package ij.plugin;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.macro.Interpreter;
import java.awt.Color;

/** Implements the Image/Stacks/Images to Stack" command. */
public class ImagesToStack implements PlugIn {
    private static final int rgb = 33;
    private static final int COPY_CENTER=0, COPY_TOP_LEFT=1, SCALE_SMALL=2, SCALE_LARGE=3;
    private static final String[] methods = {"Copy (center)", "Copy (top-left)", "Scale (smallest)", "Scale (largest)"};
    private static int staticMethod = COPY_CENTER;
    private static boolean staticBicubic;
    private static boolean staticKeep;
    private static boolean staticTitlesAsLabels = true;
    private int method = COPY_CENTER;
    private boolean bicubic;
    private boolean keep;
    private boolean titlesAsLabels = true;
    private String filter;
    private int width, height;
    private int maxWidth, maxHeight;
    private int minWidth, minHeight;
    private int minSize, maxSize;
    private boolean allInvertedLuts;
    private Calibration cal2;
    private int stackType;
    private ImagePlus[] images;
    private String name = "Stack";
    private Color fillColor;
    /** Converts the images in 'images' to a stack, using the 
        default settings ("copy center" and "titles as labels"). */
    public static ImagePlus run(ImagePlus[] images) {
        ImagesToStack itos = new ImagesToStack();
        int count = itos.findMinMaxSize(images, images.length);
        return itos.convert(images, count);

    public void run(String arg) {

    public void convertImagesToStack() {
        boolean scale = false;
        int[] wList = WindowManager.getIDList();
        if (wList==null) {
            IJ.error("No images are open.");

        int count = 0;
        int stackCount = 0;
        images = new ImagePlus[wList.length];
        for (int i=0; i<wList.length; i++) {
            ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(wList[i]);
            if (imp.getStackSize()==1)
                images[count++] = imp;
        if (count<2) {
            String msg = "";
            if (stackCount>1)
                msg = "\n \nUse the Image>Stacks>Tools>Concatenate\ncommand to combine stacks.";
            IJ.error("Images to Stack", "There must be at least two open 2D images."+msg);

