rueden, made the GenericDialog.getParentFrame()
method private again.
- Thanks to Hidenao Yamada, fixed a bug that caused
the getDirectory() and getFileName() methods of the
FileInfoVirtualStack class to always return null.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused
the File>Import>Image Sequence command
to not ignore subdirectories.
- Thanks to Michael Cammer, fixed a 1.52v regression that caused
recording to not work correctly when Preview was checked in a filter dialog.
- Fixed a 1.52o regression that caused the
Help>Examples>JavaScript>FFT Filter
script to display an error message.
1.52v 11 April 2020
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, macro error messages include the call stack.
- Added a "Set default directory" code choice to the
Edit>Options>Startup dialog.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, the RoiManager class is now iterable.
- The run("Viridis") macro function now works on Fiji
- Thanks to Fred Damen, Java compiler error messages use the default editor font.
- Thanks to Fred Damen and Michael Schmid, added the Math.erf(x) macro function.
- Added the Overlay.useNamesAsLabels(boolean) macro function
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the Fit.getEquation(index,name,formula,macroCode)
macro function
- Thanks to 'Odinsbane', added the ByteProcessor.skeletonize(foreground)
method, where 'foreground' is either 0 or 255.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, added the ResultsTable.getResultsTable(title) method.
- Thanks to 'Max1', fixed a bug that caused the
Edit>Selection>Scale command to not maintain
the selection name, group, fill color, point type and point size.
- Thanks to 'Odinsbane', fixed a bug that caused the ByteProcessor.skeletonize()
method to not work correctly with objects touching the image edge.
- Thanks to Stefan Helfrich and Olivier Burri, fixed a bug that caused the
position of ROIs added to the ROI Manager using RoiManager.setRoi()
to sometimes change.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that sometimes caused
GenericDialogs to throw an exception.
- Thanks to Jeremy Adler, fixed a bug where changing the LUT
resets the display range.
- Thanks to 'Sh_Ty', fixed a bug the caused the
Analyze>Tools>Calibration Bar command to throw
an exception in headless mode.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused
plots with custom symbols to use the wrong color
or generate an error.
- Thanks to Nicolas De Francesco, fixed a 1.52u regression that caused
incorrect straight line length measurements with spatially calibrated images.
- Thanks to Peter Haub, fixed a 1.52u regression that caused the cursor
position to not be aligned with the drawing position when creating
a polygon ROI.
- Thanks to 'Professor_OAT', fixed a 1.52s regresson that caused the
deleteRows() macro function to throw an exception when deleting
rows in a non-numeric table.
1.52u 17 March 2020
- ROI enhancements, thanks to Michael Schmid:
- Line and point selections have integer coordinates at
pixel centers when displayed at high magnification. Area selections
have integer coordinates at the top-left corner of pixels.
- All interactively created ROIs, except rectangles and ovals, are created
with subpixel resolution when the magnification is above 150%.
- Removed the "Sub-pixel resolution" option from the
Edit>Options>Plots dialog.
- The Line to Area command is faster and more accurate
- The Straighten command is more accurate.
- The Image>Info command displays more
information about ROIs.
- Long-click to select ROIs from overlays now also works
with lines.
- The Measure command uses Line to Area instead of
Straighten to get statistics from segmented and freehand lines
with a width geater than one.
- Fixed a bug that could (rarely) cause an exception during
"wipe back" when drawing a polygon or polyline. In "wipe back"
mode, the mouse behaves like an eraser when
moved backwards with alt key down.
- Thanks to Nicolas De Francesco, added the
Edit>Selection>Fit Rectangle command.
- Thanks to 'Dcolam' and Jan Eglinger, the
Edit>Selection>Enlarge command no
longer has a 255 pixel limit.
- Thanks to Peter Bankhead, the default TIFF reader uses the HandleExtraFileTypes
plugin when it is unable to open a file. As an example, .svs files dragged and dropped
on the "ImageJ" window are now opened by the Bio-Formats plugin.
- Added the Help>Examples>JavaScript>Overlay Text example.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, added a
"Install Keypad Shortcuts" command to the
ROI Menu tool. Add
call("ij.plugin.MacroInstaller.installFromJar", "/macros/RoiMenuTool.txt+");
to the Edit>Options>Startup dialog
to have the shortcuts automatically installed on startup.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, the commands in the
ROI Menu tool and the "Group" setting in the ROI Manager's
Properties dialog are recordable.
- Added the
Math.abs(n), Math.acos(n), Math.asin(n), Math.atan(n), Math.atan2(n1,n2), Math.ceil(n),
Math.cos(n), Math.exp(n), Math.floor(n), Math.log(n), Math.log10(n), Math.min(n1,n2),
Math.max(n1,n2), Math.pow(n1,n2), Math.round(n), Math.sin(n), Math.sqr(n),
Math.sqrt(n) and Math.tan(n) macro functions.
- Added the RoiManager.setGroup(group) and
RoiManager.selectGroup(group) macro functions.
- Thanks to Ken Gilbert, added the getValue("image.size")
macro function.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, added the setOption("WaitForCompletion",false)
macro function, which causes the next exec() call to return an empty string and
not wait for the command being executed to finish.
- Thanks to Nortbert Vischer, added the Array.sort(array1,array2,array3...)
macro function
- Thanks to Volker Backer, added the ImagePlus.resize()
method, which is recorded by the Image>Scale
and Image>Adjust>Size commands.
- Thanks to Fred Damen, added the Plot.setWindowSize() method.
- Thanks to Lewis Muir, fixed a bug the caused the Pixel Inspection Tool's
red selection box to be included with the image when saving in
GIF, JPEG or PNG format.
- Thanks to 'cooketho', fixed a bug that caused the
Edit>Copy to System command to sometimes not work
as expected with composite images.
- Thanks to Fred Damen, fixed bugs that caused the
TextRoi.setJustification() and TextRoi.drawPixels() methods
to not work as expected.
- Thanks to Nicolas De Francesco, fixed a bug that caused
empty tables to not be opened correctly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Color Picker to not work
correctly if the GUI scale was greater than one.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that could cause
a thread deadlock in plugins using the ImageListener interface.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused the
"List coordinates" option in the Edit>Selection>Properties
dialog to ignore the "Origin" setting in the
Image>Properties dialog.
- Thanks to 'sebi06', fixed a 1.52p regression that caused the
particle analyzer to thow an exception in headless mode.
1.52t 30 January 2020
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, added a "Group" field to the
Edit>Selection>Properties dialog and an
"ROI Menu" tool to the toolbar's >> menu.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, added support for superscripts and
subscripts in plot axis labels
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, added a "Separate Image" option to the
"Location:" menu of the Analyze>Tools>Calibration Bar dialog.
- Selection handles are larger.
- Added a "Bolder selections" ("Roi.setDefaultStrokeWidth(2);") code
choice to the Edit>Options>Startup dialog.
- Thanks to Mark Rivers, the Help>Examples>JavaScript>TeraByte VirtualStack
example now generates test patterns and supports multiple image types.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, added the Roi.getDefaultGroup,
Roi.setDefaultGroup(group), Roi.getGroup, Roi.setGroup(group),
Roi.getDefaultStrokeWidth and Roi.setDefaultStrokeWidth()
macro functions, and the corresponding Roi class methods.
- Added the following macro language string functions, where
's' is a string variable:
s.charAt(i), s.contains(s2), s.endsWith(s2), s.indexOf(s2), s.lastIndexOf(s2),
s.length, s.matches(s2), s.replace(s1,s2), s.startsWith(s2),
s.substring(i1,i2), s.substring(i), s.toLowerCase,
s.toUpperCase and s.trim.
