package ij.gui;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.util.*;
import ij.plugin.Colors;
import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer;
import ij.macro.Interpreter;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.measure.Measurements;
import ij.measure.ResultsTable;

/** This class creates an image that line graphs, scatter plots and plots of vector fields
 *  (arrows) can be drawn on and displayed.
 *  Note that the clone() operation is a shallow clone: objects like arrays, the PlotProperties,
 *  PlotObjects, the ImagePlus etc. of the clone remain the same as those of the original.
 * @author Wayne Rasband
 * @author Philippe CARL, CNRS, philippe.carl (AT) (log axes, arrows, ArrayList data)
 * @author Norbert Vischer (overlay range arrows and 'R'eset range, ...)
 * @author Michael Schmid (axis grid/ticks, resizing/panning/changing range, high-resolution, serialization)
public class Plot implements Cloneable {

    /** Text justification. */
    public static final int LEFT=ImageProcessor.LEFT_JUSTIFY, CENTER=ImageProcessor.CENTER_JUSTIFY, RIGHT=ImageProcessor.RIGHT_JUSTIFY;
    /** Legend positions */
    //NOTE: These have only bits of LEGEND_POSITION_MASK set. The flags of the legend are stored as flags of the legend PlotObject.
    //These are saved in the flags of the PlotObject class; thus bits up to 0x0f are reserved
    public static final int TOP_LEFT=0x90, TOP_RIGHT=0xA0, BOTTOM_LEFT=0xB0, BOTTOM_RIGHT=0xC0, AUTO_POSITION=0x80;
    /** Masks out bits for legend positions; if all these bits are off, the legend is turned off */
    private static final int LEGEND_POSITION_MASK = 0xf0;
    /** Legend has its curves in bottom-to-top sequence (otherwise top to bottom) */
    public static final int LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP = 0x100;
    /** Legend erases background (otherwise transparent) */
    public static final int LEGEND_TRANSPARENT = 0x200;
    /** Display points using a circle (5 pixels in diameter if line thickness<=1, otherwise 7). */
    public static final int CIRCLE = 0;
    /** Display points using an X-shaped mark. */
    public static final int X = 1;
    /** Connect points with solid lines. */
    public static final int LINE = 2;
    /** Display points using a square box-shaped mark. */
    public static final int BOX = 3;
    /** Display points using an tiangular mark. */
    public static final int TRIANGLE = 4;
    /** Display points using an cross-shaped mark. */
    public static final int CROSS = 5;
    /** Display points using a single pixel. */
    public static final int DOT = 6;
    /** Draw black lines between the dots and a circle with the given color at each dot */
    public static final int CONNECTED_CIRCLES = 7;
    /** Draw shape using macro code */
    public static final int CUSTOM = 8;

    /** Names for the shapes as an array */
    final static String[] SHAPE_NAMES = new String[] {
            "Circle", "X", "Line", "Box", "Triangle", "+", "Dot", "Connected Circles", "Custom"};
    /** Names in nicely sorting order for menus */
    final static String[] SORTED_SHAPES = new String[] {
    /** flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks */
    public static final int X_NUMBERS = 0x1;
    /** flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks */
    public static final int Y_NUMBERS = 0x2;
    /** flag for drawing major ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) x axis */
    public static final int X_TICKS = 0x4;
    /** flag for drawing major ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) y axis */
    public static final int Y_TICKS = 0x8;
    /** flag for drawing vertical grid lines for x axis */
    public static final int X_GRID = 0x10;
    /** flag for drawing horizontal grid lines for y axis */
    public static final int Y_GRID = 0x20;
    /** flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in x direction (results in unused space) */
    public static final int X_FORCE2GRID = 0x40;
    /** flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in y direction (results in unused space) */
    public static final int Y_FORCE2GRID = 0x80;
    /** flag for drawing minor ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) x axis */
    public static final int X_MINOR_TICKS = 0x100;
    /** flag for drawing minor ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) y axis */
    public static final int Y_MINOR_TICKS = 0x200;
    /** flag for logarithmic x-axis */
    public static final int X_LOG_NUMBERS = 0x400;
    /** flag for logarithmic y axis */
    public static final int Y_LOG_NUMBERS = 0x800;
    /** flag for ticks (major and minor, if space) on logarithmic x axis */
    public static final int X_LOG_TICKS = 0x1000;
    /** flag for ticks (major and minor, if space) on logarithmic y axis */
    public static final int Y_LOG_TICKS = 0x2000;
    //leave 0x4000, 0x8000 reserved for broken axes?
    /** The default axisFlags, will be modified by PlotWindow.noGridLines and PlotWindow.noTicks (see getDefaultFlags) */
    public static final int DEFAULT_FLAGS =  X_NUMBERS + Y_NUMBERS + /*X_TICKS + Y_TICKS +*/
            X_GRID + Y_GRID + X_LOG_TICKS + Y_LOG_TICKS;

    /** Flag for addressing the x axis, for copying from a template: copy/write x axis range. */
    // This must be 0x1 because bit shift operations are used for the other axes
    public static final int X_RANGE = 0x1;
    /** Flag for addressing the y axis, for copying from a template: copy/write y axis range */
    public static final int Y_RANGE = 0x2;
    /** Flags for modifying the range of all axes */
    static final int ALL_AXES_RANGE = X_RANGE | Y_RANGE;
    //0x4, 0x8 reserved for secondary axes
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy plot size */
    public static final int COPY_SIZE = 0x10;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy style & text of axis labels */
    public static final int COPY_LABELS = 0x20;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy legend */
    public static final int COPY_LEGEND = 0x40;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy axis style */
    public static final int COPY_AXIS_STYLE = 0x80;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy contents style */
    public static final int COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE = 0x100;

    /** The default margin width left of the plot frame (enough for 5-digit numbers such as unscaled 16-bit
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int LEFT_MARGIN = 65;
    /** The default margin width right of the plot frame
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = 18;
    /** The default margin width above the plot frame
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int TOP_MARGIN = 15;
    /** The default margin width below the plot frame
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 40;
    /** minimum width of frame area in plot */
    public static final int MIN_FRAMEWIDTH = 160;
    /** minimum width of frame area in plot */
    public static final int MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT = 90;
    /** key in ImagePlus properties to access the plot behind an ImagePlus */
    public static final String PROPERTY_KEY = "thePlot";

    static final float DEFAULT_FRAME_LINE_WIDTH = 1.0001f; //Frame thickness
    private static final int MIN_X_GRIDSPACING = 45;    //minimum distance between grid lines or ticks along x at plot width 0
    private static final int MIN_Y_GRIDSPACING = 30;    //minimum distance between grid lines or ticks along y at plot height 0
    private final double MIN_LOG_RATIO = 3;             //If max/min ratio is less than this, force linear axis even if log required. should be >2
    private static final int LEGEND_PADDING = 4;        //pixels around legend text etc
    private static final int LEGEND_LINELENGTH = 20;    //length of lines in legend
    private static final int USUALLY_ENLARGE = 1, ALWAYS_ENLARGE = 2; //enlargeRange settings
    private static final double RELATIVE_ARROWHEAD_SIZE = 0.2; //arrow heads have 1/5 of vector length
    private static final int MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH = 3;
    private static final int MAX_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH = 20;
    private static Font  DEFAULT_FONT = FontUtil.getFont("Arial", Font.PLAIN, PlotWindow.fontSize);

    static final int ZOOM_AS_PREVIOUS = -20202020;  //when zooming at this coordinate, it rather uses the previous zoom center

    PlotProperties pp = new PlotProperties();       //size, range, formatting etc, for easy serialization
    Vector<PlotObject> allPlotObjects = new Vector<PlotObject>();   //all curves, labels etc., also serialized for saving/reading

    /** For high-resolution plots, everything will be scaled with this number. Otherwise, must be 1.0.
     *  (creating margins, saving PlotProperties etc only supports scale=1.0) */
    float scale = 1.0f;
    Rectangle frame = null;                         //the clip frame, do not use for image scale
    //The following are the margin sizes actually used. They are modified for font size and also scaled for high-resolution plots
    int leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN, rightMargin = RIGHT_MARGIN, topMargin = TOP_MARGIN, bottomMargin = BOTTOM_MARGIN;
    int frameWidth;                                 //width corresponding to plot range; frame.width is larger by 1
    int frameHeight;                                //height corresponding to plot range; frame.height is larger by 1
    int preferredPlotWidth = PlotWindow.plotWidth;  //default size of plot frame (not taking 'High-Resolution' scale factor into account)
    int preferredPlotHeight = PlotWindow.plotHeight;

    double xMin = Double.NaN, xMax, yMin, yMax;     //current plot range, logarithm if log axis
    double[] currentMinMax = new double[]{Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN, 0}; //current plot range, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax (values, not logarithm if log axis)
    double[] defaultMinMax = new double[]{Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN, 0}; //default plot range
    double[] savedMinMax = new double[]{Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN, 0};  //keeps previous range for revert
    int[] enlargeRange;                             //whether to enlarge the range slightly to avoid values at the axes (0=off, USUALLY_ENLARGE, ALWAYS_ENLARGE)
    boolean logXAxis, logYAxis;                     //whether to really use log axis (never for small relative range)

    int templateFlags = COPY_SIZE | COPY_LABELS | COPY_AXIS_STYLE | COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE | COPY_LEGEND;  //for passing on what should be kept when 'live' plotting (PlotMaker)

    Font defaultFont = DEFAULT_FONT;                //default font for labels, axis, etc.
    Font currentFont = defaultFont;                 //font as changed by setFont or setFontSize, must never be null
    private double xScale, yScale;                  //pixels per data unit
    private int xBasePxl, yBasePxl;                 //pixel coordinates corresponding to 0
    private double previousXZoom = Double.NaN;
    private double previousYZoom = Double.NaN;
    private int maxIntervals = 12;                  //maximum number of intervals between ticks or grid lines
    private int tickLength = 7;                     //length of major ticks
    private int minorTickLength = 3;                //length of minor ticks
    private Color gridColor = new Color(0xc0c0c0);  //light gray
    private Color frameColor =;         //never modified
    private ImageProcessor ip;
    private ImagePlus imp;                          //if we have an ImagePlus, updateAndDraw on changes
    private String title;
    private boolean invertedLut;                    //grayscale plots only, set in Edit>Options>Appearance
    private boolean plotDrawn;
    PlotMaker plotMaker;
    private Color currentColor;                     //for next objects added
    private Color currentColor2;                    //2nd color for next object added (e.g. line for CONNECTED_CIRCLES)
    float currentLineWidth;
    private int currentJustification = LEFT;
    private boolean ignoreForce2Grid;               // after explicit setting of range (limits), ignore 'FORCE2GRID' flags
    //private boolean snapToMinorGrid;              // snap to grid when zooming to selection

    /** Constructs a new Plot.
     *  Note that the data xValues, yValues passed with the constructor are plotted last,
     *  with the settings (color, lineWidth) at the time when 'draw' or 'getProcessor' is called.
     *  These data are plotted as a LINE.
     * @param title the window title
     * @param xLabel    the x-axis label
     * @param yLabel    the y-axis label
     * @param xValues   the x-coodinates, or null. If null and yValues is not null, integers starting at 0 will be used for x.
     * @param yValues   the y-coodinates, or null for providing no data yet.
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues, yValues, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This version of the constructor accepts double arrays. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] xValues, double[] yValues) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(xValues):null, yValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(yValues):null, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This is a constructor that works with JavaScript. */
    public Plot(String dummy, String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues, yValues, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This is a version of the constructor with no intial arrays. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, (float[])null, (float[])null, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This is a version of the constructor with no intial arrays. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, int flags) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, (float[])null, (float[])null, flags);

    /** This version of the constructor has a 'flags' argument for
        controlling whether ticks, grid, etc. are present and whether the axes are logarithmic */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues, int flags) {
        this.title = title;
        pp.axisFlags = flags;
        setXYLabels(xLabel, yLabel);
        if (yValues != null && yValues.length>0) {
            addPoints(xValues, yValues, /*yErrorBars=*/null, LINE, /*label=*/null);
            allPlotObjects.get(0).flags = PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA;

    /** This version of the constructor accepts double arrays and has a 'flags' argument. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] xValues, double[] yValues, int flags) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(xValues):null, yValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(yValues):null, flags);

    /** Constructs a new plot from an InputStream and closes the stream. If the ImagePlus is
     *  non-null, its title and ImageProcessor are used, but the image displayed is not modified.
    public Plot(ImagePlus imp, InputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(is);
        pp = (PlotProperties)in.readObject();
        allPlotObjects = (Vector<PlotObject>)in.readObject();
        defaultMinMax = pp.rangeMinMax;
        currentFont = nonNullFont(pp.frame.getFont(), currentFont); // best guess in case we want to add a legend
        getProcessor();     //prepares scale, calibration etc, but does not plot it yet
        this.title = imp != null ? imp.getTitle() : "Untitled Plot";
        if (imp != null) {
            this.imp = imp;
            ip = imp.getProcessor();
            imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, this);

    /** Writes this plot into an OutputStream containing (1) the serialized PlotProperties and
     *  (2) the serialized Vector of all 'added' PlotObjects. The stream is NOT closed.
     *  The plot should have been drawn already.
     //  Conversion to Streams can be also used to clone plots (not a shallow clone), but this is rather slow.
     //  Sample code:
     //   try {
     //     final PipedOutputStream pos = new PipedOutputStream();
     //     final PipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream(pos);
     //     new Thread(new Runnable() {
     //       final public void run() {
     //         try {
     //           Plot p = new Plot(null, pis);
     //           pis.close();
     //           pos.close();
     // ;
     //         } catch(Exception e) {IJ.handleException(e);};
     //       }
     //     }, "threadMakingPlotFromStream").start();
     //     toStream(pos);
     //   } catch(Exception e) {IJ.handleException(e);}
    void toStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
        for (PlotObject plotObject : pp.getAllPlotObjects())        //make sure all fonts are set properly
            if (plotObject != null)
                plotObject.setFont(nonNullFont(plotObject.getFont(), currentFont));
        pp.rangeMinMax = currentMinMax;
        ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(os);

    /** Writes this plot into a byte array containing (1) the serialized PlotProperties and
     *  (2) the serialized Vector of all 'added' PlotObjects.
     *  The plot should have been drawn already. Returns null on error (which should never happen). */
    public byte[] toByteArray() {
        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            return bos.toByteArray();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    /** Returns the title of the image showing the plot (if any) or title of the plot */
    public String getTitle() {
        return imp == null ? title : imp.getTitle();

    /** Sets the x-axis and y-axis range. Updates the image if existing.
     *  Accepts NaN values to indicate auto-range.
    public void setLimits(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax) {
        boolean containsNaN = (Double.isNaN(xMin + xMax + yMin + yMax));
        if (containsNaN && allPlotObjects.isEmpty())//can't apply auto-range without data
        boolean[] auto = new boolean[4];
        double[] range = {xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax};
        if (containsNaN) {
            double[] extrema = getMinAndMax(true, ALL_AXES_RANGE);

            for (int jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++)
                if (Double.isNaN(range[jj])) {
                    range[jj] = extrema[jj];
                    auto[jj] = true;
            double left = range[0];
            double right = range[1];
            double bottom = range[2];
            double top = range[3];

