package ij.gui;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.measure.*;
import ij.plugin.frame.*;
import ij.util.Tools;
import ij.util.FloatArray;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

/** This class represents a polygon region of interest or polyline of interest. */
public class PolygonRoi extends Roi {

    protected int maxPoints = 1000; // will be increased if necessary
    protected int[] xp, yp;         // image coordinates relative to origin of roi bounding box
    protected float[] xpf, ypf;     // or alternative sub-pixel coordinates
    protected int[] xp2, yp2;       // absolute screen coordinates
    protected int nPoints;
    protected float[] xSpline,ySpline; // relative image coordinates
    protected int splinePoints = 200;
    Rectangle clip;

    private double angle1, degrees=Double.NaN;
    private int xClipMin, yClipMin, xClipMax, yClipMax;
    private boolean userCreated;
    private int boxSize = 8;

    long mouseUpTime = 0;

    /** Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from x and y coordinate arrays.
        Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.TRACED_ROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.*/
    public PolygonRoi(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints, int type) {
        super(0, 0, null);
        init1(nPoints, type);
        xp = xPoints;
        yp = yPoints;
        if (type!=TRACED_ROI) {
            xp = new int[nPoints];
            yp = new int[nPoints];
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                xp[i] = xPoints[i];
                yp[i] = yPoints[i];
        xp2 = new int[nPoints];
        yp2 = new int[nPoints];
        state = NORMAL;

    /** Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from float x and y arrays.
        Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.*/
    public PolygonRoi(float[] xPoints, float[] yPoints, int nPoints, int type) {
        super(0, 0, null);
        init1(nPoints, type);
        xpf = new float[nPoints];
        ypf = new float[nPoints];
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xpf[i] = xPoints[i];
            ypf[i] = yPoints[i];
        xp2 = new int[nPoints];
        yp2 = new int[nPoints];
        state = NORMAL;

    /** Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from float x and y arrays.
        Type must be Roi.POLYGON, Roi.FREEROI, Roi.POLYLINE, Roi.FREELINE or Roi.ANGLE.*/
    public PolygonRoi(float[] xPoints, float[] yPoints, int type) {
        this(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length, type);

    private void init1(int nPoints, int type) throws IllegalArgumentException{
        maxPoints = nPoints;
        this.nPoints = nPoints;
        if (type==POLYGON)
            this.type = POLYGON;
        else if (type==FREEROI)
            this.type = FREEROI;
        else if (type==TRACED_ROI)
            this.type = TRACED_ROI;
        else if (type==POLYLINE)
            this.type = POLYLINE;
        else if (type==FREELINE)
            this.type = FREELINE;
        else if (type==ANGLE)
            this.type = ANGLE;
        else if (type==POINT)
            this.type = POINT;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("PolygonRoi: Invalid type");

    private void init2(int type) {
        if (type==ANGLE && nPoints==3)
        if (type==POINT && Toolbar.getMultiPointMode()) {
            Prefs.pointAutoMeasure = false;
            Prefs.pointAutoNextSlice = false;
            Prefs.pointAddToManager = false;
            Prefs.pointAddToOverlay = false;
            userCreated = true;
        if (lineWidth>1 && isLine())

    /** Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from a Polygon. Type must be Roi.POLYGON,
    public PolygonRoi(Polygon p, int type) {
        this(p.xpoints, p.ypoints, p.npoints, type);

    /** Creates a new polygon or polyline ROI from a FloatPolygon. Type must be Roi.POLYGON,
    public PolygonRoi(FloatPolygon p, int type) {
        this(p.xpoints, p.ypoints, p.npoints, type);

    /** @deprecated */
    public PolygonRoi(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints, ImagePlus imp, int type) {
        this(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints, type);

    /** Starts the process of creating a new user-generated polygon or polyline ROI. */
    public PolygonRoi(int sx, int sy, ImagePlus imp) {
        super(sx, sy, imp);
        int tool = Toolbar.getToolId();
        switch (tool) {
            case Toolbar.POLYGON:
                type = POLYGON;
            case Toolbar.FREEROI:
                type = FREEROI;
            case Toolbar.FREELINE:
                type = FREELINE;
            case Toolbar.ANGLE:
                type = ANGLE;
                type = POLYLINE;
        if (magnificationForSubPixel())
        previousSX = sx;
        previousSY = sy;
        x = offScreenX(sx);
        y = offScreenY(sy);
        startXD = offScreenXD(sx);
        startYD = offScreenYD(sy);
        if (subPixelResolution()) {
            setLocation(startXD, startYD);
            xpf = new float[maxPoints];
            ypf = new float[maxPoints];
            double xbase = getXBase();
            double ybase = getYBase();
            xpf[0] = (float)(startXD-xbase);
            ypf[0] = (float)(startYD-ybase);
            xpf[1] = xpf[0];
            ypf[1] = ypf[0];
        } else {
            xp = new int[maxPoints];
            yp = new int[maxPoints];
        xp2 = new int[maxPoints];
        yp2 = new int[maxPoints];
        nPoints = 2;
        clipX = x;
        clipY = y;
        clipWidth = 1;
        clipHeight = 1;
        state = CONSTRUCTING;
        userCreated = true;
        if (lineWidth>1 && isLine())
        boxSize = (int)(boxSize*Prefs.getGuiScale());

    private void drawStartBox(Graphics g) {
        if (type!=ANGLE)
            g.drawRect(screenXD(startXD)-4, screenYD(startYD)-4, 8, 8);

    public void draw(Graphics g) {
        Color color =  strokeColor!=null?strokeColor:ROIColor;
        boolean hasHandles = xSpline!=null||type==POLYGON||type==POLYLINE||type==ANGLE;
        boolean isActiveOverlayRoi = !overlay && isActiveOverlayRoi();
        if (isActiveOverlayRoi) {
            if (color==Color.cyan)
                color = Color.magenta;
                color = Color.cyan;
        boolean fill = false;
        mag = getMagnification();
        if (fillColor!=null && !isLine() && state!=CONSTRUCTING) {
            color = fillColor;
            fill = true;
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
        if (stroke!=null && !isActiveOverlayRoi)
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            if (type==POLYLINE || type==FREELINE) {
                drawSpline(g, xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints, false, fill, isActiveOverlayRoi);
                if (wideLine && !overlay) {
                    drawSpline(g, xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints, false, fill, isActiveOverlayRoi);
            } else
                drawSpline(g, xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints, true, fill, isActiveOverlayRoi);
        } else {
            if (type==POLYLINE || type==FREELINE || type==ANGLE || state==CONSTRUCTING) {
                g.drawPolyline(xp2, yp2, nPoints);
                if (wideLine && !overlay) {
                    g.drawPolyline(xp2, yp2, nPoints);
            } else {
                if (fill) {
                    if (isActiveOverlayRoi) {
                        g.drawPolygon(xp2, yp2, nPoints);
                    } else
                        g.fillPolygon(xp2, yp2, nPoints);
                } else
                    g.drawPolygon(xp2, yp2, nPoints);
            if (state==CONSTRUCTING && type!=FREEROI && type!=FREELINE)
        if (hasHandles  && clipboard==null && !overlay) {
            if (activeHandle>0)
                drawHandle(g, xp2[activeHandle-1], yp2[activeHandle-1]);
            if (activeHandle<nPoints-1)
                drawHandle(g, xp2[activeHandle+1], yp2[activeHandle+1]);
            handleColor= strokeColor!=null? strokeColor:ROIColor; drawHandle(g, xp2[0], yp2[0]); handleColor=Color.white;
            for (int i=1; i<nPoints; i++)
                drawHandle(g, xp2[i], yp2[i]);
        if (!(state==MOVING_HANDLE||state==CONSTRUCTING||state==NORMAL))
        if (updateFullWindow) {
            updateFullWindow = false;

