package ij.gui;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.measure.CurveFitter;
import ij.measure.Minimizer;
import ij.text.TextWindow;
import ij.measure.ResultsTable;
import ij.plugin.Colors;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;
import ij.util.Tools;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;

/** This class implements the Plot Window's Data>"Add from Plot", "Add form Table", "Add Fit" and
 *  "More>Contents Style" dialogs
public class PlotContentsDialog implements DialogListener {
    /** Types of dialog (ERROR suppresses the dialog after an invalid call of a constructor) */
    public final static int ERROR=-1, STYLE=0, ADD_FROM_PLOT=1, ADD_FROM_TABLE=2, ADD_FROM_ARRAYS=3, ADD_FIT=4;
    /** Dialog headings for each dialogType >= 0 */
    private static final String[] HEADINGS = new String[] {"Plot Contents Style", "Add From Plot", "Plot From Table", "Add Plot Data", "Add Fit"};
    private Plot          plot;                     // the plot we work on
    private int           dialogType;               // determines what to do: ADD_FORM_PLOT, etc.
    private double[]      savedLimits;              // previous plot range, for undo upon cancel
    GenericDialog         gd;
    private int currentObjectIndex = -1;
    private Choice        objectChoice;
    private Choice        symbolChoice;
    private TextField     colorField, color2Field, labelField, widthField;
    private Checkbox      visibleCheckbox;
    private boolean       creatingPlot;              // for creating plots; dialogType determines source
    private Choice        plotChoice;                // for "Add from Plot"
    private Plot[]        allPlots;
    private String[]      allPlotNames;
    private static Plot   previousPlot;
    private static int    previousPlotObjectIndex;
    private int           defaultPlotIndex, defaultObjectIndex;
    private int           currentPlotNumObjects;
    private Choice        tableChoice;               // for "Add from Table"
    final static int      N_COLUMNS = 4;             // number of data columns that we can have; x, y, xE, yE
    private int           nColumnsToUse = N_COLUMNS; // user may restrict to 2, for not having error bars
    private Choice[]      columnChoice = new Choice[N_COLUMNS];
    private final static String[] COLUMN_NAMES = new String[] {"X:", "Y:", "X Error:", "Y Error:"};
    private final static boolean[] COLUMN_ALLOW_NONE = new boolean[] {true, false, true, true}; //y data cannot be null
    private ResultsTable[] allTables;
    private String[]      allTableNames;
    private static String previousTableName;
    private static int[]  previousColumns = new int[]{1, 1, 0, 0}; //must be N_COLUMNS elements
    private static int    defaultTableIndex;
    private static int[]  defaultColumnIndex = new int[N_COLUMNS];
    private String[]      arrayHeadings;             // for "Add from Arrays"
    private ArrayList<float[]> arrayData;
    private Choice        fitDataChoice;             // for "Add Fit"
    private Choice        fitFunctionChoice;
    private Thread        fittingThread;
    private static String lastFitFunction = CurveFitter.fitList[0];
    private String        curveFitterStatusString;
    private static String previousColor="blue", previousColor2="#a0a0ff", previousSymbol="Circle";
    private static double previousLineWidth = 1;
    private static final String[] PLOT_COLORS = new String[] {"blue", "red", "black", "#00c0ff", "#00e000", "gray", "#c08060", "magenta"};

    /** Prepares a new PlotContentsDialog for an existing plot. Use showDialog thereafter.
     *  @param dialogType may be STYLE (contents style), ADD_FROM_PLOT (add object from other plot), ADD_FROM_TABLE, and ADD_FIT */
    public PlotContentsDialog(Plot plot, int dialogType) {
        this.plot = plot;
        this.dialogType = plot == null ? ERROR : dialogType;
        if (plot != null) currentPlotNumObjects = plot.getNumPlotObjects();

    /** Prepares a new PlotContentsDialog for creating a new plot using data from a ResultsTable.
     *  Use showDialog thereafter. */
    public PlotContentsDialog(String title, ResultsTable rt) {
        creatingPlot = true;
        dialogType = ADD_FROM_TABLE;
        if (rt == null || !isValid(rt)) {
            IJ.error("Cant Create Plot","No (results) table or no data in "+title);
            dialogType = ERROR;
        plot = new Plot("Plot of "+title, "x", "y");
        allTables = new ResultsTable[] {rt};
        allTableNames = new String[] {title};

