package ij.gui;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;
import ij.plugin.filter.*;
import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.measure.ResultsTable;

/** An Overlay is a list of ROIs that can be drawn non-destructively on an Image. */
public class Overlay implements Iterable<Roi> {
    private Vector<Roi> list;
    private boolean label;
    private boolean drawNames;
    private boolean drawBackgrounds;
    private Color labelColor;
    private Font labelFont;
    private boolean scalableLabels;
    private boolean isCalibrationBar;
    private boolean selectable = true;
    private boolean draggable = true;
    /** Constructs an empty Overlay. */
    public Overlay() {
        list = new Vector<Roi>();
    /** Constructs an Overlay and adds the specified ROI. */
    public Overlay(Roi roi) {
        list = new Vector<Roi>();
        if (roi!=null)

    /** Adds an ROI to this Overlay. */
    public void add(Roi roi) {
        if (roi!=null)
    /** Adds an ROI to this Overlay using the specified name. */
    public void add(Roi roi, String name) {

    /** Adds an ROI to this Overlay. */
    public void addElement(Roi roi) {
        if (roi!=null)

    /** Replaces the ROI at the specified index. */
    public void set(Roi roi, int index) {
        if (index<0 || index>=list.size())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("set: index out of range");
        if (roi!=null)
            list.set(index, roi);

    /** Removes the ROI with the specified index from this Overlay. */
    public void remove(int index) {
        if (index>=0)
    /** Removes the specified ROI from this Overlay. */
    public void remove(Roi roi) {

    /** Removes all ROIs that have the specified name. */
    public void remove(String name) {
        if (name==null) return;
        for (int i=size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            if (name.equals(get(i).getName()))

   /** Removes all the ROIs in this Overlay. */
    public void clear() {

    /** Returns the ROI with the specified index or null if the index is invalid. */
    public Roi get(int index) {
        try {
            return (Roi)list.get(index);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return null;
    /** Returns the ROI with the specified name or null if not found. */
    public Roi get(String name) {
        int index = getIndex(name);
        if (index==-1)
            return null;
            return get(index);          

    /** Returns the index of the ROI with the specified name, or -1 if not found. */
    public int getIndex(String name) {
        if (name==null) return -1;
        Roi[] rois = toArray();
        for (int i=rois.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
            if (name.equals(rois[i].getName()))
                return i;
        return -1;
    /** Returns the index of the last ROI that contains the point (x,y)
        or null if no ROI contains the point. */
    public int indexAt(int x, int y) {
        Roi[] rois = toArray();
        for (int i=rois.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
            if (contains(rois[i],x,y))
                return i;
        return -1;
    private boolean contains(Roi roi, int x, int y) {
        if (roi==null) return false;
        if (roi instanceof Line)
            return  (((Line)roi).getFloatPolygon(10)).contains(x,y);
            return roi.contains(x,y);
    /** Returns 'true' if this Overlay contains the specified ROI. */
    public boolean contains(Roi roi) {
        return list.contains(roi);

    /** Returns the number of ROIs in this Overlay. */
    public int size() {
        return list.size();
    /** Returns on array containing the ROIs in this Overlay. */
    public Roi[] toArray() {
        Roi[] array = new Roi[list.size()];
        return (Roi[])list.toArray(array);
    /** Returns on array containing the ROIs with the specified indexes. */
    public Roi[] toArray(int[] indexes) {
        ArrayList rois = new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
            if (indexes[i]>=0 && indexes[i]<size())
        return (Roi[])rois.toArray(new Roi[rois.size()]);

    /** Sets the stroke color of all the ROIs in this overlay. */
    public void setStrokeColor(Color color) {
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)

    /** Sets the stroke width of all the ROIs in this overlay. */
    public void setStrokeWidth(Double width) {
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)

    /** Sets the fill color of all the ROIs in this overlay. */
    public void setFillColor(Color color) {
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)

    /** Moves all the ROIs in this overlay. */
    public void translate(int dx, int dy) {
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)

    /** Moves all the ROIs in this overlay.
    * Marcel Boeglin, October 2013
    public void translate(double dx, double dy) {
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)
    /** Measures the ROIs in this overlay on the specified image
    * and returns the results as a ResultsTable.
    public ResultsTable measure(ImagePlus imp) {
        ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable();
        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(imp, rt);
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
            Roi roi = get(i);
        return rt;