            //set semi-auto to full-auto if it would result in reverse axis direction
            if ((auto[0] || auto[1]) && (left >= right)) {
                left = extrema[0];
                right = extrema[1];
                auto[0] = true;
                auto[1] = true;
            if ((auto[2] || auto[3]) && (bottom >= top)) {
                bottom = extrema[2];
                top = extrema[3];
                auto[2] = true;
                auto[3] = true;
            //Add 3% extra space to automatic borders
            double extraXLin = (right - left) * 0.03;
            double extraYLin = (top - bottom) * 0.03;
            double extraXLog = (Math.log(right) - Math.log(left)) * 0.03;
            double extraYLog = (Math.log(top) - Math.log(bottom)) * 0.03;

            boolean isLogX = hasFlag(X_LOG_NUMBERS);
            boolean isLogY = hasFlag(Y_LOG_NUMBERS);

            if (auto[0] && !isLogX)
                range[0] = left - extraXLin;//extra space (linear)
            if (auto[1] && !isLogX)
                range[1] = right + extraXLin;
            if (auto[2] && !isLogY)
                range[2] = bottom - extraYLin;
            if (auto[3] && !isLogY)
                range[3] = top + extraYLin;

            if (auto[0] && isLogX)
                range[0] = Math.exp(Math.log(left) - extraXLog);//extra space (log)
            if (auto[1] && isLogX)
                range[1] = Math.exp(Math.log(right) + extraXLog);
            if (auto[2] && isLogY)
                range[2] = Math.exp(Math.log(bottom) - extraYLog);
            if (auto[3] && isLogY)
                range[3] = Math.exp(Math.log(top) + extraYLog);
        defaultMinMax = range;//change pointer of defaultMinMax
        enlargeRange = null;
        ignoreForce2Grid = true;
        if (plotDrawn)
    //n__ end setLimits

    /** Returns the current limits as an array xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax.
     *  Note that future versions might return a longer array (e.g. for y2 axis limits) */
    public double[] getLimits() {
        return new double[] {xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax};

    /** Sets the canvas size in (unscaled) pixels and sets the scale to 1.0.
     * If the scale remains 1.0, this will be the size of the resulting ImageProcessor.
     * When not called, the canvas size is adjusted for the plot frame size specified
     * by setFrameSize or otherwise in Edit>Options>Plots. */
    public void setSize(int width, int height) {
        if (ip != null && width == ip.getWidth() && height == ip.getHeight()) return;
        Dimension minSize = getMinimumSize();
        pp.width = Math.max(width, minSize.width);
        pp.height = Math.max(height, minSize.height);
        scale = 1.0f;
        ip = null;
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();

    /** The size of the plot including borders with axis labels etc., in pixels */
    public Dimension getSize() {
        if (ip == null)
        return new Dimension(ip.getWidth(), ip.getHeight());

    /** Sets the plot frame size in (unscaled) pixels. This size does not include the
     *  borders with the axis labels. Also sets the scale to 1.0.
     *  This frame size in pixels divided by the data range defines the image scale.
     *  This method does not check for the minimum size MIN_FRAMEWIDTH, MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT.
     *  Note that the black frame will have an outer size that is one pixel larger
     *  (when plotted with a linewidth of one pixel). */
    public void setFrameSize(int width, int height) {
        if (pp.width <= 0) {                //plot not drawn yet? Just remember as preferred size
            preferredPlotWidth = width;
            preferredPlotHeight = height;
            scale = 1.0f;
        } else {
            width += leftMargin+rightMargin;
            height += topMargin+bottomMargin;
            setSize(width, height);

    /** The minimum plot size including borders, in pixels (at scale=1) */
    public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
        return new Dimension(MIN_FRAMEWIDTH + leftMargin + rightMargin,
                MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT + topMargin + bottomMargin);

    /** Adjusts the format with another plot as a template, using the current
     *  (usually default) flags of this plot. Used for keeping the style during
     *  'Live' plotting (PlotMaker).
     *  <code>plot</code> may be null; then the call has no effect. */
    public void useTemplate(Plot plot) {
        useTemplate(plot, templateFlags);

    /** Adjusts the format (style) with another plot as a template. Flags determine what to
     *  copy from the template; these can be COPY_SIZE, COPY_LABELS, COPY_AXIS_STYLE,
     *  <code>plot</code> may be null; then the call has no effect. */
    public void useTemplate(Plot plot, int templateFlags) {
        if (plot == null) return;
        this.defaultFont = plot.defaultFont;
        this.currentFont = plot.currentFont;
        this.currentLineWidth = plot.currentLineWidth;
        this.pp.frame = plot.pp.frame.clone();
        this.currentColor = plot.currentColor;
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_AXIS_STYLE) != 0) {
            this.pp.axisFlags = plot.pp.axisFlags;
            this.pp.frame = plot.pp.frame.clone();
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_LABELS) != 0) {
            this.pp.xLabel.label = plot.pp.xLabel.label;
            this.pp.yLabel.label = plot.pp.yLabel.label;
        for (int i=0; i<currentMinMax.length; i++)
            if ((templateFlags>>(i/2)&0x1) != 0) {
                currentMinMax[i] = plot.currentMinMax[i];
                if (!plotDrawn) defaultMinMax[i] = plot.currentMinMax[i];
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_LEGEND) != 0 && plot.pp.legend != null)
            this.pp.legend = plot.pp.legend.clone();
        if ((templateFlags & (COPY_LEGEND | COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE)) != 0) {
            int plotPObjectIndex = 0;
            int plotPObjectsSize = plot.allPlotObjects.size();
            for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
                if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA && !plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN)) {
                    while(plotPObjectIndex<plotPObjectsSize &&
                            (plot.allPlotObjects.get(plotPObjectIndex).type != PlotObject.XY_DATA ||
                        plotPObjectIndex++; //skip everything that is invisible or has no label
                    if (plotPObjectIndex>=plotPObjectsSize) break;
                    if ((templateFlags & COPY_LEGEND) != 0)
                        plotObject.label = plot.allPlotObjects.get(plotPObjectIndex).label;
                    if ((templateFlags & COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE) != 0)
                        setPlotObjectStyles(plotObject, getPlotObjectStyles(plot.allPlotObjects.get(plotPObjectIndex)));
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_SIZE) != 0)
            setSize(plot.pp.width, plot.pp.height);
        this.templateFlags = templateFlags;

    /** Sets the scale. Everything, including labels, line thicknesses, etc will be scaled by this factor.
     *  Also multiplies the plot size by this value. Used for 'Create high-resolution plot'.
     *  Should be called before creating the plot.
     *  Note that plots with a scale different from 1.0 must not be shown in a PlotWindow, but only as
     *  simple image in a normal ImageWindow. */
    public void setScale(float scale) {
        this.scale = scale;
        if (scale > 20f) scale = 20f;
        if (scale < 0.7f) scale = 0.7f;
        pp.width = sc(pp.width);
        pp.height = sc(pp.height);
        plotDrawn = false;

    /** Sets the labels of the x and y axes. Labels may be null.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setXYLabels(String xLabel, String yLabel) {
        pp.xLabel.label = xLabel!=null ? xLabel : "";
        pp.yLabel.label = yLabel!=null ? yLabel : "";

    /** Sets the maximum number of intervals in a plot.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setMaxIntervals(int intervals) {
            maxIntervals = intervals;

    /** Sets the length of the major tick in pixels.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setTickLength(int tickLength) {
            tickLength = tickLength;

    /** Sets the length of the minor tick in pixels. */
    public void setMinorTickLength(int minorTickLength) {
            minorTickLength = minorTickLength;

    /** Sets the flags that control the axes format.
     *  Does not modify the flags for logarithmic axes on/off and the FORCE2GRID flags.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setFormatFlags(int flags) {
        int unchangedFlags = X_LOG_NUMBERS | Y_LOG_NUMBERS | X_FORCE2GRID | Y_FORCE2GRID;
        flags = flags & (~unchangedFlags);    //remove flags that should not be affected
        pp.axisFlags = (pp.axisFlags & unchangedFlags) | flags;

    /** Returns the flags that control the axes */
    public int getFlags() {
        return pp.axisFlags;

    /** Sets the X Axis format to Log or Linear.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setAxisXLog(boolean axisXLog) {
        pp.axisFlags = axisXLog ? pp.axisFlags | X_LOG_NUMBERS : pp.axisFlags & (~X_LOG_NUMBERS);

    /** Sets the Y Axis format to Log or Linear.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setAxisYLog(boolean axisYLog) {
        pp.axisFlags = axisYLog ? pp.axisFlags | Y_LOG_NUMBERS : pp.axisFlags & (~Y_LOG_NUMBERS);

    /** Sets whether to show major ticks at the x axis.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */

    public void setXTicks(boolean xTicks) {
        pp.axisFlags = xTicks ? pp.axisFlags | X_TICKS : pp.axisFlags & (~X_TICKS);

    /** Sets whether to show major ticks at the y axis.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setYTicks(boolean yTicks) {
        pp.axisFlags = yTicks ? pp.axisFlags | Y_TICKS : pp.axisFlags & (~Y_TICKS);

    /** Sets whether to show minor ticks on the x axis (if linear). Also sets major ticks if true and no grid is set.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setXMinorTicks(boolean xMinorTicks) {
        pp.axisFlags = xMinorTicks ? pp.axisFlags | X_MINOR_TICKS : pp.axisFlags & (~X_MINOR_TICKS);
        if (xMinorTicks && !hasFlag(X_GRID))
            pp.axisFlags |= X_TICKS;

    /** Sets whether to show minor ticks on the y axis (if linear). Also sets major ticks if true and no grid is set.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setYMinorTicks(boolean yMinorTicks) {
        pp.axisFlags = yMinorTicks ? pp.axisFlags | Y_MINOR_TICKS : pp.axisFlags & (~Y_MINOR_TICKS);
        if (yMinorTicks && !hasFlag(Y_GRID))
            pp.axisFlags |= Y_TICKS;

    /** Sets the properties of the axes. Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible
     *  (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setAxes(boolean xLog, boolean yLog, boolean xTicks, boolean yTicks, boolean xMinorTicks, boolean yMinorTicks,
            int tickLenght, int minorTickLenght) {
        setAxisXLog       (xLog);
        setAxisYLog       (yLog);
        setXMinorTicks    (xMinorTicks);
        setYMinorTicks    (yMinorTicks);
        setXTicks         (xTicks);
        setYTicks         (yTicks);
        setTickLength     (tickLenght);

    /** Sets log scale in x. Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible
     *  (if the image is shown already). */

    public void setLogScaleX() {

    public void setLogScaleY() {

    /** The default flags, taking PlotWindow.noGridLines, PlotWindow.noTicks into account */
    public static int getDefaultFlags() {
        int defaultFlags = 0;
        if (!PlotWindow.noGridLines) //note that log ticks are also needed because the range may span less than a decade, then no grid is visible
            defaultFlags |= X_GRID | Y_GRID | X_NUMBERS | Y_NUMBERS | X_LOG_TICKS | Y_LOG_TICKS;
        if (!PlotWindow.noTicks)
        return defaultFlags;

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
     * @param xValues   the x coordinates, or null. If null, integers starting at 0 will be used for x.
     * @param yValues   the y coordinates (must not be null)
     * @param yErrorBars error bars in y, may be null
     * @param label     Label for this curve or set of points, used for a legend and for listing the plots
    public void addPoints(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float[] yErrorBars, int shape, String label) {
        if (xValues==null || xValues.length==0) {
            xValues = new float[yValues.length];
            for (int i=0; i<yValues.length; i++)
                xValues[i] = i;
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(xValues, yValues, yErrorBars, shape, currentLineWidth, currentColor, currentColor2, label));
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
     * @param x         the x coordinates
     * @param y         the y coordinates
    public void addPoints(float[] x, float[] y, int shape) {
        addPoints(x, y, null, shape, null);

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double arrays. */
    public void addPoints(double[] x, double[] y, int shape) {
        addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), shape);

    /** This a version of addPoints that works with JavaScript. */
    public void addPoints(String dummy, float[] x, float[] y, int shape) {
        addPoints(x, y, shape);

    public void add(String shape, double[] x, double[] y) {
        int iShape = toShape(shape);
        addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), null, iShape, iShape==CUSTOM?shape.substring(5, shape.length()):null);

    /** Returns the number for a given plot symbol shape, -1 for xError and -2 for yError (all case-insensitive) */
    public static int toShape(String str) {
        str = str.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        int shape = Plot.CIRCLE;
        if (str.contains("curve") || str.contains("line"))
            shape = Plot.LINE;
        if (str.contains("connected"))
            shape = Plot.CONNECTED_CIRCLES;
        else if (str.contains("box"))
            shape = Plot.BOX;
        else if (str.contains("triangle"))
            shape = Plot.TRIANGLE;
        else if (str.contains("cross") || str.contains("+"))
            shape = Plot.CROSS;
        else if (str.contains("dot"))
            shape = Plot.DOT;
        else if (str.contains("xerror"))
            shape = -2;
        else if (str.contains("error"))
            shape = -1;
        else if (str.contains("x"))
            shape = Plot.X;
        if (str.startsWith("code:"))
            shape = CUSTOM;
        return shape;

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists.
     * Must be called before the plot is displayed. */
    public void addPoints(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, int shape) {
        addPoints(getDoubleFromArrayList(x), getDoubleFromArrayList(y), shape);

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
     * @param x         the x-coodinates
     * @param y         the y-coodinates
     * @param errorBars         the vertical error bars, may be null
     * @param shape     CIRCLE, X, BOX, TRIANGLE, CROSS, DOT or LINE
    public void addPoints(double[] x, double[] y, double[] errorBars, int shape) {
        addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), Tools.toFloat(errorBars), shape, null);

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists.
     * Must be called before the plot is displayed. */
    public void addPoints(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, ArrayList z, int shape) {
        addPoints(getDoubleFromArrayList(x), getDoubleFromArrayList(y), getDoubleFromArrayList(z), shape);

    public double[] getDoubleFromArrayList(ArrayList list) {
        double[] targ = new double[list.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
            targ[i] = ((Double) list.get(i)).doubleValue();
        return targ;

    /** Adds a set of points that will be drawn as ARROWs.
     * @param x1        the x-coodinates of the beginning of the arrow
     * @param y1        the y-coodinates of the beginning of the arrow
     * @param x2        the x-coodinates of the end       of the arrow
     * @param y2        the y-coodinates of the end       of the arrow
    public void drawVectors(double[] x1, double[] y1, double[] x2, double[] y2) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(Tools.toFloat(x1), Tools.toFloat(y1),
                Tools.toFloat(x2), Tools.toFloat(y2), currentLineWidth, currentColor));

    public static double calculateDistance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
        return java.lang.Math.sqrt((x2 - x1)*(double)(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(double)(y2 - y1));

    /** Adds a set of vectors to the plot using double ArrayLists.
     *  Does not support logarithmic axes.
     *  Must be called before the plot is displayed. */
    public void drawVectors(ArrayList x1, ArrayList y1, ArrayList x2, ArrayList y2) {
        drawVectors(getDoubleFromArrayList(x1), getDoubleFromArrayList(y1), getDoubleFromArrayList(x2), getDoubleFromArrayList(y2));

    /** Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints). */
    public void addErrorBars(float[] errorBars) {
        PlotObject mainObject = getLastCurveObject();
        if (mainObject != null)
            mainObject.yEValues = errorBars;
        else throw new RuntimeException("Plot can't add y error bars without data");

    /** Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints). */
    public void addErrorBars(double[] errorBars) {

    /** This is a version of addErrorBars that works with JavaScript. */
    public void addErrorBars(String dummy, float[] errorBars) {

    /** Adds horizontal error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints). */
    public void addHorizontalErrorBars(double[] xErrorBars) {
        PlotObject mainObject = getLastCurveObject();
        if (mainObject != null)
            mainObject.xEValues = Tools.toFloat(xErrorBars);
        else throw new RuntimeException("Plot can't add x error bars without data");