    /** Prepares a new PlotContentsDialog for creating a new plot using float[] arrays as data.
     *  Each 'data' array in the ArrayList must have a corresponding element in the 'headings' array.
     *  'defaultHeadings' may contain the headings of the items selected initially for x, y, x error and y error, respectively.
     *  'defaultHeadings' and each of its entries may be null, and the array may have any length. */
    public PlotContentsDialog(String title, String[] headings, String[] defaultHeadings, ArrayList<float[]> data) {
        creatingPlot = true;
        dialogType = ADD_FROM_ARRAYS;
        this.arrayHeadings = headings;
        this.arrayData = data;
        plot = new Plot(title, "x", "y");

    /** Prepares a new PlotContentsDialog for adding data from float[] arrays to a plot.
     *  Each 'data' array in the ArrayList must have a corresponding element in the 'headings' array.
     *  'defaultHeadings' may contain the headings of the items selected initially for x, y, x error and y error, respectively.
     *  'defaultHeadings' and each of its entries may be null, and the array may have any length. */
    public PlotContentsDialog(Plot plot, String[] headings, String[] defaultHeadings, ArrayList<float[]> data) {
        dialogType = ADD_FROM_ARRAYS;
        this.plot = plot;
        this.arrayHeadings = headings;
        this.arrayData = data;

    /** Avoids showing a selection for the error bars; must be called before showDialog. */
    public void noErrorBars() {
        nColumnsToUse = 2; // only x, y columns can be selected

    /** Shows the dialog, with a given parent Frame (may be null) */
    public void showDialog(Frame parent) {
        if (dialogType == ERROR) return;
        if (!creatingPlot) savedLimits = plot.getLimits();
        String[] designations = plot.getPlotObjectDesignations();
        if (dialogType == STYLE && designations.length==0) {
            IJ.error("Empty Plot");
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_PLOT) {
            if (allPlots.length == 0) return;   //should never happen; we have at least the current plot
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE && !creatingPlot) {
            if (allTables.length == 0) return;  //should never happen; PlotWindow should not enable if no table
        if ((dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE || dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS) && !creatingPlot)
        if (parent == null && plot.getImagePlus() != null)
            parent = plot.getImagePlus().getWindow();
        gd = parent == null ? new GenericDialog(HEADINGS[dialogType]) :
                new GenericDialog(HEADINGS[dialogType], parent);
        IJ.wait(100);           //sometimes needed to avoid hanging?
        if (dialogType == STYLE) {
            gd.addChoice("Item:", designations, designations[0]);
            objectChoice = (Choice)(gd.getChoices().get(0));
            currentObjectIndex = objectChoice.getSelectedIndex();
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_PLOT) {
            gd.addChoice("Select Plot:", allPlotNames, allPlotNames[defaultPlotIndex]);
            gd.addChoice("Item to Add:", new String[]{""}, "");  // will be set up by makeSourcePlotObjects
            Vector choices = gd.getChoices();
            plotChoice = (Choice)(choices.get(0));
            objectChoice = (Choice)(choices.get(1));
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE) {
            gd.addChoice("Select Table:", allTableNames, allTableNames[defaultTableIndex]);
            tableChoice = (Choice)(gd.getChoices().get(0));
            if (creatingPlot) tableChoice.setEnabled(false);     // we can't select the table, we have only one
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FIT) {
            String[] dataSources = plot.getDataObjectDesignations();
            if (dataSources.length == 0) {
                IJ.error("No Data For Fitting");
            gd.addChoice("Fit Data Set:", dataSources, dataSources[0]);
            gd.addChoice("Fit Function:", new String[0], "");
            Vector choices = gd.getChoices();
            fitDataChoice = (Choice)(choices.get(0));
            fitFunctionChoice = (Choice)(choices.get(1));
            if (dataSources.length == 1)
            for (int i=0; i<CurveFitter.fitList.length; i++)
        if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE || dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS) {
            for (int i=0; i<nColumnsToUse; i++) {
                gd.addChoice(COLUMN_NAMES[i], new String[]{""}, "");  // will set up by makeSourceColumns
                Vector choices = gd.getChoices();
                columnChoice[i] = (Choice)(choices.get(choices.size()-1));
            if (!creatingPlot)
        gd.addStringField("Color:", previousColor, 10);
        gd.addStringField("Secondary (fill) color:", previousColor2, 10);
        gd.addNumericField("Line width: ", previousLineWidth, 1);
        gd.addChoice("Symbol:", Plot.SORTED_SHAPES, dialogType == ADD_FIT ? "line" : previousSymbol);
        gd.addStringField("Label:", "", 20);
        gd.setInsets(10, 60, 0);
        gd.addCheckbox("Visible", true);
        Vector choices = gd.getChoices();
        symbolChoice = (Choice)(choices.get(choices.size()-1));
        Vector stringFields = gd.getStringFields();
        colorField = (TextField)(stringFields.get(0));
        color2Field = (TextField)(stringFields.get(1));
        labelField = (TextField)(stringFields.get(2));
        widthField = (TextField)(gd.getNumericFields().get(0));
        visibleCheckbox = (Checkbox)(gd.getCheckboxes().get(0));
        IJ.wait(100);           //sometimes needed to avoid hanging?
        if (dialogType == STYLE)
        else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_PLOT)
        else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE || dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS)
        else if (dialogType == ADD_FIT)
        if (creatingPlot) {
            boolean recording = Recorder.record;
            Recorder.record = false; // don't record creating the image as image selection
            if (recording) Recorder.record = true;