        filter = null;
        count = findMinMaxSize(images, count);
        boolean sizesDiffer = width!=minWidth||height!=minHeight;
        boolean showDialog = true;
        String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions();
        if (IJ.macroRunning() && macroOptions==null) {
            if (sizesDiffer) {
                IJ.error("Images are not all the same size");
            showDialog = false;
        if (showDialog) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Images to Stack");
            if (sizesDiffer) {
                String msg = "The "+count+" images differ in size (smallest="+minWidth+"x"+minHeight
                +",\nlargest="+maxWidth+"x"+maxHeight+"). They will be converted\nto a stack using the specified method.";
                gd.addChoice("Method:", methods, methods[staticMethod]);
            gd.addStringField("Name:", name, 12);
            gd.addStringField("Title contains:", "", 12);
            gd.addStringField("Fill color:", "", 12);
            if (sizesDiffer)
                gd.addCheckbox("Bicubic interpolation", staticBicubic);
            gd.addCheckbox("Use titles as labels", staticTitlesAsLabels);
            gd.addCheckbox("Keep source images", staticKeep);
            if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
            if (sizesDiffer)
                method = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
            name = gd.getNextString();
            filter = gd.getNextString();
            String fillc = gd.getNextString();
            fillColor = Colors.decode(fillc, null);
            if (sizesDiffer)
                bicubic = gd.getNextBoolean();
            titlesAsLabels = gd.getNextBoolean();
            keep = gd.getNextBoolean();
            if (filter!=null && (filter.equals("") || filter.equals("*")))
                filter = null;
            if (filter!=null) {
                count = findMinMaxSize(images, count);
                if (count==0) {
                    IJ.error("Images to Stack", "None of the images have a title containing \""+filter+"\"");
            if (!IJ.isMacro()) {
                staticMethod = method;
                staticBicubic = bicubic;
                staticKeep = keep;
                staticTitlesAsLabels = titlesAsLabels;
            if (Recorder.record)
                Recorder.recordCall("imp =;");
        } else
            keep = false;
        if (method==SCALE_SMALL) {
            width = minWidth;
            height = minHeight;
        } else if (method==SCALE_LARGE) {
            width = maxWidth;
            height = maxHeight;
        ImagePlus stack = convert(images, count);
        if (stack!=null)
    private ImagePlus convert(ImagePlus[] images, int count) {      
        double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height);
        FileInfo fi = images[0].getOriginalFileInfo();
        if (fi!=null && fi = null;
        Overlay overlay = new Overlay();
        for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
            ImageProcessor ip = images[i].getProcessor();
            boolean invertedLut = ip.isInvertedLut();
            if (ip.getMin()<min) min = ip.getMin();
            if (ip.getMax()>max) max = ip.getMax();
            String label = titlesAsLabels?images[i].getTitle():null;
            if (label==null)
                label = images[i].getProp("Slice_Label");
            if (label!=null) {
                String info = (String)images[i].getProperty("Info");
                if (info!=null) label += "\n" + info;
            if (fi!=null) {
                FileInfo fi2 = images[i].getOriginalFileInfo();
                if (fi2!=null && !
                    fi = null;
            switch (stackType) {
                case 16: ip = ip.convertToShort(false); break;
                case 32: ip = ip.convertToFloat(); break;
                case rgb: ip = ip.convertToRGB(); break;
                default: break;
            if (invertedLut && !allInvertedLuts) {
                if (keep)
                    ip = ip.duplicate();
            if (ip.getWidth()!=width||ip.getHeight()!=height) {
                switch (method) {
                    case COPY_TOP_LEFT: case COPY_CENTER:
                        ImageProcessor ip2 = null;
                        switch (stackType) {
                            case 8: ip2 = new ByteProcessor(width, height); break;
                            case 16: ip2 = new ShortProcessor(width, height); break;
                            case 32: ip2 = new FloatProcessor(width, height); break;
                            case rgb: ip2 = new ColorProcessor(width, height); break;
                        if (fillColor!=null) {
                        int xoff=0, yoff=0;
                        if (method==COPY_CENTER) {
                            xoff = (width-ip.getWidth())/2;
                            yoff = (height-ip.getHeight())/2;
                        ip2.insert(ip, xoff, yoff);
                        ip = ip2;
                    case SCALE_SMALL: case SCALE_LARGE:
                        ip = ip.resize(width, height);
            } else {
                if (keep)
                    ip = ip.duplicate();
                Overlay overlay2 = images[i].getOverlay();
                if (overlay2!=null) {
                    for (int j=0; j<overlay2.size(); j++) {
                        Roi roi = overlay2.get(j);
            stack.addSlice(label, ip);
            if (i==0 && invertedLut && !allInvertedLuts)
            if (!keep) {
                images[i].changes = false;
        if (stack.size()==0)
            return null;
        ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(name, stack);
        if (stackType==16 || stackType==32)
            imp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(min, max);
        if (cal2!=null)
        if (fi!=null) {
            fi.fileName = "";
            fi.nImages = imp.getStackSize();
        if (overlay.size()>0)
        return imp;
    private int findMinMaxSize(ImagePlus[] images, int count) {
        int index = 0;
        stackType = 8;
        width = 0;
        height = 0;
        cal2 = images[0].getCalibration();
        maxWidth = 0;
        maxHeight = 0;
        minWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        minSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        allInvertedLuts = true;
        maxSize = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
            if (exclude(images[i].getTitle())) continue;
            if (images[i].getType()==ImagePlus.COLOR_256)
                stackType = rgb;
            if (!images[i].getProcessor().isInvertedLut())
                allInvertedLuts = false;
            int type = images[i].getBitDepth();
            if (type==24) type = rgb;
            if (type>stackType) stackType = type;
            int w=images[i].getWidth(), h=images[i].getHeight();
            if (w>width) width = w;
            if (h>height) height = h;
            int size = w*h;
            if (size<minSize) {
                minSize = size;
                minWidth = w;
                minHeight = h;
            if (size>maxSize) {
                maxSize = size;
                maxWidth = w;
                maxHeight = h;
            Calibration cal = images[i].getCalibration();
            if (!images[i].getCalibration().equals(cal2))
                cal2 = null;
            images[index++] = images[i];
        return index;

    final boolean exclude(String title) {
        return filter!=null && title!=null && title.indexOf(filter)==-1;