    /** Draws text at the specified location, where (0,0)
     * is the upper left corner of the the plot frame and (1,1) is
     * the lower right corner. Uses the justification specified by setJustification(). */
    public void addLabel(double x, double y, String label) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(label, x, y, currentJustification, currentFont, currentColor, PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LABEL));

    /* Draws text at the specified location, using the coordinate system defined
     * by setLimits() and the justification specified by setJustification(). */
    public void addText(String label, double x, double y) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(label, x, y, currentJustification, currentFont, currentColor, PlotObject.LABEL));

    /** Adds an automatically positioned legend, where 'labels' can be a
        newline-delimited list of curve or point labels in the sequence these data were added.
        Hidden data sets are ignored.
        If 'labels' is null or empty, the labels of the data set previously (if any) are used.
        To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'. */
    public void addLegend(String labels) {
        addLegend(labels, null);

    /** Adds a legend at the position given in 'options', where 'labels' is a can be a
        newline-delimited list of curve or point labels in the sequence these data were added.
        Hidden data sets are ignored.
        If 'labels' is null or empty, the labels of the data set previously (if any) are used.
        To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'. */
    public void addLegend(String labels, String options) {
        int flags = Plot.AUTO_POSITION;
        if (options!=null) {
            options = options.toLowerCase();
            if (options.contains("top-left"))
                flags |= Plot.TOP_LEFT;
            else if (options.contains("top-right"))
                flags |= Plot.TOP_RIGHT;
            else if (options.contains("bottom-left"))
                flags |= Plot.BOTTOM_LEFT;
            else if (options.contains("bottom-right"))
                flags |= Plot.BOTTOM_RIGHT;
            if (options.contains("bottom-to-top"))
                flags |= Plot.LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP;
            if (options.contains("transparent"))
                flags |= Plot.LEGEND_TRANSPARENT;
        setLegend(labels, flags);

    /** Adds a legend. The legend will be always drawn last (on top of everything).
     *  To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'
     *  @param labels labels of the points or curves in the sequence of the data were added, tab-delimited or linefeed-delimited.
     *  The labels of the datasets will be set to these values. If null or not given, the labels set
     *  previously (if any) will be used.
     *  Hidden data sets are ignored.
     *  @param flags  Bitwise or of position (AUTO_POSITION, TOP_LEFT etc.), LEGEND_TRANSPARENT, and LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP if desired.
     *  Updates the image (if it is shown already). */
    public void setLegend(String labels, int flags) {
        if (labels != null && labels.length()>0) {
            String[] allLabels = labels.split("[\n\t]");
            int iPart = 0;
            for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
                if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA && !plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN))
                    if (iPart < allLabels.length) {
                        String label = allLabels[iPart++];
                        if (label!=null && label.length()>0)
                            plotObject.label = label;
        pp.legend = new PlotObject(currentLineWidth == 0 ? 1 : currentLineWidth,
                currentFont, currentColor == null ? : currentColor, flags);
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();

    /** Sets the justification used by addLabel(), where <code>justification</code>
     * is Plot.LEFT, Plot.CENTER or Plot.RIGHT. Default is LEFT. */
    public void setJustification(int justification) {
        currentJustification = justification;

    /** Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
     *  For selecting the color of the curve passed with the constructor,
     *  use <code>setColor</code> before <code>draw</code>.
     *  The frame and labels are always drawn in black. */
    public void setColor(Color c) {
        currentColor = c;
        currentColor2 = null;

    public void setColor(String color) {

    /** Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
     *  It also sets secondary color: This is the color of the line for CONNECTED_CIRCLES,
     *  and the color for filling open symbols (CIRCLE, BOX, TRIANGLE).
     *  Set it to null or use the one-argument call setColor(color) to disable filling.
     *  For selecting the color of the curve passed with the constructor,
     *  use <code>setColor</code> before <code>draw</code>.
     *  The frame and labels are always drawn in black. */
    public void setColor(Color c, Color c2) {
        currentColor = c;
        currentColor2 = c2;

    /** Sets the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot. */
    public void setColor(String c1, String c2) {
        setColor(Colors.getColor(c1,, Colors.getColor(c2,;

    /** Set the plot frame background color. */
    public void setBackgroundColor(Color c) {
        pp.frame.color2 = c;

    /** Set the plot frame background color. */
    public void setBackgroundColor(String c) {

    /** Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot. */
    public void setLineWidth(int lineWidth) {
        currentLineWidth = lineWidth;

    /** Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot. */
    public void setLineWidth(float lineWidth) {
        currentLineWidth = lineWidth;

    /* Draws a line using the coordinate system defined by setLimits(). */
    public void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentLineWidth, 0, currentColor, PlotObject.LINE));

    /** Draws a line using a normalized 0-1, 0-1 coordinate system,
     * with (0,0) at the top left and (1,1) at the lower right corner.
     * This is the same coordinate system used by addLabel(x,y,label).
    public void drawNormalizedLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentLineWidth, 0, currentColor, PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LINE));

    /* Draws a line using the coordinate system defined by setLimits(). */
    public void drawDottedLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int step) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentLineWidth, step, currentColor, PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE));

    /** Sets the font for all following drawLabel etc. operations. The currently set font when
     *  displaying the plot determines the font of all labels & numbers.
     *  After the plot has been shown, sets the font for the numbers and the legend (if present).
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setFont(Font font) {
        if (font == null) font = defaultFont;
        currentFont = font;
        if (plotDrawn) {
            if (pp.legend != null)

    /** Sets the font size and style for all following drawLabel etc. operations. This leaves
     *  the font name and style of the previously used fonts unchanged. The currently set font
     *  when displaying the plot determines the font of the numbers at the axes.
     *  That font also sets the default label font size, which may be overridden by
     *  setAxisLabelFontSize or setXLabelFont, setYLabelFont.
     *  After the plot has been shown, sets the font for the numbers and the legend (if present).
     *  Styles are defined in the Font class, e.g. Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD.
     *  Set <code>style</code> to -1 to leave the style unchanged.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setFont(int style, float size) {
        if (size < 9) size = 9f;
        if (size > 24) size = 24f;
        Font previousFont = nonNullFont(pp.frame.getFont(), currentFont);
        if (style < 0) style = previousFont.getStyle();
        setFont(previousFont.deriveFont(style, size));

    /** Sets the size of the x and y label font size and style. Styles are defined
     *  in the Font class, e.g. Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD.
     *  Set <code>style</code> to -1 to leave the style unchanged.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setAxisLabelFont(int style, float size) {
        if (size < 9) size = 9f;
        if (size > 33) size = 33f;
        pp.xLabel.setFont(nonNullFont(pp.xLabel.getFont(), currentFont));
        pp.yLabel.setFont(nonNullFont(pp.yLabel.getFont(), currentFont));
        setXLabelFont(pp.xLabel.getFont().deriveFont(style < 0 ? pp.xLabel.getFont().getStyle() : style, size));
        setYLabelFont(pp.xLabel.getFont().deriveFont(style < 0 ? pp.yLabel.getFont().getStyle() : style, size));

    /** Sets the xLabelFont; must not be mull. If this method is not used, the last setFont
     *  of setFontSize call before displaying the plot determines the font, or if neither
     *  was called, the font size of the Plot Options is used. */
    public void setXLabelFont(Font font) {

    /** Sets the yLabelFont; must not be null. */
    public void setYLabelFont(Font font) {

    /** Determines whether to use antialiased text (default true) */
    public void setAntialiasedText(boolean antialiasedText) {
        pp.antialiasedText = antialiasedText;

    /** Obsolete; replaced by setFont(). */
    public void changeFont(Font font) {

    /** Gets the font for xLabel ('x'), yLabel('y'), numbers ('f' for 'frame') or the legend ('l').
     *  Returns null if the given PlotObject does not exist or its font is null */
    Font getFont(char c) {
        PlotObject plotObject = pp.getPlotObject(c);
        if (plotObject != null)
            return plotObject.getFont();
            return null;

    /** Sets the font for xLabel ('x'), yLabel('y'), numbers ('f' for 'frame') or the legend ('l') */
    void setFont(char c, Font font) {
        PlotObject plotObject = pp.getPlotObject(c);
        if (plotObject != null)

    /** Gets the label String of the xLabel ('x'), yLabel('y') or the legend ('l').
     *  Returns null if the given PlotObject does not exist or its label is null */
    String getLabel(char c) {
        PlotObject plotObject = pp.getPlotObject(c);
        if (plotObject != null)
            return plotObject.label;
            return null;

    /** Get the x coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null)
     *  or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'. Returns null if neither exists */
    public float[] getXValues() {
        PlotObject p = getMainCurveObject();
        return p==null ? null : p.xValues;

    /** Get the y coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null)
     *  or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'. Returns null if neither exists */
    public float[] getYValues() {
        PlotObject p = getMainCurveObject();
        return p==null ? null : p.yValues;

    /** Get an array with human-readable designations of the non-hidden PlotObjects (curves, labels, ...)
     *  in the sequence they are plotted (i.e., foreground last). **/
    public String[] getPlotObjectDesignations() {
        int nObjects = allPlotObjects.size();
        String[] names = new String[nObjects];
        if (names.length == 0) return names;
        String[] legendLabels = null;
        if (pp.legend != null && pp.legend.label != null)
            legendLabels = pp.legend.label.split("[\t\n]");
        int iData = 1, iArrow = 1, iLine = 1, iText = 1;                //Human readable counters of each object type
        int firstObject = allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA) ? 1 : 0; //PlotObject passed with constructor is plotted last
        for (int i=0, p=firstObject; i<nObjects; i++, p++) {
            if (p >= allPlotObjects.size())                             //the PlotObject passed with Constructor comes last
                p = 0;
            PlotObject plotObject = allPlotObjects.get(p);
            if (plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN)) continue;
            int type = plotObject.type;
            String label = plotObject.label;
            switch (type) {
                case PlotObject.XY_DATA:
                    names[i] = "Data Set "+iData+": "+(plotObject.label != null ?
                            plotObject.label : "(" + plotObject.yValues.length + " data points)");
                case PlotObject.ARROWS:
                    names[i] = "Arrow Set "+iArrow+" ("+ plotObject.xValues.length + ")";
                case PlotObject.LINE: case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LINE: case PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE:
                    String detail = "";
                    if (type == PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE) detail = "dotted ";
                    if (plotObject.x ==plotObject.xEnd) detail += "vertical";
                    else if (plotObject.y ==plotObject.yEnd) detail += "horizontal";
                    if (detail.length()>0) detail = " ("+detail.trim()+")";
                    names[i] = "Straight Line "+iLine+detail;
                case PlotObject.LABEL: case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LABEL:
                    String text = plotObject.label.replaceAll("\n"," ");
                    if (text.length()>45) text = text.substring(0, 40)+"...";
                    names[i] = "Text "+iText+": \""+text+'"';
        return names;

    /** Get the style of the i-th PlotObject (curve, label, ...) in the sequence
     *  they are plotted (i.e., foreground last), as String with comma delimiters:
     *  Main Color, Secondary Color (or "none"), Line Width [, Symbol shape for XY_DATA] [,hidden] **/
    public String getPlotObjectStyles(int i) {
        if (allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) i++;
        if (i == allPlotObjects.size()) i = 0;                      //PlotObject passed with Constructor (#0) is last
        PlotObject plotObject = allPlotObjects.get(i);
        return getPlotObjectStyles(plotObject);

    String getPlotObjectStyles(PlotObject plotObject) {
        String styleString = Colors.colorToString(plotObject.color) + "," +
                Colors.colorToString(plotObject.color2) + "," +
        if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA)
            styleString += ","+SHAPE_NAMES[plotObject.shape];
        if (plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN))
            styleString += ",hidden";
        return styleString;

    /** Set the style of the i-th PlotObject (curve, label, ...) in the sequence
     *  they are plotted (i.e., foreground last), from a String with comma delimiters:
     *  Main Color, Secondary Color (or "none"), Line Width [, Symbol shape for XY_DATA] [,hidden] **/
    public void setPlotObjectStyles(int i, String styleString) {
        if (allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) i++;
        if (i == allPlotObjects.size()) i = 0;                      //PlotObject passed with Constructor (#0) is last
        PlotObject plotObject = allPlotObjects.get(i);
        setPlotObjectStyles(plotObject, styleString);

    void setPlotObjectStyles(PlotObject plotObject, String styleString) {
        String[] items = styleString.split(",");
        int nItems = items.length;
        if (items[nItems-1].indexOf("hidden") >= 0) {
            nItems = items.length - 1;
        } else
        plotObject.color = Colors.decode(items[0].trim(), plotObject.color);
        plotObject.color2 = Colors.decode(items[1].trim(), null);
        float lineWidth = plotObject.lineWidth;
        if (items.length >= 3) try {
            plotObject.lineWidth = Float.parseFloat(items[2].trim());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {};
        if (items.length >= 4 && plotObject.shape!=CUSTOM)
            plotObject.shape = toShape(items[3].trim());

    /** Sets the plot range to the initial value determined from minima&maxima or given by setLimits.
     *  Updates the image if existing and updateImg is true */
    public void setLimitsToDefaults(boolean updateImg) {
        System.arraycopy(defaultMinMax, 0, currentMinMax, 0, defaultMinMax.length);
        if (plotDrawn && updateImg) updateImage();

    /** Sets the plot range to encompass all data. Updates the image if existing. */
    public void setLimitsToFit(boolean updateImg) {
        currentMinMax = getMinAndMax(true, ALL_AXES_RANGE);
        if (Double.isNaN(defaultMinMax[0]))
            System.arraycopy(currentMinMax, 0, defaultMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);
        if (plotDrawn && updateImg) updateImage();

    /** reverts plot range to previous values and updates the image */
    public void setPreviousMinMax() {
        if (Double.isNaN(savedMinMax[0])) return;  //no saved values yet
        double[] swap = new double[currentMinMax.length];
        System.arraycopy(currentMinMax, 0, swap, 0, currentMinMax.length);
        System.arraycopy(savedMinMax, 0, currentMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);
        System.arraycopy(swap, 0, savedMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);

    /** Draws the plot (if not done before) in an ImageProcessor and returns the ImageProcessor with the plot. */
    public ImageProcessor getProcessor() {
        return ip;

    /** Returns the plot as an ImagePlus.
     *  If an ImagePlus for this plot already exists, displays the plot in that ImagePlus and returns it. */
    public ImagePlus getImagePlus() {
        if (plotDrawn)
        if (imp != null) {
            if (imp.getProcessor() != ip) imp.setProcessor(ip);
            return imp;
        } else {
            ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(title, ip);
            return imp;

    /** Sets the ImagePlus where the plot will be displayed. If the ImagePlus is not
     *  known otherwise (e.g. from getImagePlus), this is needed for changes such as
     *  zooming in to work correctly. It also sets the calibration of the ImagePlus.
     *  The ImagePlus is not displayed or updated unless its ImageProcessor is
     *  no that of the current Plot (then it gets this ImageProcessor).
     *  Does nothing if imp is unchanged and has the ImageProcessor of this plot.
     *  'imp' may be null to disconnect the plot from its ImagePlus */
    public void setImagePlus(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (imp != null && imp == this.imp && imp.getProcessor() == ip)
        if (this.imp != null)
            this.imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, null);
        this.imp = imp;
        if (imp != null) {
            imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, this);
            if (ip != null && imp.getProcessor() != ip)

