package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Properties;

/** This plugin opens a multi-page TIFF file, or a set of raw images, as a 
    virtual stack. It implements the File/Import/TIFF Virtual Stack command. */
public class FileInfoVirtualStack extends VirtualStack implements PlugIn {
    private FileInfo[] info;
    private int nImages;
    /* Default constructor. */
    public FileInfoVirtualStack() {}

    /* Constructs a FileInfoVirtualStack from a FileInfo object. */
    public FileInfoVirtualStack(FileInfo fi) {
        info = new FileInfo[1];
        info[0] = fi;
        ImagePlus imp = open();
        if (imp!=null)

    /* Constructs a FileInfoVirtualStack from a FileInfo 
        object and displays it if 'show' is true. */
    public FileInfoVirtualStack(FileInfo fi, boolean show) {
        info = new FileInfo[1];
        info[0] = fi;
        ImagePlus imp = open();
        if (imp!=null && show)
    /* Constructs a FileInfoVirtualStack from an array of FileInfo objects. */
    public FileInfoVirtualStack(FileInfo[] fi) {
        info = fi;
        nImages = info.length;

    /** Opens the specified tiff file as a virtual stack. */
    public static ImagePlus openVirtual(String path) {
        OpenDialog  od = new OpenDialog("Open TIFF", path);
        String name = od.getFileName();
        String  dir = od.getDirectory();
        if (name==null)
            return null;
        FileInfoVirtualStack stack = new FileInfoVirtualStack();
        stack.init(dir, name);
        if (
            return null;

    public void run(String arg) {
        OpenDialog  od = new OpenDialog("Open TIFF", arg);
        String name = od.getFileName();
        String  dir = od.getDirectory();
        if (name==null)
        init(dir, name);
        if (info==null)
        ImagePlus imp = open();
        if (imp!=null)
    private void init(String dir, String name) {
        if (name.endsWith(".zip")) {
            IJ.error("Virtual Stack", "ZIP compressed stacks not supported");
        TiffDecoder td = new TiffDecoder(dir, name);
        if (IJ.debugMode) td.enableDebugging();
        IJ.showStatus("Decoding TIFF header...");
        try {
            info = td.getTiffInfo();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            String msg = e.getMessage();
            if (msg==null||msg.equals("")) msg = ""+e;
            IJ.error("TiffDecoder", msg);
        if (info==null || info.length==0) {
            IJ.error("Virtual Stack", "This does not appear to be a TIFF stack");
        if (IJ.debugMode)
    private ImagePlus open() {
        FileInfo fi = info[0];
        int n = fi.nImages;
        if (info.length==1 && n>1) {
            long bytesPerImage = fi.width*fi.height*fi.getBytesPerPixel();
            if (fi.fileType==FileInfo.GRAY12_UNSIGNED)
                bytesPerImage = (int)(1.5*fi.width)*fi.height;
            n = validateNImages(fi, bytesPerImage);
            info = new FileInfo[n];
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                info[i] = (FileInfo)fi.clone();
                info[i].nImages = 1;
                info[i].longOffset = fi.getOffset() + i*(bytesPerImage + fi.getGap());
        nImages = info.length;
        FileOpener fo = new FileOpener(info[0]);
        ImagePlus imp = fo.openImage();
        if (nImages==1 && fi.fileType==FileInfo.RGB48)
            return imp;
        Properties props = fo.decodeDescriptionString(fi);
        ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, this);
        if (imp!=null) {
            if (!=null)
            if (props!=null) {
                int channels = getInt(props,"channels");
                int slices = getInt(props,"slices");
                int frames = getInt(props,"frames");
                if (channels*slices*frames==nImages) {
                    imp2.setDimensions(channels, slices, frames);
                    if (getBoolean(props, "hyperstack"))
                if (channels>1 && fi.description!=null) {
                    int mode = IJ.COMPOSITE;
                    if (fi.description.indexOf("mode=color")!=-1)
                        mode = IJ.COLOR;
                    else if (fi.description.indexOf("mode=gray")!=-1)
                        mode = IJ.GRAYSCALE;
                    imp2 = new CompositeImage(imp2, mode);
        return imp2;
    private int validateNImages(FileInfo fi, long bytesPerImage) {
        File f = new File(fi.getFilePath());
        if (!f.exists())
            return fi.nImages;
        long fileLength = f.length();
        for (int i=fi.nImages-1; i>=0; i--) {
            long offset =  fi.getOffset() + i*(bytesPerImage+fi.getGap());
            if (offset+bytesPerImage<=fileLength)
                return i+1;
        return fi.nImages;

