Module ij
Package ij.gui

Class TextRoi

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Iterable<java.awt.Point>

    public class TextRoi
    extends Roi
    This class is a rectangular ROI containing text.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(int x,
                       int y,
                       java.lang.String text)
        Creates a TextRoi using the defaultFont.
      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(java.lang.String text,
                       double x,
                       double y,
                       java.awt.Font font)
        Use this constructor as a drop-in replacement for ImageProcessor.drawString().
      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(double x,
                       double y,
                       java.lang.String text)
        Creates a TextRoi using sub-pixel coordinates.
      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(double x,
                       double y,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.awt.Font font)
        Creates a TextRoi using the specified sub-pixel location and Font.
      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(double x,
                       double y,
                       double width,
                       double height,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.awt.Font font)
        Creates a TextRoi using the specified sub-pixel location, size and Font.
      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(int x,
                       int y,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.awt.Font font,
                       java.awt.Color color)
      • TextRoi

        public TextRoi​(int x,
                       int y,
                       ImagePlus imp)
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static TextRoi create​(java.lang.String text,
                                     double x,
                                     double y,
                                     java.awt.Font font)
        Creates a TextRoi using the specified text and location.
      • create

        public static TextRoi create​(double x,
                                     double y,
                                     java.lang.String text,
                                     java.awt.Font font)
      • addChar

        public void addChar​(char c)
        This method is used by the text tool to add typed characters to displayed text selections.
      • draw

        public void draw​(java.awt.Graphics g)
        Draws the text on the screen, clipped to the ROI.
        draw in class Roi
      • drawOverlay

        public void drawOverlay​(java.awt.Graphics g)
        drawOverlay in class Roi
      • getDefaultFontName

        public static java.lang.String getDefaultFontName()
        Returns the name of the default font. Use getCurrentFont().getName() to get the name of the font that this TextRoi is using.
      • getDefaultFontSize

        public static int getDefaultFontSize()
        Returns the default font size. Use getCurrentFont().getSize() to get the size of the font that this TextRoi is using.
      • getDefaultFontStyle

        public static int getDefaultFontStyle()
        Returns the default font style. Use getCurrentFont().getStyle() to get the style of the font that this TextRoi is using.
      • setFont

        public void setFont​(java.awt.Font font)
        Sets the current font.
      • setFontSize

        public void setFontSize​(int size)
        Sets the size of the current font.
      • getCurrentFont

        public java.awt.Font getCurrentFont()
        Returns the current font.
      • isAntialiased

        public static boolean isAntialiased()
        Returns the state of the global 'antialiasedText' variable, which is used by the "Fonts" widget.
      • setAntialiasedText

        public static void setAntialiasedText​(boolean antialiased)
        Sets the state of the global 'antialiasedText' variable.
      • setAntialiased

        public void setAntialiased​(boolean antiAlias)
        Sets the 'antiAlias' instance variable.
      • getAntialiased

        public boolean getAntialiased()
        Returns the state of the 'antiAlias' instance variable.
      • setGlobalJustification

        public static void setGlobalJustification​(int justification)
        Sets the default text tool justification (LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT).
      • getGlobalJustification

        public static int getGlobalJustification()
        Returns the default text tool justification (LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT).
      • setJustification

        public void setJustification​(int justification)
        Sets the 'justification' instance variable (LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT)
      • getJustification

        public int getJustification()
        Returns the value of the 'justification' instance variable (LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT).
      • setFont

        public static void setFont​(java.lang.String fontName,
                                   int fontSize,
                                   int fontStyle)
        Sets the global font face, size and style that will be used by TextROIs interactively created using the text tool.
      • setFont

        public static void setFont​(java.lang.String fontName,
                                   int fontSize,
                                   int fontStyle,
                                   boolean antialiased)
        Sets the font face, size, style and antialiasing mode that will be used by TextROIs interactively created using the text tool.
      • setDefaultFont

        public static void setDefaultFont​(java.awt.Font font)
        Sets the default font.
      • setDefaultFontSize

        public static void setDefaultFontSize​(int size)
        Sets the default font size.
      • setDefaultFillColor

        public static void setDefaultFillColor​(java.awt.Color fillColor)
        Sets the default fill (background) color.
      • setDefaultAngle

        public static void setDefaultAngle​(double angle)
        Sets the default angle.
      • handleMouseUp

        protected void handleMouseUp​(int screenX,
                                     int screenY)
        handleMouseUp in class Roi
      • getMacroCode

        public java.lang.String getMacroCode​(java.lang.String cmd,
                                             ImagePlus imp)
        Used by the Recorder for recording the text tool.
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
      • setText

        public void setText​(java.lang.String text)
      • isDrawingTool

        public boolean isDrawingTool()
        Description copied from class: Roi
        Returns 'true' if this is an ROI primarily used from drawing (e.g., TextRoi or Arrow).
        isDrawingTool in class Roi
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(int x,
                                int y)
        Description copied from class: Roi
        Set the location of the ROI in image coordinates.
        setLocation in class Roi
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Returns a copy of this TextRoi.
        clone in class Roi
      • getAngle

        public double getAngle()
        Description copied from class: Roi
        Overridden by PolygonRoi (angle between first two points), TextRoi (text angle) and Line (line angle).
        getAngle in class Roi
      • setAngle

        public void setAngle​(double angle)
      • getDrawStringMode

        public boolean getDrawStringMode()
      • setDrawStringMode

        public void setDrawStringMode​(boolean drawStringMode)
      • setPreviousTextRoi

        public void setPreviousTextRoi​(Roi previousRoi)
      • getFont

        public static java.lang.String getFont()
        Replaced by getDefaultFontName
      • getSize

        public static int getSize()
        Replaced by getDefaultFontSize
      • getStyle

        public static int getStyle()
        Replaced by getDefaultFontStyle
      • setCurrentFont

        public void setCurrentFont​(java.awt.Font font)
        Replaced by setFont(font)