    private void drawSpline(Graphics g, float[] xpoints, float[] ypoints, int npoints, boolean closed, boolean fill, boolean isActiveOverlayRoi) {
        if (xpoints==null || xpoints.length==0)
        boolean doScaling = (ic != null);   //quicker drawing if we don't need to convert to screen coordinates
        if (ic!=null) {
            Rectangle srcRect = ic.getSrcRect();
            if (srcRect.x == 0 && srcRect.y == 0 && ic.getMagnification()==1.0)
                doScaling = false;
        double xd = getXBase();
        double yd = getYBase();
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
        GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
        path.moveTo(screenXD(xpoints[0]+xd), screenYD(ypoints[0]+yd));
        if (doScaling) {
            for (int i=1; i<npoints; i++)
                path.lineTo(screenXD(xpoints[i]+xd), screenYD(ypoints[i]+yd));
        } else {
            double xd1 = xd, yd1 = yd;
            if (useLineSubpixelConvention()) {xd1 += 0.5; yd1 += 0.5;}
            for (int i=1; i<npoints; i++)
                path.lineTo(xpoints[i]+xd1, ypoints[i]+yd1);
        if (closed)
            path.lineTo(screenXD(xpoints[0]+xd), screenYD(ypoints[0]+yd));
        if (fill) {
            if (isActiveOverlayRoi) {
            } else
        } else

    public void drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip) {
        int saveWidth = ip.getLineWidth();
        if (getStrokeWidth()>1f)
        double xbase = getXBase();
        double ybase = getYBase();
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            ip.moveTo((int)Math.round(xbase+xSpline[0]), (int)Math.round(ybase+ySpline[0]));
            for (int i=1; i<splinePoints; i++)
                ip.lineTo((int)Math.round(xbase+xSpline[i]), (int)Math.round(ybase+ySpline[i]));
            if (type==POLYGON || type==FREEROI || type==TRACED_ROI)  // close the shape
                ip.lineTo((int)Math.round(xbase+xSpline[0]), (int)Math.round(ybase+ySpline[0]));
        } else if (xpf!=null) {
            ip.moveTo((int)Math.round(xbase+xpf[0]), (int)Math.round(ybase+ypf[0]));
            for (int i=1; i<nPoints; i++)
                ip.lineTo((int)Math.round(xbase+xpf[i]), (int)Math.round(ybase+ypf[i]));
            if (type==POLYGON || type==FREEROI || type==TRACED_ROI)  // close the shape
                ip.lineTo((int)Math.round(xbase+xpf[0]), (int)Math.round(ybase+ypf[0]));
        } else {
            ip.moveTo(x+xp[0], y+yp[0]);
            for (int i=1; i<nPoints; i++)
                ip.lineTo(x+xp[i], y+yp[i]);
            if (type==POLYGON || type==FREEROI || type==TRACED_ROI)  // close the shape
                ip.lineTo(x+xp[0], y+yp[0]);
        updateFullWindow = true;

    protected void grow(int sx, int sy) {
    // Overrides grow() in Roi class

    protected void updatePolygon() {
        int basex=0, basey=0;
        if (ic!=null) {
            Rectangle srcRect = ic.getSrcRect();
            basex=srcRect.x; basey=srcRect.y;
        double mag = getMagnification();
        if (mag==1.0 && basex==0 && basey==0) {
            if (xpf!=null) {
                float xbase = (float)getXBase();
                float ybase = (float)getYBase();
                for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                    xp2[i] = (int)Math.round(xpf[i]+xbase);
                    yp2[i] = (int)Math.round(ypf[i]+ybase);
            } else {
                for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                    xp2[i] = xp[i]+x;
                    yp2[i] = yp[i]+y;
        } else {
            if (xpf!=null) {
                float xbase = (float)getXBase();
                float ybase = (float)getYBase();
                for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                    xp2[i] = screenXD(xpf[i]+xbase);
                    yp2[i] = screenYD(ypf[i]+ybase);
            } else {
                for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                    xp2[i] = screenXD(xp[i]+x);
                    yp2[i] = screenYD(yp[i]+y);

    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
        int sx = e.getX();
        int sy = e.getY();
        int flags = e.getModifiers();
        constrain = (flags&Event.SHIFT_MASK)!=0;
        if (constrain) {  // constrain in 90deg steps
            int dx = sx - previousSX;
            int dy = sy - previousSY;
            if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy))
                dy = 0;
                dx = 0;
            sx = previousSX + dx;
            sy = previousSY + dy;

        // Do rubber banding
        int tool = Toolbar.getToolId();
        if (!(tool==Toolbar.POLYGON || tool==Toolbar.POLYLINE || tool==Toolbar.ANGLE)) {
        if (IJ.altKeyDown())

        drawRubberBand(sx, sy);

        // show status: length & angle
        degrees = Double.NaN;
        double len = -1;
        if (nPoints>1) {
            double x1, y1, x2, y2;
            if (xpf!=null) {
                x1 = xpf[nPoints-2];
                y1 = ypf[nPoints-2];
                x2 = xpf[nPoints-1];
                y2 = ypf[nPoints-1];
            } else {
                x1 = xp[nPoints-2];
                y1 = yp[nPoints-2];
                x2 = xp[nPoints-1];
                y2 = yp[nPoints-1];
            degrees = getFloatAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            if (tool!=Toolbar.ANGLE) {
                Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
                double pw=cal.pixelWidth, ph=cal.pixelHeight;
                if (IJ.altKeyDown()) {pw=1.0; ph=1.0;}
                len = Math.sqrt((x2-x1)*pw*(x2-x1)*pw + (y2-y1)*ph*(y2-y1)*ph);
        if (tool==Toolbar.ANGLE) {
            if (nPoints==2)
                angle1 = degrees;
            else if (nPoints==3) {
                double angle2 = xpf != null ? getFloatAngle(xpf[1], ypf[1], xpf[2], ypf[2]) :
                        getAngle(xp[1], yp[1], xp[2], yp[2]);
                degrees = Math.abs(180-Math.abs(angle1-angle2));
                if (degrees>180.0)
                    degrees = 360.0-degrees;
        String length = len!=-1?", length=" + IJ.d2s(len):"";
        double degrees2 = tool==Toolbar.ANGLE&&nPoints==3&&Prefs.reflexAngle?360.0-degrees:degrees;
        String angle = !Double.isNaN(degrees)?", angle=" + IJ.d2s(degrees2):"";
        int ox = ic.offScreenX(sx);
        int oy = ic.offScreenY(sy);
        IJ.showStatus(imp.getLocationAsString(ox,oy) + length + angle);