    /** Adjusts a Calibration object to fit the current axes.
     *  For log axes, the calibration refers to the base-10 logarithm of the value */
    public void adjustCalibration(Calibration cal) {
        if (xMin == xMax)   //tiff images can't handle infinity in scale, see TiffEncoder.writeScale
            xScale = 1e6;
        if (yMin == yMax)
            yScale = 1e6;
        cal.xOrigin = xBasePxl-xMin*xScale;
        cal.pixelWidth  = 1.0/Math.abs(xScale); //Calibration must not have negative pixel size
        cal.yOrigin = yBasePxl+yMin*yScale;
        cal.pixelHeight = 1.0/Math.abs(yScale);
        cal.setInvertY(yScale >= 0);
        cal.setXUnit(" "); // avoid 'pixels' for scaled units
        if (xMin == xMax)
            xScale = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        if (yMin == yMax)
            yScale = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    /** Displays the plot in a PlotWindow and returns a reference to the PlotWindow.
     *  Note that the PlotWindow might get closed immediately if its 'listValues' and 'autoClose'
     *  flags are set */
    public PlotWindow show() {
        if ((IJ.macroRunning() && IJ.getInstance()==null) || Interpreter.isBatchMode()) {
            imp = getImagePlus();
            if (getMainCurveObject() != null) {
                imp.setProperty("XValues", getXValues()); // Allows values to be retrieved by
                imp.setProperty("YValues", getYValues()); // by Plot.getValues() macro function
            return null;
        if (imp != null) {
            Window win = imp.getWindow();
            if (win instanceof PlotWindow && win.isVisible()) {
                updateImage();          // show in existing window
                return (PlotWindow)win;
            } else
        PlotWindow pw = new PlotWindow(this);       //note: this may set imp to null if pw has listValues and autoClose are set
        if (IJ.isMacro() && imp!=null) // wait for plot to be displayed
        return pw;

    /** Draws the plot specified for the first time. Does nothing if the plot has been drawn already.
     *  Call getProcessor to retrieve the ImageProcessor with it.
     *  Does no action with respect to the ImagePlus (if any) */
    public void draw() {
        //IJ.log("draw(); plotDrawn="+plotDrawn);
        if (plotDrawn) return;
        pp.frame.setFont(nonNullFont(pp.frame.getFont(), currentFont)); //make sure we have a number font for calculating the margins

    /** Freezes or unfreezes the plot. In the frozen state, the plot cannot be resized or updated,
     *  and the Plot class does no modifications to the ImageProcessor.
     *  Changes are recorded nevertheless and become effective with <code>setFrozen(false)</code>. */
    public void setFrozen(boolean frozen) {
        pp.isFrozen = frozen;
        if (!pp.isFrozen) { // unfreeze operations ...
            if (imp != null && ip != null) {
                ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas();
                if (ic instanceof PlotCanvas) {
                    imp.setTitle(imp.getTitle());   //update magnification in title
                Undo.setup(Undo.TRANSFORM, imp);
            ImageWindow win = imp == null ? null : imp.getWindow();
            if (win != null) win.updateImage(imp); //show any changes made during the frozen state

    public boolean isFrozen() {
        return pp.isFrozen;

    /** Draws the plot again, ignored if the plot has not been drawn before or the plot is frozen
     *  If the ImagePlus exist, updates it and its calibration. */
    public void updateImage() {
        if (!plotDrawn || pp.isFrozen) return;
        if (imp == null) return;
        if (ip != imp.getProcessor())

    /** Returns the rectangle where the data are plotted.
     *  This rectangle includes the black outline frame at the top and left, but not at the bottom
     *  and right (when the frame is plotted with 1 pxl width).
     *  The image scale is its width or height in pixels divided by the data range in x or y. */
    public Rectangle getDrawingFrame() {
        if (frame == null)
            getBlankProcessor(); //setup frame if not done yet
        return new Rectangle(frame.x, frame.y, frameWidth, frameHeight);

    /** Creates a new high-resolution plot by scaling it and displays that plot if showIt is true.
     *  <code>title</code> may be null, then a default title is used. */
    public ImagePlus makeHighResolution(String title, float scale, boolean antialiasedText, boolean showIt) {
        Plot hiresPlot = null;
        try {
            hiresPlot = (Plot)clone();  //shallow clone, thus arrays&objects are not cloned
        } catch (Exception e) {return null;}
        hiresPlot.ip = null;
        hiresPlot.imp = null;
        hiresPlot.pp = pp.clone();
        if (!plotDrawn) hiresPlot.getInitialMinAndMax();
        hiresPlot.defaultMinMax = currentMinMax.clone();
        ImageProcessor hiresIp = hiresPlot.getProcessor();
        if (title == null || title.length() == 0)
            title = getTitle()+"_HiRes";
        title = WindowManager.makeUniqueName(title);
        ImagePlus hiresImp = new ImagePlus(title, hiresIp);
        Calibration cal = hiresImp.getCalibration();
        if (showIt) {
        hiresPlot.dispose(); //after drawing, we don't need the plot of the high-resolution image any more
        return hiresImp;

    /** Releases the ImageProcessor and ImagePlus associated with the plot.
     *  May help garbage collection because some garbage collectors
     *  are said to be inefficient with circular references. */
    public void dispose() {
        if (imp != null)
            imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, null);
        imp = null;
        ip = null;

    /** Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes and inverted x axes */
    public double descaleX(int x) {
        if (xMin == xMax) return xMin;
        double xv = (x-xBasePxl)/xScale + xMin;
        if (logXAxis) xv = Math.pow(10, xv);
        return xv;

    /** Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes */
    public double descaleY(int y) {
        if (yMin == yMax) return yMin;
        double yv = (yBasePxl-y)/yScale +yMin;
        if (logYAxis) yv = Math.pow(10, yv);
        return yv;

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log x axis and inverted x axis */
    public double scaleXtoPxl(double x) {
        if (xMin == xMax) {
            if (x==xMin) return xBasePxl;
            else return x>xMin ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        if (logXAxis)
            return xBasePxl+(Math.log10(x)-xMin)*xScale;
            return xBasePxl+(x-xMin)*xScale;

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log y axis */
    public double scaleYtoPxl(double y) {
        if (yMin == yMax) {
            if (y==xMin) return yBasePxl;
            else return y>yMin ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        if (logYAxis)
            return yBasePxl-(Math.log10(y)-yMin)*yScale;
            return yBasePxl-(y-yMin)*yScale;

    /** Calibrated coordinates to integer pixel coordinates */
    private int scaleX(double x) {
        if (xMin == xMax) {
            if (x==xMin) return xBasePxl;
            else return x>xMin ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (logXAxis)
            return xBasePxl+(int)Math.round((Math.log10(x)-xMin)*xScale);
            return xBasePxl+(int)Math.round((x-xMin)*xScale);

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes */
    private int scaleY(double y) {
        if (yMin == yMax) {
            if (y==yMin) return yBasePxl;
            else return y>yMin ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (logYAxis)
            return yBasePxl-(int)Math.round((Math.log10(y)-yMin)*yScale);
            return yBasePxl-(int)Math.round((y-yMin)*yScale);

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes and inverted x axes. Returns -1 instead NaN for log x axis and zero or negative x */
    private int scaleXWithOverflow(double x) {
        if (!logXAxis || x>0)
            return scaleX(x);
            return xScale > 0 ? -1 : ip.getWidth();

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes and inverted x axes. Returns -1 instead NaN for log y axis and zero or negative y */
    private int scaleYWithOverflow(double y) {
        if (!logYAxis || y>0)
            return scaleY(y);
            return yScale > 0 ? ip.getHeight() : -1;

    /** Scales a value of the original plot for a high-resolution plot. Returns an integer number of pixels >=1 */
    int sc(float length) {
        int pixels = (int)(length*scale + 0.5);
        if (pixels < 1) pixels = 1;
        return pixels;

    /** Scales a font of the original plot for a high-resolution plot. */
    Font scFont(Font font) {
        float size = font.getSize2D();
        return scale==1 ? font : font.deriveFont(size*scale);

    /** Returns whether the plot requires color (not grayscale) */
    boolean isColored() {
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (isColored(plotObject.color) || isColored(plotObject.color2))
                return true;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : pp.getAllPlotObjects())
            if (plotObject != null && (isColored(plotObject.color) || isColored(plotObject.color2)))
                return true;
        return false;

    /** Whether a color is non-grayscale, which requires color (not grayscale) for the plot */
    boolean isColored(Color c) {
        if (c == null) return false;
        return c.getRed() != c.getGreen() || c.getGreen() != c.getBlue();

    /** Draws the plot contents (all PlotObjects and the frame and legend), without axes etc. */
    void drawContents(ImageProcessor ip) {
        float lineWidth = 1;
        Color color =;
        Font font = defaultFont;

        // draw all the plot objects in the sequence they were added, except for the one of the constructor
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (!plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) {
                //properties lineWidth, Font, Color set for one object remain for the next object unless changed
                if (plotObject.lineWidth > 0)
                    lineWidth = plotObject.lineWidth;
                    plotObject.lineWidth = lineWidth;
                if (plotObject.color != null)
                    color = plotObject.color;
                    plotObject.color = color;
                if (plotObject.getFont() != null)
                    font = plotObject.getFont();
                //IJ.log("type="+plotObject.type+" color="+plotObject.color);
                drawPlotObject(plotObject, ip);

        // draw the line passed with the constructor last, using the settings present when calling 'draw'
        if (allPlotObjects.size()>0 && allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) {
            PlotObject mainPlotObject = allPlotObjects.get(0);
            if (mainPlotObject.lineWidth == 0)
                mainPlotObject.lineWidth = currentLineWidth == 0 ? 1 : currentLineWidth;
            lineWidth = mainPlotObject.lineWidth;
            if (mainPlotObject.color == null)
                mainPlotObject.color = currentColor == null ? : currentColor;
            drawPlotObject(mainPlotObject, ip);
        } else {
            if (currentLineWidth > 0) lineWidth = currentLineWidth; //linewidth when drawing determines frame linewidth

        // finally draw the frame & legend
        if (!plotDrawn && pp.frame.lineWidth==DEFAULT_FRAME_LINE_WIDTH) {  //when modifying PlotObjects styles later, don't change the frame line width any more
            pp.frame.lineWidth = lineWidth;
            if (pp.frame.lineWidth == 0) pp.frame.lineWidth = 1;
            if (pp.frame.lineWidth > 3) pp.frame.lineWidth = 3;
        int x2 = frame.x + frame.width - 1;
        int y2 = frame.y + frame.height - 1;
        ip.moveTo(frame.x, frame.y);    // draw the frame. Can't use ip.drawRect because it is inconsistent for different lineWidths
        ip.lineTo(x2, frame.y);
        ip.lineTo(x2, y2);
        ip.lineTo(frame.x, y2);
        ip.lineTo(frame.x, frame.y);
        if (pp.legend != null && (pp.legend.flags & LEGEND_POSITION_MASK) != 0)
            drawPlotObject(pp.legend, ip);

        plotDrawn = true;

    /** Creates the processor if not existing, clears the background and prepares
     *  it for plotting. Also called by the PlotWindow class to prepare the window. */
    ImageProcessor getBlankProcessor() {
        //IJ.log("Plot.getBlankPr preferredH="+preferredPlotHeight+" pp.h="+pp.height);
        if (pp.width <= 0 || pp.height <= 0) {
            pp.width = sc(preferredPlotWidth) + leftMargin + rightMargin;
            pp.height = sc(preferredPlotHeight) + topMargin + bottomMargin;
        frameWidth = pp.width - (leftMargin + rightMargin);
        frameHeight = pp.height - (topMargin + bottomMargin);
        boolean isColored = isColored();    //color, not grayscale required?
        if (ip == null || pp.width != ip.getWidth() || pp.height != ip.getHeight() || (isColored != (ip instanceof ColorProcessor))) {
            if (isColored) {
                ip = new ColorProcessor(pp.width, pp.height);
            } else {
                ip = new ByteProcessor(pp.width, pp.height);
                invertedLut = Prefs.useInvertingLut && !Interpreter.isBatchMode() && IJ.getInstance()!=null;
                if (invertedLut) ip.invertLut();
            if (imp != null) imp.setProcessor(ip);
        if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor)
            Arrays.fill((int[])(ip.getPixels()), 0xffffff);
            Arrays.fill((byte[])(ip.getPixels()), invertedLut ? (byte)0 : (byte)0xff);

        frame = new Rectangle(leftMargin, topMargin, frameWidth+1, frameHeight+1);
        if (pp.frame.color2 != null) {  //background color
        return ip;

    /** Calculates the margin sizes and sets the class variables accordingly */
    void makeMarginValues() {
        Font font = nonNullFont(pp.frame.getFont(), currentFont);
        float marginScale = 0.1f + 0.9f*font.getSize2D()/12f;
        if (marginScale < 0.7f) marginScale = 0.7f;
        if (marginScale > 2f) marginScale = 2f;
        leftMargin   = sc(LEFT_MARGIN*marginScale);
        rightMargin  = sc(RIGHT_MARGIN*marginScale);
        topMargin    = sc(TOP_MARGIN*marginScale);
        bottomMargin = sc(BOTTOM_MARGIN*marginScale);
        //IJ.log("marginScale="+marginScale+" left margin="+leftMargin);

    /** Calculate the actual range, major step interval and set variables for data <-> pixels scaling */
    double[] makeRangeGetSteps() {
        double[] steps = new double[2];
        logXAxis = hasFlag(X_LOG_NUMBERS);
        logYAxis = hasFlag(Y_LOG_NUMBERS);

