import ij.gui.*;
import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.process.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

/** This class decodes an ImageJ .roi file. 
    Format of the original 64 byte ImageJ/NIH Image
    .roi file header. Two byte numbers are big-endian
    signed shorts. The JavaScript example at
    demonstrates how to use this information to 
    decode a .roi file.
    0-3     "Iout"
    4-5     version (>=217)
    6-7     roi type (encoded as one byte)
    8-9     top
    10-11   left
    12-13   bottom
    14-15   right
    16-17   NCoordinates
    18-33   x1,y1,x2,y2 (straight line) | x,y,width,height (double rect) | size (npoints)
    34-35   stroke width (v1.43i or later)
    36-39   ShapeRoi size (type must be 1 if this value>0)
    40-43   stroke color (v1.43i or later)
    44-47   fill color (v1.43i or later)
    48-49   subtype (v1.43k or later)
    50-51   options (v1.43k or later)
    52-52   arrow style or aspect ratio (v1.43p or later)
    53-53   arrow head size (v1.43p or later)
    54-55   rounded rect arc size (v1.43p or later)
    56-59   position
    60-63   header2 offset
    64-       x-coordinates (short), followed by y-coordinates
    @see <a href="">DecodeRoiFile.js</a>

public class RoiDecoder {
    // offsets
    public static final int VERSION_OFFSET = 4;
    public static final int TYPE = 6;
    public static final int TOP = 8;
    public static final int LEFT = 10;
    public static final int BOTTOM = 12;
    public static final int RIGHT = 14;
    public static final int N_COORDINATES = 16;
    public static final int X1 = 18;
    public static final int Y1 = 22;
    public static final int X2 = 26;
    public static final int Y2 = 30;
    public static final int XD = 18;
    public static final int YD = 22;
    public static final int WIDTHD = 26;
    public static final int HEIGHTD = 30;
    public static final int SIZE = 18;
    public static final int STROKE_WIDTH = 34;
    public static final int SHAPE_ROI_SIZE = 36;
    public static final int STROKE_COLOR = 40;
    public static final int FILL_COLOR = 44;
    public static final int SUBTYPE = 48;
    public static final int OPTIONS = 50;
    public static final int ARROW_STYLE = 52;
    public static final int FLOAT_PARAM = 52; //ellipse ratio or rotated rect width
    public static final int POINT_TYPE= 52;
    public static final int ARROW_HEAD_SIZE = 53;
    public static final int ROUNDED_RECT_ARC_SIZE = 54;
    public static final int POSITION = 56;
    public static final int HEADER2_OFFSET = 60;
    public static final int COORDINATES = 64;
    // header2 offsets
    public static final int C_POSITION = 4;
    public static final int Z_POSITION = 8;
    public static final int T_POSITION = 12;
    public static final int NAME_OFFSET = 16;
    public static final int NAME_LENGTH = 20;
    public static final int OVERLAY_LABEL_COLOR = 24;
    public static final int OVERLAY_FONT_SIZE = 28; //short
    public static final int GROUP = 30;  //byte
    public static final int IMAGE_OPACITY = 31;  //byte
    public static final int IMAGE_SIZE = 32;  //int
    public static final int FLOAT_STROKE_WIDTH = 36;  //float
    public static final int ROI_PROPS_OFFSET = 40;
    public static final int ROI_PROPS_LENGTH = 44;
    public static final int COUNTERS_OFFSET = 48;