    //Mouse behaves like an eraser when moved backwards with alt key down.
    //Within correction circle, all vertices with sharp angles are removed.
    //Norbert Vischer
    protected void wipeBack() {
        Roi prevRoi = Roi.getPreviousRoi();
        if (prevRoi!=null && prevRoi.modState==SUBTRACT_FROM_ROI)
        double correctionRadius = 20;
        if (ic!=null)
            correctionRadius /= ic.getMagnification();
        boolean found = false;
        int p3 = nPoints - 1;
        int p1 = p3;
        while (p1 > 0 && !found) {
            double dx = xpf != null ? xpf[p3] - xpf[p1] : xp[p3] - xp[p1];
            double dy = xpf != null ? ypf[p3] - ypf[p1] : yp[p3] - yp[p1];
            double dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if (dist > correctionRadius)
                found = true;
        //examine all angles p1-p2-p3
        boolean killed = false;
        int safety = 10; //don't delete more than this number of points at once
        do {
            killed = false;
            for (int p2 = p1 + 1; p2 < p3; p2++) {
                double dx1 = xpf != null ? xpf[p2] - xpf[p1] : xp[p2] - xp[p1];
                double dy1 = xpf != null ? ypf[p2] - ypf[p1] : yp[p2] - yp[p1];
                double dx2 = xpf != null ? xpf[p3] - xpf[p1] : xp[p3] - xp[p1];
                double dy2 = xpf != null ? ypf[p3] - ypf[p1] : yp[p3] - yp[p1];
                double kk = 1;//allowed sharpness
                if (this instanceof FreehandRoi)
                    kk = 0.8;
                if ((dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) > kk * (dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2)) {
                    if (xpf != null) {
                        xpf[p2] = xpf[p3]; ypf[p2] = ypf[p3]; //replace sharp vertex with end point
                    } else {
                        xp[p2] = xp[p3]; yp[p2] = yp[p3];
                    p3 = p2;
                    nPoints = p2 + 1; //shorten array
                    killed = true;
        } while (killed && safety > 0);

    void drawRubberBand(int sx, int sy) {
        double oxd = offScreenXD(sx);
        double oyd = offScreenYD(sy);
        int ox = offScreenX(sx);
        int oy = offScreenY(sy);
        int x1, y1, x2, y2;
        if (xpf!=null) {
            x1 = (int)xpf[nPoints-2]+x;
            y1 = (int)ypf[nPoints-2]+y;
            x2 = (int)xpf[nPoints-1]+x;
            y2 = (int)ypf[nPoints-1]+y;
        } else {
            x1 = xp[nPoints-2]+x;
            y1 = yp[nPoints-2]+y;
            x2 = xp[nPoints-1]+x;
            y2 = yp[nPoints-1]+y;
        int xmin=Integer.MAX_VALUE, ymin=Integer.MAX_VALUE, xmax=0, ymax=0;
        if (x1<xmin) xmin=x1;
        if (x2<xmin) xmin=x2;
        if (ox<xmin) xmin=ox;
        if (x1>xmax) xmax=x1;
        if (x2>xmax) xmax=x2;
        if (ox>xmax) xmax=ox;
        if (y1<ymin) ymin=y1;
        if (y2<ymin) ymin=y2;
        if (oy<ymin) ymin=oy;
        if (y1>ymax) ymax=y1;
        if (y2>ymax) ymax=y2;
        if (oy>ymax) ymax=oy;
        int margin = boxSize;
        if (ic!=null) {
            double mag = ic.getMagnification();
            if (mag<1.0) margin = (int)(margin/mag);
        margin = (int)(margin+getStrokeWidth());
        if (IJ.altKeyDown())
        if (xpf!=null) {
            xpf[nPoints-1] = (float)(oxd-getXBase());
            ypf[nPoints-1] = (float)(oyd-getYBase());
        } else {
            xp[nPoints-1] = ox-x;
            yp[nPoints-1] = oy-y;
        if (type==POLYLINE && Prefs.splineFitLines) {
        } else
            imp.draw(xmin-margin, ymin-margin, (xmax-xmin)+margin*2, (ymax-ymin)+margin*2);

    void finishPolygon() {
        if (xpf!=null) {
            double xbase0 = getXBase();
            double ybase0 = getYBase();
            FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints);
            bounds = poly.getFloatBounds();
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {         //xpf, ypf have lowest value of 0.0 sharp
                xpf[i] -= (float)bounds.x;          //(bounds.x, bounds.y will be adjusted accordingly)
                ypf[i] -= (float)bounds.y;
            if (xSpline!=null) {
                for (int i=0; i<splinePoints; i++) {
                    xSpline[i] += (float)(xbase0 - bounds.x);
                    ySpline[i] += (float)(ybase0 - bounds.y);
            setIntBounds(bounds);                   //all points must be within the integer bounding rectangle
        } else {
            Polygon poly = new Polygon(xp, yp, nPoints);
            Rectangle r = poly.getBounds();
            x = r.x;
            y = r.y;
            width = r.width;
            height = r.height;
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                xp[i] = xp[i]-x;
                yp[i] = yp[i]-y;
            if (useLineSubpixelConvention()) {
                width++; height++;   //for open polylines & PointRois, include the pixels affected by 'draw'
            bounds = null;
        if (nPoints<2 || (!(type==FREELINE||type==POLYLINE||type==ANGLE) && (nPoints<3||width==0||height==0))) {
            if (imp!=null) imp.deleteRoi();
            if (type!=POINT) return;
        state = NORMAL;
        if (imp!=null && !(type==TRACED_ROI))
            imp.draw(x-5, y-5, width+10, height+10);
        oldX=x; oldY=y; oldWidth=width; oldHeight=height;
        if (Recorder.record && userCreated && (type==POLYGON||type==POLYLINE||type==ANGLE
            Recorder.recordRoi(getPolygon(), type);
        if (type!=POINT) modifyRoi();
        updateFullWindow = true;

    public void exitConstructingMode() {
        if (type==POLYLINE && state==CONSTRUCTING) {

    protected void moveHandle(int sx, int sy) {
        if (constrain) {  // constrain in 90deg steps
            int dx = sx - previousSX;
            int dy = sy - previousSY;
            if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy))
                dy = 0;
                dx = 0;
            sx = previousSX + dx;
            sy = previousSY + dy;

        if (clipboard!=null) return;

        int ox = offScreenX(sx);
        int oy = offScreenY(sy);
        if (xpf!=null) {
            xpf[activeHandle] = (float)(offScreenXD(sx)-getXBase());
            ypf[activeHandle] = (float)(offScreenYD(sy)-getYBase());
        } else {
            xp[activeHandle] = ox-x;
            yp[activeHandle] = oy-y;
        if (xSpline!=null) {
        } else {
            if (!subPixelResolution() || (type==POINT&&nPoints==1))
            if (type==POINT && width==0 && height==0)
                {width=1; height=1;}
        String angle = type==ANGLE?getAngleAsString():"";
        IJ.showStatus(imp.getLocationAsString(ox,oy) + angle);

