package ij.gui;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Vector;
public class PlotDialog implements DialogListener {
public static final int SET_RANGE = 0, AXIS_OPTIONS = 1, LEGEND = 2, HI_RESOLUTION = 3, TEMPLATE = 4, X_LEFT = 10, X_RIGHT = 11, Y_BOTTOM = 12, Y_TOP = 13, X_AXIS = 14, Y_AXIS = 15;
private static final String[] HEADINGS = new String[] {"Plot Range", "Axis Options", "Add Legend", "High-Resolution Plot", "Use Template",
null, null, null, null, null, "X Left", "X Right", "Y Bottom","Y Top", "X Axis", "Y Axis"};
private static final String[] LEGEND_POSITIONS = new String[] {"Auto", "Top-Left", "Top-Right", "Bottom-Left", "Bottom-Right", "No Legend"};
private static final int[] LEGEND_POSITION_N = new int[] {Plot.AUTO_POSITION, Plot.TOP_LEFT, Plot.TOP_RIGHT, Plot.BOTTOM_LEFT, Plot.BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0};
private static final String[] TEMPLATE_FLAG_NAMES = new String[] {"X Range", "Y Range", "Axis Style", "Labels",
"Legend", "Contents Style", "Extra Objects (Curves...)", "Window Size"};
private static final int[] TEMPLATE_FLAGS = new int[] {Plot.X_RANGE, Plot.Y_RANGE, Plot.COPY_AXIS_STYLE, Plot.COPY_LABELS,
private Plot plot;
private int dialogType;
private boolean minMaxSaved; private boolean dialogShowing; private Plot[] templatePlots;
private Checkbox xLogCheckbox, yLogCheckbox;
private static int legendPosNumber = 0;
private static boolean bottomUp;
private static boolean transparentBackground;
private static String lastXLabel, lastYLabel;
private static float plotFontSize;
private static float hiResFactor = 4.0f;
private static boolean hiResAntiAliased = true;
private static int templateID;
private static int lastTemplateFlags = Plot.COPY_AXIS_STYLE|Plot.COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE;
public PlotDialog(Plot plot, int dialogType) {
this.plot = plot;
this.dialogType = dialogType;
public void showDialog(Frame parent) {
if (dialogType == HI_RESOLUTION) { doHighResolutionDialog(parent);
if (dialogType == TEMPLATE)
String dialogTitle = dialogType >= X_LEFT && dialogType <= Y_TOP ?
"Set Axis Limit..." : (HEADINGS[dialogType] + "...");
GenericDialog gd = parent == null ? new GenericDialog(dialogTitle) :
new GenericDialog(dialogTitle, parent);
if (!setupDialog(gd)) return;
dialogItemChanged(gd, null); dialogShowing = true;
if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
if (dialogType == TEMPLATE)
} else {
if (Recorder.record)
String xAxisLabel = plot.getLabel('x');
if ((dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS) && xAxisLabel != null && xAxisLabel.length() > 0)
lastXLabel = xAxisLabel; String yAxisLabel = plot.getLabel('y');
if ((dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) && yAxisLabel != null && yAxisLabel.length() > 0)
lastYLabel = yAxisLabel;
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS)
if (dialogType == TEMPLATE)
lastTemplateFlags = plot.templateFlags;
if (dialogType == TEMPLATE)
ImagePlus imp = plot.getImagePlus();
ImageWindow win = imp == null ? null : imp.getWindow();
if (win instanceof PlotWindow)
if (!gd.wasCanceled() && !gd.wasOKed()) { int newDialogType = (dialogType == SET_RANGE) ? AXIS_OPTIONS : SET_RANGE;
new PlotDialog(plot, newDialogType).showDialog(parent);
private boolean setupDialog(GenericDialog gd) {
double[] currentMinMax = plot.getLimits();
boolean livePlot = plot.plotMaker != null;
int xDigits = plot.logXAxis ? -2 : Plot.getDigits(currentMinMax[0], currentMinMax[1], 0.005*Math.abs(currentMinMax[1]-currentMinMax[0]), 6, 0);
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == X_AXIS) {
gd.addNumericField("X_From", currentMinMax[0], xDigits, 6, "*");
gd.addNumericField("To", currentMinMax[1], xDigits, 6, "*");
gd.setInsets(0, 20, 0); if (livePlot)
gd.addCheckbox("Fix_X Range While Live", (plot.templateFlags & Plot.X_RANGE) != 0);
gd.addCheckbox("Log_X Axis **", (plot.hasFlag(Plot.X_LOG_NUMBERS)));
xLogCheckbox = lastCheckboxAdded(gd);