        for (int i=0; i<currentMinMax.length; i+=2) {  //for x and y direction
            boolean logAxis = hasFlag(i==0 ? X_LOG_NUMBERS : Y_LOG_NUMBERS);
            //don't zoom in too much (otherwise float conversion to int pixels may be wrong)
            double range = currentMinMax[i+1]-currentMinMax[i];
            double mid = 0.5*(currentMinMax[i+1]+currentMinMax[i]);
            double relativeRange = Math.abs(range/mid);
            if (!logAxis)
                relativeRange = Math.min(relativeRange, Math.abs(range/(defaultMinMax[i+1]-defaultMinMax[i])));
            if (range != 0 && relativeRange<1e-4) {
                currentMinMax[i+1] = mid + 0.5*range*1e-4/relativeRange;
                currentMinMax[i] = mid - 0.5*range*1e-4/relativeRange;
            //no log range if range is too small or not positive values
            if (logAxis) {
                double rangeRatio = currentMinMax[i+1]/currentMinMax[i];
                if (!(rangeRatio > MIN_LOG_RATIO || 1./rangeRatio > MIN_LOG_RATIO) ||
                    !(currentMinMax[i] > 10*Float.MIN_VALUE)  || !(currentMinMax[i+1] > 10*Float.MIN_VALUE))
                logAxis = false;
            //for log axes, temporarily work on the logarithm
            if (logAxis) {
                currentMinMax[i] = Math.log10(currentMinMax[i]);
                currentMinMax[i+1] = Math.log10(currentMinMax[i+1]);
            // calculate grid or major tick interval
            if ((i==0 && !simpleXAxis()) || (i==2 && !simpleYAxis())) {
                int minGridspacing = i==0 ? MIN_X_GRIDSPACING : MIN_Y_GRIDSPACING;
                int frameSize = i==0 ? frameWidth : frameHeight;
                double step = Math.abs((currentMinMax[i+1] - currentMinMax[i]) *
                        Math.max(1.0/maxIntervals, (float)sc(minGridspacing)/frameSize+0.06)); //the smallest allowable step
                step = niceNumber(step);
                if (logAxis && step < 1)
                    step = 1;
                steps[i/2] = step;
                //modify limits to grid or minor ticks if desired
                boolean force2grid = hasFlag(i==0 ? X_FORCE2GRID : Y_FORCE2GRID) && !ignoreForce2Grid;
                if (force2grid) {
                    int i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(currentMinMax[i],currentMinMax[i+1])/step+1.e-10);
                    int i2 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.max(currentMinMax[i],currentMinMax[i+1])/step-1.e-10);
                    if (currentMinMax[i+1] > currentMinMax[i]) {    // care about inverted axes with max<min
                        currentMinMax[i] = i1 * step;
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = i2 * step;
                    } else {
                        currentMinMax[i] = i2 * step;
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = i1 * step;
                //} else if (snapToMinorGrid) {
                //  double stepForSnap = niceNumber(0.15*step);
                //  if (!logXAxis || stepForSnap >= 0.999) {    //don't snap on log axis if minor ticks are not full decades
                //      currentMinMax[i] = stepForSnap * Math.round(currentMinMax[i]/stepForSnap);
                //      currentMinMax[i+1] = stepForSnap * Math.round(currentMinMax[i+1]/stepForSnap);
                //  }
                } else if (enlargeRange != null) {
                    // Enlarge range slightly (only in y direction) so that markers at min, max are not hidden by the frame
                    range = currentMinMax[i+1]-currentMinMax[i];
                    double tmpMin = currentMinMax[i] - 0.015*range;
                    if (enlargeRange[i] == USUALLY_ENLARGE)       // 'weak' enlarging: dont traverse zero
                        currentMinMax[i] = (tmpMin*currentMinMax[i] <= 0) ? 0 : tmpMin;
                    else if (enlargeRange[i] == ALWAYS_ENLARGE)   // always enlarge
                        currentMinMax[i] = tmpMin;
                    double tmpMax = currentMinMax[i+1] + 0.015*range;
                    if (enlargeRange[i+1] == USUALLY_ENLARGE)
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = (tmpMax*currentMinMax[i+1] <= 0) ? 0 : tmpMax;
                    else if (enlargeRange[i+1] == ALWAYS_ENLARGE)
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = tmpMax;
            if (i==0) {
                xMin = currentMinMax[i];
                xMax = currentMinMax[i+1];
                logXAxis = logAxis;
            } else {
                yMin = currentMinMax[i];
                yMax = currentMinMax[i+1];
                logYAxis = logAxis;
            if (logAxis) {
                currentMinMax[i] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[i]);
                currentMinMax[i+1] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[i+1]);
        //snapToMinorGrid = false;
        enlargeRange = null;
        ignoreForce2Grid = false;

        // calculate what we need to convert the data to screen pixels
        xBasePxl = leftMargin;
        yBasePxl = topMargin + frameHeight;
        xScale = frameWidth/(xMax-xMin);
        if (!(xMax-xMin!=0.0))    //if range==0 (all data the same), or NaN shift zero level so one can see the curve
            xBasePxl += sc(10);
        yScale = frameHeight/(yMax-yMin);
        if (!(yMax-yMin!=0.0))
            yBasePxl -= sc(10);
        //IJ.log("x,yScale="+(float)xScale+","+(float)yScale+" xMin,max="+(float)xMin+","+(float)xMax+" yMin.max="+(float)yMin+","+(float)yMax);

        return steps;

    void getInitialMinAndMax() {
        int axisRangeFlags = 0;
        if (Double.isNaN(defaultMinMax[0])) axisRangeFlags |= X_RANGE;
        if (Double.isNaN(defaultMinMax[2])) axisRangeFlags |= Y_RANGE;
        if (axisRangeFlags != 0)
            defaultMinMax = getMinAndMax(false, axisRangeFlags);
        setLimitsToDefaults(false);         //use the range values to start with, but don't draw yet

    /** Gets the minimum and maximum values from the first XY_DATA or ARROWS plotObject or all such plotObjects;
     *  axisRangeFlags determine for which axis to calculate the min&max (X_RANGE for x axis, Y_RANGE for y axis);
     *  for the other axes the limit is taken from defaultMinMax
     *  Array elements returned are xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax. Also sets enlargeRange to tell which limits should be enlarged
     *  beyond the minimum or maximum of the data */
    double[] getMinAndMax(boolean allObjects, int axisRangeFlags) {
        double[] allMinMax = new double[]{Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE};
        for (int i=0; i<allMinMax.length; i++)
            if (((axisRangeFlags>>i/2) & 1)==0)   //keep default min & max for this axis
                allMinMax[i] = defaultMinMax[i];
        enlargeRange = new int[allMinMax.length];
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA || plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS) {
                getMinAndMax(allMinMax, enlargeRange, plotObject, axisRangeFlags);
                if (!allObjects) break;
        if (allMinMax[0]==Double.MAX_VALUE && allMinMax[1]==-Double.MAX_VALUE) { // no x values at all? keep previous
            allMinMax[0] = defaultMinMax[0];
            allMinMax[1] = defaultMinMax[1];
        if (allMinMax[2]==Double.MAX_VALUE && allMinMax[3]==-Double.MAX_VALUE) { // no y values at all? keep previous
            allMinMax[2] = defaultMinMax[2];
            allMinMax[3] = defaultMinMax[3];
        return allMinMax;

    /** Gets the minimum and maximum values from an XY_DATA or ARROWS plotObject;
     *  axisRangeFlags determine for which axis (X_RANGE for x axis, Y_RANGE for y axis)
     *  The minimum modifies allMinAndMax[0] (x), allMinAndMax[2] (y); the maximum modifies [1], [3].
     *  Sets the enlargeRange variables */
    void getMinAndMax(double[] allMinAndMax, int[] enlargeRange, PlotObject plotObject, int axisRangeFlags) {
        if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
            if ((axisRangeFlags & X_RANGE) != 0) {
                int suggestedEnlarge = 0;
                if (plotObject.shape==DOT || plotObject.yEValues != null) //these can't be seen if merging with the frame
                    suggestedEnlarge = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
                else if (plotObject.shape != LINE)
                    suggestedEnlarge = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, suggestedEnlarge, 0, plotObject.xValues, plotObject.xEValues);
            if ((axisRangeFlags & Y_RANGE) != 0) {
                int suggestedEnlarge = 0;
                if (plotObject.shape==DOT || plotObject.xEValues != null) //these can't be seen if merging with the frame
                    suggestedEnlarge = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
                else if (plotObject.shape != LINE)
                    suggestedEnlarge = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange,  suggestedEnlarge, 2, plotObject.yValues, plotObject.yEValues);
        } else if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS) {
            if ((axisRangeFlags & X_RANGE) != 0) {
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 0, plotObject.xValues, null);
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 0, plotObject.xEValues, null);
            if ((axisRangeFlags & Y_RANGE) != 0) {
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 2, plotObject.yValues, null);
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 2, plotObject.yEValues, null);

    /** Gets the minimum and maximum values for a dataset, taking error bars (if not null) into account.
     *  The minimum modifies allMinAndMax[axisIndex] the maximum modifies allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1]
     *  If minAndMax is not null, it is extended to include the new min&max.
     *  Also cares about whether the range should be enlarged to avoid hiding markers at the edges */
    void getMinAndMax(double[] allMinAndMax, int[] enlargeRange, int suggestedEnlarge,
            int axisIndex, float[] data, float[] errorBars) {
        int nMinEqual = 0, nMaxEqual = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
            double v1 = data[i];
            double v2 = data[i];
            if (errorBars != null && i<errorBars.length) {
                v1 -= errorBars[i];
                v2 += errorBars[i];
            if (v1 < allMinAndMax[axisIndex]) {
                allMinAndMax[axisIndex] = v1;
                nMinEqual = 1;
                enlargeRange[axisIndex] = suggestedEnlarge;
                if (suggestedEnlarge == 0 && i>0 && i<data.length-1) //for lines except at the end: also enlarge
                    enlargeRange[axisIndex] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
            } else if (v1 == allMinAndMax[axisIndex])
            if (v2 > allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1]) {
                allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1] = v2;
                nMaxEqual = 1;
                enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = suggestedEnlarge;
                if (suggestedEnlarge == 0 && i>0 && i<data.length-1) //for lines except at the end: also enlarge
                    enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
            } else if (v2 == allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1])
        //lines with many points (>10%) at min or max?
        if (enlargeRange[axisIndex] == 0 && nMinEqual > 2 && nMinEqual*10 > data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
        if (enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] == 0 && nMaxEqual > 2 && nMaxEqual*10 > data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
        //all data at min or max?
        if (nMinEqual == data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex] = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
        if (nMaxEqual == data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
        //min or max set previously, but not with proper enlarge range?
        if (nMinEqual>0 && enlargeRange[axisIndex]<suggestedEnlarge)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex] = suggestedEnlarge;
        if (nMaxEqual>0 && enlargeRange[axisIndex+1]<suggestedEnlarge)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = suggestedEnlarge;

    void saveMinMax() {
        System.arraycopy(currentMinMax, 0, savedMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);

    /** Returns the first font of the list that is not null, or defaultFont if both are null */
    Font nonNullFont(Font font1, Font font2) {
        if (font1 != null)
            return font1;
        else if (font2 != null)
            return font2;
        else return

    /** Zooms to a range given in pixels and updates the image */
    void zoomToRect(Rectangle r) {
        currentMinMax[0] = descaleX(r.x);
        currentMinMax[1] = descaleX(r.x + r.width);
        currentMinMax[2] = descaleY(r.y + r.height);
        currentMinMax[3] = descaleY(r.y);
        //snapToMinorGrid = true; //get nice bounds when zooming in

     * Zooms in or out when the user clicks one of the overlay arrows at the
     * axes. Index numbers start with 0 at the 'down' arrow of the lower side of
     * the x axis and end with the up arrow at the upper side of the y axis.
    void zoomOnRangeArrow(int arrowIndex) {
        if (arrowIndex < 8) {//0..7 = arrows, 8 = Reset Range
            int axisIndex = (arrowIndex / 4) * 2;  //0 for x, 2 for y
            double min = axisIndex == 0 ? xMin : yMin;
            double max = axisIndex == 0 ? xMax : yMax;
            double range = max - min;
            boolean isMin = (arrowIndex % 4) < 2;
            boolean shrinkRange = arrowIndex % 4 == 1 || arrowIndex % 4 == 2;
            double factor = Math.sqrt(2);
            if (shrinkRange)
                factor = 1.0 / factor;
            if (isMin)
                min = max - range * factor;
                max = min + range * factor;
            boolean logAxis = axisIndex == 0 ? logXAxis : logYAxis;
            if (logAxis) {
                min = Math.pow(10, min);
                max = Math.pow(10, max);
            currentMinMax[axisIndex] = min;
            currentMinMax[axisIndex + 1] = max;

        if (arrowIndex == 8)

    /** Zooms in or out on a point x, y in screen coordinates. If x>0, default in both directions,
     *  if the cursor is below the x axis, only in x direction, if the cursor is left of the y axis, only in y direction.
     *  If x < 0, zooms on center; if x == ZOOM_AS_PREVIOUS, zooms on the center of the previous zoom
     *  operation */
    void zoom(int x, int y, double zoomFactor) {
        boolean zoomIn = zoomFactor > 1.0;
        boolean zoomAsPrevious = x==ZOOM_AS_PREVIOUS && (!Double.isNaN(previousXZoom) || !Double.isNaN(previousYZoom));
        if (!zoomAsPrevious) {
            previousXZoom = Double.NaN;
            previousYZoom = Double.NaN;
        boolean cursorLeft = x >= 0 && x<leftMargin-1;
        boolean cursorBottom = y>topMargin+frameHeight+1;
        boolean zoomX = (!cursorLeft && !zoomAsPrevious) || (!Double.isNaN(previousXZoom) && zoomAsPrevious);
        boolean zoomY = cursorLeft || !cursorBottom || (!Double.isNaN(previousYZoom) && zoomAsPrevious);
        if (cursorLeft && cursorBottom) // if cursor is in bottom left corner, zoom in y as if cursor was outside
            x = -1;
        //IJ.log("x,y="+x+","+y+" zx="+zoomX+" zy="+zoomY+" zPrev="+zoomAsPrevious);
        for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex<currentMinMax.length; axisIndex+=2) {
            if (axisIndex==0 && !zoomX) continue;
            if (axisIndex==2 && !zoomY) continue;
            boolean logAxis = axisIndex==0 ? logXAxis : logYAxis;
            double min = axisIndex==0 ? xMin : yMin;
            double max = axisIndex==0 ? xMax : yMax;
            double mid = 0.5 * (min + max);
            if (zoomAsPrevious) {
                mid = axisIndex==0 ? previousXZoom : previousYZoom;
                if (logAxis) mid = Math.log10(mid);
            double span = max - min;
            if (x >= 0) { //cursor inside? zoom on cursor
                mid = axisIndex==0 ? descaleX(x) : descaleY(y);
                if (logAxis) mid = Math.log10(mid);
            if (axisIndex==0)
                previousXZoom = logAxis ? Math.pow(10, mid) : mid;
                previousYZoom = logAxis ? Math.pow(10, mid) : mid;
            //IJ.log("d="+(axisIndex==0 ? "X":"Y")+" x,y="+x+","+y+" mid="+(float)mid);
            double newHalfSpan = 0.5 * span / zoomFactor;
            currentMinMax[axisIndex] = mid - newHalfSpan;
            currentMinMax[axisIndex+1] = mid + newHalfSpan;
            if (logAxis) {
                currentMinMax[axisIndex] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[axisIndex]);
                currentMinMax[axisIndex+1] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[axisIndex+1]);

    /** Moves the plot range by a given number of pixels and updates the image */
    void scroll(int dx, int dy) {
        if (logXAxis) {
            currentMinMax[0] /= Math.pow(10, dx/xScale);
            currentMinMax[1] /= Math.pow(10, dx/xScale);
        } else {
            currentMinMax[0] -= dx/xScale;
            currentMinMax[1] -= dx/xScale;
        if (logYAxis) {
            currentMinMax[2] *= Math.pow(10, dy/yScale);
            currentMinMax[3] *= Math.pow(10, dy/yScale);
        } else {
            currentMinMax[2] += dy/yScale;
            currentMinMax[3] += dy/yScale;

    /** Whether to draw simple axes without ticks, grid and numbers only for min, max*/
    private boolean simpleXAxis() {
        return !hasFlag(X_TICKS | X_MINOR_TICKS | X_LOG_TICKS | X_GRID | X_NUMBERS);

    private boolean simpleYAxis() {
        return !hasFlag(Y_TICKS | Y_MINOR_TICKS | Y_LOG_TICKS | Y_GRID | Y_NUMBERS);