- Thanks to Stephen Royle, fixed a bug on macOS that caused
the command-h keyboard shortcut (ImageJ>Hide ImageJ)
to not work.
- Thanks to Mark Rivers, fixed a bug that caused the cursor
location and pixel value to not be displayed in the status bar
for animating stacks.
- Thanks to Jeff Spector and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that
caused the Edit>Selection>Line to Area command
to not work as expected.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused a
misleading error message to be displayed when using the
saveAs(format,path) macro function to save in "jpg", "png" or "gif"
format and the file path was incorrect.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused macro
recording to not work correctly if "Non-blocking filter dialogs" was
enabled in the Edit>Options>Misc dialog.
- Thanks to Michael Kaul, fixed a bug that caused the
GenericDialog.addSlider() method to not use enough
digits to the right of the decimal point if the value
of the 'stepSize' argument was very small.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed several live profile
plot and LineWidthAdjuster bugs.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the
Image>Overay>Flatten command to throw
an exception when flattening hyperstacks.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused dialogs
with only buttons to put the focus on the first button, which is not the
"OK" button on MacOS and Linux.
- Thanks to John Fozard and 'mountain_man', fixed a bug
that caused angle measurements of lines a few pixels
in length to be incorrect.
- Thanks to 'SarenT', fixed a bug that caused the
ImagePlus.getShortTitle() method to truncate file names
containing spaces.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused
a "Has Calibration Bar" error when attempting to adjust
brightness and contrast after clicking on "Cancel" in
the Analyze>Tools>Calibration Bar dialog.
- Thanks to Fernando Garcia-Polite, fixed a 1.52q regression
that caused the run("Point Tool...",options) macro function
to no longer work.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a 1.52q regression
that caused duplicate recordinging of non-blocking dialogs.
- Thanks to Dorai Iyer, fixed a 1.52s regression that caused characters
entered using the text tool to sometimes be repeated.
- Thanks to Rodrigo Goncalves and Curtis Rueden, fixed a
1.52q regression that caused the "Movie (FFMPEG)"
plugin to throw a NullPointerException.
1.52s 10 December 2019
- Thanks to 'LPUoO', added the Plugins>Utilities>Commands
command, which opens a list of commonly and recently used
- By default, image windows now open just below the "ImageJ" window.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, adding an exclamation mark to
showStatus() messages avoids status bar flicker
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, the Process>Filters>Convolve
dialog displays feedback on the kernel as it is modified.
- Added the Macros>Set as Repeat Command
command to the macro editor. After running this command,
the selected macro code will run each time you press 'r', the
shortcut for the Process>Repeat Command command.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, added a "Splash Screen" code
choice to the Edit>Options>Startup dialog.
- Changed the shortcut for Process>Repeat Command
to 'r' and the shortcut for File>Revert to shift-r.
- Added a "Reuse 'FFT of...' window" option to the
Process>FFT>FFT Options dialog.
- Thanks to Peter Haub, chroma subsampling is disabled when saving in
JPEG format if the Quality setting (Edit>Options>Input/Output)
is 90 or higher, resulting in higher quality images but larger file sizes.
- Thanks to Karen Collins, improved the FITS Writer.
- Added the Help>Examples>JavaScript>JPEG Quality Plot
- Removed the obsolete "Draw grid lines" option from the
Edit>Options>Plot dialog.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, the ImagePlus.updateAndDraw()
method adds a scroll bar to the image window if the stack size
has changed to greater than one.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, added the File.getDefaultDir,
File.setDefaultDir(path), String.trim(string) and String.join(array)
macro functions.
- Thanks to Peter Haub, added the JpegWriter.disableChromaSubsampling()
(example script).
- Added the ImageProcessor.setFontSize() and Plot.setFontSize() methods.
- Thanks to 'kefe' and Herbie, fixed a bug that caused the Stack to Images
command to use slice labels as image titles even when
they contained "/", "\" or ":" characters.
- Thanks to 'sudgy' and Jan Eglinger, fixed a bug the caused iteration
over the points contained in an ROI to throw an exception for rectangular ROIs.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the options dialogs
for the Rounded Rectangle, Multi-point and Arrow tools to generate
"Duplicate keyword" errors when the Recorder was running.
- Thanks to Peter Haub, fixed a bug that caused the Image Calculator
to not work as expected with RGB images when using the
"Difference" operator and the "32-bit (float) result" option was enabled.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Font size" setting in the
Edit>Options>Plots dialog to be ignored.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the
run("Calibration Bar...",options) macro function to ignore calls to
- Thanks go Sethur, worked around a Windows 10 and OpenJDK
bug that caused the "thumb" on scrollbars to be hard to see.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the
Analyze>Set Scale command to not be correctly
- Thanks to Sethur, fixed a bug that caused the
Image>Stacks>Tools>Substack Maker
command to not carry over the calibration of hyperstacks.
- Thanks to Sethur, fixed bugs that caused the
DICOM reader to not correctly open multi-frame DICOMs,
and 16-bit signed DICOMs, with RescaleSlope=1
and RescaleIntercept!=0.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a macro interpreter bug
that prevented array functions like newArray() and split() from
being used as arguments to user-defined functions.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the
Window menu to not be updated when saving a table.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the
Image>Transform>Translate command
to ignore overlays.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused right
justified text in overlays to not be translated correctly.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, worked around a Java bug
that caused the OpenDialog.setDefaultDirectory(path) method to
sometimes not work as expected on Windows when the path
used "/" separators.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused macros
calling open("") to not be aborted when the user clicked
"Cancel" in the file open dialog and "Use JFileChooser to open/save"
was enabled in the Edit>Options>Input/Output dialog box.
- Thanks to Nicolas De Francesco, fixed a bug that caused
Process>FFT>Custom Filter to only process
the current stack slice even though "Process entire stack"
was checked in the dialog box.
1.52r 26 October 2019
- Plot enhancements, thanks to Michael Schmid:
- The More>> menus have immediate preview.
- New More>>Use Template menu (also with immediate preview),
useful for creating plots with the same style.
- Clicking into a rectangular area next to an axis shows the
corresponding axis dialog.
- When adding a curve to a "Live" plot, it remains when the plot is
- Thanks to Jan Eglinger, saving TIFF images and stacks to
network drives is up to 10 times faster.
- Thanks to Marcel Boeglin, the title of the selection list created by
Image>Overlay>List Elements includes the image
name. And, when you double click on a line, the image associated
with the list is activated, the corresponding selection is activated and
stacks are set to the selection position.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, Process>Filters>Gaussian Blur
now uses a Thread Pool, reducing overhead and making it
faster for small images.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, you can now separately view and set
the X, Y and Z dimension units in the
Image>Properties dialog box.
- Thanks to Ryan Siu, the double click interval used to
complete a polygon selection is reduced from 500ms to 250ms and
a confirmation dialog is displayed when completing the selection
and there are more than 25 points.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, the slider in the Image>Transform>Rotate
dialog now shows the angle using two decimal places and the slider arrows
increment/decrement by 0.1 degrees. Use the keyboard arrow keys
as a shortcut to finely adjust the angle.
- Thanks to 'felix.b', labels of multi-point tool markers get
larger as the markers get larger and there are two new marker
sizes ("XXL" and "XXXL").
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, the Image>Adjust>Coordinates
command can now be used to set the Z unit.
- GenericDialogs display an error message if show() is called
instead of showDialog().