enableDisableLogCheckbox(xLogCheckbox, currentMinMax[0], currentMinMax[1]);
int yDigits = plot.logYAxis ? -2 : Plot.getDigits(currentMinMax[2], currentMinMax[3], 0.005*Math.abs(currentMinMax[3]-currentMinMax[2]), 6, 0);
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
gd.setInsets(20, 0, 3); gd.addNumericField("Y_From", currentMinMax[2], yDigits, 6, "*");
gd.addNumericField("To", currentMinMax[3], yDigits, 6, "*");
if (livePlot)
gd.addCheckbox("Fix_Y Range While Live", (plot.templateFlags & Plot.Y_RANGE) != 0);
gd.addCheckbox("Log_Y Axis **", (plot.hasFlag(Plot.Y_LOG_NUMBERS)));
yLogCheckbox = lastCheckboxAdded(gd);
enableDisableLogCheckbox(yLogCheckbox, currentMinMax[2], currentMinMax[3]);
if (dialogType >= X_LEFT && dialogType <= Y_TOP) {
int digits = dialogType < Y_BOTTOM ? xDigits : yDigits;
gd.addNumericField(HEADINGS[dialogType], currentMinMax[dialogType - X_LEFT], digits, 6, "*");
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
int flags = plot.getFlags();
final String[] labels = new String[] {" Draw Grid", " Major Ticks", " Minor Ticks", " Ticks if Logarithmic", " Numbers"};
final int[] xFlags = new int[] {Plot.X_GRID, Plot.X_TICKS, Plot.X_MINOR_TICKS, Plot.X_LOG_TICKS, Plot.X_NUMBERS};
int rows = xFlags.length;
int columns = dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS ? 2 : 1;
String[] allLabels = new String[rows*columns];
boolean[] defaultValues = new boolean[rows*columns];
String[] headings = dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS ? new String[]{"X Axis", "Y Axis"} : null;
int i=0;
for (int l=0; l<xFlags.length; l++) {
String label = labels[l];
boolean xFlag = getFlag(flags, xFlags[l]);
boolean yFlag = getFlag(flags, xFlags[l]<<1); if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS) {
allLabels[i] = labels[l];
defaultValues[i++] = xFlag;
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
allLabels[i] = labels[l];
defaultValues[i++] = yFlag;
if (dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS)
gd.setInsets(15, 20, 0); gd.addCheckboxGroup(rows, columns, allLabels, defaultValues, headings);
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS)
gd.setInsets(15, 0, 5);
String plotXLabel = plot.getLabel('x');
String plotYLabel = plot.getLabel('y');
if ((plotXLabel == null || plotXLabel.equals("Distance (pixels)") || plotXLabel.equals("Distance ( )")) && lastXLabel != null)
plotXLabel = lastXLabel; if ((plotYLabel == null || plotYLabel.equals("Gray Value")) && lastYLabel != null)
plotYLabel = lastYLabel;
int nChars = 20;
if ((plotXLabel != null && plotXLabel.startsWith("{")) || (plotYLabel != null && plotYLabel.startsWith("{" ))) {
nChars = Math.max(nChars, plotXLabel.length());
nChars = Math.max(nChars, plotYLabel.length());
if (nChars > 80) nChars = 80;
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS)
gd.addStringField("X Axis Label", plotXLabel, nChars);
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == Y_AXIS)
gd.addStringField("Y Axis Label", plotYLabel, nChars);
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
Font smallFont = IJ.font10;
gd.setInsets(10, 0, 0); gd.addMessage("* Leave empty for automatic range", smallFont, Color.gray);
gd.setInsets(0, 0, 0);
gd.addMessage("** Requires limits > 0 and max/min > 3", smallFont, Color.gray);
if (dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
gd.setInsets(0, 0, 0);
gd.addMessage(" Label supports !!sub-!! and ^^superscript^^", smallFont, Color.gray);
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS) {
Font plotFont = (plot.currentFont != null) ? plot.currentFont : plot.defaultFont;
Font labelFont = plot.getFont('x');
if (labelFont == null) labelFont = plotFont;
Font numberFont = plot.getFont('f');
if (numberFont == null) numberFont = plotFont;
gd.addNumericField("Number Font Size", numberFont.getSize2D(), 1);
gd.addNumericField("Label Font Size", labelFont.getSize2D(), 1);
gd.addCheckbox("Bold", labelFont.isBold());
if (dialogType == LEGEND) {
