package ij.plugin;
import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.measure.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer;
import ij.util.Tools;
import java.awt.*;

/** Implements the Image/Stacks/Plot Z-axis Profile command, 
    which plots the selection mean gray value versus slice number.
public class ZAxisProfiler implements PlugIn, Measurements, PlotMaker {
    private static String[] choices = {"time", "z-axis"};
    private static String choice = choices[0];
    private boolean showingDialog;
    private ImagePlus imp;
    private boolean isPlotMaker;
    private boolean timeProfile;
    private boolean firstTime = true;
    private String options;
    /** Returns a Plot of the selection mean gray value versus slice number. */
    public static Plot getPlot(ImagePlus imp) {
        return getPlot(imp, "time");

    /** Returns a Plot of the selection mean versus slice number for the
        specified hyperstack, where 'options' can be "time" or "z-axis". */
    public static Plot getPlot(ImagePlus imp, String options) {
        ZAxisProfiler zap = new ZAxisProfiler();
        zap.imp = imp;
        zap.options = options;
        zap.isPlotMaker = true;
        Plot plot = zap.getPlot();
        return plot;

    public void run(String arg) {
        imp = IJ.getImage();
        if (imp.getStackSize()<2) {
            IJ.error("ZAxisProfiler", "This command requires a stack.");
        isPlotMaker = true;
        Plot plot = getPlot();
        if (plot!=null) {
            if (isPlotMaker)
    public Plot getPlot() {
        Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
        double minThreshold = ip.getMinThreshold();
        double maxThreshold = ip.getMaxThreshold();
        float[] y;
        boolean hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack();
        if (hyperstack)
            y = getHyperstackProfile(roi, minThreshold, maxThreshold);
            y = getZAxisProfile(roi, minThreshold, maxThreshold);
        if (y==null)
            return null;
        float[] x = new float[y.length];
        String xAxisLabel = showingDialog&&choice.equals(choices[0])?"Frame":"Slice";
        Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
        double calFactor = 1.0;
        double origin = -1;
        if (cal.scaled()) {
            if (timeProfile) {
                calFactor = (float) cal.frameInterval;
                boolean zeroInterval = calFactor==0;
                if (zeroInterval)
                    calFactor = 1;
                    origin = 0;
                String timeUnit = zeroInterval?"Frame":"["+cal.getTimeUnit()+"]";
                xAxisLabel = timeUnit;
            } else {
                calFactor = (float) cal.pixelDepth;
                boolean zeroDepth = calFactor==0;
                if (zeroDepth)
                    calFactor = 1;
                    origin = cal.zOrigin;
                String depthUnit = zeroDepth?"Slice":"["+cal.getZUnit()+"]";
                xAxisLabel = depthUnit;
        for (int i=0; i<x.length; i++)
            x[i] = (float)((i-origin)*calFactor);

        String title;
        if (roi!=null) {
            Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
            title = imp.getTitle()+"-"+r.x+"-"+r.y;
        } else
            title = imp.getTitle()+"-0-0";
        //String xAxisLabel = showingDialog&&choice.equals(choices[0])?"Frame":"Slice";
        Plot plot = new Plot(title, xAxisLabel, "Mean", x, y);
        boolean useConnectedCircles = x.length<=60;     //not LINE but CONNECTED_CIRCLES
        if (useConnectedCircles)
            plot.setStyle(0, "black, gray, 1, connected");
        double ymin = ProfilePlot.getFixedMin();
        double ymax = ProfilePlot.getFixedMax();
        if (!(ymin==0.0 && ymax==0.0)) {
            double[] a = Tools.getMinMax(x);
            double xmin=a[0]; double xmax=a[1];
            plot.setLimits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
        } else {
            double[] a = Tools.getMinMax(y);
            ymin = a[0]; ymax = a[1];
        //draw a blue vertical line for the current stack position (in live mode)
        int pos = imp.getCurrentSlice();
        if (hyperstack) {
            if (timeProfile)
                pos = imp.getT();
                pos = imp.getZ();
        double xx = (pos - 1 - origin)*calFactor;
        if (!useConnectedCircles) {  //For a line plot, the frame starts and ends at the first and last point
            if (pos==1)              //shift 1 pxl towards the center to avoid hiding the blue line hidden behind the frame
                xx += calFactor*Math.min(0.4, x.length*0.7/(double)plot.getDrawingFrame().width);
            else if (pos==x.length)
                xx -= calFactor*Math.min(0.4, x.length*0.7/(double)plot.getDrawingFrame().width);
        if (firstTime)               //don't draw the line for the first time, create an (invisible) PlotObject
            xx = Double.NaN;         //(otherwise, the number of PlotObjects would change, breaking the Plot.COPY_EXTRA_OBJECTS)
        plot.drawLine(xx, ymin-10*(ymax-ymin), xx, ymax+10*(ymax-ymin));
        firstTime = false;
        return plot;
    public ImagePlus getSourceImage() {
        return imp;