    /** Draws ticks, grid and axis label for each tick/grid line.
     *  The grid or major tick spacing in each direction is given by steps */
    void drawAxesTicksGridNumbers(double[] steps) {
        Font scFont = scFont(pp.frame.getFont());
        Font scFontMedium = scFont.deriveFont(scFont.getSize2D()*10f/12f); //for axis numbers if full size does not fit
        Font scFontSmall = scFont.deriveFont(scFont.getSize2D()*9f/12f);   //for subscripts
        FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics();
        int fontAscent = fm.getAscent();
        // ---  A l o n g   X   A x i s
        int yOfXAxisNumbers = topMargin + frameHeight + fm.getHeight()*5/4 + sc(2);
        if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS | (logXAxis ? (X_TICKS | X_MINOR_TICKS) : X_LOG_TICKS) + X_GRID)) {
            Font baseFont = scFont;
            boolean majorTicks = logXAxis ? hasFlag(X_LOG_TICKS) : hasFlag(X_TICKS);
            boolean minorTicks = hasFlag(X_MINOR_TICKS);
            double step = steps[0];
            int i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(xMin, xMax)/step-1.e-10);
            int i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(xMin, xMax)/step+1.e-10);
            int digits = getDigits(xMin, xMax, step, 7);
            int y1 = topMargin;
            int y2 = topMargin + frameHeight;
            if (xMin==xMax) {
                if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS)) {
                    String s = IJ.d2s(xMin,getDigits(xMin, 0.001*xMin, 5));
                    int y = yBasePxl;
                    ip.drawString(s, xBasePxl-ip.getStringWidth(s)/2, yOfXAxisNumbers);
            } else {
                if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS)) {
                    int w1 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[0], logXAxis ? -1 : digits));
                    int w2 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[1], logXAxis ? -1 : digits));
                    int wMax = Math.max(w1,w2);
                    if (wMax > Math.abs(step*xScale)-sc(8)) {
                        baseFont = scFontMedium;   //small font if there is not enough space for the numbers

                for (int i=0; i<=(i2-i1); i++) {
                    double v = (i+i1)*step;
                    int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + leftMargin;
                    if (hasFlag(X_GRID)) {
                        ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y2);
                    if (majorTicks) {
                        ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+sc(tickLength));
                        ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-sc(tickLength));
                    if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS)) {
                        if (logXAxis || digits<0) {
                            drawExpString(logXAxis ? Math.pow(10,v) : v, logXAxis ? -1 : -digits,
                                    x, yOfXAxisNumbers-fontAscent/2, CENTER, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
                        } else {
                            String s = IJ.d2s(v,digits);
                            ip.drawString(s, x-ip.getStringWidth(s)/2, yOfXAxisNumbers);
                boolean haveMinorLogNumbers = i2-i1 < 2;        //nunbers on log minor ticks only if < 2 decades
                if (minorTicks && (!logXAxis || step > 1.1)) {  //'standard' log minor ticks only for full decades
                    step = niceNumber(step*0.19);               //non-log: 4 or 5 minor ticks per major tick
                    if (logXAxis && step < 1) step = 1;
                    i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(xMin,xMax)/step-1.e-10);
                    i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(xMin,xMax)/step+1.e-10);
                    for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                        double v = i*step;
                        int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + leftMargin;
                        ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+sc(minorTickLength));
                        ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-sc(minorTickLength));
                } else if (logXAxis && majorTicks && Math.abs(xScale)>sc(MIN_X_GRIDSPACING)) {      //minor ticks for log
                    int minorNumberLimit = haveMinorLogNumbers ? (int)(0.12*Math.abs(xScale)/(fm.charWidth('0')+sc(2))) : 0;   //more numbers on minor ticks when zoomed in
                    i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(xMin,xMax)-1.e-10);
                    i2 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.max(xMin,xMax)+1.e-10);
                    for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                        for (int m=2; m<10; m++) {
                            double v = i+Math.log10(m);
                            if (v > Math.min(xMin,xMax) && v < Math.max(xMin,xMax)) {
                                int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + leftMargin;
                                ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+sc(minorTickLength));
                                ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-sc(minorTickLength));
                                if (m<=minorNumberLimit)
                                    drawExpString(Math.pow(10,v), 0, x, yOfXAxisNumbers-fontAscent/2, CENTER, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
        // ---  A l o n g   Y   A x i s
        int maxNumWidth = 0;
        int xNumberRight = leftMargin-sc(2)-ip.getStringWidth("0")/2;
        Rectangle rect = ip.getStringBounds("0169");
        int yNumberOffset = -rect.y-rect.height/2;
        if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS | (logYAxis ? (Y_TICKS | Y_MINOR_TICKS) : Y_LOG_TICKS) + Y_GRID)) {
            Font baseFont = scFont;
            boolean majorTicks = logYAxis ? hasFlag(Y_LOG_TICKS) : hasFlag(Y_TICKS);
            boolean minorTicks = logYAxis ? hasFlag(Y_LOG_TICKS) : hasFlag(Y_MINOR_TICKS);
            double step = steps[1];
            int i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(yMin, yMax)/step-1.e-10);
            int i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(yMin, yMax)/step+1.e-10);
            int digits = getDigits(yMin, yMax, step, 5);
            int x1 = leftMargin;
            int x2 = leftMargin + frameWidth;
            if (yMin==yMax) {
                if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS)) {
                    String s = IJ.d2s(yMin,getDigits(yMin, 0.001*yMin, 5));
                    maxNumWidth = ip.getStringWidth(s);
                    int y = yBasePxl;
                    ip.drawString(s, xNumberRight, y+fontAscent/2+sc(1));
            } else {
                int digitsForWidth = logYAxis ? -1 : digits;
                if (digitsForWidth < 0) {
                    digitsForWidth--; //"1.0*10^5" etc. needs more space than 1.0E5
                    xNumberRight += sc(1)+ip.getStringWidth("0")/4;
                int w1 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[2], digitsForWidth));
                int w2 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[3], digitsForWidth));
                int wMax = Math.max(w1,w2);
                if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS)) {
                    if (wMax > xNumberRight - sc(4) - (pp.yLabel.label.length()>0 ? fm.getHeight() : 0)) {
                        baseFont = scFontMedium;   //small font if there is not enough space for the numbers
                //IJ.log(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[2],digits)+": w="+w1+"; "+IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[3],digits)+": w="+w2+baseFont+" Space="+(leftMargin-sc(4+5)-fm.getHeight()));
                for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                    double v = step==0 ? yMin : i*step;
                    int y = topMargin + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale);
                    if (hasFlag(Y_GRID)) {
                        ip.drawLine(x1, y, x2, y);
                    if (majorTicks) {
                        ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+sc(tickLength), y);
                        ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-sc(tickLength), y);
                    if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS)) {
                        int w = 0;
                        if (logYAxis || digits<0) {
                            w = drawExpString(logYAxis ? Math.pow(10,v) : v, logYAxis ? -1 : -digits,
                                    xNumberRight, y, RIGHT, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
                        } else {
                            String s = IJ.d2s(v,digits);
                            w = ip.getStringWidth(s);
                            ip.drawString(s, xNumberRight, y+yNumberOffset);
                        if (w > maxNumWidth) maxNumWidth = w;
                boolean haveMinorLogNumbers = i2-i1 < 2;        //nunbers on log minor ticks only if < 2 decades
                if (minorTicks && (!logYAxis || step > 1.1)) {  //'standard' log minor ticks only for full decades
                    step = niceNumber(step*0.19);               //non-log: 4 or 5 minor ticks per major tick
                    if (logYAxis && step < 1) step = 1;
                    i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(yMin,yMax)/step-1.e-10);
                    i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(yMin,yMax)/step+1.e-10);
                    for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                        double v = i*step;
                        int y = topMargin + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale);
                        ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+sc(minorTickLength), y);
                        ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-sc(minorTickLength), y);
                if (logYAxis && majorTicks && Math.abs(yScale)>sc(MIN_X_GRIDSPACING)) {      //minor ticks for log within the decade
                    int minorNumberLimit = haveMinorLogNumbers ? (int)(0.4*Math.abs(yScale)/fm.getHeight()) : 0;    //more numbers on minor ticks when zoomed in
                    i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(yMin,yMax)-1.e-10);
                    i2 = (int)Math.ceil(Math.max(yMin,yMax)+1.e-10);
                    for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                        for (int m=2; m<10; m++) {
                            double v = i+Math.log10(m);
                            if (v > Math.min(yMin,yMax) && v < Math.max(yMin,yMax)) {
                                int y = topMargin + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale);
                                ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+sc(minorTickLength), y);
                                ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-sc(minorTickLength), y);
                                if (m<=minorNumberLimit) {
                                    int w = drawExpString(Math.pow(10,v), 0, xNumberRight, y, RIGHT, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
                                    if (w > maxNumWidth) maxNumWidth = w;
        // --- Write min&max of range if simple style without any axis format flags
        String xLabelToDraw = pp.xLabel.label;
        String yLabelToDraw = pp.yLabel.label;
        if (simpleYAxis()) { // y-axis min&max
            int digits = getDigits(yMin, yMax, 0.001*(yMax-yMin), 6);
            String s = IJ.d2s(yMax, digits);
            int sw = ip.getStringWidth(s);
            if ((sw+sc(4)) > leftMargin)
                ip.drawString(s, sc(4), topMargin-sc(4));
                ip.drawString(s, leftMargin-ip.getStringWidth(s)-sc(4), topMargin+10);
            s = IJ.d2s(yMin, digits);
            sw = ip.getStringWidth(s);
            if ((sw+4)>leftMargin)
                ip.drawString(s, sc(4), topMargin+frame.height);
                ip.drawString(s, leftMargin-ip.getStringWidth(s)-sc(4), topMargin+frame.height);
            if (logYAxis) yLabelToDraw += " (LOG)";
        int y = yOfXAxisNumbers;
        if (simpleXAxis()) { // x-axis min&max
            int digits = getDigits(xMin, xMax, 0.001*(xMax-xMin), 7);
            ip.drawString(IJ.d2s(xMin,digits), leftMargin, y);
            String s = IJ.d2s(xMax,digits);
            ip.drawString(s, leftMargin + frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(s)+6, y);
            y -= fm.getHeight();
            if (logXAxis) xLabelToDraw += " (LOG)";
        } else
            y += sc(1);
        // --- Write x and y axis text labels
        ip.setFont(pp.xLabel.getFont() == null ? scFont : scFont(pp.xLabel.getFont()));
        ip.drawString(xLabelToDraw, leftMargin+(frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(xLabelToDraw))/2, y+ip.getFontMetrics().getHeight());
        if (yLabelToDraw.length() > 0) {
            int xRightOfYLabel = xNumberRight - maxNumWidth - sc(2);
            Font yLabelFont = pp.yLabel.getFont() == null ? scFont : scFont(pp.yLabel.getFont());
            drawYLabel(yLabelToDraw, xRightOfYLabel, topMargin, frame.height, yLabelFont);

    /** Returns the smallest "nice" number >= v. "Nice" numbers are .. 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 ... */
    double niceNumber(double v) {
        double base = Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log10(v)-1.e-6));
        if (v > 5.0000001*base) return 10*base;
        else if (v > 2.0000001*base) return 5*base;
        else return 2*base;

    /** draw something like 1.2 10^-9; returns the width of the string drawn.
     *  'Digits' should be >=0 for drawing the mantissa (=1.38 in this example), negative to draw only 10^exponent
     *  Currently only supports center justification and right justification (y of center line)
     *  Fonts baseFont, smallFont should be scaled already*/
    int drawExpString(double value, int digits, int x, int y, int justification, int fontAscent, Font baseFont, Font smallFont) {
        String base = "10";
        String exponent = null;
        String s = IJ.d2s(value, digits<=0 ? -1 : -digits);
        if (Tools.parseDouble(s) == 0) s = "0"; //don't write 0 as 0*10^0
        int ePos = s.indexOf('E');
        if (ePos < 0)
            base = s;   //can't have exponential format, e.g. NaN
        else {
            if (digits>=0) {
                base = s.substring(0,ePos);
                if (digits == 0)
                    base = Integer.toString((int)Math.round(Tools.parseDouble(base)));
                base += "\u00B710"; //middot as multiplication symbol ".10"
            exponent = s.substring(ePos+1);
        //IJ.log(s+" -> "+base+"^"+exponent+"  maxAsc="+fontAscent+" font="+baseFont);
        int width = ip.getStringWidth(base);
        if (exponent != null) {
            int wExponent = ip.getStringWidth(exponent);
            width += wExponent;
            if (justification == CENTER) x += width/2;
            ip.drawString(exponent, x, y+fontAscent*3/10);
            x -= wExponent;
        ip.drawString(base, x, y+fontAscent*7/10);
        return width;

    // Number of digits to display the number n with resolution 'resolution';
    // (if n is integer and small enough to display without scientific notation,
    // no decimals are needed, irrespective of 'resolution')
    // Scientific notation is used for more than 'maxDigits' (must be >=3), and indicated
    // by a negative return value
    static int getDigits(double n, double resolution, int maxDigits) {
        if (n==Math.round(n) && Math.abs(n) < Math.pow(10,maxDigits-1)-1) //integers and not too big
            return 0;
            return getDigits2(n, resolution, maxDigits);

    // Number of digits to display the range between n1 and n2 with resolution 'resolution';
    // Scientific notation is used for more than 'maxDigits' (must be >=3), and indicated
    // by a negative return value
    static int getDigits(double n1, double n2, double resolution, int maxDigits) {
        if (n1==0 && n2==0) return 0;
        return getDigits2(Math.max(Math.abs(n1),Math.abs(n2)), resolution, maxDigits);

    static int getDigits2(double n, double resolution, int maxDigits) {
        if (Double.isNaN(n) || Double.isInfinite(n))
            return 0; //no scientific notation
        int log10ofN = (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(n))+1e-7);
        int digits = resolution != 0 ?
                -(int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(resolution))+1e-7) :
                Math.max(0, -log10ofN+maxDigits-2);
        int sciDigits = -Math.max((log10ofN+digits),1);
        //IJ.log("n="+(float)n+"digitsRaw="+digits+" log10ofN="+log10ofN+" sciDigits="+sciDigits);
        if (digits < -2 && log10ofN >= maxDigits)
            digits = sciDigits; //scientific notation for large numbers
        else if (digits < 0)
            digits = 0;
        else if (digits > maxDigits-1 && log10ofN < -2)
            digits = sciDigits; // scientific notation for small numbers
        return digits;

    static boolean isInteger(double n) {
        return n==Math.round(n);