String labels = plot.getDataLabels();
int nLines = labels.split("\n", -1).length;
Font legendFont = plot.getFont('l');
if (legendFont == null) legendFont = (plot.currentFont != null) ? plot.currentFont : plot.defaultFont;
int lFlags = plot.getObjectFlags('l');
if (lFlags != -1) { for (int i=0; i<LEGEND_POSITION_N.length; i++) if ((lFlags & Plot.LEGEND_POSITION_MASK) == LEGEND_POSITION_N[i]) {
legendPosNumber = i;
transparentBackground = getFlag(lFlags, Plot.LEGEND_TRANSPARENT);
bottomUp = getFlag(lFlags, Plot.LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP);
gd.addMessage("Enter Labels for the datasets, one per line.\n");
Font smallFont = IJ.font10;
gd.setInsets(0, 20, 0); String msg = "Prepend index plus dual underscore (e.g. '1__MyLabel' )\nto control legend order and to hide non-indexed labels";
gd.addMessage(msg, smallFont, Color.darkGray);
gd.setInsets(0, 0, 0);
gd.addTextAreas(labels, null, Math.min(nLines+1, 20), 40);
gd.addChoice("Legend position", LEGEND_POSITIONS, LEGEND_POSITIONS[legendPosNumber]);
gd.addNumericField("Font Size", legendFont.getSize2D(), 1);
gd.addCheckbox("Transparent background", transparentBackground);
gd.addCheckbox("Bottom-to-top", bottomUp);
if (dialogType == TEMPLATE) {
int[] idList = WindowManager.getIDList(); int[] plotIdList = new int[idList.length];
templatePlots = new Plot[idList.length];
int nPlots = 0;
for (int id : idList) {
ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id);
if (imp == null) continue;
Plot impPlot = (Plot)(imp.getProperty(Plot.PROPERTY_KEY));
if (impPlot != null && impPlot != this.plot) {
templatePlots[nPlots] = impPlot;
plotIdList[nPlots++] = id;
if (nPlots == 0) {
IJ.error("No plot to use as template");
return false;
String[] plotImpTitles = new String[nPlots];
int defaultTemplateIndex = 0;
for (int i=0; i<nPlots; i++) {
ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(plotIdList[i]);
plotImpTitles[i] = imp==null ? "" : imp.getTitle();
if (imp.getID() == templateID) defaultTemplateIndex = i;
gd.addChoice("Template Plot", plotImpTitles, plotImpTitles[defaultTemplateIndex]);
gd.setInsets(10, 0, 0); gd.addMessage("Copy From Template:");
gd.setInsets(5, 20, 0); if (lastTemplateFlags == 0) lastTemplateFlags = Plot.COPY_AXIS_STYLE|Plot.COPY_CONTENTS_STYLE;
for (int i=0; i<TEMPLATE_FLAGS.length; i++) {
boolean flag = getFlag(lastTemplateFlags, TEMPLATE_FLAGS[i]);
gd.addCheckbox(TEMPLATE_FLAG_NAMES[i], flag);
if (dialogType >= X_LEFT && dialogType <= Y_TOP)
gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Set All Limits...");
else if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS)
gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Set Range...");
else if (dialogType == SET_RANGE)
gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Set Axis Options...");
return true;
public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) {
if (dialogShowing && e==null)
return true; boolean livePlot = plot.plotMaker != null;
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == X_AXIS) {
double[] currentMinMax = plot.getLimits();
double linXMin = gd.getNextNumber();
double linXMax = gd.getNextNumber();
if (linXMin == linXMax) return false;
if (!minMaxSaved) {
plot.saveMinMax(); minMaxSaved = true;
if (livePlot)
plot.templateFlags = setFlag(plot.templateFlags, Plot.X_RANGE, gd.getNextBoolean());
boolean xLog = gd.getNextBoolean();
plot.setLimitsNoUpdate(linXMin, linXMax, currentMinMax[2], currentMinMax[3]);
currentMinMax = plot.getLimits();
enableDisableLogCheckbox(xLogCheckbox, currentMinMax[0], currentMinMax[1]);
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
double[] currentMinMax = plot.getLimits();
double linYMin = gd.getNextNumber();
double linYMax = gd.getNextNumber();
if (linYMin == linYMax) return false;
if (!minMaxSaved) {
plot.saveMinMax(); minMaxSaved = true;
if (livePlot)
plot.templateFlags = setFlag(plot.templateFlags, Plot.Y_RANGE, gd.getNextBoolean());
boolean yLog = gd.getNextBoolean();