    * Duplicate the elements of this overlay which  
    * intersect with the rectangle 'bounds'.
    * Author: Wilhelm Burger
    * Author: Marcel Boeglin
    public Overlay crop(Rectangle bounds) {
        if (bounds==null)
            return duplicate();
        Overlay overlay2 = create();
        Roi[] allRois = toArray();
        for (Roi roi: allRois) {
            Rectangle roiBounds = roi.getBounds();
            if (roiBounds.width==0) roiBounds.width=1;
            if (roiBounds.height==0) roiBounds.height=1;
            if (bounds.intersects(roiBounds))
        int dx = bounds.x>0?bounds.x:0;
        int dy = bounds.y>0?bounds.y:0;
        if (dx>0 || dy>0)
            overlay2.translate(-dx, -dy);
        return overlay2;

    /** Removes ROIs having positions outside of the  
    * interval defined by firstSlice and lastSlice.
    * Marcel Boeglin, September 2013
    public void crop(int firstSlice, int lastSlice) {
        for (int i=size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            Roi roi = get(i);
            int position = roi.getPosition();
            if (position>0) {
                if (position<firstSlice || position>lastSlice)

    /** Removes ROIs having a C, Z or T coordinate outside the volume
    * defined by firstC, lastC, firstZ, lastZ, firstT and lastT.
    * Marcel Boeglin, September 2013
    public void crop(int firstC, int lastC, int firstZ, int lastZ, int firstT, int lastT) {
        int nc = lastC-firstC+1, nz = lastZ-firstZ+1, nt = lastT-firstT+1;
        boolean toCStack = nz==1 && nt==1;
        boolean toZStack = nt==1 && nc==1;
        boolean toTStack = nc==1 && nz==1;
        Roi roi;
        int c, z, t, c2, z2, t2;
        for (int i=size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            roi = get(i);
            c = roi.getCPosition();
            z = roi.getZPosition();
            t = roi.getTPosition();
            c2 = c-firstC+1;
            z2 = z-firstZ+1;
            t2 = t-firstT+1;
            if (toCStack)
            else if (toZStack)
            else if (toTStack)
                roi.setPosition(c2, z2, t2);
            if ((c2<1||c2>nc) && c>0 || (z2<1||z2>nz) && z>0 || (t2<1||t2>nt) && t>0)

    /** Returns the bounds of this overlay. */
    public Rectangle getBounds() {
        if (size()==0)
            return new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
        int xmin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int xmax = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int ymin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int ymax = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Roi[] rois = toArray();
        for (int i=0; i<rois.length; i++) {
            Rectangle r = rois[i].getBounds();
            if (r.x<xmin) xmin = r.x;
            if (r.y<ymin) ymin = r.y;
            if (r.x+r.width>xmax) xmax = r.x+r.width;
            if (r.y+r.height>ymax) ymax = r.y+r.height;
        return new Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin);
    /* Returns the Roi that results from XORing all the ROIs
     * in this overlay that have an index in the array ‘indexes’.
    public Roi xor(int[] indexes) {
        return Roi.xor(toArray(indexes));

    /** Returns a new Overlay that has the same properties as this one. */
    public Overlay create() {
        Overlay overlay2 = new Overlay();
        overlay2.setLabelFont(labelFont, scalableLabels);
        return overlay2;
    /** Returns a clone of this Overlay. */
    public Overlay duplicate() {
        Roi[] rois = toArray();
        Overlay overlay2 = create();
        for (int i=0; i<rois.length; i++)
        return overlay2;
    /** Returns a scaled version of this Overlay. */
    public Overlay scale(double xscale, double yscale) {
        Overlay overlay2 = create();
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
            Roi roi = get(i);
            int position = roi.getPosition();
            roi = RoiScaler.scale(roi, xscale, yscale, false);
        return overlay2;