- Added the getDir("downloads") macro function and
the IJ.getDir("downloads") method.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, added the Roi.getPosition(channel,slice,frame),
Stack.setXUnit(), Stack.setYUnit(),
Stack.setUnits(x,y,z,time,value), Stack.getOrthoViews(x,y,z),
Stack.getOrthoViewsIDs(xy,yz,xz), File.getDirectory(path)
and File.getNameWithoutExtension(path) macro functions.
- Thanks to Leroy Olivier, added the Stack.getPointPosition(index)
macro function.
- Added the IJ.openAsByteBuffer() method
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused the
getInfo("window.title") macro function to not work as expected
after opening a large text file using open("/path/to/largeFile.txt").
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
min/max values of calibrated 16-bit images to be shown without
decimals in the "B&C" dialog.
- Thanks to Deborah Schmidt, fixed a bug that caused Fiji users to not
be able to update via HTTPS through a proxy.
- Worked around a macOS bug that caused the keyboard
arrow keys to not function as shortcuts for the
increment/decrement arrows in GenericDialog sliders.
- Thanks to Marcel Boeglin, fixed a bug that could cause the
particle analyzer to throw an exception when creating an
overlay and no particles were detected.
- Thanks to Noreen Walker, fixed a bug that caused the
image type to unexpectadly to change to COLOR_256 when
using the "glasbey" LUT.
- Thanks to 'mountain_man', fixed a bug
that caused images to not be displayed correctly
if a LUT was applied before the image was shown.
- Thanks to 'mountain_man', fixed a bug
that caused 8-bit PNG images with LUTs to
open as type COLOR_256.
- Thanks to Jan Brocher, fixed a bug that caused the
Edit>Selection>Create Selection command
to ignore the "Black background" setting with
non-thresholded binary images.
- Thanks to 'mountain_man', fixed a bug that caused
ImageJ to not be be able to open TIFF files saved
without a file path.
- Thanks to Birgit Moeller, fixed a bug that caused the
"Label" column to not be sorted when using the "Sort"
command in Results tables.
- Thanks to lguerard and mountain_man, fixed a
bug that caused an ROI's hyperstack position
to be lost when adding it to the RoiManager.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug
that caused OvalRoi.getMask() to sometimes
return a zero-width mask.
- Thanks to Francois Gannier and Michael Schmid, fixed a
1.52o regression that caused the "Log" window to unexpectedly
become the active window.
1.52q 13 September 2019
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the "Non-blocking filter dialogs"
option to Edit>Options>Misc. The Convolve,
Mean, Median, Minimum, Maximum, Variance and Image>Math
commands use NonBlockingGenericDialogs when
this option is enabled.
- "Save changes?" dialogs on Windows and Linux now
use "Don't Save", "Cancel" and "Save" buttons.
- Thanks to Norbret Vischer, added the
macro function
- Thanks to Noreen Walker, the Image>Stacks>Statistics
command and the StackStatistics class now calculate the median
of non-float images.
- Drag and drop opening of images, tables and LUTs is recorded.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the Plot.showValuesWithLabels()
macro function and the Plot.getResultsTableWithLabels() method.
Both create tables that use legend labels and/or axis labels as
column headings. The List, Save Data and Copy All Data
plot window commands also now use labels.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, added the getValue("Length")
macro function.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, added the IJ.pad(string,digits)
macro function and method.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, the ImagePlus lock() and unlock()
methods now support multiple lock/unlock operations by the
same thread.
- Added the IJ.getValue(imp,measurement) method, where
'measurement' is "Area", "Mean", "StdDev", etc.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
File>Import>Image Sequence to not
correctly handle RGB48 images when "Use virtual stack"
was enabled.
- Thanks to François Gannier, fixed a bug that caused the
unit to not be set when "Function:" was set to "None" in the
Analyze>Calibrate dialog.
- Thanks to 'Matthew', fixed bugs that cause the Table.deleteRows()
macro function and IJ.deleteRows() method to not update particle
analyzer overlays.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed bugs that caused tables with
missing columns or rows to not be opened correctly.
- Thanks to Sara Vecchio and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that
caussed the curve fitter to throw an exception if all data points
contained NaNs.
- Thanks to Robert Haase, fixed a bug that caused the
Process>Find Maxima to throw an exception in
Fiji headless mode.
- Thanks to Stephen Royle, fixed a bug that caused the
run("Fill") macro function to ignore setColor(pixelValue) calls.
- Thanks to 'mendel', fixed a bug that caused
enlarged ROIs to be shifted if the polygon defining the
original ROI had points outside the filled polygon.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that could cause
ImageJ to freezes when running macros that manipulate stacks.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused
the numeric field in GenericDialog sliders to be too
narrow when the maximum value was greater than 9999.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused
the getValue(x,y) macro function to not interpolate when
x or y were real numbers.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused
the getPixel(x,y) macro function to not return raw pixel values
when x or y were real numbers.
- Thanks to 'mountain_man', fixed a bug that caused
line selections to not be correctly converted to ShapeRois.
- Thanks to Jeremy Adler, fixed a regression that caused the
the makeSelection(10, xpoints, ypoints) macro function to
throw an exception.
- Thanks to Dan McDonald, fixed a regression that caused the
Raw File Opener to throw an exception.
- Fixed a 1.52a regression that caused tables created by
the gel analyzer to not have row numbers.
- Thanks to Hyung-song Nam and Curtis Rueden, fixed a
1.52o regression that caused the Channels tool on macOS
to become unresponsive.
- Thanks to Florian Jug, fixed a 1.52o regression that
caused the "Auto" button in the "B&C" tool to not have
focus on macOS.
1.52p 22 June 2019
- Thanks to Uwe Schmidt, improved the support for multiple screen setups:
- Placement of first image window is more predictable.
- Reliably determine the correct screen for a given location or window,
for example to determine if a window can be enlarged.
- If there is ambiguity about which screen to use, the one that contains
the main ImageJ window will be chosen. For example
Plugins>Utilities>Capture Screen and Windows>Tile
use the screen with the main ImageJ window.
- Dialogs are shown on the screen containing the main ImageJ window.
- Maximized image windows no longer revert to the main screen.
- Improved behavior of "+" (Image>Zoom>In) command.
- Code simplification, especially by removing special cases for Linux.
- ImageJ displays a warning dialog before deleting a multi-point selection.
- Thanks to 'alex', the FITS Reader no longer flips images vertically
so inspection of pixels will produce the expected values.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, added the getValue(measurement)
macro function, where 'measurement' is "Mean", "Median", "Feret", etc.
- Added the getValue(x,y) macro function and
the ImageProcessor.getValue(x,y) method.
- Thanks to "Herbie", restored macro support for the
"lightGray", "darkGray" and "pink" named colors.
- Thanks to Somsubhro Chaudhuri, added the getValue("selection.angle")
macro function and the Rotator.getAngle() method.
- Added the getValue("selection.size") macro function.
- Added the setOption("CopyHeadings",boolean) macro function.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, added the Roi.setAntiAlias(boolean) macro function,
which can be used to control antialiasing when drawing selections
- Thanks to 'MLdish', added the ParticleAnalyzer.setSummaryTable() method
(JavaScript example).
- Thanks to Wilhelm Burger, added the Menus.add(menuPath,class)
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, added the RoiManager.getErrorMessage() method.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, updated the Javadoc of the MaximumFinder.getMaxima()
methods to make it clearer that the npoints variable of the returned Polygon is the
number of maxima found, not the length of the xpoints variable.
- Made the Toolbar.builtInTools array public.
- Thanks to Mikael Eriksson, fixed a bug that caused the
particle analyzer's "Summary" table to not be accessible in macros
run from the command line using the -batch option.
