package ij.plugin.filter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.measure.*;
import ij.util.*;

Calculate the so-called "capacity" fractal dimension.  The algorithm
is called, in fractal parlance, the "box counting" method.  In the
simplest terms, the routine counts the number of boxes of a given size
needed to cover a one pixel wide, binary (black on white) border.
The procedure is repeated for boxes that are 2 to 64 pixels wide. 
The output consists of two columns labeled "size" and "count". A plot 
is generated with the log of size on the x-axis and the log of count on
the y-axis and the data is fitted with a straight line. The slope (S) 
of the line is the negative of the fractal dimension, i.e. D=-S.

A full description of the technique can be found in T. G. Smith,
Jr., G. D. Lange and W. B. Marks, Fractal Methods and Results in Cellular Morphology,
which appeared in J. Neurosci. Methods, 69:1123-126, 1996.

12/Jun/2006 G. Landini added "set is white" option, otherwise the plugin
assumes that the object is always low-dimensional (i.e. the phase with
the smallest number of pixels). Now it works fine for sets with D near to 2.0

public class FractalBoxCounter implements PlugInFilter {
    static String sizes = "2,3,4,6,8,12,16,32,64";
    static boolean blackBackground;
    int[] boxSizes;
    float[] boxCountSums;
    int maxBoxSize;
    int[] counts;
    Rectangle roi;
    int foreground;
    ImagePlus imp;

    public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
        this.imp = imp;
        return DOES_8G+NO_CHANGES;

    public void run(ImageProcessor ip) {

        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Fractal Box Counter");
        gd.addStringField("Box Sizes:", sizes, 20);
        gd.addCheckbox("Black Background", blackBackground);

        if (gd.wasCanceled())

        String s = gd.getNextString();

        blackBackground = gd.getNextBoolean ();

        if (s.equals(""))
        boxSizes = s2ints(s);
        if (boxSizes==null || boxSizes.length<1)
        boxCountSums = new float[boxSizes.length];
        sizes = s;
        for (int i=0; i<boxSizes.length; i++)
            maxBoxSize = Math.max(maxBoxSize, boxSizes[i]);
        counts = new int[maxBoxSize*maxBoxSize+1];
        if (!ip.isBinary()) {
            IJ.error("8-bit binary image (0 and 255) required.");
        if (blackBackground)
            foreground = 255;
            foreground = 0;
        if (ip.isInvertedLut())
            foreground = 255 - foreground;
        IJ.register(FractalBoxCounter.class);  // keeps this class from being GC'd on 1.1 JVMs

    /** Breaks the specified string into an array
     of ints. Returns null if there is an error.*/
    public int[] s2ints(String s) {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ", \t");
        int nInts = st.countTokens();
        int[] ints = new int[nInts];
        for(int i=0; i<nInts; i++) {
            try {ints[i] = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());}
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {IJ.log(""+e); return null;}
        return ints;

    boolean FindMargins(ImageProcessor ip) {
        if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("FindMargins");
        int[] histogram = new int[256];
        int width = imp.getWidth();
        int height = imp.getHeight();
        int left, right, top, bottom;

        //Find left edge
        left = -1;
        do {
            if (left>=width) {
                IJ.error("No non-backround pixels found.");
                return false;
            ip.setRoi(left, 0, 1, height);
            histogram = ip.getHistogram();
        } while (histogram[foreground]==0);

        //Find top edge
        top = -1;
        do {
            ip.setRoi(left, top, width-left, 1);
            histogram = ip.getHistogram();
        } while (histogram[foreground]==0);

        //Find right edge
        right =width+1;
        do {
            ip.setRoi(right-1, top, 1, height-top);
            histogram = ip.getHistogram();
        } while (histogram[foreground]==0);

        //Find bottom edge
        bottom =height+1;
        do {
            ip.setRoi(left, bottom-1, right-left, 1);
            histogram = ip.getHistogram();
        } while (histogram[foreground]==0);

        roi = new Rectangle(left, top, right-left, bottom-top);
        return true;

    int count(int size, ImageProcessor ip) {
        int[] histogram = new int[256];
        int count;
        int x = roi.x;
        int y = roi.y;
        int w = (size<=roi.width)?size:roi.width;
        int h = (size<=roi.height)?size:roi.height;
        int right = roi.x+roi.width;
        int bottom = roi.y+roi.height;
        int maxCount = size*size;
        for (int i=1; i<=maxCount; i++)
            counts[i] = 0;
        boolean done = false;
        do {
            ip.setRoi(x, y, w, h);
            histogram = ip.getHistogram();
            if (x+size>=right) {
                w = right-x;
                if (x>=right) {
                    w = size;
                    x = roi.x;
                    y += size;
                    if (y+size>=bottom)
                        h = bottom-y;
                    done = y>=bottom;
        } while (!done);
        int boxSum = 0;
        int nBoxes;
        for (int i=1; i<=maxCount; i++) {
            nBoxes = counts[i];
            if (nBoxes!=0)
                boxSum += nBoxes;
        return boxSum;
    double plot() {
        int n = boxSizes.length;
        float[] sizes = new float[boxSizes.length];
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            sizes[i] = (float)Math.log(boxSizes[i]);
        CurveFitter cf = new CurveFitter(Tools.toDouble(sizes), Tools.toDouble(boxCountSums));
        double[] p = cf.getParams();
        double D = -p[1];
        String label = "D="+IJ.d2s(D,4);
        float[] px = new float[100];
        float[] py = new float[100];
        double[] a = Tools.getMinMax(sizes);
        double xmin=a[0], xmax=a[1]; 
        a = Tools.getMinMax(boxCountSums);
        double ymin=a[0], ymax=a[1]; 
        double inc = (xmax-xmin)/99.0;
        double tmp = xmin;
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
            tmp += inc;
        for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
            py[i] = (float)cf.f(p, px[i]);
        a = Tools.getMinMax(py);
        ymin = Math.min(ymin, a[0]);
        ymax = Math.max(ymax, a[1]);
        Plot plot = new Plot("Plot", "log (box size)", "log (count)", px, py);
        plot.addPoints(sizes, boxCountSums, PlotWindow.CIRCLE);
        plot.addLabel(0.8, 0.2, label);;
        return D;           

    void doBoxCounts(ImageProcessor ip) {
        if (!FindMargins(ip))
        ResultsTable rt=ResultsTable.getResultsTable();
        rt.setLabel(imp.getShortTitle(), rt.getCounter()-1);
        for (int i=0; i<boxSizes.length; i++) {
            int boxSum = count(boxSizes[i], ip);
            rt.addValue("C"+boxSizes[i], boxSum);
            boxCountSums[i] = (float)Math.log(boxSum);
        double D = plot();
        rt.addValue("D", D);"Results");