    private void drawPlotObject(PlotObject plotObject, ImageProcessor ip) {
        //IJ.log("DRAWING type="+plotObject.type+" lineWidth="+plotObject.lineWidth+" shape="+plotObject.shape);
        int type = plotObject.type;
        switch (type) {
            case PlotObject.XY_DATA:
                if (plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN)) break;
                if (plotObject.yEValues != null)
                    drawVerticalErrorBars(plotObject.xValues, plotObject.yValues, plotObject.yEValues);
                if (plotObject.xEValues != null)
                    drawHorizontalErrorBars(plotObject.xValues, plotObject.yValues, plotObject.xEValues);
                boolean drawMarker = plotObject.hasMarker();
                boolean drawLine = plotObject.hasCurve();
                if (plotObject.shape == CONNECTED_CIRCLES)
                    ip.setColor(plotObject.color2 == null ? : plotObject.color2);
                if (drawLine)
                    //draw line
                    drawFloatPolyline(ip, plotObject.xValues, plotObject.yValues,
                            Math.min(plotObject.xValues.length, plotObject.yValues.length));
                if (drawMarker) {
                    int markSize = plotObject.getMarkerSize();
                    if (plotObject.hasFilledMarker()) {
                        //fill markers with secondary color
                        for (int i=0; i<Math.min(plotObject.xValues.length, plotObject.yValues.length); i++)
                            if ((!logXAxis || plotObject.xValues[i]>0) && (!logYAxis || plotObject.yValues[i]>0))
                                fillShape(plotObject.shape, scaleX(plotObject.xValues[i]), scaleY(plotObject.yValues[i]), markSize);
                    // draw markers
                    plotObject.pointIndex = 0;
                    Font saveFont = ip.getFont();
                    for (int i=0; i<Math.min(plotObject.xValues.length, plotObject.yValues.length); i++) {
                        if ((!logXAxis || plotObject.xValues[i]>0) && (!logYAxis || plotObject.yValues[i]>0))
                            drawShape(plotObject, scaleX(plotObject.xValues[i]), scaleY(plotObject.yValues[i]), markSize);
                    if (plotObject.shape==CUSTOM)
            case PlotObject.ARROWS:
                for (int i=0; i<plotObject.xValues.length; i++) {
                    int xt1 = scaleX(plotObject.xValues[i]);
                    int yt1 = scaleY(plotObject.yValues[i]);
                    int xt2 = scaleX(plotObject.xEValues[i]);
                    int yt2 = scaleY(plotObject.yEValues[i]);
                    double dist = calculateDistance(xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2);
                    if (xt1==xt2 && yt1==yt2)
                        ip.drawDot(xt1, yt1);
                    else if (dist < sc(1.5f*MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH))
                        ip.drawLine(xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2);
                    else {
                        int arrowHeadLength = (int)(dist*RELATIVE_ARROWHEAD_SIZE+0.5);
                        if (arrowHeadLength > sc(MAX_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH)) arrowHeadLength = sc(MAX_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH);
                        if (arrowHeadLength < sc(MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH)) arrowHeadLength = sc(MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH);
                        drawArrow(xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2, arrowHeadLength);
            case PlotObject.LINE:
                ip.drawLine(scaleX(plotObject.x), scaleY(plotObject.y), scaleX(plotObject.xEnd), scaleY(plotObject.yEnd));
            case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LINE:
                int ix1 = leftMargin + (int)(plotObject.x*frameWidth);
                int iy1 = topMargin  + (int)(plotObject.y*frameHeight);
                int ix2 = leftMargin + (int)(plotObject.xEnd*frameWidth);
                int iy2 = topMargin  + (int)(plotObject.yEnd*frameHeight);
                ip.drawLine(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2);
            case PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE:
                ix1 = scaleX(plotObject.x);
                iy1 = scaleY(plotObject.y);
                ix2 = scaleX(plotObject.xEnd);
                iy2 = scaleY(plotObject.yEnd);
                double length = calculateDistance(ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2) + 0.1;
                int n = (int)(length/plotObject.step);
                for (int i = 0; i<=n; i++)
                    ip.drawDot(ix1 + (int)Math.round((ix2-ix1)*(double)i/n), iy1 + (int)Math.round((iy2-iy1)*(double)i/n));
            case PlotObject.LABEL:
            case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LABEL:
                if (plotObject.getFont() != null)
                int xt = type==PlotObject.LABEL ? scaleX(plotObject.x) : leftMargin + (int)(plotObject.x*frameWidth);
                int yt = type==PlotObject.LABEL ? scaleY(plotObject.y) : topMargin + (int)(plotObject.y*frameHeight);
                ip.drawString(plotObject.label, xt, yt);
            case PlotObject.LEGEND:
                drawLegend(plotObject, ip);

    /** Draw the symbols for data points */
    void drawShape(PlotObject plotObject, int x, int y, int size) {
        int shape = plotObject.shape;
        int xbase = x-sc(size/2);
        int ybase = y-sc(size/2);
        int xend = x+sc(size/2);
        int yend = y+sc(size/2);
        switch(shape) {
            case X:
            case BOX:
            case TRIANGLE:
                ip.drawLine(x,ybase-sc(1),xend+sc(1),yend); //height must be odd, otherwise rounding leads to asymmetric shape
            case CROSS:
            case DOT:
                ip.drawDot(x, y); //uses current line width
            case CUSTOM:
                if (plotObject.macroCode==null || frame==null || x<frame.x || y<frame.y
                || x>frame.x+frame.width || y>frame.y+frame.height)
                ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("", ip);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(140+plotObject.macroCode.length());
                sb.append("x="); sb.append(x);
                sb.append(";y="); sb.append(y);
                sb.append(";setColor("); sb.append(plotObject.color.getRGB());
                sb.append(");s="); sb.append(sc(1));
                sb.append(";i="); sb.append(plotObject.pointIndex++);
                String rtn = IJ.runMacro(sb.toString());
                if ("[aborted]".equals(rtn))
                    plotObject.macroCode = null;
            default: // CIRCLE, CONNECTED_CIRCLES: 5x5 oval approximated by 5x5 square without corners
                if (sc(size) < 5.01) {
                    ip.drawLine(x-1, y-2, x+1, y-2);
                    ip.drawLine(x-1, y+2, x+1, y+2);
                    ip.drawLine(x+2, y+1, x+2, y-1);
                    ip.drawLine(x-2, y+1, x-2, y-1);
                } else {
                    int r = sc(0.5f*size-0.5f);
                    ip.drawOval(x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r);
    /** Fill the area of the symbols for data points (except for shape=DOT)
     *  Note that ip.fill, ip.fillOval etc. can't be used here: they do not care about the clip rectangle */
    void fillShape(int shape, int x0, int y0, int size) {
        int r = sc(size/2)-1;
        switch(shape) {
            case BOX:
                int widthOrHeight = 2*sc(size/2);
                for (int dy=-r; dy<=r; dy++)
                    for (int dx=-r; dx<=r; dx++)
                        ip.drawDot(x0+dx, y0+dy);
            case TRIANGLE:
                int ybase = y0 - r - sc(1);
                int yend = y0 + r;
                double halfWidth = sc(size/2)+sc(1)-1;
                double hwStep = halfWidth/(yend-ybase+1);
                for (int y=yend; y>=ybase; y--, halfWidth -= hwStep) {
                    int dx = (int)(Math.round(halfWidth));
                    for (int x=x0-dx; x<=x0+dx; x++)
            case CIRCLE:
                int rsquare = (r+1)*(r+1);
                for (int dy=-r; dy<=r; dy++)
                    for (int dx=-r; dx<=r; dx++)
                        if (dx*dx + dy*dy <= rsquare)
                            ip.drawDot(x0+dx, y0+dy);

    /** Adds an arrow from position 1 to 2 given in pixels; 'size' is the length of the arrowhead
     *  @deprecated Use as a public method is not supported any more because it is incompatible with rescaling */
    public void drawArrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double size) {
        double dx = x2 - x1;
        double dy = y2 - y1;
        double ra = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        dx /= ra;
        dy /= ra;
        int x3 = (int) Math.round(x2 - dx * size);  //arrow base
        int y3 = (int) Math.round(y2 - dy * size);
        double r = 0.3 * size;
        int x4 = (int) Math.round(x3 + dy * r);
        int y4 = (int) Math.round(y3 - dx * r);
        int x5 = (int) Math.round(x3 - dy * r);
        int y5 = (int) Math.round(y3 + dx * r);
        ip.moveTo(x1, y1); ip.lineTo(x2, y2);
        ip.moveTo(x4, y4); ip.lineTo(x2, y2); ip.lineTo(x5, y5);

    private void drawVerticalErrorBars(float[] x, float[] y, float[] e) {
        int nPoints = Math.min(Math.min(x.length, y.length), e.length);
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            if (Float.isNaN(x[i]) || Float.isNaN(y[i]) || (logXAxis && !(x[i] >0))) continue;
            int x0 = scaleX(x[i]);
            int yPlus = scaleYWithOverflow(y[i] + e[i]);
            int yMinus = scaleYWithOverflow(y[i] - e[i]);
            ip.lineTo(x0, yPlus);

    private void drawHorizontalErrorBars(float[] x, float[] y, float[] e) {
        int nPoints = Math.min(Math.min(x.length, y.length), e.length);
        float[] xpoints = new float[2];
        float[] ypoints = new float[2];
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            if (Float.isNaN(x[i]) || Float.isNaN(y[i]) || (logXAxis && !(y[i] >0))) continue;
            int y0 = scaleY(y[i]);
            int xPlus = scaleXWithOverflow(x[i] + e[i]);
            int xMinus = scaleXWithOverflow(x[i] - e[i]);
            ip.lineTo(xPlus, y0);

    /** Draw a polygon line; NaN values interrupt it. For reasonable performance, line segments that
     *  are definitely completely out of the plot range are no drawn, otherwise a plot of 1000 points
     *  may need many tens of seconds when zoomed in to e.g. 10-6 of the full range */
    void drawFloatPolyline(ImageProcessor ip, float[] x, float[] y, int n) {
        if (x==null || x.length==0) return;
        int x1, y1;
        boolean isNaN1;
        int x2 = scaleX(x[0]);
        int y2 = scaleY(y[0]);
        boolean isNaN2 = Float.isNaN(x[0]) || Float.isNaN(y[0]) || (logXAxis && x[0]<=0) || (logYAxis && y[0]<=0);
        for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
            x1 = x2;
            y1 = y2;
            isNaN1 = isNaN2;
            x2 = scaleX(x[i]);
            y2 = scaleY(y[i]);
            isNaN2 = Float.isNaN(x[i]) || Float.isNaN(y[i]) || (logXAxis && x[i]<=0) || (logYAxis && y[i]<=0);
            if (!isNaN1 && !isNaN2)
                ip.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    /** Vertical text for y axis label */
    void drawYLabel(String yLabel, int xRight, int yFrameTop, int frameHeight, Font scaledFont) {
        if (yLabel.equals(""))
        FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics();
        int h = fm.getHeight();
        //int w =    ip.getStringWidth(yLabel) + sc(5);
        //int h =    fm.getHeight()+sc(1);
        Rectangle rect = ip.getStringBounds(yLabel);
        ImageProcessor label = new ByteProcessor(rect.x+rect.width, Math.max(h, rect.height));
        if (invertedLut)
        label.drawString(yLabel, 0, Math.max(-rect.y, h)); //can't antialias if x<0 or y<h
        label = label.rotateLeft();
        int y2 = yFrameTop + (frameHeight-label.getHeight())/2;
        if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0;
        int x2 = Math.max(xRight-label.getWidth()*4/3, 0); // distance 1/3 height if possible
        ip.insert(label, x2, y2);

    /** Draw the legend */
    void drawLegend(PlotObject legendObject, ImageProcessor ip) {
        int nLabels = 0;
        int maxStringWidth = 0;
        float maxLineThickness = 0;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA && !plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN) && plotObject.label != null) {      //label exists: was set now or previously
                int w = ip.getStringWidth(plotObject.label);
                if (w > maxStringWidth) maxStringWidth = w;
                if (plotObject.lineWidth > maxLineThickness) maxLineThickness = plotObject.lineWidth;
        if (nLabels == 0) return;
        if (pp.antialiasedText && scale > 1)        //fix incorrect width of large fonts
            maxStringWidth = (int)((1 + 0.004*scale) * maxStringWidth);
        int frameThickness = sc(legendObject.lineWidth > 0 ? legendObject.lineWidth : 1);
        FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics();
        int lineHeight = fm.getHeight();
        int height = nLabels*lineHeight + 2*sc(LEGEND_PADDING);
        int width = maxStringWidth + sc(3*LEGEND_PADDING + LEGEND_LINELENGTH + maxLineThickness);
        int positionCode = legendObject.flags & LEGEND_POSITION_MASK;
        if (positionCode == AUTO_POSITION)
            positionCode = autoLegendPosition(width, height, frameThickness);
        Rectangle rect = legendRect(positionCode, width, height, frameThickness);
        int x0 = rect.x;
        int y0 = rect.y;

        if (!legendObject.hasFlag(LEGEND_TRANSPARENT)) {
            ip.setRoi(x0, y0, width, height);
        } else if (hasFlag(X_GRID | Y_GRID)) {  //erase grid
            int grid = ip instanceof ColorProcessor ? (gridColor.getRGB() & 0xffffff) : ip.getBestIndex(gridColor);
            for (int y=y0; y<y0+height; y++)
                for (int x=x0; x<x0+width; x++)
                    if ((ip.getPixel(x, y) & 0xffffff) == grid)
                        ip.drawDot(x, y);
        ip.drawRect(x0-frameThickness/2, y0-frameThickness/2, width+frameThickness, height);
        boolean bottomUp = legendObject.hasFlag(LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP);
        int y = y0 + frameThickness/2 + sc(LEGEND_PADDING) + lineHeight/2;
        if (bottomUp) y += (nLabels-1) * lineHeight;
        int xText = x0 + frameThickness/2 + sc(2f*LEGEND_PADDING + LEGEND_LINELENGTH + maxLineThickness);
        int xMarker = x0 + frameThickness/2 + sc(LEGEND_PADDING + 0.5f*(LEGEND_LINELENGTH + maxLineThickness));
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA && !plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN) && plotObject.label != null) {      //label exists: was set now or previously
                if (plotObject.hasFilledMarker()) {
                    fillShape(plotObject.shape, xMarker, y, plotObject.getMarkerSize());
                int lineWidth = sc(plotObject.lineWidth);
                if (plotObject.hasMarker()) {
                    Font saveFont = ip.getFont();
                    drawShape(plotObject, xMarker, y, plotObject.getMarkerSize());
                    if (plotObject.shape==CUSTOM) ip.setFont(saveFont);
                if (plotObject.hasCurve()) {
                    Color c = plotObject.shape == CONNECTED_CIRCLES ?
                            (plotObject.color2 == null ? : plotObject.color2) :
                    ip.drawLine(x0+frameThickness/2+sc(LEGEND_PADDING)+lineWidth, y, xText-sc(LEGEND_PADDING)-lineWidth, y);
                ip.drawString(plotObject.label, xText, y+ lineHeight/2);
                y += bottomUp ? -lineHeight : lineHeight;

    /** The legend area; positionCode should be TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, etc. */
    Rectangle legendRect(int positionCode, int width, int height, int frameThickness)  {
        boolean leftPosition = positionCode == TOP_LEFT || positionCode == BOTTOM_LEFT;
        boolean topPosition  = positionCode == TOP_LEFT || positionCode == TOP_RIGHT;
        int x0 = (leftPosition) ?
                leftMargin + sc(2*LEGEND_PADDING) + frameThickness/2 :
                leftMargin + frameWidth - width - sc(2*LEGEND_PADDING) - frameThickness/2;
        int y0 = (topPosition) ?
                topMargin + sc(LEGEND_PADDING) + frameThickness/2 :
                topMargin + frameHeight - height - sc(LEGEND_PADDING) + frameThickness/2;
        if (hasFlag(Y_TICKS))
            x0 += (leftPosition ? 1 : -1) * sc(tickLength - LEGEND_PADDING);
        if (hasFlag(X_TICKS))
            y0 += (topPosition ? 1 : -1) * sc(tickLength - LEGEND_PADDING/2);
        return new Rectangle(x0, y0, width, height);

    /** The position code of the legend position where the smallest amount of foreground pixels is covered */
    int autoLegendPosition(int width, int height, int frameThickness) {
        int background = ip instanceof ColorProcessor ? (0xffffff) : (ip.isInvertedLut() ? 0 : 0xff);
        int grid = ip instanceof ColorProcessor ? (gridColor.getRGB() & 0xffffff) : ip.getBestIndex(gridColor);
        int bestPosition = 0;
        int minCoveredPixels = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int positionCode : new int[]{TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT}) {
            Rectangle rect = legendRect(positionCode, width, height, frameThickness);
            int coveredPixels = 0;
            for (int y = rect.y - frameThickness/2; y <= rect.y + rect.height + frameThickness/2; y++)
                for (int x = rect.x - frameThickness/2; x <= rect.x + rect.width + frameThickness/2; x++) {
                    int pixel = ip.getPixel(x, y) & 0xffffff;
                    if (pixel != background && pixel != grid)
                        coveredPixels ++;
            if (coveredPixels < minCoveredPixels) {
                minCoveredPixels = coveredPixels;
                bestPosition = positionCode;
        return bestPosition;