    private float[] getHyperstackProfile(Roi roi, double minThreshold, double maxThreshold) {
        int slices = imp.getNSlices();
        int frames = imp.getNFrames();
        int c = imp.getC();
        int z = imp.getZ();
        int t = imp.getT();
        int size = slices;
        if (firstTime)
            timeProfile = slices==1 && frames>1;
        if (options==null && slices>1 && frames>1 && (!isPlotMaker ||firstTime)) {
            showingDialog = true;
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Profiler");
            gd.addChoice("Profile", choices, choice);
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return null;
            choice = gd.getNextChoice();
            timeProfile = choice.equals(choices[0]);
        if (options!=null)
            timeProfile = frames>1 && !options.contains("z");
        if (timeProfile)
            size = frames;
            size = slices;
        float[] values = new float[size];
        Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
        ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable();
        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(imp, rt);
        int measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements();
        boolean showResults = !isPlotMaker && measurements!=0 && measurements!=LIMIT;
        measurements |= MEAN;
        if (showResults) {
            if (!Analyzer.resetCounter())
                return null;
        ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
        boolean showProgress = size>400 || stack.isVirtual();
        for (int i=1; i<=size; i++) {
            if (showProgress)
            int index = 1;
            if (timeProfile)
                index = imp.getStackIndex(c, z, i);
                index = imp.getStackIndex(c, i, t);
            ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(index);
            if (minThreshold!=ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD)
            ImageStatistics stats = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, measurements, cal);
            analyzer.saveResults(stats, roi);
            values[i-1] = (float)stats.mean;
        if (showResults)
        return values;

    private float[] getZAxisProfile(Roi roi, double minThreshold, double maxThreshold) {
        ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
        if (firstTime) {
            int slices = imp.getNSlices();
            int frames = imp.getNFrames();
            timeProfile = slices==1 && frames>1;
        int size = stack.size();
        boolean showProgress = size>400 || stack.isVirtual();
        float[] values = new float[size];
        Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
        ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable();
        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(imp, rt);
        int measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements();
        boolean showResults = !isPlotMaker && measurements!=0 && measurements!=LIMIT;
        boolean showingLabels = firstTime && showResults && ((measurements&LABELS)!=0 || (measurements&SLICE)!=0);
        measurements |= MEAN;
        if (showResults) {
            if (!Analyzer.resetCounter())
                return null;
        boolean isLine = roi!=null && roi.isLine();
        int current = imp.getCurrentSlice();
        for (int i=1; i<=size; i++) {
            if (showProgress)
            if (showingLabels)
            ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(i);
            if (minThreshold!=ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD)
            ImageStatistics stats = null;
            if (isLine)
                stats = getLineStatistics(roi, ip, measurements, cal);
                stats = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, measurements, cal);
            analyzer.saveResults(stats, roi);
            values[i-1] = (float)stats.mean;
        if (showResults)
        if (showingLabels)
        return values;
    private ImageStatistics getLineStatistics(Roi roi, ImageProcessor ip, int measurements, Calibration cal) {
        ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip);
        ProfilePlot profile = new ProfilePlot(imp);
        double[] values = profile.getProfile();
        ImageProcessor ip2 = new FloatProcessor(values.length, 1, values);
        return ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip2, measurements, cal);