   /** After handle is moved, find clip rect and repaint. */
   void updateClipRectAndDraw() {
        if (xpf!=null) {
            xp = toInt(xpf, xp, nPoints);
            yp = toInt(ypf, yp, nPoints);
        int xmin=Integer.MAX_VALUE, ymin=Integer.MAX_VALUE, xmax=0, ymax=0;
        int x2, y2;
        if (activeHandle>0)
           {x2=x+xp[activeHandle-1]; y2=y+yp[activeHandle-1];}
           {x2=x+xp[nPoints-1]; y2=y+yp[nPoints-1];}
        if (x2<xmin) xmin = x2;
        if (y2<ymin) ymin = y2;
        if (x2>xmax) xmax = x2;
        if (y2>ymax) ymax = y2;
        x2=x+xp[activeHandle]; y2=y+yp[activeHandle];
        if (x2<xmin) xmin = x2;
        if (y2<ymin) ymin = y2;
        if (x2>xmax) xmax = x2;
        if (y2>ymax) ymax = y2;
        if (activeHandle<nPoints-1)
           {x2=x+xp[activeHandle+1]; y2=y+yp[activeHandle+1];}
           {x2=x+xp[0]; y2=y+yp[0];}
        if (x2<xmin) xmin = x2;
        if (y2<ymin) ymin = y2;
        if (x2>xmax) xmax = x2;
        if (y2>ymax) ymax = y2;
        int xmin2=xmin, ymin2=ymin, xmax2=xmax, ymax2=ymax;
        if (xClipMin<xmin2) xmin2 = xClipMin;
        if (yClipMin<ymin2) ymin2 = yClipMin;
        if (xClipMax>xmax2) xmax2 = xClipMax;
        if (yClipMax>ymax2) ymax2 = yClipMax;
        xClipMin=xmin; yClipMin=ymin; xClipMax=xmax; yClipMax=ymax;
        double mag = ic.getMagnification();
        int handleSize = type==POINT?getHandleSize()+25:getHandleSize();
        double strokeWidth = getStrokeWidth();
        if (strokeWidth<1.0) strokeWidth=1.0;
        if (handleSize<strokeWidth && isLine())
            handleSize = (int)strokeWidth;
        int m = mag<1.0?(int)(handleSize/mag):handleSize;
        m = (int)(m*strokeWidth);
        imp.draw(xmin2-m, ymin2-m, xmax2-xmin2+m*2, ymax2-ymin2+m*2);

    protected void resetBoundingRect() {
        if (xpf!=null) {
            xp = toInt(xpf, xp, nPoints);
            yp = toInt(ypf, yp, nPoints);
        int xmin=Integer.MAX_VALUE, xmax=-xmin, ymin=xmin, ymax=xmax;
        int xx, yy;
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xx = xp[i];
            if (xx<xmin) xmin=xx;
            if (xx>xmax) xmax=xx;
            yy = yp[i];
            if (yy<ymin) ymin=yy;
            if (yy>ymax) ymax=yy;
        if (xmin!=0) {
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
                xp[i] -= xmin;
        if (ymin!=0) {
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++)
                yp[i] -= ymin;
        //IJ.log("reset: "+ymin+" "+before+" "+yp[0]);
        x+=xmin; y+=ymin;
        width=xmax-xmin; height=ymax-ymin;
        if (useLineSubpixelConvention()) {
            width++; height++;    //for open polylines & PointRois, include the pixels affected by 'draw'
        bounds = null;

    private void resetSubPixelBoundingRect() {
        //IJ.log("resetSubPixelBoundingRect: "+state+" "+bounds);
        if (xSpline!=null) {
        float xbase = (float)getXBase();
        float ybase = (float)getYBase();
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xpf[i] = xpf[i]+xbase;
            ypf[i] = ypf[i]+ybase;
        FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints);
        bounds = poly.getFloatBounds();
        xbase = (float)bounds.x;
        ybase = (float)bounds.y;
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xpf[i] -= xbase;
            ypf[i] -= ybase;

    private void resetSplineFitBoundingRect() {
        if (splinePoints==0)
        float xbase = (float)getXBase();
        float ybase = (float)getYBase();
        float xSpline0 = xSpline[0];
        float ySpline0 = ySpline[0];
        for (int i=0; i<splinePoints; i++) {
            xSpline[i] = xSpline[i]+xbase;
            ySpline[i] = ySpline[i]+ybase;
        FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints);
        bounds = poly.getFloatBounds();
        xbase = (float)bounds.x;
        ybase = (float)bounds.y;
        for (int i=0; i<splinePoints; i++) {
            xSpline[i] -= xbase;
            ySpline[i] -= ybase;
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xpf[i] -= xSpline0 - xSpline[0];
            ypf[i] -= ySpline0 - ySpline[0];

    String getAngleAsString() {
        double angle1 = 0.0;
        double angle2 = 0.0;
        if (xpf!=null) {
            angle1 = getFloatAngle(xpf[0], ypf[0], xpf[1], ypf[1]);
            angle2 = getFloatAngle(xpf[1], ypf[1], xpf[2], ypf[2]);
        } else {
            angle1 = getFloatAngle(xp[0], yp[0], xp[1], yp[1]);
            angle2 = getFloatAngle(xp[1], yp[1], xp[2], yp[2]);
        degrees = Math.abs(180-Math.abs(angle1-angle2));
        if (degrees>180.0)
            degrees = 360.0-degrees;
        double degrees2 = Prefs.reflexAngle&&type==ANGLE?360.0-degrees:degrees;
        return ", angle=" + IJ.d2s(degrees2);

   protected void mouseDownInHandle(int handle, int sx, int sy) {
        if (state==CONSTRUCTING)
        int ox = offScreenX(sx);
        int oy = offScreenY(sy);
        double oxd = offScreenXD(sx);
        double oyd = offScreenYD(sy);
        if ((IJ.altKeyDown()||IJ.controlKeyDown()) && !(nPoints<=3 && type!=POINT) && !(this instanceof RotatedRectRoi)) {
            deleteHandle(oxd, oyd);
        } else if (IJ.shiftKeyDown() && type!=POINT && !(this instanceof RotatedRectRoi)) {
            addHandle(oxd, oyd);
        super.mouseDownInHandle(handle, sx, sy); //sets state, activeHandle, previousSX&Y
        int m = ic!=null?(int)(10.0/ic.getMagnification()):1;
        xClipMin=ox-m; yClipMin=oy-m; xClipMax=ox+m; yClipMax=oy+m;

    public void deleteHandle(double ox, double oy) {
        if (imp==null)
        if (nPoints<=1) {
        boolean splineFit = xSpline!=null;
        if (splineFit)
        FloatPolygon points = getFloatPolygon();
        int pointToDelete = getClosestPoint(ox, oy, points);
        if (pointToDelete>=0) {
            if (splineFit)

    protected void deletePoint(int index) {
        if (index<0 || index>=nPoints)
        for (int i=index; i<nPoints-1; i++) {
            if (xp!=null) {
                xp[i] = xp[i+1];
                yp[i] = yp[i+1];
            if (xp2!=null) {
                xp2[i] = xp2[i+1];
                yp2[i] = yp2[i+1];
            if (xpf!=null) {
                xpf[i] = xpf[i+1];
                ypf[i] = ypf[i+1];

    void addHandle(double ox, double oy) {
        if (imp==null || type==ANGLE) return;
        boolean splineFit = xSpline != null;
        xSpline = null;
        FloatPolygon points = getFloatPolygon();
        int n = points.npoints;
        modState = NO_MODS;
        Roi prevRoi = Roi.getPreviousRoi();
        if (prevRoi!=null) prevRoi.modState = NO_MODS;
        int pointToDuplicate = getClosestPoint(ox, oy, points);
        if (pointToDuplicate<0)
        FloatPolygon points2 = new FloatPolygon();
        for (int i2=0; i2<n; i2++) {
            if (i2==pointToDuplicate) {
                int i1 = i2-1;
                if (i1==-1) i1 = isLine()?i2:n-1;
                int i3 = i2+1;
                if (i3==n) i3 = isLine()?i2:0;
                double x1 = points.xpoints[i1]  + 2*(points.xpoints[i2] - points.xpoints[i1])/3;
                double y1 = points.ypoints[i1] + 2*(points.ypoints[i2] - points.ypoints[i1])/3;
                double x2 = points.xpoints[i2] + (points.xpoints[i3] - points.xpoints[i2])/3;
                double y2 = points.ypoints[i2] + (points.ypoints[i3] - points.ypoints[i2])/3;
                points2.addPoint(x1, y1);
                points2.addPoint(x2, y2);
            } else
                points2.addPoint(points.xpoints[i2], points.ypoints[i2]);
        if (type==POINT)
            imp.setRoi(new PointRoi(points2));
        else {
            if (splineFit)
            if (imp!=null) imp.draw();

    private void setPolygon(FloatPolygon p2) {
        nPoints = p2.npoints;
        if (nPoints>=maxPoints)
        float xbase = (float)getXBase();
        float ybase = (float)getYBase();
        if (xp==null) {
            xp = new int[maxPoints];
            yp = new int[maxPoints];
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            xp[i] = (int)(p2.xpoints[i]-x);
            yp[i] = (int)(p2.ypoints[i]-y);
            if (xpf!=null) {
                xpf[i] = p2.xpoints[i] - xbase;
                ypf[i] = p2.ypoints[i] - ybase;

    protected int getClosestPoint(double x, double y, FloatPolygon points) {
        int index = -1;
        double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i=0; i<points.npoints; i++) {
            double dx = points.xpoints[i] - x;
            double dy = points.ypoints[i] - y;
            double distance2 = dx*dx+dy*dy;
            if (distance2<distance) {
                distance = distance2;
                index = i;
        return index;

