Author: Jerome Mutterer (jerome.mutterer at History: 2014/12/18: First version
2015/02/04: Uses a dialog to select camera and desired resolution.
2015/08/28: Added calibration, saving prefs and display of fps in statusbar. Fixed error with no webcam plugged in. Thanks to Chris Elliott, added acquiring timelapse sequences.
2016/05/22: Added an option to display a live FFT spectrum.
2016/05/25: Added an option to process live images with a macro.
Source: Installation: Download, extract the "Webcam Capture" folder, copy it into the ImageJ plugins folder and restart ImageJ. Description: This is a simple video capture plugin based on the Webcam Capture library. It captures and displays images from your computer's default camera until you press the escape key. Unlike the QuickTime Capture plugin, and most other video capture plugins, it works on Mac OS X (32 or 64 bit), Windows and Linux. A short manual is available at