        if (fittingThread != null) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
        if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
            if (creatingPlot) {
                ImagePlus imp = plot.getImagePlus();
                if (imp != null) imp.close();
            } else {
                if (savedLimits != null)
                    plot.setLimits(savedLimits[0], savedLimits[1], savedLimits[2], savedLimits[3]);
        if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE || dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS || dialogType == ADD_FIT) {
            previousColor = colorField.getText();
            previousColor2 = color2Field.getText();
            previousSymbol = symbolChoice.getSelectedItem();
            previousLineWidth = Tools.parseDouble(widthField.getText());
        if (dialogType == ADD_FIT) {
            lastFitFunction = fitFunctionChoice.getSelectedItem();
        if (Recorder.record && !Recorder.scriptMode()) {
            if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_PLOT) {
                Recorder.recordString("Plot.addFromPlot(\""+plotChoice.getSelectedItem()+"\", "+objectChoice.getSelectedIndex()+");\n");
            } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE) {
                if (creatingPlot)
                    Recorder.recordString("Plot.create(\""+plot.getTitle()+"\", \""+plot.getLabel('x')+"\", \""+plot.getLabel('y')+"\");\n");
                String xSource = columnChoice[0].getSelectedIndex() == 0 ? "" :
                        "Table.getColumn(\""+columnChoice[0].getSelectedItem()+"\", \""+tableChoice.getSelectedItem()+"\"), ";
                String ySource = "Table.getColumn(\""+columnChoice[1].getSelectedItem()+"\", \""+tableChoice.getSelectedItem()+"\")";
                Recorder.recordString("Plot.add(\""+symbolChoice.getSelectedItem()+"\", "+xSource+ySource+");\n");
                if (columnChoice[2].getSelectedIndex() > 0)
                    Recorder.recordString("Plot.add(\"xerror\", Table.getColumn(\""+
                            columnChoice[2].getSelectedItem()+"\", \""+tableChoice.getSelectedItem()+"\"));\n");
                if (columnChoice[3].getSelectedIndex() > 0)
                    Recorder.recordString("Plot.add(\"error\", Table.getColumn(\""+
                            columnChoice[3].getSelectedItem()+"\", \""+tableChoice.getSelectedItem()+"\"));\n");
            Recorder.recordString("Plot.setStyle("+currentObjectIndex+", \""+getStyleString()+"\");\n");