    // subtypes
    public static final int TEXT = 1;
    public static final int ARROW = 2;
    public static final int ELLIPSE = 3;
    public static final int IMAGE = 4;
    public static final int ROTATED_RECT = 5;
    // options
    public static final int SPLINE_FIT = 1;
    public static final int DOUBLE_HEADED = 2;
    public static final int OUTLINE = 4;
    public static final int OVERLAY_LABELS = 8;
    public static final int OVERLAY_NAMES = 16;
    public static final int OVERLAY_BACKGROUNDS = 32;
    public static final int OVERLAY_BOLD = 64;
    public static final int SUB_PIXEL_RESOLUTION = 128;
    public static final int DRAW_OFFSET = 256;
    public static final int ZERO_TRANSPARENT = 512;
    public static final int SHOW_LABELS = 1024;
    public static final int SCALE_LABELS = 2048;
    public static final int PROMPT_BEFORE_DELETING = 4096; //points
    public static final int SCALE_STROKE_WIDTH = 8192;
    // types
    private final int polygon=0, rect=1, oval=2, line=3, freeline=4, polyline=5, noRoi=6,
        freehand=7, traced=8, angle=9, point=10;
    private byte[] data;
    private String path;
    private InputStream is;
    private String name;
    private int size;

    /** Constructs an RoiDecoder using a file path. */
    public RoiDecoder(String path) {
        this.path = path;

    /** Constructs an RoiDecoder using a byte array. */
    public RoiDecoder(byte[] bytes, String name) {
        is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);   = name;
        this.size = bytes.length;

    /** Opens the Roi at the specified path. Returns null if there is an error. */
    public static Roi open(String path) {
        Roi roi = null;
        RoiDecoder rd = new RoiDecoder(path);
        try {
            roi = rd.getRoi();
        } catch (IOException e) { }
        return roi;

    /** Returns the ROI. */
    public Roi getRoi() throws IOException {
        if (path!=null) {
            File f = new File(path);
            size = (int)f.length();
            if (!path.endsWith(".roi") && size>5242880)
                throw new IOException("This is not an ROI or file size>5MB)");
            name = f.getName();
            is = new FileInputStream(path);
        data = new byte[size];

        int total = 0;
        while (total<size)
            total +=, total, size-total);
        if (getByte(0)!=73 || getByte(1)!=111)  //"Iout"
            throw new IOException("This is not an ImageJ ROI");
        int version = getShort(VERSION_OFFSET);
        int type = getByte(TYPE);
        int subtype = getShort(SUBTYPE);
        int top= getShort(TOP);
        int left = getShort(LEFT);
        int bottom = getShort(BOTTOM);
        int right = getShort(RIGHT);
        int width = right-left;
        int height = bottom-top;
        int n = getUnsignedShort(N_COORDINATES);
        if (n==0)
            n = getInt(SIZE);
        int options = getShort(OPTIONS);
        int position = getInt(POSITION);
        int hdr2Offset = getInt(HEADER2_OFFSET);
        int channel=0, slice=0, frame=0;
        int overlayLabelColor=0;
        int overlayFontSize=0;
        int group=0;
        int imageOpacity=0;
        int imageSize=0;
        boolean subPixelResolution = (options&SUB_PIXEL_RESOLUTION)!=0 &&  version>=222;
        boolean drawOffset = subPixelResolution && (options&DRAW_OFFSET)!=0;
        boolean scaleStrokeWidth = true;
        if (version>=228)
            scaleStrokeWidth = (options&SCALE_STROKE_WIDTH)!=0;
        boolean subPixelRect = version>=223 && subPixelResolution && (type==rect||type==oval);
        double xd=0.0, yd=0.0, widthd=0.0, heightd=0.0;
        if (subPixelRect) {
            xd = getFloat(XD);
            yd = getFloat(YD);
            widthd = getFloat(WIDTHD);
            heightd = getFloat(HEIGHTD);
        if (hdr2Offset>0 && hdr2Offset+IMAGE_SIZE+4<=size) {
            channel = getInt(hdr2Offset+C_POSITION);
            slice = getInt(hdr2Offset+Z_POSITION);
            frame = getInt(hdr2Offset+T_POSITION);
            overlayLabelColor = getInt(hdr2Offset+OVERLAY_LABEL_COLOR);
            overlayFontSize = getShort(hdr2Offset+OVERLAY_FONT_SIZE);
            imageOpacity = getByte(hdr2Offset+IMAGE_OPACITY);
            imageSize = getInt(hdr2Offset+IMAGE_SIZE);
            group = getByte(hdr2Offset+GROUP);
        if (name!=null && name.endsWith(".roi"))
            name = name.substring(0, name.length()-4);
        boolean isComposite = getInt(SHAPE_ROI_SIZE)>0;
        Roi roi = null;
        if (isComposite) {
            roi = getShapeRoi();
            if (version>=218)
                getStrokeWidthAndColor(roi, hdr2Offset, scaleStrokeWidth);
            if (channel>0 || slice>0 || frame>0)
                roi.setPosition(channel, slice, frame);
            decodeOverlayOptions(roi, version, options, overlayLabelColor, overlayFontSize);
            if (version>=224) {
                String props = getRoiProps();
                if (props!=null)
            if (version>=228 && group>0)
            return roi;