    /** Fits a spline, which becomes the new shape of this Roi */
    public void fitSpline(int evaluationPoints) {
        float[][] spline = getSpline(evaluationPoints, xSpline, ySpline);
        setSpline(spline[0], spline[1]);

    /** Sets the spline as a new shape of this Roi */
    void setSpline(float[] xSpline, float[] ySpline) {
        this.xSpline = xSpline;
        this.ySpline = ySpline;
        splinePoints = xSpline.length;
        cachedMask = null;
        // update protected xp and yp arrays for backward compatibility
        xp = toInt(xpf, xp, nPoints);
        yp = toInt(ypf, yp, nPoints);
        if (state==NORMAL)

    /** Fits a spline, but leaves the Roi unchanged.
     *  The arrays supplied (which may be null) are reused if the number of spline
     *  points remains unchanged.
     *  @return Arrays of x coordinates and y coordinates */
    float[][] getSpline(int evaluationPoints, float[] xSpline, float[] ySpline) {
        if (xpf==null) {
            xpf = toFloat(xp);
            ypf = toFloat(yp);
        if (xSpline==null || xSpline.length!=evaluationPoints)
            xSpline = new float[evaluationPoints];
        if (ySpline==null || ySpline.length!=evaluationPoints)
            ySpline = new float[evaluationPoints];
        int nNodes = isLine() ? nPoints : nPoints+1;
        double length = getUncalibratedLength();
        float[] nodePositions = new float[nNodes];
        float lastNodePosition = 0f;        //independent coordinate for x & y-splines,
        nodePositions[0] = 0f;              //incremented by the sqrt of the distance between points
        for (int i=1; i<nPoints; i++) {
            float dx = xpf[i] - xpf[i-1];
            float dy = ypf[i] - ypf[i-1];
            float dLength = (float)Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy));
            if (dLength < 0.001f) dLength = 0.001f; //avoid numerical problems with duplicate points
            lastNodePosition += dLength;
            nodePositions[i] = lastNodePosition;
        if (!isLine()) {                    //closed polygon: close the line
            float dx = xpf[nPoints-1] - xpf[0];
            float dy = ypf[nPoints-1] - ypf[0];
            float dLength = (float)Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy));
            if (dLength < 0.001f) dLength = 0.001f;
            lastNodePosition += dLength;
            nodePositions[nNodes-1] = lastNodePosition;
            if (xpf.length < nNodes) enlargeArrays(nNodes);
            xpf[nNodes-1] = xpf[0];
            ypf[nNodes-1] = ypf[0];
        SplineFitter sfx = new SplineFitter(nodePositions, xpf, nNodes, !isLine());
        SplineFitter sfy = new SplineFitter(nodePositions, ypf, nNodes, !isLine());

        // Evaluate the splines at all points
        double scale = (double)lastNodePosition/(evaluationPoints-1);
        for(int i=0; i<evaluationPoints; i++) {
            double xvalue = i*scale;
            xSpline[i] = (float)sfx.evalSpline(xvalue);
            ySpline[i] = (float)sfy.evalSpline(xvalue);
        return new float[][] {xSpline, ySpline};

    /** Fits a spline, which becomes the new shape of this Roi */
    public void fitSpline() {
        double length = getUncalibratedLength();
        int evaluationPoints = (int)(length/2.0);
        if (ic!=null) {
            double mag = ic.getMagnification();
            if (mag<1.0)
                evaluationPoints *= mag;;
        if (evaluationPoints<100)
            evaluationPoints = 100;

    public void removeSplineFit() {
        xSpline = null;
        ySpline = null;

    /** Returns 'true' if this selection has been fitted with a spline. */
    public boolean isSplineFit() {
        return xSpline!=null;

    /** Creates a spline fitted polygon with (roughly) one pixel segment lengths
        and sets it as the Roi shape.
        It can be retrieved using the getFloatPolygon() method. */
    public void fitSplineForStraightening() {
         //create preliminary finer splines with half-pixel steps (these do not change asynchronously)
        float[][] spline = getSpline((int)(getUncalibratedLength()*2)+1, null, null);
        spline = getEquidistantPoints(spline[0], spline[1], spline[0].length, 1.0, null);
        setSpline(spline[0], spline[1]);

    /** Interpolates an open polgonial shape to get line segments of (roughly) length 'segmentLength',
     *  and returns arrays of x & y coordinates.
     *  Since the full length is not necessarily an integer multiple of 'segmentLength',
     *  the segmentLength actually used is returned as array element [2][0].
     *  If the ImagePlus is given, calibrated coordinates are used, based on its calibration,
     *  and 'segmentLength' should be in calibrated units.
     *  Returns null if an input array is null, or the number of points is 0 */
    static float[][] getEquidistantPoints(float[] xpoints, float[] ypoints, int npoints, double segmentLength, ImagePlus imp) {
        if (xpoints==null || xpoints==null || npoints <= 0) return null;
        if (xpoints.length < npoints) npoints = xpoints.length; // arguments might be inconsistent due to asynchronous modification
        if (ypoints.length < npoints) npoints = ypoints.length;
        double length = getLength(xpoints, ypoints, npoints, /*closeShape=*/false, imp);
        int npOut = (int)Math.round(length/segmentLength)+1;
        double step = length/(npOut-1);                  //as close to one pixel as we can get
        float[] xpOut = new float[npOut];
        float[] ypOut = new float[npOut];
        double pixelWidth = 1.0, pixelHeight = 1.0;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            pixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
            pixelHeight = cal.pixelHeight;
        xpOut[0] = xpoints[0];
        ypOut[0] = ypoints[0];
        double lengthRead = 0;   //total arc length read from the preliminary spline
        int pointsWritten = 1;
        double x1, y1;
        double x2 = xpoints[0], y2 = ypoints[0];
        for (int i=1; i<npoints; i++) {
            x1=x2; y1=y2;
            x2=xpoints[i]; y2=ypoints[i];
            double dx = x2-x1;
            double dy = y2-y1;
            double distance = Math.sqrt(sqr(dx*pixelWidth) + sqr(dy*pixelHeight));
            lengthRead += distance;
            double distanceOverNextWrite = lengthRead - pointsWritten*step;
            while ((distanceOverNextWrite >= 0.0 || i==npoints-1) && pointsWritten < npOut) {  // we have to write a new point
                double fractionOverNextWrite = distanceOverNextWrite/distance;
                if (distance==0) fractionOverNextWrite = 0;
                //IJ.log("i="+i+" n="+pointsWritten+"/"+npOut+" leng="+IJ.d2s(lengthRead)+"/"+IJ.d2s(length)+" done="+IJ.d2s(pointsWritten*step)+" over="+IJ.d2s(fractionOverNextWrite)+" x,y="+IJ.d2s(x2 - fractionOverNextWrite*dx)+","+IJ.d2s(y2 - fractionOverNextWrite*dy));
                xpOut[pointsWritten] = (float)(x2 - fractionOverNextWrite*dx);
                ypOut[pointsWritten] = (float)(y2 - fractionOverNextWrite*dy);
                distanceOverNextWrite -= step;
        return new float[][] {xpOut, ypOut, new float[] {(float)step}};