    public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) {
        if (e==null)
            return true;    //gets called with e=null upon OK
        boolean setStyle = false;
        if (dialogType == STYLE) {
            int objectIndex = objectChoice.getSelectedIndex();  // no getNextChoice since Choices depend on dialog type
            setStyle = (e.getSource() != objectChoice);
            if (e.getSource() == objectChoice) {
                currentObjectIndex = objectIndex;
            } else
                setStyle = true;
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_PLOT) {
            if (e.getSource() == plotChoice) {
            } else if (e.getSource() == objectChoice) {
            } else
                setStyle = true;
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE || dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS) {
            if (e.getSource() == tableChoice) {
            } else {
                boolean columnChanged = false;
                for (int c=0; c<nColumnsToUse; c++)
                    if (e.getSource() == columnChoice[c]) {
                        columnChanged = true;
                if (columnChanged)
                    setStyle = true;
        } else if (dialogType == ADD_FIT) {
            if (e.getSource() == fitDataChoice || e.getSource() == fitFunctionChoice)
                setStyle = true;
        if (setStyle)
        return true;

    private void setPlotObjectStyle() {
        if (currentObjectIndex < 0) return;
        String style = getStyleString();
        plot.setPlotObjectStyle(currentObjectIndex, style);
        if (labelField.isEnabled()) {
            String label = labelField.getText();
            plot.setPlotObjectLabel(currentObjectIndex, label.length() > 0 ? label : null);

    /** Returns the style String for Plot.setPlotObjectStyle from the dialog fields */
    private String getStyleString() {
        String color = colorField.getText();
        String color2 = color2Field.getText();
        double width = Tools.parseDouble(widthField.getText());
        String symbol = symbolChoice.getSelectedItem();
        Boolean visible = visibleCheckbox.getState();
        String style = color.trim()+","+color2.trim()+","+(float)width+","+ symbol+(visible?"":"hidden");
        return style;

    /** Sets the style fields of the dialog according to the style of the PlotObject having the
     *  index given. Does nothing with index < 0 */
    private void setDialogStyleFields(int index) {
        if (index < 0) return;
        Checkbox visibleC = (Checkbox)gd.getCheckboxes().get(0);
        String styleString = plot.getPlotObjectStyle(index);
        String designation = plot.getPlotObjectDesignations()[index].toLowerCase();
        boolean isData = designation.startsWith("data");
        boolean isText = designation.startsWith("text");
        boolean isBox = designation.startsWith("shapes") &&
                (designation.contains("boxes") || designation.contains("rectangles"));
        boolean isGrid = designation.startsWith("shapes") && designation.contains("redraw_grid");

        String[] items = styleString.split(",");
        if (items.length >= 4)
        labelField.setText(isData ? plot.getPlotObjectLabel(index) : "");

        colorField.setEnabled(!isGrid);         //grid color is fixed
        color2Field.setEnabled(isData || isBox);//only (some) data symbols and boxes have secondary (fill) color
        widthField.setEnabled(!isText  && !isGrid); //all non-Text types have line width
        // visibleC.setEnabled(!isGrid);        //allow to hide everything
        symbolChoice.setEnabled(isData);        //only data have a symbol to choose
        labelField.setEnabled(isData);          //only data have a label in the legend

    /** Prepare the lists 'allPlots', 'allPlotNames' for the "Add from Plot" dialog.
     *  Also sets 'defaultPlotIndex', 'defaultObjectIndex' */
    private void prepareAddFromPlot() {
        int[] windowIDlist = WindowManager.getIDList();
        ArrayList<ImagePlus> plotImps = new ArrayList<ImagePlus>();
        ImagePlus currentPlotImp = null;
        for (int windowID : windowIDlist) {
            ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(windowID);
            if (imp == null || imp.getWindow() == null) continue;
            Plot thePlot = (Plot)(imp.getProperty(Plot.PROPERTY_KEY));
            if (thePlot != null) {
                if (thePlot == plot)
                    currentPlotImp = imp;
        if (currentPlotImp != null)
            plotImps.add(currentPlotImp);     // add current plot as the last one (usually not used)
        if (plotImps.size() == 0) return;     // should never happen; we have at least the current plot

        allPlots = new Plot[plotImps.size()];
        allPlotNames = new String[plotImps.size()];
        defaultPlotIndex = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<allPlots.length; i++) {
            ImagePlus imp = plotImps.get(i);
            allPlots[i] = (Plot)(imp.getProperty(Plot.PROPERTY_KEY));
            if (allPlots[i] == previousPlot)
                defaultPlotIndex = i;
            allPlotNames[i] = imp.getWindow().getTitle();
            if (imp == currentPlotImp)
                allPlotNames[i] = "THIS PLOT: " + allPlotNames[i];

