import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.FloatPolygon;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
public class RoiEncoder {
static final int HEADER_SIZE = 64;
static final int HEADER2_SIZE = 64;
static final int VERSION = 228; private String path;
private OutputStream f;
private final int polygon=0, rect=1, oval=2, line=3, freeline=4, polyline=5, noRoi=6, freehand=7,
traced=8, angle=9, point=10;
private byte[] data;
private String roiName;
private int roiNameSize;
private String roiProps;
private int roiPropsSize;
private int countersSize;
private int[] counters;
public RoiEncoder(String path) {
this.path = path;
public RoiEncoder(OutputStream f) {
this.f = f;
public static boolean save(Roi roi, String path) {
RoiEncoder re = new RoiEncoder(path);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return true;
public void write(Roi roi) throws IOException {
if (f!=null) {
write(roi, f);
} else {
f = new FileOutputStream(path);
write(roi, f);
public static byte[] saveAsByteArray(Roi roi) {
if (roi==null) return null;
byte[] bytes = null;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
RoiEncoder encoder = new RoiEncoder(out);
bytes = out.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
return bytes;
void write(Roi roi, OutputStream f) throws IOException {
Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
if (r.width>60000||r.height>60000||r.x>60000||r.y>60000)
int roiType = roi.getType();
int type = rect;
int options = 0;
if (roi.getScaleStrokeWidth())
options |= RoiDecoder.SCALE_STROKE_WIDTH;
roiName = roi.getName();
if (roiName!=null)
roiNameSize = roiName.length()*2;
roiNameSize = 0;
roiProps = roi.getProperties();
if (roiProps!=null)
roiPropsSize = roiProps.length()*2;
roiPropsSize = 0;
switch (roiType) {
case Roi.POLYGON: type=polygon; break;
case Roi.FREEROI: type=freehand; break;
case Roi.TRACED_ROI: type=traced; break;
case Roi.OVAL: type=oval; break;
case Roi.LINE: type=line; break;
case Roi.POLYLINE: type=polyline; break;
case Roi.FREELINE: type=freeline; break;
case Roi.ANGLE: type=angle; break;
case Roi.COMPOSITE: type=rect; break; case Roi.POINT: type=point; break;
default: type = rect; break;
if (roiType==Roi.COMPOSITE) {
saveShapeRoi(roi, type, f, options);
int n=0;
int[] x=null, y=null;
float[] xf=null, yf=null;
int floatSize = 0;
if (roi instanceof PolygonRoi) {
PolygonRoi proi = (PolygonRoi)roi;
Polygon p = proi.getNonSplineCoordinates();
n = p.npoints;
x = p.xpoints;
y = p.ypoints;
if (roi.subPixelResolution()) {
FloatPolygon fp = null;
if (proi.isSplineFit())
fp = proi.getNonSplineFloatPolygon();
fp = roi.getFloatPolygon();
if (n==fp.npoints) {
options |= RoiDecoder.SUB_PIXEL_RESOLUTION;
if (roi.getDrawOffset())
options |= RoiDecoder.DRAW_OFFSET;
xf = fp.xpoints;
yf = fp.ypoints;
floatSize = n*8;
countersSize = 0;
if (roi instanceof PointRoi) {
counters = ((PointRoi)roi).getCounters();
if (counters!=null && counters.length>=n)
countersSize = n*4;
data = new byte[HEADER_SIZE+HEADER2_SIZE+n*4+floatSize+roiNameSize+roiPropsSize+countersSize];
data[0]=73; data[1]=111; data[2]=117; data[3]=116; putShort(RoiDecoder.VERSION_OFFSET, VERSION);
data[RoiDecoder.TYPE] = (byte)type;
putShort(RoiDecoder.TOP, r.y);
putShort(RoiDecoder.LEFT, r.x);
putShort(RoiDecoder.BOTTOM, r.y+r.height);
putShort(RoiDecoder.RIGHT, r.x+r.width);