        switch (type) {
            case rect:
                if (subPixelRect)
                    roi = new Roi(xd, yd, widthd, heightd);
                    roi = new Roi(left, top, width, height);
                int arcSize = getShort(ROUNDED_RECT_ARC_SIZE);
                if (arcSize>0)
            case oval:
                if (subPixelRect)
                    roi = new OvalRoi(xd, yd, widthd, heightd);
                    roi = new OvalRoi(left, top, width, height);
            case line:
                double x1 = getFloat(X1);       
                double y1 = getFloat(Y1);       
                double x2 = getFloat(X2);       
                double y2 = getFloat(Y2);
                if (subtype==ARROW) {
                    roi = new Arrow(x1, y1, x2, y2);        
                    int style = getByte(ARROW_STYLE);
                    if (style>=Arrow.FILLED && style<=Arrow.BAR)
                    int headSize = getByte(ARROW_HEAD_SIZE);
                    if (headSize>=0 && style<=30)
                } else {
                    roi = new Line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            case polygon: case freehand: case traced: case polyline: case freeline: case angle: case point:
                    //IJ.log("type: "+type);
                    //IJ.log("n: "+n);
                    //ij.IJ.log("rect: "+left+","+top+" "+width+" "+height);
                    if (n==0 || n<0) break;
                    int[] x = new int[n];
                    int[] y = new int[n];
                    float[] xf = null;
                    float[] yf = null;
                    int base1 = COORDINATES;
                    int base2 = base1+2*n;
                    int xtmp, ytmp;
                    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                        xtmp = getShort(base1+i*2);
                        if (xtmp<0) xtmp = 0;
                        ytmp = getShort(base2+i*2);
                        if (ytmp<0) ytmp = 0;
                        x[i] = left+xtmp;
                        y[i] = top+ytmp;
                    if (subPixelResolution) {
                        xf = new float[n];
                        yf = new float[n];
                        base1 = COORDINATES+4*n;
                        base2 = base1+4*n;
                        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                            xf[i] = getFloat(base1+i*4);
                            yf[i] = getFloat(base2+i*4);
                    if (type==point) {
                        if (subPixelResolution)
                            roi = new PointRoi(xf, yf, n);
                            roi = new PointRoi(x, y, n);
                        if (version>=226) {
                        if ((options&SHOW_LABELS)!=0 && !ij.Prefs.noPointLabels)
                        if ((options&PROMPT_BEFORE_DELETING)!=0)
                    int roiType;
                    if (type==polygon)
                        roiType = Roi.POLYGON;
                    else if (type==freehand) {
                        roiType = Roi.FREEROI;
                        if (subtype==ELLIPSE || subtype==ROTATED_RECT) {
                            double ex1 = getFloat(X1);      
                            double ey1 = getFloat(Y1);      
                            double ex2 = getFloat(X2);      
                            double ey2 = getFloat(Y2);
                            double param = getFloat(FLOAT_PARAM);
                            if (subtype==ROTATED_RECT)
                                roi = new RotatedRectRoi(ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2,param);
                                roi = new EllipseRoi(ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2,param);
                    } else if (type==traced)
                        roiType = Roi.TRACED_ROI;
                    else if (type==polyline)
                        roiType = Roi.POLYLINE;
                    else if (type==freeline)
                        roiType = Roi.FREELINE;
                    else if (type==angle)
                        roiType = Roi.ANGLE;
                        roiType = Roi.FREEROI;
                    if (subPixelResolution) {
                        roi = new PolygonRoi(xf, yf, n, roiType);
                    } else
                        roi = new PolygonRoi(x, y, n, roiType);
                throw new IOException("Unrecognized ROI type: "+type);
        if (roi==null)
            return null;
        // read stroke width, stroke color and fill color (1.43i or later)
        if (version>=218) {
            getStrokeWidthAndColor(roi, hdr2Offset, scaleStrokeWidth);
            if (type==point)
            boolean splineFit = (options&SPLINE_FIT)!=0;
            if (splineFit && roi instanceof PolygonRoi)
        if (version>=218 && subtype==TEXT)
            roi = getTextRoi(roi, version);