plot.setLimitsNoUpdate(currentMinMax[0], currentMinMax[1], linYMin, linYMax);
currentMinMax = plot.getLimits();
enableDisableLogCheckbox(yLogCheckbox, currentMinMax[2], currentMinMax[3]);
if (dialogType >= X_LEFT && dialogType <= Y_TOP) {
double newLimit = gd.getNextNumber();
double[] minMaxCopy = (double[])(plot.getLimits().clone());
minMaxCopy[dialogType - X_LEFT] = newLimit;
plot.setLimitsNoUpdate(minMaxCopy[0], minMaxCopy[1], minMaxCopy[2], minMaxCopy[3]);
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
final int[] xFlags = new int[] {Plot.X_GRID, Plot.X_TICKS, Plot.X_MINOR_TICKS, Plot.X_LOG_TICKS, Plot.X_NUMBERS};
int rows = xFlags.length;
int columns = dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS ? 2 : 1;
int flags = 0;
if (dialogType == X_AXIS)
flags = plot.getFlags() & 0xaaaaaaaa; if (dialogType == Y_AXIS)
flags = plot.getFlags() & 0x55555555; for (int l=0; l<xFlags.length; l++) {
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS)
if (gd.getNextBoolean()) flags |= xFlags[l];
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == Y_AXIS)
if (gd.getNextBoolean()) flags |= xFlags[l]<<1; }
String xAxisLabel = plot.getLabel('x');
String yAxisLabel = plot.getLabel('y');
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS) {
xAxisLabel = gd.getNextString();
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
yAxisLabel = gd.getNextString();
plot.setXYLabels(xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel);
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS) {
Font plotFont = (plot.currentFont != null) ? plot.currentFont : plot.defaultFont;
Font labelFont = plot.getFont('x');
if (labelFont == null) labelFont = plotFont;
Font numberFont = plot.getFont('f');
if (numberFont == null) numberFont = plotFont;
float numberFontSize = (float)gd.getNextNumber();
if (gd.invalidNumber()) numberFontSize = numberFont.getSize2D();
if (numberFontSize < 9) numberFontSize = 9f;
if (numberFontSize > 24) numberFontSize = 24f;
float labelFontSize = (float)gd.getNextNumber();
if (gd.invalidNumber()) labelFontSize = labelFont.getSize2D();
boolean axisLabelBold = gd.getNextBoolean();
plot.setFont('f', numberFont.deriveFont(numberFont.getStyle(), numberFontSize));
plot.setAxisLabelFont(axisLabelBold ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN, labelFontSize);
Font smallFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, (int)(10*Prefs.getGuiScale()));
gd.addMessage("Labels support !!sub-!! and ^^superscript^^", smallFont, Color.gray);
if (dialogType == LEGEND) {
Font legendFont = plot.getFont('l');
if (legendFont == null) legendFont = (plot.currentFont != null) ? plot.currentFont : plot.defaultFont;
String labels = gd.getNextText();
legendPosNumber = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
int lFlags = LEGEND_POSITION_N[legendPosNumber];
float legendFontSize = (float)gd.getNextNumber();
transparentBackground = gd.getNextBoolean();
bottomUp = gd.getNextBoolean();
if (bottomUp)
lFlags |= Plot.LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP;
if (transparentBackground)
plot.setLegend(labels, lFlags);
plot.setFont('l', legendFont.deriveFont(legendFont.getStyle(), legendFontSize));
if (dialogType == TEMPLATE) {
Plot templatePlot = templatePlots[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()];
ImagePlus imp = templatePlot.getImagePlus();
if (imp != null) templateID = imp.getID(); int templateFlags = 0;
for (int i=0; i<TEMPLATE_FLAGS.length; i++)
if (gd.getNextBoolean())
templateFlags |= TEMPLATE_FLAGS[i];
plot.useTemplate(templatePlot, templateFlags);
return true;
private void record() {
if (Recorder.scriptMode())
Recorder.recordCall("//plot = IJ.getImage().getProperty(Plot.PROPERTY_KEY);");
String plotDot = Recorder.scriptMode() ? "plot." : "Plot.";
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == X_AXIS)
Recorder.recordString(plotDot+(Recorder.scriptMode() ? "setAxisXLog(" : "setLogScaleX(")+plot.hasFlag(Plot.X_LOG_NUMBERS)+");\n");