if (roi.subPixelResolution() && (type==rect||type==oval)) {
FloatPolygon p = null;
if (roi instanceof OvalRoi)
p = ((OvalRoi)roi).getFloatPolygon4();
else {
int d = roi.getCornerDiameter();
if (d>0) {
p = roi.getFloatPolygon();
} else
p = roi.getFloatPolygon();
if (p.npoints==4) {
putFloat(RoiDecoder.XD, p.xpoints[0]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.YD, p.ypoints[0]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.WIDTHD, p.xpoints[1]-p.xpoints[0]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.HEIGHTD, p.ypoints[2]-p.ypoints[1]);
options |= RoiDecoder.SUB_PIXEL_RESOLUTION;
putShort(RoiDecoder.OPTIONS, options);
if (n>65535 && type!=point) {
if (type==polygon || type==freehand || type==traced) {
String name = roi.getName();
roi = new ShapeRoi(roi);
if (name!=null) roi.setName(name);
saveShapeRoi(roi, rect, f, options);
ij.IJ.log("Non-polygonal selections with more than 65k points cannot be saved.");
n = 65535;
if (type==point && n>65535)
putInt(RoiDecoder.SIZE, n);
putShort(RoiDecoder.N_COORDINATES, n);
putInt(RoiDecoder.POSITION, roi.getPosition());
if (type==rect) {
int arcSize = roi.getCornerDiameter();
if (arcSize>0)
putShort(RoiDecoder.ROUNDED_RECT_ARC_SIZE, arcSize);
if (roi instanceof Line) {
Line line = (Line)roi;
putFloat(RoiDecoder.X1, (float)line.x1d);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.Y1, (float)line.y1d);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.X2, (float)line.x2d);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.Y2, (float)line.y2d);
if (roi instanceof Arrow) {
putShort(RoiDecoder.SUBTYPE, RoiDecoder.ARROW);
if (((Arrow)roi).getDoubleHeaded())
options |= RoiDecoder.DOUBLE_HEADED;
if (((Arrow)roi).getOutline())
options |= RoiDecoder.OUTLINE;
putShort(RoiDecoder.OPTIONS, options);
putByte(RoiDecoder.ARROW_STYLE, ((Arrow)roi).getStyle());
putByte(RoiDecoder.ARROW_HEAD_SIZE, (int)((Arrow)roi).getHeadSize());
} else {
if (roi.getDrawOffset())
options |= RoiDecoder.SUB_PIXEL_RESOLUTION+RoiDecoder.DRAW_OFFSET;
if (roi instanceof PointRoi) {
PointRoi point = (PointRoi)roi;
putByte(RoiDecoder.POINT_TYPE, point.getPointType());
putShort(RoiDecoder.STROKE_WIDTH, point.getSize());
if (point.getShowLabels())
options |= RoiDecoder.SHOW_LABELS;
if (point.promptBeforeDeleting())
options |= RoiDecoder.PROMPT_BEFORE_DELETING;
if (roi instanceof RotatedRectRoi || roi instanceof EllipseRoi) {
double[] p = null;
if (roi instanceof RotatedRectRoi) {
putShort(RoiDecoder.SUBTYPE, RoiDecoder.ROTATED_RECT);
p = ((RotatedRectRoi)roi).getParams();
} else {
putShort(RoiDecoder.SUBTYPE, RoiDecoder.ELLIPSE);
p = ((EllipseRoi)roi).getParams();
putFloat(RoiDecoder.X1, (float)p[0]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.Y1, (float)p[1]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.X2, (float)p[2]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.Y2, (float)p[3]);
putFloat(RoiDecoder.FLOAT_PARAM, (float)p[4]);
if (VERSION>=218) {
if ((roi instanceof PolygonRoi) && ((PolygonRoi)roi).isSplineFit()) {
options |= RoiDecoder.SPLINE_FIT;
putShort(RoiDecoder.OPTIONS, options);
if (n==0 && roi instanceof TextRoi)
else if (n==0 && roi instanceof ImageRoi)
options = saveImageRoi((ImageRoi)roi, options);
putHeader2(roi, HEADER_SIZE+n*4+floatSize);
if (n>0) {
int base1 = 64;
int base2 = base1+2*n;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