    int getInt(Properties props, String key) {
        Double n = getNumber(props, key);
        return n!=null?(int)n.doubleValue():1;

    Double getNumber(Properties props, String key) {
        String s = props.getProperty(key);
        if (s!=null) {
            try {
                return Double.valueOf(s);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
        return null;

    boolean getBoolean(Properties props, String key) {
        String s = props.getProperty(key);
        return s!=null&&s.equals("true")?true:false;

    /** Deletes the specified image, where {@literal 1<=n<=nImages}. */
    public void deleteSlice(int n) {
        if (n<1 || n>nImages)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument out of range: "+n);
        if (nImages<1) return;
        for (int i=n; i<nImages; i++)
            info[i-1] = info[i];
        info[nImages-1] = null;
    /** Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified image,
        where {@literal 1<=n<=nImages}. Returns null if the stack is empty.
    public ImageProcessor getProcessor(int n) {
        n = translate(n);  // update n for hyperstacks not in default CZT order
        if (n<1 || n>nImages)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument out of range: "+n);
        //if (n>1) IJ.log("  "+(info[n-1].getOffset()-info[n-2].getOffset()));
        info[n-1].nImages = 1; // why is this needed?
        ImageProcessor ip = null;
        if (IJ.debugMode) {
            long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            FileOpener fo = new FileOpener(info[n-1]);
            ip = fo.openProcessor();
            IJ.log("FileInfoVirtualStack: "+n+", offset="+info[n-1].getOffset()+", "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-t0)+"ms");
        } else {
            FileOpener fo = new FileOpener(info[n-1]);
            if (info[n-1].fileType==FileInfo.RGB48) {
                ImagePlus imp = fo.openImage();
                if (info[n-1].sliceNumber>0)
                ip = imp.getProcessor();
            } else
                ip = fo.openProcessor();
        if (ip!=null) {
            if (cTable!=null)
            return ip;
        } else {
            int w=getWidth(), h=getHeight();
            IJ.log("Read error or file not found ("+n+"): "+info[n-1].directory+info[n-1].fileName);
            switch (getBitDepth()) {
                case 8: return new ByteProcessor(w, h);
                case 16: return new ShortProcessor(w, h);
                case 24: return new ColorProcessor(w, h);
                case 32: return new FloatProcessor(w, h);
                default: return null;
    /** Returns the number of slices in this stack. */
    public int size() {
        return getSize();

    public int getSize() {
        return nImages;

    /** Returns the label of the Nth image. */
    public String getSliceLabel(int n) {
        if (n<1 || n>nImages)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument out of range: "+n);
        if (info[0].sliceLabels==null || info[0].sliceLabels.length!=nImages)
            return null;
            return info[0].sliceLabels[n-1];

    public int getWidth() {
        return info[0].width;
    public int getHeight() {
        return info[0].height;
    /** Adds an image to this stack. */
    public synchronized  void addImage(FileInfo fileInfo) {
        if (info==null)
            info = new FileInfo[250];
        if (nImages==info.length) {
            FileInfo[] tmp = new FileInfo[nImages*2];
            System.arraycopy(info, 0, tmp, 0, nImages);
            info = tmp;
        info[nImages-1] = fileInfo;
    public String getDirectory() {
        if (info!=null && info.length>0)
            return info[0].directory;
            return null;
    public String getFileName(int n) {
        int index = n - 1;
        if (index>=0 && info!=null && info.length>index)
            return info[index].fileName;
            return null;