- Thanks to Andrew Clark, fixed a bug that caused
Edit>Undo to delete all stack slices except the
current one after using the flood fill tool.
- Thanks to 'Nhthayer', fixed a bug that caused imageJ to
incorrectly read TIFF stacks created by the Python
tifffile package when the "imagej=True" option was used.
- Thanks to Marcel Boeglin, fixed a bug that caused
the Image>Adjust>Size command to throw
on exception with XYCT hyperstacks.
- Thanks to Francisco Romanos, fixed a bug that caused
the run("Scale...",options) macro function to ignore the
'interpolate' options keyword.
- Thanks to Glen MacDonald and Curtis Rueden, fixed a
bug that sometimes caused macros in the "More Tools" (>>)
menu to be sorted randomly.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, fixed a bug that caused
ImagePlus.getStatistic() and ImageProcessor.getStatistic() to
not treat one point selections the same way.
- Thanks to Andrew Sonnier, fixed a bug that caused the
particle analyzer to not be recorded if the "In situ" option was used.
- Thanks to Mikael Eriksson, fixed a bug that caused the
run(“Colors…”,options) macro function to throw an
exception when called from a -batch command line macro.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
the Overlay.drawLine() macro function to not work
correctly when used in conjuction with Overlay.setColor()
and/or Overlay.setPosition().
- Thanks to 'Niederle', worked around a bug that caused
the run("Gamma...", "value=x.xx") macro function to fail in
Fiji headless mode.
- Thanks to 'fieryice12', fixed a bug that caused the
Plot.showValues macro function to fail in batch mode.
- Thanks to NorbertVischer, fixed a bug that caused
the Image>Duplicate command to throw
on exception if the ROI was outside the image.
1.52o 23 April 2019
- Added the Help>Examples>Macro>Curve Fitting
and Help>Examples>JavaScript>Curve Fitting examples.
- Thanks to Tiago Ferreira, stack and hyperstack scrollbars
now apply the Edit>Options>Appearance "GUI scale".
- Thanks to 'mountain_man', tables can be sorted alphabetically.
- Thanks to Neil Switz, the Process>FFT>Inverse FFT
command displays a warning message if the "FFT of ..." image
has been modified but no pixels have been set to 0 or 255.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, copies of IJ_Props.txt and/or IJ_Prefs.txt
in the ImageJ folder override the corresponding files in the default locations.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, the Table.update macro function is called
automatically when a macro finsihes and the Table.setSelection(),
Table.getSelectionStart and Table.getSelectionEnd functions no
longer require that a title be specified.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, the isKeyDown() and setKeyDown() macro
functions now support the control key
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, the setColor() and setLineWidth() macro functions
no longer abort the macro if no image is open.
- Thanks to Sian Culley, removed "Bridge" and "Lena" from the
File>Open Samples menu. Macros and scripts that use
these images will continue to work.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, the run("Apply LUT") macro function no longer
shows an error message with images that have a display range of 0-255.
- Thanks to NorbertVischer, Philippe Carl and Stein Rorvik, added the
Array.deleteValue() and Array.deleteIndex() macro functions
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, added the Table.setLocationAndSize()
macro function.
- Added the ImagePlus.crop(options) method, where 'options' can be
can be "stack", "slice" or a range (e.g., "20-30").
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug the caused macros using a
function key shortcut to not work if the shift key was down.
- Thanks to Salim Kanoun, fixed a bug in the DICOM reader that caused
it to sometimes not correctly open PT DICOM stacks.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a rounding error with setMinAndMax()
on some density calibrated 8-bit images.
- Fixed non-macro recording of the Image>Duplicate command.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the
doWand(x,y,tolerance,"Smooth") macro function to cause
the macro language's &var variable passing method to fail.
- Thanks to Jan Eglinger, fixed a bug that caused log histogram plots
to be malformed if the line width was set to greater than 1.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the Table.title
and getInfo("window.title") macro functions to sometimes
not work with custom tables.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed bugs related to saving and
opening empty tables.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the
Mac menu bar to disappear when activating the Channels,
ColorPicker, ContrastAdjuster and ThresholdAdjuster dialogs.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the
"Save changes?" dialog to not be the front-most window
when quitting ImageJ.
- Thanks to Tihamer, fixed a bug that caused the
CurveFitter.getResultString() method to fail if
there was a fitting error.
- Thanks to Ellen Arena, fixed 1.52m regression that caused
the Edit>Selection>Create Selection command
to not work as expected with non-thresholded images.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, fixed a 1.52n regression that caused the
MaximumFinder.getMaxima() method to always return 0 points.
- Thanks to Gabriel Landini, fixed a regression that could cause
the ImagePlus.setSlice() method to throw an exception.
1.52n 22 March 2019
- Thanks to Ellen Arena, fixed a 1.52m regression that caused
the Edit>Selection>Create Mask command to not
preserve spatial calibration.
1.52m 20 March 2019
- ROI improvements thanks to Michael Schmid, including more accurate
Roi.contains, better ShapeRoi filling, improved ShapeRoi.clone(),
improved Roi Manager Split, better ShapeRoi length calculation,
more accurate perimeter for ovals and rounded rectangles,
more accurate MinFeret, removed point selection 32k slice limit,
ability to press ESC to abort creation of polygonROI,
and addition of Roi.getFeretPoints() macro function
- Thanks to Tiago Ferreira, the "GUI scale (0.5-3.0)"
setting in the Edit>Options>Appearance dialog
is now applied to almost all remaining dialogs and widgets,
including the Histogram and Plot Windows and the Threshold widget.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, added the File>Show Folder
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer and Michael Schmid, changed
"Noise Tolerance" to "Prominence" and added a "Strict" option
to the Process>Find Maxima dialog.
- Thanks to Hidenao Yamada, the File>Import>Raw
command now uses long instead of int for the gap between images.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, Image>Stacks>Tools>Set Label
and Image>Stacks>Tools>Remove Slice Labels work
with single images.
- On macOS, the Help>Update ImageJ command
displays a message explaining how to work around Path
Randomization if the ImageJ home directory is read-only and
the file path starts with "/private/var/folders/".
- Thanks to Christophe Leterrier, the File>Import>Image Sequence
command now always sorts the files names on macOS.
- The File>Save As>Image Sequence command saves
single line slice labels when saving in TIFF format.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, the File>Revert command
now works with virtual stacks.
- Thanks to Alicia Daeden, the makeLine() and makePolygon()
macro functions no longer have a 200 point limit.
- Thanks to Steve Fallows, File>Import>Raw only
gets .raw file parameters from the filename when it uses 'x' delimiters.
- Thanks to Gilles Carpentier, added the is("line") and
is("area") macro functions.
- Thanks to Albert Cardona, added the ImagePlus.updateVirtualSlice()
- Thanks to Michael Kaul, added the Plot.update() method.
- Thanks to 'cyrilturies' and Jan Eglinger, fixed a bug that caused
Results table labels to not be displayed for line measurements if no
measurement options were enabled in Analyze>Set Measurements.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed rounding errors in the
Image>Scale command.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused
the toolbar to be corrupted when opening an overlay
containing multi-point selections.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed bugs that caused
numerous "//setTool()" statements to be recorded when opening
ROI sets or overlays that contain multi-point selections.
- Fixed a bug that caused multi-point selections to lose
their 'pointBeforeDeleting' property when saved and re-opened.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused
Process>Filters>Gaussian Blur to not be
- Thanks to Robert Lockwood, fixed a bug that caused the
File>Save command to not be correctly recorded.