        if (version>=221 && subtype==IMAGE)
            roi = getImageRoi(roi, imageOpacity, imageSize, options);

        if (version>=224) {
            String props = getRoiProps();
            if (props!=null)

        if (version>=227) {
            int[] counters = getPointCounters(n);
            if (counters!=null && (roi instanceof PointRoi))
        // set group (1.52t or later)
        if (version>=228 && group>0)

        if (channel>0 || slice>0 || frame>0)
            roi.setPosition(channel, slice, frame);
        decodeOverlayOptions(roi, version, options, overlayLabelColor, overlayFontSize);
        return roi;
    void decodeOverlayOptions(Roi roi, int version, int options, int color, int fontSize) {
        Overlay proto = new Overlay();
        if (version>=220 && color!=0)
            proto.setLabelColor(new Color(color));
        boolean bold = (options&OVERLAY_BOLD)!=0;
        boolean scalable = (options&SCALE_LABELS)!=0;
        if (fontSize>0 || bold || scalable) {
            proto.setLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", bold?Font.BOLD:Font.PLAIN, fontSize), scalable);

    void getStrokeWidthAndColor(Roi roi, int hdr2Offset, boolean scaleStrokeWidth) {
        double strokeWidth = getShort(STROKE_WIDTH);
        if (hdr2Offset>0) {
            double strokeWidthD = getFloat(hdr2Offset+FLOAT_STROKE_WIDTH);
            if (strokeWidthD>0.0)
                strokeWidth = strokeWidthD;
        if (strokeWidth>0.0) {
            if (scaleStrokeWidth)
        int strokeColor = getInt(STROKE_COLOR);
        if (strokeColor!=0) {
            int alpha = (strokeColor>>24)&0xff;
            roi.setStrokeColor(new Color(strokeColor, alpha!=255));
        int fillColor = getInt(FILL_COLOR);
        if (fillColor!=0) {
            int alpha = (fillColor>>24)&0xff;
            roi.setFillColor(new Color(fillColor, alpha!=255));

    public Roi getShapeRoi() throws IOException {
        int type = getByte(TYPE);
        if (type!=rect)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid composite ROI type");
        int top= getShort(TOP);
        int left = getShort(LEFT);
        int bottom = getShort(BOTTOM);
        int right = getShort(RIGHT);
        int width = right-left;
        int height = bottom-top;
        int n = getInt(SHAPE_ROI_SIZE);