    /** Returns a rotated version of this Overlay. */
    public Overlay rotate(double angle, double xcenter, double ycenter) {
        //IJ.log("rotate: "+angle+" "+xcenter+" "+ycenter);
        Overlay overlay2 = create();
        for (int i=0; i<size(); i++) {
            Roi roi = get(i);
            int position = roi.getPosition();
            if (!Rotator.GRID.equals(roi.getName()))
                roi = RoiRotator.rotate(roi, angle, xcenter, ycenter);
        return overlay2;

   public void drawLabels(boolean b) {
        label = b;
    public boolean getDrawLabels() {
        return label;
    public void drawNames(boolean b) {
        drawNames = b;
        Roi[] rois = toArray();
        for (int i=0; i<rois.length; i++)
    public boolean getDrawNames() {
        return drawNames;

    public void drawBackgrounds(boolean b) {
        drawBackgrounds = b;
    public boolean getDrawBackgrounds() {
        return drawBackgrounds;

    public void setLabelColor(Color c) {
        labelColor = c;
    public Color getLabelColor() {
        return labelColor;

    public void setLabelFont(Font font) {
        setLabelFont(font, false);
    public void setLabelFont(Font font, boolean scalable) {
        labelFont = font;
        scalableLabels = scalable;

    /** Set the label font size with options. The options string can contain
     * 'scale' (enlarge labels when image zoomed), 'bold'
     * (display bold labels) or 'background' (display labels
     * with contrasting background.
    public void setLabelFontSize(int size, String options) {
        int style = Font.PLAIN;
        if (options!=null) {
            scalableLabels = options.contains("scale");
            if (options.contains("bold"))
                style = Font.BOLD;
            drawBackgrounds = options.contains("back");
        labelFont = new Font("SansSerif", style, size);

    public Font getLabelFont() {
        return labelFont;

    public void setIsCalibrationBar(boolean b) {
        this.isCalibrationBar = b;
    public boolean isCalibrationBar() {
        return isCalibrationBar;
    /** Fills all the ROIs in this overlay with 'foreground' after clearing the
        the image to 'background' if it is not null. */
    public void fill(ImagePlus imp, Color foreground, Color background) {
        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
        if (background!=null) {
        if (foreground!=null) {
            for (int i=0; i<size(); i++)

    void setVector(Vector<Roi> v) {list = v;}
    Vector<Roi> getVector() {return list;}
    /** Set 'false' to prevent ROIs in this overlay from being activated 
        by clicking on their labels or by a long clicking. */ 
    public void selectable(boolean selectable) {
        this.selectable = selectable;
    /** Returns 'true' if ROIs in this overlay can be activated
        by clicking on their labels or by a long press. */ 
    public boolean isSelectable() {
        return selectable;
    /** Set 'false' to prevent ROIs in this overlay from being dragged by their labels. */ 
    public void setDraggable(boolean draggable) {
        this.draggable = draggable;
    /** Returns 'true' if ROIs in this overlay can be dragged by their labels. */
    public boolean isDraggable() {
        return draggable;

    public boolean scalableLabels() {
        return scalableLabels;
    public String toString() {
        return "Overlay[size="+size()+" "+(scalableLabels?"scale":"")+" "+Colors.colorToString(getLabelColor())+"]";
    /** Updates overlays created by the particle analyzer
        after rows are deleted from the Results table. */
    public static void updateTableOverlay(ImagePlus imp, int first, int last, int tableSize) {
        if (imp==null)
        Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay();
        if (overlay==null)
        if (overlay.size()!=tableSize)
        if (first<0)
            first = 0;
        if (last>tableSize-1)
            last = tableSize-1;
        if (first>last)
        String name1 = overlay.get(0).getName();
        String name2 = overlay.get(overlay.size()-1).getName();
        if (!"1".equals(name1) || !(""+tableSize).equals(name2))
        int count = last-first+1;
        if (overlay.size()==count && !IJ.isMacro()) {
            if (count==1 || IJ.showMessageWithCancel("ImageJ", "Delete "+overlay.size()+" element overlay?  "))
        for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
        for (int i=first; i<overlay.size(); i++)
    public static Overlay createStackOverlay(Roi[] rois) {
        Overlay overlay = new Overlay();
        for (int i=0; i<rois.length; i++) {
            Roi roi = (Roi)rois[i].clone();
        return overlay;
    public Iterator<Roi> iterator() {
        final Overlay overlay = this;

        Iterator<Roi> it = new Iterator<Roi>() {
            private int index = -1;

            /** Returns 'true' if next element exists. */ 
            public boolean hasNext() {
                if (index+1<overlay.size()) 
                    return true;
                    return false;

            /** Returns current ROI and updates pointer. */
            public Roi next() {
                if (index+1<overlay.size())
                    return overlay.get(++index);
                    return null;

            public void remove() { 
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); 
        return it;