    /** With segmented selections, ignore first mouse up and finalize
        when user double-clicks, control-clicks or clicks in start box. */
    protected void handleMouseUp(int sx, int sy) {
        if (state==MOVING) {
            state = NORMAL;
        if (state==MOVING_HANDLE) {
            cachedMask = null; //mask is no longer valid
            state = NORMAL;
            oldX=x; oldY=y;
            oldWidth=width; oldHeight=height;
            if (subPixelResolution())
        if (state!=CONSTRUCTING)
        if (IJ.spaceBarDown()) // is user scrolling image?
        boolean samePoint = false;
        if (xpf!=null)
            samePoint = (xpf[nPoints-2]==xpf[nPoints-1] && ypf[nPoints-2]==ypf[nPoints-1]);
            samePoint = (xp[nPoints-2]==xp[nPoints-1] && yp[nPoints-2]==yp[nPoints-1]);
        boolean doubleClick = (System.currentTimeMillis()-mouseUpTime)<=300;
        int size = boxSize+2;
        int size2 = boxSize/2 +1;
        Rectangle biggerStartBox = new Rectangle(screenXD(startXD)-5, screenYD(startYD)-5, 10, 10);
        if (nPoints>2 && (biggerStartBox.contains(sx, sy)
        || (offScreenXD(sx)==startXD && offScreenYD(sy)==startYD)
        || (samePoint && doubleClick))) {
            boolean okayToFinish = true;
            if (type==POLYGON && samePoint && doubleClick && nPoints>25) {
                okayToFinish = IJ.showMessageWithCancel("Polygon Tool", "Complete the selection?");
            if (okayToFinish) {
        } else if (!samePoint) {
            mouseUpTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (type==ANGLE && nPoints==3) {
            //add point to polygon
            if (xpf!=null) {
                xpf[nPoints] = xpf[nPoints-1];
                ypf[nPoints] = ypf[nPoints-1];
                if (nPoints==xpf.length)
            } else {
                xp[nPoints] = xp[nPoints-1];
                yp[nPoints] = yp[nPoints-1];
                if (nPoints==xp.length)
            if (constrain) {  // this point was constrained in 90deg steps; correct coordinates
                int dx = sx - previousSX;
                int dy = sy - previousSY;
                if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy))
                    dy = 0;
                    dx = 0;
                sx = previousSX + dx;
                sy = previousSY + dy;
            previousSX = sx;  //save for constraining next line if desired
            previousSY = sy;

    protected void addOffset() {
        if (xpf!=null) {
            float xbase = (float)getXBase();
            float ybase = (float)getYBase();
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                xpf[i] = xpf[i]+xbase;
                ypf[i] = ypf[i]+ybase;
        } else {
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                xp[i] = xp[i]+x;
                yp[i] = yp[i]+y;
    /** Returns whether the center of pixel (x,y) is contained in the Roi.
     *  The position of a pixel center determines whether a pixel is selected.
     *  Note the ImageJ convention of 0.5 pixel shift between outline and pixel centers,
     *  i.e., pixel (0,0) is enclosed by the rectangle spanned between (0,0) and (1,1).
     *  Points exactly at the left (right) border are considered outside (inside);
     *  points exactly on horizontal borders, are considered outside (inside) at the border
     *  with the lower (higher) y.
     *  This convention is opposite to that of the java.awt.Shape class.
     *  In x, the offset is chosen slightly below 0.5 to reduce the impact of numerical
     *  errors. */
    public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
        if (!super.contains(x, y))
            return false;
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints);
            return poly.contains(x - getXBase() + 0.4999, y - getYBase() + 0.5);
        } else if (xpf!=null) {
            FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints);
            return poly.contains(x - getXBase() + 0.4999, y - getYBase() + 0.5);
        } else {
            Polygon poly = new Polygon(xp, yp, nPoints);
            return poly.contains(x - this.x + 0.4999, y - this.y + 0.5);

    /** Returns whether coordinate (x,y) is contained in the Roi.
     *  Note that the coordinate (0,0) is the top-left corner of pixel (0,0).
     *  Use contains(int, int) to determine whether a given pixel is contained in the Roi. */
    public boolean containsPoint(double x, double y) {
        if (!super.containsPoint(x, y))
            return false;
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints);
            return poly.contains(x - getXBase() +1e-7, y - getYBase() + 1e-10);
        } else if (xpf!=null) {
            FloatPolygon poly = new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints);
            return poly.contains(x - getXBase() + 1e-7, y - getYBase() + 1e-10);
        } else {
            Polygon poly = new Polygon(xp, yp, nPoints);
            return poly.contains(x - this.x + 1e-7, y - this.y + 1e-10);

    /** Returns a handle number if the specified screen coordinates are
        inside or near a handle, otherwise returns -1. */
    public int isHandle(int sx, int sy) {
        if (!(xSpline!=null||type==POLYGON||type==POLYLINE||type==ANGLE||type==POINT)||clipboard!=null)
           return -1;
        int size = getHandleSize()+5;
        int halfSize = size/2;
        int handle = -1;
        int sx2, sy2;
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            sx2 = xp2[i]-halfSize; sy2=yp2[i]-halfSize;
            if (sx>=sx2 && sx<=sx2+size && sy>=sy2 && sy<=sy2+size) {
                handle = i;
        return handle;

    public ImageProcessor getMask() {
        ImageProcessor mask = cachedMask;
        if (mask!=null && mask.getPixels()!=null
        && mask.getWidth()==width && mask.getHeight()==height)
            return mask;
        PolygonFiller pf = new PolygonFiller();
        if (xSpline!=null)
            pf.setPolygon(xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints, getXBase()-x, getYBase()-y);
        else if (xpf!=null)
            pf.setPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints, getXBase()-x, getYBase()-y);
            pf.setPolygon(xp, yp, nPoints);
        mask = pf.getMask(width, height);
        cachedMask = mask;
        return mask;