        ShapeRoi roi = null;
        float[] shapeArray = new float[n];
        int base = COORDINATES;
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
            shapeArray[i] = getFloat(base);
            base += 4;
        roi = new ShapeRoi(shapeArray);
        return roi;
    Roi getTextRoi(Roi roi, int version) {
        Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
        int hdrSize = RoiEncoder.HEADER_SIZE;
        int size = getInt(hdrSize);
        int styleAndJustification = getInt(hdrSize+4);
        int style = styleAndJustification&255;
        int justification = (styleAndJustification>>8) & 3;
        boolean drawStringMode = (styleAndJustification&1024)!=0;
        int nameLength = getInt(hdrSize+8);
        int textLength = getInt(hdrSize+12);
        char[] name = new char[nameLength];
        char[] text = new char[textLength];
        for (int i=0; i<nameLength; i++)
            name[i] = (char)getShort(hdrSize+16+i*2);
        for (int i=0; i<textLength; i++)
            text[i] = (char)getShort(hdrSize+16+nameLength*2+i*2);
        double angle = version>=225?getFloat(hdrSize+16+nameLength*2+textLength*2):0f;
        Font font = new Font(new String(name), style, size);
        TextRoi roi2 = null;
        if (roi.subPixelResolution()) {
            Rectangle2D fb = roi.getFloatBounds();
            roi2 = new TextRoi(fb.getX(), fb.getY(), fb.getWidth(), fb.getHeight(), new String(text), font);
        } else
            roi2 = new TextRoi(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, new String(text), font);
        return roi2;
    Roi getImageRoi(Roi roi, int opacity, int size, int options) {
        if (size<=0)
            return roi;
        Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
        byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
        for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
            bytes[i] = (byte)getByte(COORDINATES+i);
        ImagePlus imp = new Opener().deserialize(bytes);
        ImageRoi roi2 = new ImageRoi(r.x, r.y, imp.getProcessor());
        if ((options&ZERO_TRANSPARENT)!=0)
        return roi2;

    String getRoiName() {
        String fileName = name;
        int hdr2Offset = getInt(HEADER2_OFFSET);
        if (hdr2Offset==0)
            return fileName;
        int offset = getInt(hdr2Offset+NAME_OFFSET);
        int length = getInt(hdr2Offset+NAME_LENGTH);
        if (offset==0 || length==0)
            return fileName;
        if (offset+length*2>size)
            return fileName;
        char[] name = new char[length];
        for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
            name[i] = (char)getShort(offset+i*2);
        return new String(name);
    String getRoiProps() {
        int hdr2Offset = getInt(HEADER2_OFFSET);
        if (hdr2Offset==0)
            return null;
        int offset = getInt(hdr2Offset+ROI_PROPS_OFFSET);
        int length = getInt(hdr2Offset+ROI_PROPS_LENGTH);
        if (offset==0 || length==0)
            return null;
        if (offset+length*2>size)
            return null;
        char[] props = new char[length];
        for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
            props[i] = (char)getShort(offset+i*2);
        return new String(props);
    int[] getPointCounters(int n) {
        int hdr2Offset = getInt(HEADER2_OFFSET);
        if (hdr2Offset==0)
            return null;
        int offset = getInt(hdr2Offset+COUNTERS_OFFSET);
        if (offset==0)
            return null;
        if (offset+n*4>data.length)
            return null;
        int[] counters = new int[n];
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            counters[i] = getInt(offset+i*4);
        return counters;

    int getByte(int base) {
        return data[base]&255;

    int getShort(int base) {
        int b0 = data[base]&255;
        int b1 = data[base+1]&255;
        int n = (short)((b0<<8) + b1);
        if (n<-5000)
            n = (b0<<8) + b1; // assume n>32767 and unsigned
        return n;       
    int getUnsignedShort(int base) {
        int b0 = data[base]&255;
        int b1 = data[base+1]&255;
        return (b0<<8) + b1;    

    int getInt(int base) {
        int b0 = data[base]&255;
        int b1 = data[base+1]&255;
        int b2 = data[base+2]&255;
        int b3 = data[base+3]&255;
        return ((b0<<24) + (b1<<16) + (b2<<8) + b3);

    float getFloat(int base) {
        return Float.intBitsToFloat(getInt(base));
    /** Opens an ROI from a byte array. */
    public static Roi openFromByteArray(byte[] bytes) {
        Roi roi = null;
        if (bytes==null || bytes.length==0)
            return roi;
        try {
            RoiDecoder decoder = new RoiDecoder(bytes, null);
            roi = decoder.getRoi();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        return roi;