putShort(base1+i*2, x[i]);
putShort(base2+i*2, y[i]);
if (xf!=null) {
base1 = 64+4*n;
base2 = base1+4*n;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
putFloat(base1+i*4, xf[i]);
putFloat(base2+i*4, yf[i]);
saveOverlayOptions(roi, options);
void saveStrokeWidthAndColor(Roi roi) {
BasicStroke stroke = roi.getStroke();
if (stroke!=null)
putShort(RoiDecoder.STROKE_WIDTH, (int)stroke.getLineWidth());
Color strokeColor = roi.getStrokeColor();
if (strokeColor!=null)
putInt(RoiDecoder.STROKE_COLOR, strokeColor.getRGB());
Color fillColor = roi.getFillColor();
if (fillColor!=null)
putInt(RoiDecoder.FILL_COLOR, fillColor.getRGB());
void saveShapeRoi(Roi roi, int type, OutputStream f, int options) throws IOException {
float[] shapeArray = ((ShapeRoi)roi).getShapeAsArray();
if (shapeArray==null) return;
BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(f);
Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
data = new byte[HEADER_SIZE+HEADER2_SIZE+shapeArray.length*4+roiNameSize+roiPropsSize];
data[0]=73; data[1]=111; data[2]=117; data[3]=116;
data[RoiDecoder.TYPE] = (byte)type;
putShort(RoiDecoder.TOP, r.y);
putShort(RoiDecoder.LEFT, r.x);
putShort(RoiDecoder.BOTTOM, r.y+r.height);
putShort(RoiDecoder.RIGHT, r.x+r.width);
putInt(RoiDecoder.POSITION, roi.getPosition());
putInt(36, shapeArray.length); if (VERSION>=218) saveStrokeWidthAndColor(roi);
saveOverlayOptions(roi, options);
int base = 64;
for (int i=0; i<shapeArray.length; i++) {
putFloat(base, shapeArray[i]);
base += 4;
int hdr2Offset = HEADER_SIZE+shapeArray.length*4;
putHeader2(roi, hdr2Offset);
void saveOverlayOptions(Roi roi, int options) {
Overlay proto = roi.getPrototypeOverlay();
if (proto.getDrawLabels())
options |= RoiDecoder.OVERLAY_LABELS;
if (proto.getDrawNames())
options |= RoiDecoder.OVERLAY_NAMES;
if (proto.getDrawBackgrounds())
options |= RoiDecoder.OVERLAY_BACKGROUNDS;
Font font = proto.getLabelFont();
if (font!=null && font.getStyle()==Font.BOLD)
options |= RoiDecoder.OVERLAY_BOLD;
if (proto.scalableLabels())
options |= RoiDecoder.SCALE_LABELS;
putShort(RoiDecoder.OPTIONS, options);
void saveTextRoi(TextRoi roi) {
Font font = roi.getCurrentFont();
String fontName = font.getName();
int size = font.getSize();
int drawStringMode = roi.getDrawStringMode()?1024:0;
int style = font.getStyle() + roi.getJustification()*256+drawStringMode;
String text = roi.getText();
float angle = (float)roi.getAngle();
int angleLength = 4;
int fontNameLength = fontName.length();
int textLength = text.length();
int textRoiDataLength = 16+fontNameLength*2+textLength*2 + angleLength;
byte[] data2 = new byte[HEADER_SIZE+HEADER2_SIZE+textRoiDataLength+roiNameSize+roiPropsSize];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, data2, 0, HEADER_SIZE);
data = data2;
putShort(RoiDecoder.SUBTYPE, RoiDecoder.TEXT);
putInt(HEADER_SIZE, size);
putInt(HEADER_SIZE+4, style);
putInt(HEADER_SIZE+8, fontNameLength);
putInt(HEADER_SIZE+12, textLength);
for (int i=0; i<fontNameLength; i++)
putShort(HEADER_SIZE+16+i*2, fontName.charAt(i));
for (int i=0; i<textLength; i++)
putShort(HEADER_SIZE+16+fontNameLength*2+i*2, text.charAt(i));
int hdr2Offset = HEADER_SIZE+textRoiDataLength;
putFloat(hdr2Offset-angleLength, angle);
putHeader2(roi, hdr2Offset);
private int saveImageRoi(ImageRoi roi, int options) {