    /** Returns the x, y coordinates at the cursor position or the nearest point as a String */
    String getCoordinates(int x, int y) {
        if (frame==null) return "";
        String text = "";
        if (!frame.contains(x, y))
            return text;
        double xv = descaleX(x); // cursor location
        double yv = descaleY(y);
        boolean yIsValue = false;
        if (!hasMultiplePlots()) {
            PlotObject p = getMainCurveObject(); // display x and f(x) instead of cursor y
            if (p != null) {
                double bestDx = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                double xBest = 0, yBest = 0;
                for (int i=0; i<Math.min(p.xValues.length, p.yValues.length); i++) {
                    double xp = p.xValues[i];
                    if (Math.abs(xp-xv) < bestDx) {
                        bestDx = Math.abs(xp-xv);
                        xBest = xp;
                        yBest = p.yValues[i];
                if (xScale != 0 && bestDx*xScale < 50) {    //ignore points more than 50 pixels away in x
                    xv = xBest;
                    yv = yBest;
                    yIsValue = true;
                } else
                    xv = Double.NaN;
        if (!Double.isNaN(xv)) {
            text =  "X=" + IJ.d2s(xv, getDigits(xv, 0.001*(xMax-xMin), 6))+", Y";
            if (yIsValue) text += "(X)";
            text +="="+ IJ.d2s(yv, getDigits(yv, 0.001*(yMax-yMin), 6));
        return text;
        //}catch(Exception e){IJ.handleException(e);return "ERR";}

    /** Returns a reference to the PlotObject having the data passed with the constructor or (if that was null)
     *  the first x & y data added later. Otherwise returns null. */
    private PlotObject getMainCurveObject() {
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA)
                return plotObject;
        return null;

    /** Returns a reference to the PlotObject with x & y data (points, curve) added last, or null if none. */
    private PlotObject getLastCurveObject() {
        for (int i=allPlotObjects.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            if (allPlotObjects.get(i).type == PlotObject.XY_DATA)
                return allPlotObjects.get(i);
        return null;

    /** returns whether there are several plots so that one cannot give a single y value for a given x value */
    private boolean hasMultiplePlots() {
        int nPlots = 0;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS)
                return true;
            else if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                nPlots ++;
                if (nPlots > 1) return true;
        return nPlots > 1;

    public void setPlotMaker(PlotMaker plotMaker) {
        this.plotMaker = plotMaker;

    PlotMaker getPlotMaker() {
        return plotMaker;

    /** Returns the labels of the datasets as linefeed-delimited String.
     *  If the label is not set, a blank line is added */
    String getDataLabels() {
        String labels = "";
        boolean first = true;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA && !plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.HIDDEN)) {
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    labels += '\n';
                if (plotObject.label != null) labels += plotObject.label;
        return labels;

    /** Creates a ResultsTable with the plot data. Returns an empty table if no data. */
    public ResultsTable getResultsTable() {
        return getResultsTable(true);

    /** Creates a ResultsTable with the data of the plot. Returns an empty table if no data.
     * Does not write the first x column if writeFirstXColumn is false.
     * When all columns are the same length, x columns equal to the first x column are
     * not written, independent of writeFirstXColumn.
    public ResultsTable getResultsTable(boolean writeFirstXColumn) {
        ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable();
        // find the longest x-value data set and count the data sets
        int nDataSets =  0;
        int tableLength = 0;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.xValues != null) {
                tableLength = Math.max(tableLength, plotObject.xValues.length);
        if (nDataSets == 0)
            return null;
        // enter columns one by one to lists of data and headings
        ArrayList<String> headings = new ArrayList<String>(2*nDataSets);
        ArrayList<float[]> data = new ArrayList<float[]>(2*nDataSets);
        int dataSetNumber = 0;
        int arrowsNumber = 0;
        PlotObject firstXYobject = null;
        boolean allSameLength = true;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type==PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                if (firstXYobject != null && firstXYobject.xValues.length!=plotObject.xValues.length) {
                    allSameLength = false;
                if (firstXYobject==null)
                    firstXYobject = plotObject;
        firstXYobject = null;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type==PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                boolean sameX = firstXYobject!=null && Arrays.equals(firstXYobject.xValues, plotObject.xValues) && allSameLength;
                boolean sameXY = sameX && Arrays.equals(firstXYobject.yValues, plotObject.yValues); //ignore duplicates (e.g. Markers plus Curve)
                boolean writeX = firstXYobject==null?writeFirstXColumn:!sameX;
                addToLists(headings, data, plotObject, dataSetNumber, writeX, /*writeY=*/!sameXY, nDataSets>1);
                if (firstXYobject == null)
                    firstXYobject = plotObject;
            } else if (plotObject.type==PlotObject.ARROWS) {
                addToLists(headings, data, plotObject, arrowsNumber, /*writeX=*/true, /*writeY=*/true, nDataSets>1);
        // populate the ResultsTable
        int nColumns = headings.size();
        for (int line=0; line<tableLength; line++) {
            for (int col=0; col<nColumns; col++) {
                String heading = headings.get(col);
                float[] values = data.get(col);
                if (line<values.length)
                    rt.setValue(heading, line, values[line]);
                    rt.setValue(heading, line, "");
        // set the decimals (precision) of the table columns
        nColumns = rt.getLastColumn() + 1;
        for (int i=0; i<nColumns; i++)
            rt.setDecimalPlaces(i, getPrecision(rt.getColumn(i)));
        return rt;

    // when writing data in scientific mode, use at least 4 decimals behind the decimal point
    static final int MIN_SCIENTIFIC_DIGITS = 4;
    // when writing float data, precision should be at least 1e-5*data range
    static final double MIN_FLOAT_PRECISION = 1e-5;

    void addToLists(ArrayList<String> headings, ArrayList<float[]>data, PlotObject plotObject,
            int dataSetNumber, boolean writeX, boolean writeY, boolean multipleSets) {
        if (writeX) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "XStart" : "X";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;
        if (writeY) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "YStart" : "Y";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;
        if (plotObject.xEValues != null) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "XEnd" : "XERR";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;
        if (plotObject.yEValues != null) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "YEnd" : "ERR";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;

    /** get the number of digits for writing a column to the results table or the clipboard */
    static int getPrecision(float[] values) {
        int setDigits = Analyzer.getPrecision();
        int measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements();
        boolean scientificNotation = (measurements&Measurements.SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION)!=0;
        if (scientificNotation) {
            if (setDigits<MIN_SCIENTIFIC_DIGITS)
                setDigits = MIN_SCIENTIFIC_DIGITS;
            return -setDigits;
        boolean allInteger = true;
        float min = Float.MAX_VALUE, max = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
            if ((int)values[i]!=values[i] && !Float.isNaN(values[i])) {
                allInteger = false;
            if (values[i] < min) min = values[i];
            if (values[i] > max) max = values[i];
        if (allInteger)
            return 0;
        int digits = (max - min) > 0 ? getDigits(min, max, MIN_FLOAT_PRECISION*(max-min), 15) :
                getDigits(max, MIN_FLOAT_PRECISION*Math.abs(max), 15);
        if (setDigits>Math.abs(digits))
            digits = setDigits * (digits < 0 ? -1 : 1);     //use scientific notation if needed
        return digits;

    /** Whether a given flag 'what' is set */
    boolean hasFlag(int what) {
        return (pp.axisFlags&what) != 0;

/** This class contains the properties of the plot, such as size, format, range, etc, except for the data+format (plot contents) */
class PlotProperties implements Cloneable, Serializable {
    /** The serialVersionUID should not be modified, otherwise saved plots won't be readable any more */
    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    PlotObject frame = new PlotObject(Plot.DEFAULT_FRAME_LINE_WIDTH);    //the frame, including background color and axis numbering
    PlotObject xLabel = new PlotObject(PlotObject.AXIS_LABEL);      //the x axis label (string & font)
    PlotObject yLabel = new PlotObject(PlotObject.AXIS_LABEL);      //the x axis label (string & font)
    PlotObject legend;                                              //the legend (if any)
    int width = 0;                                                  //canvas width (note: when stored, this must fit the image)
    int height = 0;
    int axisFlags;                                                  //these define axis layout
    double[] rangeMinMax;                                           //currentMinMax when writing, sets defaultMinMax when reading
    boolean antialiasedText = true;
    boolean isFrozen;                                               //modifications (size, range, contents) don't update the ImageProcessor

    /** Returns an array of all PlotObjects defined as PlotProperties. Note that some may be null */
    PlotObject[] getAllPlotObjects() {
        return new PlotObject[]{frame, xLabel, xLabel, legend};

    /** Returns the PlotObject for xLabel ('x'), yLabel('y'), frame ('f'; includes number font) or the legend ('l'). */
    PlotObject getPlotObject(char c) {
        switch(c) {
            case 'x':  return xLabel;
            case 'y':  return yLabel;
            case 'f':  return frame;
            case 'l':  return legend;
            default:   return null;

    /** A shallow clone that does not duplicate arrays or objects */
    public PlotProperties clone() {
        try {
            return (PlotProperties)(super.clone());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            return null;


/** This class contains the data and properties for displaying a curve, a set of arrows, a line or a label in a plot,
 *  as well as the legend, axis labels, and frame (including background and fonts of axis numbering).
 *  Note that all properties such as lineWidths and Fonts have to be scaled up for high-resolution plots.
 *  This class allows serialization for writing into tiff files */
class PlotObject implements Cloneable, Serializable {
    /** The serialVersionUID should not be modified, otherwise saved plots won't be readable any more */
    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    /** constants for the type of objects */
    public final static int XY_DATA = 0, ARROWS = 1, LINE = 2, NORMALIZED_LINE = 3, DOTTED_LINE = 4,
            LABEL = 5, NORMALIZED_LABEL = 6, LEGEND = 7, AXIS_LABEL = 8, FRAME = 9;
    /** mask for recovering font style from the flags */
    final static int FONT_STYLE_MASK = 0x0f;
    /** flag for the data set passed with the constructor. Note that 0 to 0x0f are reserved for fonts modifiers, 0x010-0x800 are reserved for legend modifiers */
    public final static int CONSTRUCTOR_DATA = 0x1000;
    /** flag for hiding a PlotObject */
    public final static int HIDDEN = 0x2000;
    /** Type of the object; XY_DATA stands for curve or markers, can be also ARROWS ... LEGEND */
    public int type = XY_DATA;
    /** bitwise combination of flags, or the position of a legend */
    public int flags;
    /** The x and y data arrays and the error bars (if non-null). These arrays also serve as x0, y0, x1, y1
     *  arrays for plotting arrays of arrows */
    public float[] xValues, yValues, xEValues, yEValues;
    /** Type of the points, such as Plot.LINE, Plot.CROSS etc. (for type = XY_DATA) */
    public int shape;
    /** The line width in pixels for 'small' plots */
    public float lineWidth;
    /** The color of the object, must not be null */
    public Color color;
    /** The secondary color (for filling closed symbols and for the line of CIRCLES_AND_LINE, may be null for unfilled/default */
    public Color color2;
    /* Labels and lines only: Position (NORMALIZED objects: relative units 0...1) */
    public double x, y;
    /* Lines only: End position */
    public double xEnd, yEnd;
    /* Dotted lines only: step */
    public int step;
    /** A label for the y data of the curve, a text to draw, or the text of a legend (tab-delimited lines) */
    public String label;
    /** Labels only: Justification can be Plot.LEFT, Plot.CENTER or Plot.RIGHT */
    public int justification;
    /** Macro code for drawing symbols */
    public String macroCode;
    /** Index passed to macro code that draws symbols*/
    public int pointIndex;
    /** Text objects (labels, legend, axis labels) only: the font; maybe null for default. This is not serialized (transient) */
    private transient Font font;
    /** String for representation of the font family (for Serialization); may be null for default. Font style is in flags, font size in fontSize. */
    private String fontFamily;
    /** Font size (for Serialization) */
    private float fontSize;

    /** Generic constructor */
    PlotObject(int type) {
        this.type = type;

    /** Constructor for XY_DATA, i.e., a curve or set of points */
    PlotObject(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float[] yErrorBars, int shape, float lineWidth, Color color, Color color2, String yLabel) {
        this.type = XY_DATA;
        this.xValues = xValues;
        this.yValues = yValues;
        this.yEValues = yErrorBars;
        this.shape = shape;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.color = color;
        this.color2 = color2;
        this.label = yLabel;
        if (shape==Plot.CUSTOM)
            this.macroCode = yLabel;

    /** Constructor for a set of arrows */
    PlotObject(float[] x1, float[] y1, float[] x2, float[] y2, float lineWidth, Color color) {
        this.type = ARROWS;
        this.xValues = x1;
        this.yValues = y1;
        this.xEValues = x2;
        this.yEValues = y2;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.color = color;

    /** Constructor for a line */
    PlotObject(double x, double y, double xEnd, double yEnd, float lineWidth, int step, Color color, int type) {
        this.type = type;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.xEnd = xEnd;
        this.yEnd = yEnd;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.step = step;
        this.color = color;

    /** Constructor for a label or NORMALIZED_LABEL */
    PlotObject(String label, double x, double y, int justification, Font font, Color color, int type) {
        this.type = type;
        this.label = label;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.justification = justification;
        this.color = color;

    /** Constructor for the legend. <code>flags</code> is bitwise or of TOP_LEFT etc. and LEGEND_TRANSPARENT if desired.
     *  Note that the labels in the legend are those of the data plotObjects */
    PlotObject(float lineWidth, Font font, Color color, int flags) {
        this.type = LEGEND;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.color = color;
        this.flags = flags;

    /** Constructor for the frame, including axis numbers. In the current version, the primary color (line color) is always black */
    PlotObject(float lineWidth) {
        this.type = FRAME;
        this.color =;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;

    /** Whether a given flag 'what' is set */
    boolean hasFlag(int what) {
        return (flags&what) != 0;

    /** Sets a given flag  */
    void setFlag(int what) {
        flags |= what;

    /** Unsets a given flag  */
    void unsetFlag(int what) {
        flags = flags & (~what);

    /** Whether an XY_DATA object has a curve to draw */
    boolean hasCurve() {
        return type == XY_DATA && (shape == Plot.LINE || shape == Plot.CONNECTED_CIRCLES);

    /** Whether an XY_DATA object has markers to draw */
    boolean hasMarker() {
        return type == XY_DATA && (shape == Plot.CIRCLE || shape == Plot.X || shape == Plot.BOX || shape == Plot.TRIANGLE ||
                shape == Plot.CROSS || shape == Plot.DOT || shape == Plot.CONNECTED_CIRCLES || shape == Plot.CUSTOM);

    /** Whether an XY_DATA object has markers that can be filled */
    boolean hasFilledMarker() {
        return type == XY_DATA && color2 != null && (shape == Plot.CIRCLE || shape == Plot.BOX || shape == Plot.TRIANGLE);

    /** Size of the markers for an XY_DATA object with markers */
    int getMarkerSize () {
        return lineWidth<=1 ? 5 : 7;

    /** Sets the font. Also writes font properties for serialization. */
    void setFont(Font font) {
        if (font == this.font) return;
        this.font = font;
        if (font == null) {
            fontFamily = null;
        } else {
            fontFamily = font.getFamily();
            flags = (flags & ~FONT_STYLE_MASK) | font.getStyle();
            fontSize = font.getSize2D();

    /** Returns the font, or null if none specified */
    Font getFont() {
        if (font == null && fontFamily != null)     //after recovery from serialization, create the font from its description
            font = FontUtil.getFont(fontFamily, flags&FONT_STYLE_MASK, fontSize);
        return font;

    /** A shallow clone that does not duplicate arrays or objects */
    public PlotObject clone() {
        try {
            return (PlotObject)(super.clone());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            return null;