- Thanks to Albert Cardona, fixed bugs that caused
Edit>Selection>Restore Selection, and setting an
ROI from the ROI Manager, to not emit an Roi MODIFIED event.
- Thanks to Dr-Frog and Jan Eglinger, fixed a bug that caused
the ImageProcessor.fillOutside(Roi) method to modify the Roi
passed as the argument.
- Thanks to Teresa Haider, fixed a bug that sometimes
caused Image>Transform>Bin
to not correctly display the output image.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a 1.52d regression that caused
File>Import>Image Sequence to use the image label
(if present) as the slice label instead of the filename.
- Thanks to Gilles Carpentier, fixed a 1.52k regression that
caused the particle analyzer to unexpectedly create composite ROIs.
- Thanks to Jan Eglinger, fixed a 1.52i regression that caused
macro string expressions like "s"+a[i]*n to generate an error.
1.52k 29 January 2019
- Thanks to Albert Cardona and Gabriel Landini, added the "GUI scale (0.5-3.0)"
option to the Edit>Options>Appearance dialog, which enables
scaling of text in GenericDialogs and in the Command Finder. It
also doubles the size of the tool icons if the scale is 1.5 or larger
and triples the size if the scale is 2.5 or larger.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, added clickable spaces between the four
arrow pairs in plot windows for quickly setting a single plot limit.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, ImageJ now displays a progress bar when
duplicating large (>200 megapixel) stacks.
- Michael Schmid contributed an improved version of the ThresholdToSelection
class (Edit>Selection>Create Selection) that always converts single
pixel wide lines to traced selections and is up to five times faster.
- Thanks to Tatsuaki Kobayashi, ImageJ can now open 32-bit float DICOM images.
- Michael Schmid contributed the FloatArray class, an extendable
float array.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, added the Table.setSelection(start,end,title),
Table.getSelectionStart(title) and Table.getSelectionEnd(title) macro functions
- Added the setOption("ScaleConversions",boolean) macro function.
- Thanks to Robert Haase, fixed a bug that caused the
Edit>Selection>Create Selection command to ignore the
"Black background" setting when processing non-thresholded binary images.
- Thanks to Johannes Wibisana, fixed a bug in the Particle Analyzer that
caused ROIs added to overlays and the ROI Manager to not exclude
interior holes.
- Thanks to Herbie, fixed a bug that caused the
Process>Binary>Make Binary command
to incorrectly set the threshold of 8-bit binary images.
- Thanks to Nicolas De Francesco, fixed a bug that caused
the LUT to not be saved in the TIFF header when saving
a single-channel image with a custom grayscale LUT.
- Thanks to Mark Mandelkern, fixed a bug that caused multi-image
DICOM files with RescaleSlope!=1.0 to open incorrectly.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the contrast
range to change when converting an 8-bit or 16-bit image to 32-bit.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the
Table.getColumn("Label") macro function to throw an exception.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, fixed a bug that caused ImageJ to
freeze when opening the Interactive Interpreter on Windows using
the ctrl+j keyboard shortcut.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, fixed a bug that caused ImageJ
to fail to open one column tables.
- Thanks to 'Bio7', worked around a bug that caused
toolbar popup menus to not work with OpenJDK 11 and 12 on Windows.
- Thanks to Ved Sharma, fixed a bug that caused the Histogram
command to not behave as expected when "Limit to Threshold" was
enabled in Analyze>Set Measurements and there
was an invisble threshold.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed bugs in the toScaled(length)
and toUnscaled(length) macro functions.
- Thanks to J Xiong, fixed a 1.52j regression that caused the
Image>Overlay>From ROI Manager command
to throw an exception.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, fixed 1.52j9 regression that made it
impossible to enter closing brackets into editor windows
using French keyboards.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed 1.52j regression that
sometimes caused macro errors to be ignored
- Thanks to 'yorgodillo', 'mountain_man' and Jan Eglinger, fixed a
1.52e regression that caused float to 8-bit conversions to be
done incorrectly.
1.52j 29 December 2018
- Added the Plugins>Macros>Interactive Interpreter command
(shortcut: "j"), which enables interactive editing and running
of macro and JavaScript code in an editor window
Type "js" in to switch the language to JavaScript.
- Thanks to Ved Sharma, point selections with more than 65,535 points
can now be saved and reopened
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, the status bar is updated when adjusting
elliptical and rotated rectangle selections.
- Thanks to Ilan Tal, added the "Ignore Rescale Slopet"
checkbox to the Edit>Options>DICOM dialog box.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, Image>Edit>Resize
can now convert a single image to a stack.
- Thanks to MichaelSchmid, improved the calculation of Feret
parameters for composite selections. FeretAngle is now reported
(within 0.5 deg), works with pixel aspect ratios different from one and is
more accuate due to use of 0.5 deg increments.
- Thanks to MichaelSchmid, the output of ROI Manager 'AND', 'OR'
and 'XOR' operations are, if possible, converted from composite ROIs
into simpler polygon ROIs.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, errors in macro run() statements
are now reported using a "Macro Error" dialog that displays
the line number.
- Added the ImagePlus.plotHistogram() method. For examples,
run Help>Examples>JavaScript>Histogram Plots.
- Added the JavaScript-friendly ImageStatistics.histogram() method
- Added the Overlay.setLabelFontSize(size,options),
Overlay.setLabelColor(), Overlay.setStrokeColor()
and Overlay.setStrokeWidth() macro functions,
and corresponding Overlay class methods
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, added the setIgnoreErrors() and
getErrorMessage() methods to the Interpreter class
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused
Image>Edit>Resize to not preserve stack lookup tables.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed Orthogonal Views bugs that caused
freezing, dragging in XZ and YZ views to not work, missing density calibration
and incorrect behavior when "Rotate YZ" and "Flip XZ" where enabled in
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused particle analyzer overlays to
not be specific to the current slice when processing one slice.
- Fixed a bug that caused the color of overlay labels to be set to black after
the image was saved and reopened.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Image>Overlay>To ROI Manager
command to not preserve overlay properties such a label color and scalability.
- Thanks to Wilhelm Burger, fixed a bug that caused the Roi.setLocation(x,y)
method to not work correctly with ShapeRois if x or y were not integers.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, fixed a bug that caused the status bar to not be
updated, or to not be updated correctly, when moving or changing the length
of straight line and arrow selections using the arrow keys.
1.52i 26 November 2018
- Thanks to Ved Sharma and Michael Kaul, added the
Image>Stacks>Measure Stack command
(macro source),
useful for plotting stacks using the contextual (right-click) Plot command
in Results tables.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, added the
Image>Stacks>Tools>Magic Montage Tools command
(macro source).
- Tables can be sorted using the Sort command in the contextual (right-click)
menu or in the Results menu
- Thanks to Matias Andina, the Image>Transform>Rotate command
can now be used interactiely.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added an "F" (Fit All) icon next to the "R" (Reset Range)
icon in the bottom-left corner of plot windows.
- Thanks to Robert Haase and Emanuele Martini, added
a "Don't reset range" checkbox to the "Threshold" dialog
- Added an error bars example to the
Help>Examples>Plots>Plot Styles macro.
- Alphabetized the Image>Stacks>Tools menu.
- Moved the Image>Stacks>Plot XY Profile command
to Image>Stacks>Tools>Plot XY Profile.
- Thanks to 'Barbara' and Michael Schmid, the Translate command in
the ROI Manager remembers the x and y offset values.
- Thanks to Alex Mironov, added an optional properties string
argument to the makePoint() macro function
(macro example,
JavaScript example).