    /** Returns the length of this line selection after
        smoothing using a 3-point running average.*/
    double getSmoothedLineLength(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (subPixelResolution() && xpf!=null)
            return getFloatSmoothedLineLength(imp);
        double length = 0.0;
        double w2 = 1.0;
        double h2 = 1.0;
        double dx, dy;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            w2 = cal.pixelWidth*cal.pixelWidth;
            h2 = cal.pixelHeight*cal.pixelHeight;
        dx = (xp[0]+xp[1]+xp[2])/3.0-xp[0];
        dy = (yp[0]+yp[1]+yp[2])/3.0-yp[0];
        length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        for (int i=1; i<nPoints-2; i++) {
            dx = (xp[i+2]-xp[i-1])/3.0; // = (x[i]+x[i+1]+x[i+2])/3-(x[i-1]+x[i]+x[i+1])/3
            dy = (yp[i+2]-yp[i-1])/3.0; // = (y[i]+y[i+1]+y[i+2])/3-(y[i-1]+y[i]+y[i+1])/3
            length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        dx = xp[nPoints-1]-(xp[nPoints-3]+xp[nPoints-2]+xp[nPoints-1])/3.0;
        dy = yp[nPoints-1]-(yp[nPoints-3]+yp[nPoints-2]+yp[nPoints-1])/3.0;
        length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        return length;

    double getFloatSmoothedLineLength(ImagePlus imp) {
        double length = 0.0;
        double w2 = 1.0;
        double h2 = 1.0;
        double dx, dy;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            w2 = cal.pixelWidth*cal.pixelWidth;
            h2 = cal.pixelHeight*cal.pixelHeight;
        dx = (xpf[0]+xpf[1]+xpf[2])/3.0-xpf[0];
        dy = (ypf[0]+ypf[1]+ypf[2])/3.0-ypf[0];
        length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        for (int i=1; i<nPoints-2; i++) {
            dx = (xpf[i+2]-xpf[i-1])/3.0;
            dy = (ypf[i+2]-ypf[i-1])/3.0;
            length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        dx = xpf[nPoints-1]-(xpf[nPoints-3]+xpf[nPoints-2]+xpf[nPoints-1])/3.0;
        dy = ypf[nPoints-1]-(ypf[nPoints-3]+ypf[nPoints-2]+ypf[nPoints-1])/3.0;
        length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        return length;

    /** Returns the perimeter of this ROI after
        smoothing using a 3-point running average.*/
    double getSmoothedPerimeter(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (subPixelResolution() && xpf!=null)
            return getFloatSmoothedPerimeter(imp);
        double length = getSmoothedLineLength(imp);
        double w2=1.0, h2=1.0;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            w2 = cal.pixelWidth*cal.pixelWidth;
            h2 = cal.pixelHeight*cal.pixelHeight;
        double dx = xp[nPoints-1]-xp[0];
        double dy = yp[nPoints-1]-yp[0];
        length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        return length;

    double getFloatSmoothedPerimeter(ImagePlus imp) {
        double length = getSmoothedLineLength(imp);
        double w2=1.0, h2=1.0;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            w2 = cal.pixelWidth*cal.pixelWidth;
            h2 = cal.pixelHeight*cal.pixelHeight;
        double dx = xpf[nPoints-1]-xpf[0];
        double dy = ypf[nPoints-1]-ypf[0];
        length += Math.sqrt(dx*dx*w2+dy*dy*h2);
        return length;

    /** Returns the perimeter length of ROIs created using the wand tool
     *  and the particle analyzer. The algorithm counts pixels in straight edges
     *  as 1 and pixels in corners as sqrt(2).
     *  It does this by calculating the total length of the ROI boundary and subtracting
     *  2-sqrt(2) for each non-adjacent corner. For example, a 1x1 pixel
     *  ROI has a boundary length of 4 and 2 non-adjacent edges so the
     *  perimeter is 4-2*(2-sqrt(2)). A 2x2 pixel ROI has a boundary length
     *  of 8 and 4 non-adjacent edges so the perimeter is 8-4*(2-sqrt(2)).
     *  Note that this code can currently create inconsistent legths depending on
     *  the starting position.
    double getTracedPerimeter(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (xp==null)
            return Double.NaN;
        if (nPoints < 4) return 0;
        int sumdx = 0;
        int sumdy = 0;
        int nCorners = 0;
        int dx1 = xp[0] - xp[nPoints-1];
        int dy1 = yp[0] - yp[nPoints-1];
        int side1 = Math.abs(dx1) + Math.abs(dy1); //one of these is 0
        boolean corner = false;
        int nexti, dx2, dy2, side2;
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            nexti = i+1;
            if (nexti==nPoints)
              nexti = 0;
            dx2 = xp[nexti] - xp[i];
            dy2 = yp[nexti] - yp[i];
            sumdx += Math.abs(dx1);
            sumdy += Math.abs(dy1);
            side2 = Math.abs(dx2) + Math.abs(dy2);
            if (side1>1 || !corner) {
              corner = true;
            } else
              corner = false;
            dx1 = dx2;
            dy1 = dy2;
            side1 = side2;
        double w=1.0,h=1.0;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            w = cal.pixelWidth;
            h = cal.pixelHeight;
        return sumdx*w+sumdy*h-(nCorners*((w+h)-Math.sqrt(w*w+h*h)));

    /** Returns the perimeter (for ROIs) or length (for lines).*/
    public double getLength() {
        return getLength(imp);

    public double getUncalibratedLength() {
        return getLength(null);

    /** Returns the perimeter (for ROIs) or length (for lines), using calibration if imp is not null */
    double getLength(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (isTraced())
            return getTracedPerimeter(imp);

        if (nPoints>2) {
            if (type==FREEROI)
                return getSmoothedPerimeter(imp);
            else if (type==FREELINE && !(width==0 || height==0))
                return getSmoothedLineLength(imp);

        boolean closeShape = isArea();
        if (xSpline!=null)
            return getLength(xSpline, ySpline, splinePoints, closeShape, imp);
        else if (xpf!=null)
            return getLength(xpf, ypf, nPoints, closeShape, imp);
            return getLength(xp, yp, nPoints, closeShape, imp);
    /** Returns 'true' if this ROI was created using
     *  the wand tool or the particle analyzer.
    private boolean isTraced() {
        if (type==TRACED_ROI)
            return true;
        else if (type!=POLYGON)
            return false;
        else if (xp==null) {
            if (xpf==null)
                return false;
            for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
                int nexti = i+1;
                if (nexti==nPoints)
                  nexti = 0;
                if (!((xpf[nexti]-xpf[i])==0||(ypf[nexti]-ypf[i])==0))
                    return false;
                if ((xpf[i]!=(int)xpf[i])||(ypf[i]!=(int)ypf[i]))
                    return false;
            xp = toInt(xpf, xp, nPoints);
            yp = toInt(ypf, yp, nPoints);
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            int nexti = i+1;
            if (nexti==nPoints)
              nexti = 0;
            if (!((xp[nexti]-xp[i])==0||(yp[nexti]-yp[i])==0))
                return false;
        return true;

    /** Returns the length of a polygon with integer coordinates. Uses no calibration if imp is null. */
    static double getLength(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints, boolean closeShape, ImagePlus imp) {
        if (npoints < 2) return 0;
        double pixelWidth = 1.0, pixelHeight = 1.0;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            pixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
            pixelHeight = cal.pixelHeight;
        double length = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<npoints-1; i++)
            length += Math.sqrt(sqr((xpoints[i+1] - xpoints[i])*pixelWidth) +
                    sqr((ypoints[i+1] - ypoints[i])*pixelHeight));
        if (closeShape)
            length += Math.sqrt(sqr((xpoints[0] - xpoints[npoints-1])*pixelWidth) +
                    sqr((ypoints[0] - ypoints[npoints-1])*pixelHeight));
        return length;

    /** Returns the length of a polygon with float coordinates. Uses no calibration if imp is null. */
    static double getLength(float[] xpoints, float[] ypoints, int npoints, boolean closeShape, ImagePlus imp) {
        if (npoints < 2) return 0;
        double pixelWidth = 1.0, pixelHeight = 1.0;
        if (imp!=null) {
            Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
            pixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
            pixelHeight = cal.pixelHeight;
        double length = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<npoints-1; i++)
            length += Math.sqrt(sqr((xpoints[i+1] - xpoints[i])*pixelWidth) +
                    sqr((ypoints[i+1] - ypoints[i])*pixelHeight));
        if (closeShape)
            length += Math.sqrt(sqr((xpoints[0] - xpoints[npoints-1])*pixelWidth) +
                    sqr((ypoints[0] - ypoints[npoints-1])*pixelHeight));
        return length;