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == Y_AXIS)
Recorder.recordString(plotDot+(Recorder.scriptMode() ? "setAxisYLog(" : "setLogScaleY(")+plot.hasFlag(Plot.Y_LOG_NUMBERS)+");\n");
if (dialogType == SET_RANGE || dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
double[] currentMinMax = plot.getLimits();
int xDigits = plot.logXAxis ? -2 : Plot.getDigits(currentMinMax[0], currentMinMax[1], 0.005*Math.abs(currentMinMax[1]-currentMinMax[0]), 6, 0);
int yDigits = plot.logYAxis ? -2 : Plot.getDigits(currentMinMax[2], currentMinMax[3], 0.005*Math.abs(currentMinMax[3]-currentMinMax[2]), 6, 0);
if (dialogType == AXIS_OPTIONS || dialogType == X_AXIS || dialogType == Y_AXIS) {
int flags = plot.getFlags();
String xAxisLabel = Recorder.fixString(plot.getLabel('x'));
String yAxisLabel = Recorder.fixString(plot.getLabel('y'));
Font labelFont = plot.getFont('x');
Font numberFont = plot.getFont('f');
if (labelFont != null) {
if (Recorder.scriptMode())
Recorder.recordString("plot.setAxisLabelFont("+(labelFont.isBold() ? "Font.BOLD," : "Font.PLAIN,")+IJ.d2s(labelFont.getSize2D(),1)+");\n");
Recorder.recordString("Plot.setAxisLabelSize("+IJ.d2s(labelFont.getSize2D(),1)+", \""+(labelFont.isBold() ? "bold" : "plain")+"\");\n");
if (numberFont != null)
Recorder.recordString(plotDot+(Recorder.scriptMode() ? "setFont(-1, " : "setFontSize(")+IJ.d2s(numberFont.getSize2D(),1)+");\n");
Recorder.recordString(plotDot+"setXYLabels(\""+xAxisLabel+"\", \""+yAxisLabel+"\");\n");
Recorder.recordString(plotDot+"setFormatFlags("+(Recorder.scriptMode() ? "0x"+Integer.toHexString(flags) : '\"'+Integer.toString(flags,2)+'\"')+ ");\n");
if (dialogType == LEGEND) {
String labels = Recorder.fixString(plot.getDataLabels());
int lFlags = plot.getObjectFlags('l');
if (Recorder.scriptMode()) {
Recorder.recordCall("plot.addLegend(\""+labels+"\", 0x"+Integer.toHexString(lFlags)+");");
} else {
String options = LEGEND_POSITIONS[legendPosNumber];
if (getFlag(lFlags, Plot.LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP)) options+=" Bottom-To-Top";
if (getFlag(lFlags, Plot.LEGEND_TRANSPARENT)) options+=" Transparent";
Recorder.recordString("Plot.addLegend(\""+labels+"\", \""+options+"\");\n");
if (Recorder.scriptMode())
private void doHighResolutionDialog(Frame parent) {
GenericDialog gd = parent == null ? new GenericDialog(HEADINGS[dialogType]) :
new GenericDialog(HEADINGS[dialogType], parent);
String title = plot.getTitle();
if (title.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tif") || title.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip"))
title = title.substring(0, title.length()-4);
title += "_HiRes";
title = WindowManager.makeUniqueName(title);
gd.addStringField("Title: ", title, 20);
gd.addNumericField("Scale factor", hiResFactor, 1);
gd.addCheckbox("Disable anti-aliased text", !hiResAntiAliased);
if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
title = gd.getNextString();
double scale = gd.getNextNumber();
if (!gd.invalidNumber() && scale>0) hiResFactor = (float)scale;
hiResAntiAliased = !gd.getNextBoolean();
final ImagePlus hiresImp = plot.makeHighResolution(title, hiResFactor, hiResAntiAliased, true);
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {public void run() {IJ.selectWindow(hiresImp.getID());}});
if (Recorder.record) {
if (Recorder.scriptMode()) {
} else {
String options = !hiResAntiAliased ? "disable" : "";
if (options.length() > 0)
options = ",\""+options+"\"";
void enableDisableLogCheckbox(Checkbox checkbox, double limit1, double limit2) {
boolean logPossible = limit1 > 0 && limit2 > 0 && (limit1 > 3*limit2 || limit2 > 3*limit1);
boolean getFlag(int flags, int bitMask) {
return (flags&bitMask) != 0;
int setFlag(int flags, int bitMask, boolean state) {
flags &= ~bitMask;
if (state) flags |= bitMask;
return flags;
Checkbox lastCheckboxAdded(GenericDialog gd) {
Vector checkboxes = gd.getCheckboxes();
return (Checkbox)(checkboxes.get(checkboxes.size() - 1));