- Thanks to Alex Mironov, the setLineWidth() macro function
automatically calls Overlay.add() when the line width changes
- Added the Plot.replace() macro function and method. For examples,
run Help>Examples>Plots>Random Data
or Help>Examples>JavaScript>Plot Random Data.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added an "Add Fit" commamnd to
the Data>> menu of Plot windows.
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, ShortProcessor.rotate() and FloatProcessor.rotate()
now fill using the value set by setBackgroundValue().
- Thanks to Kai Barthel, the Analyze>Calibrate command
resets the display range of contrast-reduced images.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, the curve fitter now works with
datasets containing NaNs.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the Plot.objectCount macro function.
- Thanks to Matias Andina, added the setOption("SupportMacroUndo",boolean) macro function
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added a constructor for creating a plot
from arrays to the PlotContentsDialog class
- Added the PointRoi.getLastCounter() method.
- Added the getSizeInBytes() methods to the ImagePlus class.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused
the macro interpreter to incorrectly evaluate string expressions containing
numeric arrays indexed using the ++ operator.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the changeValues() macro
funtion to reset the display range of 16-bit and 32-bit images.
- Thanks to Alex Mironov, fixed a bug that caused setLineWidth(1)
in a macro to incorrectly set the line width to the width set in the
Edit>Options>Line Width dialog.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused the Undo command to
not work after rotating an image with "Enlarge image" enabled.
- Thanks to Matias Andina, fixed a bug that caused the Undo command to
not work after cropping or rotating a composite color image.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused nudging the end of a line
selection with alt-arrow keys to not update a live profile plot.
- Thanks to Mark Senko and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused profile plots of line selections
wider than 1 to differ from profile plots of rectangles of the same size.
- Fixed a bug that caused DICOM images to be displayed incorrectly if "Open as 32-bit float"
was enabled in Edit>Options>DICOM.
- Thanks to Kenneth Sloan, fixed a bug that caused the Paintbrush Tool
(in "Paint on overlay" mode) to delete pre-existing overlays.
- Thanks to 'mountain_man', fixed a bug that caused the Rescale Slope
tag (0028,1053) to be ignored when opening DICOM images and
"Open as 32-bit float" was not enabled in Edit>Options>DICOM.
- Thanks to Fred Damen, fixed a file path recording bug that
caused a NullPointerException.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused buttons in
some dialogs (e.g., "B&C" and "Threshold") to not be displayed correctly
on macOS when using the Metal look and feel. Opening an Action Bar switches
to Metal or use Edit>Options>Look and Feel in Fiji.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused plot stacks to not be spatially calibrated.
- Thanks to Nicolas Stifani, fixed a 1.52h regression on Windows that caused
canceled dialog boxes in macros started using the
Plugins>Macros>Run command to throw an exception.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, fixed a v1.52 regression that caused
the getMetadata() macro function (without the "info" or "label" argument)
to not work as expected.
1.52h 16 October 2018
- Plot enhancements, thanks to Michael Schmid:
- "Save" in plot windows has moved into a new Data>> menu, which includes two additional items:
(1) Add from Plot (takes a PlotObject, e.g. data set, text, etc., from a different plot) and
(2) Add from Table (adds data from a "Results" table).
- Values in tables can be be plotted directly using the contextual menu or the
Results>Plot command in "Results" tables.
- Added the Separated Bar type, a bar graph with some space between the columns.
For an example, run Help>Examples>JavaScript>Plot Styles.
- Histogram-like "Bar" plots also work with non-equidistant points along x.
- Connected Circles fill the circles with the secondary color (= line color), if that color is given and not null.
- Improved the code for filling bars and "filled" curves.
- For "Bar" and "Separated Bar", the base line of the plot is y = 0 if the values differ by more than a factor of 2.
- Added the Help>Examples>Plots>Plot Styles and
...JavaScript>Plot Styles examples.
- The Edit>Selection>Create Mask command works
with overlays created by the Brush and Pencil tools.
- Added a "Help" button to the Brush and Pencil tool dialog boxes.
- Thanks to Gabriel Landini and Jerome Mutterer, the text tool now
creates an "Enter text..." selection when you click (without dragging)
on an image and there is no existing selection.
- Thanks to Gabriel Landini, the "Show on all slices" option (was "Show all")
now appears in both the point and multi-point tool dialogs.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, the Analyze>Tools>Synchronize Windows
tool now supports use of the "+" and "-" keys for synchronized zooming
when the "Image scaling" option is enabled.
- Thanks to Lorenzo Cangiano, added a "Points" column to the
Image>Overlay>List Elements table.
- Added the Plot.setStyle() macro function. For an example,
run Help>Examples>Plots>Plot Styles.
- Added the IJ.exit() method, which aborts JavaScripts.
- Thanks to Bio7, fixed a bug that caused images to turn black when
assigned an ImageRoi created by the Brush or Pencil tools.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed bugs that caused
File>Open Next to sometimes fail when
opening images of dissimilar types.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed several bugs in
the Image>Adjust>Threshold tool, mostly related
to 32-bit images.
- Thanks to Michael Cammer and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that
caused the "Propagate to the other n channels of this image" option of the
"Set" command in the "B&C" tool to not work as expected.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused
an image pasted into a zoomed image to be incorrectly positioned
if the pasted image was equal or larger in size than the target image.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed bugs that caused scale bars to be
incorrectly positioned on large images and macros to alter default
scale bar dialog settings.
- Fixed a bug that caused keyboard shortcuts for zooming in and
out, as well as other shortcuts, to not work when a text selection was active.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused right-justified text
added to an overlay by the Overlay.drawString() macro function to
not be displayed correctly.
- Thanks to "hwada", fixed bugs that caused the ImagePlus.setImage(ImagePlus)
method to sometimes not work as expected.
- Thanks to Nathalie Houssin, fixed a bug that caused
the Make Substack command to throw an exception when used
with hyperstacks opened by the OlympusViewer plugin.
- Fixed bugs in the ImagePlus.setStack() method.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that caused the "Show All" button
in the ROI Manager to not work as expected with point selections.
- Thanks to Lorenzo Cangiano, fixed a bug that caused programmatically
generated overlays of PointRois on stacks to be not shown when saved
and reopened.
- Thanks to Robert Haase, fixed a bug that could cause
the PolygonRoi.getTracedPerimeter() method to throw a
- Thanks to Hyung-song Nam and Curtis Rueden, fixed a bug that caused
keyboard shortcuts to not work with the "Channels" tool.
- Thanks to Gilles Carpentier, fixed a 1.52f regression that caused
the Edit>Selection>Create Mask command to not
work as expected if the image had both an roi and an overlay.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a 1.52g regression that caused
multi-channel images to lose color table and display range
information after being cropped and saved.
- Thanks to Stephen Royle, fixed a 1.52h regression that caused the
Image>Transform>Rotate 90 Degrees Right (or Left)
command to not work as expected with composite images.
1.52g 16 September 2018
- A text selection in an overlay can be deleted by alt-clicking on
it and pressing backspace+delete (on Windows) or command+delete (on Macs).
- Fixed a bug that caused polygon and polyline selections to lose
properties like color, line width and name when a point is added by
shift-clicking on an existing point.
- Thanks to Dave Mason, fixed a bug that caused the
File>Import>URL command to not correctly
open Hyperstacks.
- Thanks to Volko Straub, fixed a 1.52f regression that caused
getDirectory("") on Windows to return a string ending in "/" instead
of the expected "\".