byte[] bytes = roi.getSerializedImage();
int imageSize = bytes.length;
byte[] data2 = new byte[HEADER_SIZE+HEADER2_SIZE+imageSize+roiNameSize+roiPropsSize];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, data2, 0, HEADER_SIZE);
data = data2;
putShort(RoiDecoder.SUBTYPE, RoiDecoder.IMAGE);
for (int i=0; i<imageSize; i++)
putByte(HEADER_SIZE+i, bytes[i]&255);
int hdr2Offset = HEADER_SIZE+imageSize;
double opacity = roi.getOpacity();
putByte(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.IMAGE_OPACITY, (int)(opacity*255.0));
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.IMAGE_SIZE, imageSize);
if (roi.getZeroTransparent())
options |= RoiDecoder.ZERO_TRANSPARENT;
putHeader2(roi, hdr2Offset);
return options;
void putHeader2(Roi roi, int hdr2Offset) {
putInt(RoiDecoder.HEADER2_OFFSET, hdr2Offset);
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.C_POSITION, roi.getCPosition());
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.Z_POSITION, roi.hasHyperStackPosition()?roi.getZPosition():0);
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.T_POSITION, roi.getTPosition());
Overlay proto = roi.getPrototypeOverlay();
Color overlayLabelColor = proto.getLabelColor();
if (overlayLabelColor!=null)
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.OVERLAY_LABEL_COLOR, overlayLabelColor.getRGB());
Font font = proto.getLabelFont();
if (font!=null)
putShort(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.OVERLAY_FONT_SIZE, font.getSize());
if (roiNameSize>0)
putName(roi, hdr2Offset);
double strokeWidth = roi.getStrokeWidth();
if (roi.getStroke()==null)
strokeWidth = 0.0;
putFloat(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.FLOAT_STROKE_WIDTH, (float)strokeWidth);
if (roiPropsSize>0)
putProps(roi, hdr2Offset);
if (countersSize>0)
putPointCounters(roi, hdr2Offset);
putByte(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.GROUP, roi.getGroup());
void putName(Roi roi, int hdr2Offset) {
int offset = hdr2Offset+HEADER2_SIZE;
int nameLength = roiNameSize/2;
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.NAME_OFFSET, offset);
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.NAME_LENGTH, nameLength);
for (int i=0; i<nameLength; i++)
putShort(offset+i*2, roiName.charAt(i));
void putProps(Roi roi, int hdr2Offset) {
int offset = hdr2Offset+HEADER2_SIZE+roiNameSize;
int roiPropsLength = roiPropsSize/2;
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.ROI_PROPS_OFFSET, offset);
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.ROI_PROPS_LENGTH, roiPropsLength);
for (int i=0; i<roiPropsLength; i++)
putShort(offset+i*2, roiProps.charAt(i));
void putPointCounters(Roi roi, int hdr2Offset) {
int offset = hdr2Offset+HEADER2_SIZE+roiNameSize+roiPropsSize;
putInt(hdr2Offset+RoiDecoder.COUNTERS_OFFSET, offset);
for (int i=0; i<countersSize/4; i++)
putInt(offset+i*4, counters[i]);
countersSize = 0;
void putByte(int base, int v) {
data[base] = (byte)v;
void putShort(int base, int v) {
data[base] = (byte)(v>>>8);
data[base+1] = (byte)v;
void putFloat(int base, float v) {
int tmp = Float.floatToIntBits(v);
data[base] = (byte)(tmp>>24);
data[base+1] = (byte)(tmp>>16);
data[base+2] = (byte)(tmp>>8);
data[base+3] = (byte)tmp;
void putInt(int base, int i) {
data[base] = (byte)(i>>24);
data[base+1] = (byte)(i>>16);
data[base+2] = (byte)(i>>8);
data[base+3] = (byte)i;