    /** Set up the Choice of Plot objects for the source plot after selecting that plot */
    private void makeSourcePlotObjects() {
        int plotIndex = plotChoice.getSelectedIndex();
        String[] plotObjectNames = allPlots[plotIndex].getPlotObjectDesignations();
        int nPlotObjects = allPlots[plotIndex] == plot ? currentPlotNumObjects : plotObjectNames.length; //for the own plot, the number of objects may have changed in the meanwhile
        for (int i=0; i<nPlotObjects; i++)
            objectChoice.addItem(plotObjectNames[i]);, previousPlotObjectIndex));

    /** For "Add from Plot", adds item to the plot according to the current Choice settings
     *  and sets the Style fields for it. */
    private void addObjectFromPlot() {
        int plotIndex = plotChoice.getSelectedIndex();
        int objectIndex = objectChoice.getSelectedIndex();
        if (savedLimits != null)
        currentObjectIndex = plot.addObjectFromPlot(allPlots[plotIndex], objectIndex); //no updateImage; will be done later
        previousPlot = allPlots[plotIndex];
        previousPlotObjectIndex = objectIndex;

    /** Prepare the lists 'allTables', "allTableNames' for the "Add from Table" dialog.
     *  Also sets 'defaultTableIndex' */
    private void prepareAddFromTable() {
        ArrayList<TextWindow> tableWindows = new ArrayList<TextWindow>();
        Frame[] windows = WindowManager.getNonImageWindows();
        for (Frame win : windows) {
            if (!(win instanceof TextWindow)) continue;
            ResultsTable rt = ((TextWindow)win).getResultsTable();
            if (isValid(rt))
        allTables = new ResultsTable[tableWindows.size()];
        allTableNames = new String[tableWindows.size()];
        defaultTableIndex =  0;
        for (int i=0; i<allTables.length; i++) {
            TextWindow tw = tableWindows.get(i);
            allTables[i] = tw.getResultsTable();
            if (allTableNames[i] == previousTableName)
                defaultTableIndex = i;
            allTableNames[i] = tw.getTitle();

    /** Returns whether there is at least one table that can be used for "Add from Table" */
    public static boolean tableWindowExists() {
        Frame[] windows = WindowManager.getNonImageWindows();
        for (Frame win : windows) {
            if (win instanceof TextWindow) {
                ResultsTable rt = ((TextWindow)win).getResultsTable();
                if (isValid(rt)) return true;
        return false;

    /** Set up the Choices for the source columns for "Add from Table" and "Add from Arrays" */
    private void makeSourceColumns() {
        String[] columnHeadings = null;
        if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE) {
            int tableIndex = tableChoice.getSelectedIndex();
            ResultsTable rt = allTables[tableIndex];
            String columnHeadingStr = rt.getColumnHeadings();
            if (!columnHeadingStr.startsWith(" \t"))
                columnHeadingStr = " \t"+columnHeadingStr;  //add empty field at beginning (if we don't have one)
            columnHeadings = columnHeadingStr.split("\t");
            int nBadColumns = 0;
            for (int i=1; i<columnHeadings.length; i++) {   //check for columns with no data
                int index = rt.getColumnIndex(columnHeadings[i]);
                if (!rt.columnExists(index)) {
                    columnHeadings[i] = null;
            if (nBadColumns > 0) {
                String[] newHeadings = new String[columnHeadings.length - nBadColumns];
                int i=0;
                for (String heading : columnHeadings)       //copy 'good' headings
                    if (heading != null)
                        newHeadings[i++] = heading;
                columnHeadings = newHeadings;
        } else {   // if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS)
            columnHeadings = new String[arrayHeadings.length+1];
            System.arraycopy(arrayHeadings, 0, columnHeadings, 1, arrayHeadings.length);
        columnHeadings[0] = "---";
        for (int c=0; c<nColumnsToUse; c++) {
            for (int i=COLUMN_ALLOW_NONE[c] ? 0 : 1; i<columnHeadings.length; i++)
            if (columnChoice[c].getItemCount() > 0 && previousColumns[c] >= 0)
                columnChoice[c].select(Math.min(columnChoice[c].getItemCount()-1, previousColumns[c]));