1.52f 7 September 2018
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, added the Plot.addHistogram()
macro function, which plots a histogram from an array
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, any currently running macro is aborted
when running an installed macro from the Plugins>Macros
menu or the editor's Macros menu.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the "Error Function" [y=a+b*erf((x-c)/d)]
curve fit option and the ij.util.IJ.Math.erf(x) method
- The Edit>Selection>Create Mask command works
with line selections and overlays.
- The "Black background" setting defaults to 'true'.
- Thanks to Anna Povolna, the "Open all files in folder" and "Use virtual stack"
options in the File>Import>raw dialog can be used at
the same time.
- Thanks to 'Sethur', ImageJ no longer sorts imported DICOM
stacks by series number (tag 0020,0011) if "Sort images numerically"
is not checked in the File>Import>ImageSequence
dialog. Also added a recordable 'noMetaSort' option to the options
string of the FolderOpener.open(dir,options) method.
- Thanks to 'Alan', added the createThresholdMask()
and createRoiMask() methods to the ImagePlus class. These methods
are recorded when using the Edit>Selection>Create Mask
(JavaScript example).
- Added the recordable Raw.open(), Raw.openAll() and Raw.openAllVirtual() methods
(JavaScript example).
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, added the DicomTools.getTagName(tag) method.
- Thanks to Christian Tischer, fixed bugs in the RoiManager.add(ImagePlus,Roi,int)
method than caused it to not behave as expected if the ROI name was not null.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed bugs that caused the
Edit>Cut and Analyze>Set Scale commands
to not set the 'changes' flag.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the Overlay.drawString
macro function to ignore the justification set by the setJustification() function.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused output of the
Overlay.drawString() function to be lost when text is added using
- Thanks to Lorenzo Cangiono, fixed a bug that caused selections
pasted into images to not be saved.
- Thanks to Mahmoudi Sidi Ahmed, fixed a bug that caused the
Analyze>Calibrate command to not work with signed 16-bit images.
- Thanks to Menelaos Symeonides, fixed an ROI Manager bug that
caused the stack position to be ignored when measuring
renamed ROIs.
- Thanks to Ron DeSpain, fixed a bug that caused attempts to add to (by holding
shift key down) and subract from (by holding alt key down) elliptical
selections to fail.
- Thanks to Ron DeSpain, fixed a bug that caused the
Window>Tile command to overlap the "ImageJ" window
with image titles.
- Thanks to Pete Bankhead, fixed a bug the caused the
Process>Batch>Convert command to not work
correctly on Macs.
- Thanks to 'Hamish', fixed a bug that caused the roiManager("delete") macro
function to throw an exception when used in a loop.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused one
column results tables to not be displayed correctly.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
File>Import>Raw to silently fail when importing a
stack and the file size was smaller than the size of a single image.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
the Overlay.drawString() macro function to not correctly
display right-justified text.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed bugs that caused the
run("Raw...",options) and run("Image Sequence...",options)
macro functions to fail silently if the file or folder did not exist.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
the stack title to be incorrect after importing an image sequence
on Windows using a file path with forward slashes.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused
File>Open Next to not correctly open a non-composite
image after having opened a composite image.
- Thanks to Ved Sharma, fixed an ROI Manager bug that
caused a "Rename ROI" dialog do be unexpectadly displayed
when running macro using setKeyDown("alt") and makeOval()
to create a composite selection.
- Thanks to Ved Sharma, fixed an ROI Manager bug that caused
an exception when saving an ROI set containing a point selection
followed by a composite selection.
- Thanks to Salim Kanoun, fixed a bug that caused
RoiManager.addRoi(roi) calls to be ignored if the ROI was
a duplicate.
- Thanks to 'TMC', fixed a bug that caused the
ROI Manager's "Interpolate ROIs" command to
throw an exception.
- Thanks to 'Agnieszka', fixed a bug that caused the ImagePlus.getFileInfo()
method to throw a NullPointerException.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the
Macros>Evaluate commands in the text editor
to not update the Window menu.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the macro editor
to not always abort any existing macro before running another one.
- Thanks to Manel Bosch, fixed a 1.52e regression that caused
image conversions to RGB to not preserve the color coding.
1.52e 11 July 2018
- The "Threshold" tool no longer resets the display range of 16-bit and 32-bit images.
- Restored the "Set" button (removed in 1.51r) to the "Threshold" dialog,
- Thanks to Kai Schleicher, the options string of the FolderOpener.open(dir,options)
method can now include a file name filter
- Added a no-argument constructor to the PointRoi class
(example at Help>Examples>JavaScript>Points).
- Added the Roi.size() method, equivalent to Roi.getPolygon().npoints.
- Added the FFT.forward(), FFT.multiply(), FFT.inverse() and FFT.filter() methods
(JavaScript example).
- The open("/path/to/file.avi") macro function and the IJ.openImage("/path/to/file.avi")
method now open AVI files by default as virtual stacks.
- Thanks to Volko Straub and Michael Schmid, fixed bugs that caused the
ImageProcessor.isInvertedLut() and ImageProcessor.isColorLut() methods
to sometimes incorrectly return 'true' with thresholded images.
- Thanks to Volko Straub, fixed a bug that could cause non-thresholded pixels in
16-bit and 32-bit images to be highlighted in red
- Thanks to Thomas Boudier and Jan Eglinger, fixed a bug that caused macro file name
parameters containing a "]" character to not be read correctly.
- Thanks to Michael Nonet, fixed a bug caused the median to always be set to zero
when measuring line selections.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused errors after running the
run("RGB Stack") or run("HSB Stack") macro functions on large images when
running Java 8 on macOS.
- Thanks to Chris Wood and Curtis Rueden, fixed a bug that caused the
Image>Stacks>Delete Slice command to deadlock when deleting the
last channel of a hyperstack.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused the Process>Math>NaN Background
command to throw an exception when attempting to process a non-32-bit stack.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug on Windows that caused text
to be pasted into text editor windows at the wrong position.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused print("\n\n") to do
nothing instead of outputting two blank lines as expected.
- Thanks to 'mryellow', fixed a bug that caused polygonal ROIs with
more than 65,535 points to not be saved correctly.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a bug that caused right justified TextRois.
to not be displayed correctly if the fill color was not set.
- Thanks to Lorenzo Cangiano and Jan Eglinger, fixed a 1.52c regression
that caused a "Save changes?" dialog to be unexpectedly displayed when
closing an image with a multi-point selection.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, fixed a 1.52d regression that caused density
calibration to be lost when duplicating 8-bit and 16-bit images.
1.52d 11 June 2018
- The Image>Show Info command no longer truncates
one line slice labels to 60 charactera.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, the changeValues() macro function
can now be used to replace NaNs.
- Thanks to Mark Histed, when the shift key is down, the display
range is no longer changed when stepping forward/back in a stack.
- Thanks to Hugo, the Process>FFT command displays an error
message if the padded image is going to be 65536x65536 or larger.
- Thanks to Roger Leigh, the IJ.javaVersion() method works with Java 11.
- Added the IJ.Roi(x,y,w,h) and IJ.OvalRoi(x,y,w,h) methods.
- Thanks to Gregor and Michael Schmid, added the ImageProcessor.createMask() method
- Thanks to David Kysela, added the PointRoi.promptBeforeDeleting(boolean) method
- Thanks to Laurent Thomas, added the ImagesToStack.run(images) method
- Added the Tools.getStatistics(double[]) method.
- Thanks to Ximo Soriano and Michael Schmid, fixed a bug that could cause the
newImage("Name","RGB noise",width,height,1) macro function to throw an exception.
- Thanks to Ruben Gres, fixed a bug that caused the Overlay.duplicate() method
to not keep the 'isCalibrationBar' and 'selectable' settings.