    /** Returns the angle in degrees between the first two segments of this polyline.*/
    public double getAngle() {
        return degrees;

    /** Returns the number of points that define this PolygonRoi.
        @see #getNonSplineCoordinates
    public int getNCoordinates() {
        if (xSpline!=null)
            return splinePoints;
            return nPoints;

    /** Obsolete; replaced by either getPolygon() or getFloatPolygon(). */
    public int[] getXCoordinates() {
        if (xSpline!=null)
            return toIntR(xSpline);
        else if (xpf!=null)
            return toIntR(xpf);
            return xp;

    /** Obsolete; replaced by either getPolygon() or getFloatPolygon(). */
    public int[] getYCoordinates() {
        if (xSpline!=null)
            return toIntR(ySpline);
        else if (ypf!=null)
            return toIntR(ypf);
            return yp;

    public Polygon getNonSplineCoordinates() {
        if (xpf!=null)
            return new Polygon(toIntR(xpf), toIntR(ypf), nPoints);
            return new Polygon(xp, yp, nPoints);

    public FloatPolygon getNonSplineFloatPolygon() {
        if (xpf!=null) {
            FloatPolygon p = (new FloatPolygon(xpf, ypf, nPoints)).duplicate();
            float xbase = (float)getXBase();
            float ybase = (float)getYBase();
            for (int i=0; i<p.npoints; i++) {
                p.xpoints[i] += xbase;
                p.ypoints[i] += ybase;
            return p;
        } else
            return getFloatPolygon();

    /** Returns this PolygonRoi as a Polygon.
        @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setRoi
        @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#drawPolygon
        @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#fillPolygon
    public Polygon getPolygon() {
        int n;
        int[] xpoints1, ypoints1;
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            n = splinePoints;
            xpoints1 = toInt(xSpline);
            ypoints1 = toInt(ySpline);
        } else if (xpf!=null) {
            n = nPoints;
            xpoints1 = toIntR(xpf);
            ypoints1 = toIntR(ypf);
        } else {
            n = nPoints;
            xpoints1 = xp;
            ypoints1 = yp;
        int[] xpoints2 = new int[n];
        int[] ypoints2 = new int[n];
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
            xpoints2[i] = xpoints1[i] + x;
            ypoints2[i] = ypoints1[i] + y;
        return new Polygon(xpoints2, ypoints2, n);

    /** Returns this polygon or polyline as float arrays in image pixel coordinates. */
    public FloatPolygon getFloatPolygon() {
        int n = xSpline!=null?splinePoints:nPoints;
        float[] xpoints2 = new float[n];
        float[] ypoints2 = new float[n];
        float xbase = (float)getXBase();
        float ybase = (float)getYBase();
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                xpoints2[i] = xSpline[i] + xbase;
                ypoints2[i] = ySpline[i] + ybase;
        } else if (xpf!=null) {
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                xpoints2[i] = xpf[i] + xbase;
                ypoints2[i] = ypf[i] + ybase;
        } else {
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                xpoints2[i] = xp[i] + x;
                ypoints2[i] = yp[i] + y;
        return new FloatPolygon(xpoints2, ypoints2, n);

    /** Returns the number of points in this selection; equivalent to getPolygon().npoints. */
    public int size() {
        return xSpline!=null?splinePoints:nPoints;

    public FloatPolygon getInterpolatedPolygon(double interval, boolean smooth) {
        FloatPolygon p = getFloatPolygon();
        if (smooth && (type==TRACED_ROI || type==FREEROI || type==FREELINE)) {
            for (int i=1; i<p.npoints-2; i++) {
                p.xpoints[i] = (p.xpoints[i-1]+p.xpoints[i]+p.xpoints[i+1])/3f;
                p.ypoints[i] = (p.ypoints[i-1]+p.ypoints[i]+p.ypoints[i+1])/3f;
            if (type!=FREELINE) {
                p.xpoints[0] = (p.xpoints[p.npoints-1]+p.xpoints[0]+p.xpoints[1])/3f;
                p.ypoints[0] = (p.ypoints[p.npoints-1]+p.ypoints[0]+p.ypoints[1])/3f;
                p.xpoints[p.npoints-1] = (p.xpoints[p.npoints-2]+p.xpoints[p.npoints-1]+p.xpoints[0])/3f;
                p.ypoints[p.npoints-1] = (p.ypoints[p.npoints-2]+p.ypoints[p.npoints-1]+p.ypoints[0])/3f;
        return super.getInterpolatedPolygon(p, interval, smooth);

    protected int clipRectMargin() {
        return type==POINT?4:0;

    /** Returns a copy of this PolygonRoi. */
    public synchronized Object clone() {
        PolygonRoi r = (PolygonRoi)super.clone();
        if (xpf!=null) {
            r.xpf = new float[maxPoints];
            r.ypf = new float[maxPoints];
        } else {
            r.xp = new int[maxPoints];
            r.yp = new int[maxPoints];
        r.xp2 = new int[maxPoints];
        r.yp2 = new int[maxPoints];
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            if (xpf!=null) {
                r.xpf[i] = xpf[i];
                r.ypf[i] = ypf[i];
            } else {
                r.xp[i] = xp[i];
                r.yp[i] = yp[i];
            r.xp2[i] = xp2[i];
            r.yp2[i] = yp2[i];
        if (xSpline!=null) {
            r.xSpline = new float[splinePoints];
            r.ySpline = new float[splinePoints];
            r.splinePoints = splinePoints;
            for (int i=0; i<splinePoints; i++) {
                r.xSpline[i] = xSpline[i];
                r.ySpline[i] = ySpline[i];
        return r;

    void enlargeArrays() {

    void enlargeArrays(int newSize) {
        if (xp!=null) {
            int[] xptemp = new int[newSize];
            int[] yptemp = new int[newSize];
            System.arraycopy(xp, 0, xptemp, 0, maxPoints);
            System.arraycopy(yp, 0, yptemp, 0, maxPoints);
            xp=xptemp; yp=yptemp;
        if (xpf!=null) {
            float[] xpftemp = new float[newSize];
            float[] ypftemp = new float[newSize];
            System.arraycopy(xpf, 0, xpftemp, 0, maxPoints);
            System.arraycopy(ypf, 0, ypftemp, 0, maxPoints);
            xpf=xpftemp; ypf=ypftemp;
        int[] xp2temp = new int[newSize];
        int[] yp2temp = new int[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(xp2, 0, xp2temp, 0, maxPoints);
        System.arraycopy(yp2, 0, yp2temp, 0, maxPoints);
        xp2=xp2temp; yp2=yp2temp;
        if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("PolygonRoi: "+maxPoints+" points -> "+newSize);
        maxPoints = newSize;

    public void setLocation(double x, double y) {
        super.setLocation(x, y);
        if ((int)x!=x || (int)y!=y)

    public void enableSubPixelResolution() {
        if (xpf==null && xp!=null) {
            xpf = toFloat(xp);
            ypf = toFloat(yp);

    public String getDebugInfo() {
        String s = "ROI Debug Properties\n";
        s += "  bounds: "+bounds+"\n";
        s += "  x,y,w,h: "+x+","+y+","+width+","+height+"\n";
        if (xpf!=null && xpf.length>0)
            s += "  xpf[0],ypf[0]: "+xpf[0]+","+ypf[0]+"\n";
        return s;