    /** For "Add from Table" and "Add from Arrays" adds item to the plot according to the current Choice settings
     *  and sets the Style fields for it. */
    private void addObjectFromTable() {
        float[][] data = getDataArrays();
        if (data[1] == null) return;  //no y data? then can't plot
        String label = columnChoice[1].getSelectedItem();   //take label from y
        int shape = Plot.toShape(symbolChoice.getSelectedItem());
        float lineWidth = (float)(Tools.parseDouble(widthField.getText()));
        if (lineWidth > 0)
        if (savedLimits != null)
        plot.setColor(colorField.getText(), color2Field.getText());
        plot.addPoints(data[0], data[1], data[3], shape, label);
        if (data[2] != null)
        if (creatingPlot) {
            plot.setXYLabels(data[0]==null ? "x" : columnChoice[0].getSelectedItem(), columnChoice[1].getSelectedItem());
        } else
        currentObjectIndex = plot.getNumPlotObjects()-1;
        if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE)
            previousTableName = allTableNames[tableChoice.getSelectedIndex()];

    /** For "Add from Table" and "Add from Arrays", tries to set a 'y' data column that has not been plotted yet. */
    private void suggestNewYColumn() {
        int nYcolumns = columnChoice[1].getItemCount();
        int currentIndex = columnChoice[1].getSelectedIndex();
        for (int i=0; i<nYcolumns; i++) {
            if (columnChoice[0].getSelectedIndex()==0 ||    //if x is a data column, don't suggest it as y
                    !columnChoice[1].getSelectedItem().equals(columnChoice[0].getSelectedItem())) {
                float[][] data = getDataArrays();
                data = new float[][] {data[0], data[1]};    //only compare x & y, not the error bars
                if (plot.getPlotObjectIndex(data) < 0)
                    return; //current data are ok (not duplicate)
            columnChoice[1].select((currentIndex+i+1)%nYcolumns); //try the next one

    /** For "Add from Table" and "Add from Arrays", retrieves the data arrays according to the columnChoices */
    private float[][] getDataArrays() {
        float[][] data = new float[N_COLUMNS][];
        if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_TABLE) {
            ResultsTable rt = allTables[tableChoice.getSelectedIndex()];
            for (int c=0; c<N_COLUMNS; c++) {
                String heading = columnChoice[c].getSelectedItem();
                int index = rt.getColumnIndex(heading);
                if (index >= 0)
                    data[c] = rt.getColumn(index);
                previousColumns[c] = columnChoice[c].getSelectedIndex();
        } else { //if (dialogType == ADD_FROM_ARRAYS)
            for (int c=0; c<nColumnsToUse; c++) {
                String heading = columnChoice[c].getSelectedItem();
                int index = getIndex(arrayHeadings, heading);
                if (index >= 0)
                    data[c] = arrayData.get(index);
                previousColumns[c] = columnChoice[c].getSelectedIndex();
        return data;

    /** Does the curve fit and adds the fit curve to the plot */
    private void addFitCurve() {
        if (savedLimits != null)
        int dataIndex = fitDataChoice.getSelectedIndex();
        float[][] data = plot.getDataObjectArrays(dataIndex);
        String fitName = fitFunctionChoice.getSelectedItem();
        int fitType = getIndex(CurveFitter.fitList, fitName);
        CurveFitter cf = new CurveFitter(Tools.toDouble(data[0]), Tools.toDouble(data[1]));
        String statusString = "Fit: "+Minimizer.STATUS_STRING[cf.getStatus()];
        if (cf.getStatus() == Minimizer.SUCCESS)
            statusString += ", sum residuals ^2 = "+(float)(cf.getSumResidualsSqr());
        curveFitterStatusString = "Fit for "+plot.getTitle()+": "+fitDataChoice.getSelectedItem()+cf.getResultString(); //will be shown in Log when done