- Thanks to David Schreiner, fixed bugs that caused the
File>Import>Image Sequence command to not correctly
handle image metadata longer then 60 characters.
- Thanks to 'yahbai', fixed bugs that caused the saveAs("jpg",path),
saveAs("gif",path) and Overlay.measure macro functions to not work
in headless mode.
- Thanks to 'yahbai', fixed a bug that caused the ImagePlus.deleteRoi()
method to throw an exception in headless mode.
- Thanks to Michael Kaul, fixed a 1.52a regression that caused
an EOFException when opening Analyze format RGB images.
- Thanks to Bill Christens-Barry, fixed a 1.52b regression that caused the
label set with the setMetadata("Label", label) macro function to not be displayed
in the image subtitle of single images.
- Thanks to Michael Cammer, fixed a 1.52c regression that caused
the Image>Crop command to not work as expected
with 16-bit images.
- Thanks to Peter Meijer, fixed a 1.52c regression that could cause
ClassCastExceptions when converting RGB images to stacks.
1.52c 20 May 2018
- Activating an ROI in an overlay created by Measure (with “Add to overlay" enabled),
or by the particle analyzer, selects the corresponding row in the "Results" table.
- ImageJ displays a "Delete Points?" dialog before deleting a multi-point selection
with counters.
- Thanks to "zzyzyman", fixed a bug that caused ImageJ to fail to open odd-width RGB AVI files.
- Thanks to Merijn van Erp, fixed a bug that caused the CurveFitter.getSortedFitList()
method to throw an exception.
- Thanks to Kees Straatman and Bill Christens-Barry, fixed a bug in the macro interpreter
that caused it to not detect a missing '[' after an array variable.
- Thanks to Mike, fixed a 1.52b regression that caused the AVI Reader to
fail with a "Required item ‘00ix’ not found" error.
- Thanks to Curtis Rueden, fixed a 1.51t regression that caused errors in
headless mode macros to throw a HeadlessException.
- Thanks to 'cortig' and Curtis Rueden, fixed a 1.52b regression that caused
the "Apply" option of the Image>Adjust>Threshold command to not
behave as expected with 16 and 32 bit images.
1.52b 6 May 2018
- Changed "Random" to "Noise" in the "Fill with:" choice of
the File>New>Image dialog box.
- Thanks to Christian Evenhuis, fixed a bug with the
Edit>Selection>Line to Area command that caused
the resulting area selection to translated if the source was a polyline
or freeline selection less than 5 pixels wide.
- Added the IJ.javaVersion() method.
- Thanks to Fred Damen, fixed bugs that caused the
Image>Stacks>Tools>Concatenate command
to sometimes not work as expected.
- Thanks to Aryeh Weiss and Michael Schmid, worked around a
Linux problem with large images not showing at low magnification.
- Thanks to Fred Damen, fixed bugs that sometimes caused
slices labels of single slice stacks to be lost.
- Thanks to BrainPatcher and Stefan Helfrich, fixed a bug
that caused the ROI Manager's "Multi Measure" command to
not work correctly with point selections.
- Thanks to "zzyzyman", fixed a bug that caused ImageJ to
fail to open AVI files that used the 'indx'/'ix00' indexing schema.
- Thanks to Moses, fixed a 1.52a regression that caused row
labels to be omitted from tables created by the ROI Manager's
"Multi Measure" command.
- Thanks to Jerome Mutterer, fixed a 1.52a regression that caused
imported Results tables to be displayed without row numbers.
1.52a 23 April 2018
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added Apply Macro
commands to the Edit and contextual (right click pop-up)
menus of table windows.
Also added the ResultsTable.applyMacro() method
(JavaScript example).
- Thanks to Ron DeSpain, tables created by the Image>Overlay>List Elements
command can be renamed "Results" and the values accessed using the getResults()
and getStringResult() macro functions.
- Removed the obsolete Plugins>New>Table command. Macros
that use this command will continue to work.
- Thanks to Michael Kaul, added an optional 5th argument
('stepSize') to the Dialog.addSlider() macro function
- Thanks to Gabriel Landini, on Linux, added the
“Cancel button on right” option to the Edit>Options>Appearance
dialog box.
- The "showRowNumbers" property of the ResultsTable class now defaults to 'false'.
- Thanks to Adrian Daerr, when importing ".raw" files with dimensions encoded
in the name (e.g. "myfile-640x480.raw"), the byte order is set to
big-endian if the name ends in "be.raw" and to little-endian if the name
ends in "le.raw".
- Thanks to Arttu Miettinen, imported ".raw" files with dimensions encoded
in the name can have a width and/or height less than 10.
- Thanks to Stein Rorvik, added toScaled(x,y,z) and toUnscaled(x,y,z) macro functions.
- Added 20 macro functions that work with tables. They operate on the
current (frontmost) table or an optional title argument can be provided (e.g., Table.size("My Table")).
Examples: Sine/Cosine Tables,
Rearrange Table and
Access Tables.
- Table.create() - opens a new table
- Table.reset() - resets (clears) the table
- Table.size() - number of rows in the table
- Table.title() - title of the current table
- Table.headings() - column headings as a tab-delimited string
- Table.get(columnName, rowIndex) - returns a numeric value
- Table.getColumn(columnName) - returns a column as an array
- Table.getString(columnName, rowIndex) - returns a string value
- Table.set(columnName, rowIndex, value) - sets numeric or string value
- Table.setColumn(columnName, array) - sets an array as a column
- Table.update() - updates table window
- Table.applyMacro(macro) - applies macro code to table
- Table.rename(title1, title2) - renames a table
- Table.save(filePath) - saves the table
- Table.open(filePath) - opens a table
- Table.deleteRows(index1, index2) - deletes specified rows
- Table.renameColumn(oldName, newName) - renames a column
- Table.deleteColumn(columnName) - deletes specified column
- Table.showRowNumbers(boolean) - enable/disable row numbers
- Table.showArrays(titleAndOptions, array1, array2, ...) - displays arrays in a table (like Array.show)
- Thanks to Trevor Joyce and A Schain, added the macro-callable RoiManager.getIndexesAsString() method.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, added the Tools.copyFile(path1,path2) method.
- Thanks to Salim Kanoun, added the RoiManager.setRoi(roi,index) and Overlay.set(roi,index) methods.
- Thanks to Fred Damen, fixed a bug that caused the SubHyperstackMaker.makeSubhyperstack()
method to not work when extracting a single frame.
- Thanks to Fred Damen and Michael Schmid, fixed a curve fitter
bug that could cause a NullPointerException.
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the File.copy() macro
function to not preserve the modification date.
- Thanks to Philippe Carl, fixed a bug that caused the Image>Hyperstacks>Reduce Dimensionality
command to not preserve the "Info" image property.
- Thanks to Jan Eglinger, fixed bugs that caused the roiManager("open",path)
macro function to ignore the roi name and roiManager("save",path) not
to be recorded when 'path' ended in ".roi".
- Thanks to Norbert Vischer, fixed a bug that caused the Image Calculator to not correctly
calculate the result when the operation is MULTIPLY or DIVIDE, the 1st image is 8 or 16 bit,
the 2nd image is 32 bit and "32-bit result" is unchecked.
- Thanks to Mark Rivers, fixed a bug that caused ImageJ to not
correctly open some uncompressed planar RGB TIFFs.
- Fixed a 1.51s regression that caused statistical calculations on
small 16-bit images or selections to be much slower.
- Thanks to Michael Schmid, fixed a 1.51o regression that caused the particle
analyzer to hang when processong 32-bit images.
Support is available on the
mailing list
and on the
image.sc forum.