        double[] plotMinMax = plot.getLimits();
        double[] dataMinMax = Tools.getMinMax(data[0]);
        double min = Math.min(plotMinMax[0], dataMinMax[0]);
        double max = Math.max(plotMinMax[1], dataMinMax[1]);
        double plotSpan = Math.abs(plotMinMax[1] - plotMinMax[0]);
        double dataSpan = Math.abs(dataMinMax[1] - dataMinMax[0]);
        double rangeFactor = Math.max(plotSpan/dataSpan, dataSpan/plotSpan);
        if (rangeFactor > 20) rangeFactor = 20;
        int nPoints = (int)(1000*rangeFactor); //finer data point spacing if we will want to zoom out or in
        float[] xFit = new float[nPoints];
        float[] yFit = new float[nPoints];
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xFit[i] = (float)(min + i*((max-min)/(nPoints-1)));
            yFit[i] = (float)(cf.f(xFit[i]));
        plot.addPoints(xFit, yFit, Plot.LINE);
        currentObjectIndex = plot.getNumPlotObjects()-1;
        labelField.setText("Fit: "+fitName);

    /** Returns whether the table is non-null and has at least one non-trivial data column */
    private static boolean isValid(ResultsTable rt) {
        if (rt == null) return false;
        String columnHeadingStr = rt.getColumnHeadings();
        if (columnHeadingStr.startsWith(" \t"))
            return columnHeadingStr.length() >=3;
            return columnHeadingStr.length() >= 1;


    /** For "Add from Arrays", sets default columns from the colums titles */
    private void setDefaultColumns(String[] defaultHeadings) {
        if (defaultHeadings == null) return;
        for (int i=0; i<Math.min(defaultHeadings.length, nColumnsToUse); i++) {
            if (defaultHeadings[i] == null || defaultHeadings[i].length()==0)
                previousColumns[i] = 0;
                previousColumns[i] = Math.max(0,  //default column index; index=0 means 'none' for all except y
                        getIndex(arrayHeadings, defaultHeadings[i]) + (COLUMN_ALLOW_NONE[i] ? 1 : 0));

    /** Finds the index of a searchTerm in the String array; returns -1 if not found */
    private static int getIndex(String[] strArray, String searchTerm) {
        for (int i=0; i<strArray.length; i++)
            if (strArray[i].equals(searchTerm)) return i;
        return -1;

    /** Sets the 'previousColor', 'previousColor2' with a suggestion for new colors */
    private void suggestColor() {
        boolean[] colorUsed = new boolean[PLOT_COLORS.length];
        String[] designations = plot.getPlotObjectDesignations();
        for (int i=0; i<designations.length; i++) {
            if (!(designations[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("data"))) continue;
            String styleString = plot.getPlotObjectStyle(i);
            for (int j=0; j<PLOT_COLORS.length; j++)
                if (styleString.startsWith(PLOT_COLORS[j]))
                    colorUsed[j] = true;
        String newColor = previousColor;
        for (int j=0; j<PLOT_COLORS.length; j++)
            if (!colorUsed[j]) {
                newColor = PLOT_COLORS[j];
        if (previousColor2 != null && previousColor2.equals(previousColor))  //if fill color was main color, keep it such
            previousColor2 = newColor;
        else if (Colors.decode(previousColor2, null) != null) {              //if we had a separate fill color, make main color brighter
            Color newC = Colors.decode(newColor,Color.BLACK);
            Color newC2 = new Color(makeBrighter(newC.getRed()), makeBrighter(newC.getGreen()), makeBrighter(newC.getBlue()));
            previousColor2 = Colors.colorToString(newC2);
        previousColor = newColor;

    /** Creates an 8-bit color value closer to 255 */
    private static int makeBrighter(int v) {
        return v> 190 ? 255 : 255 - (int)(0.4*(255-v));