package ij.plugin;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.*;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;
import ij.macro.Interpreter;
public class ImageCalculator implements PlugIn {
private static String[] operators = {"Add","Subtract","Multiply","Divide", "AND", "OR", "XOR", "Min", "Max", "Average", "Difference", "Copy", "Transparent-zero"};
private static String[] lcOperators = {"add","sub","mul","div", "and", "or", "xor", "min", "max", "ave", "diff", "copy", "zero"};
private static int operator;
private static String title1 = "";
private static String title2 = "";
private static boolean createWindow = true;
private static boolean floatResult;
private boolean processStack;
public void run(String arg) {
int[] wList = WindowManager.getIDList();
if (wList==null) {
String[] titles = new String[wList.length];
for (int i=0; i<wList.length; i++) {
ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(wList[i]);
if (imp!=null)
titles[i] = imp.getTitle();
titles[i] = "";
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Image Calculator");
String defaultItem;
if (title1.equals(""))
defaultItem = titles[0];
defaultItem = title1;
gd.addChoice("Image1:", titles, defaultItem);
gd.addChoice("Operation:", operators, operators[operator]);
if (title2.equals(""))
defaultItem = titles[0];
defaultItem = title2;
gd.addChoice("Image2:", titles, defaultItem);
gd.addCheckbox("Create new window", createWindow);
gd.addCheckbox("32-bit (float) result", floatResult);
if (gd.wasCanceled())
int index1 = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
title1 = titles[index1];
operator = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
int index2 = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
createWindow = gd.getNextBoolean();
floatResult = gd.getNextBoolean();
title2 = titles[index2];
ImagePlus img1 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[index1]);
ImagePlus img2 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[index2]);
ImagePlus img3 = calculate(img1, img2, false);
if (img3!=null);
public ImagePlus run(String params, ImagePlus img1, ImagePlus img2) {
if (img1==null || img2==null || params==null) return null;
operator = getOperator(params);
if (operator==-1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid operator");
createWindow = params.indexOf("create")!=-1;
floatResult= params.indexOf("32")!=-1 || params.indexOf("float")!=-1;
processStack = params.indexOf("stack")!=-1;
return calculate(img1, img2, true);
public void calculate(String params, ImagePlus img1, ImagePlus img2) {
if (img1==null || img2==null || params==null) return;
operator = getOperator(params);
if (operator==-1)
{IJ.error("Image Calculator", "No valid operator"); return;}
createWindow = params.indexOf("create")!=-1;
floatResult= params.indexOf("32")!=-1 || params.indexOf("float")!=-1;
processStack = params.indexOf("stack")!=-1;
ImagePlus img3 = calculate(img1, img2, true);
if (img3!=null);
int getOperator(String params) {
params = params.toLowerCase();
int op= -1;
if (params.indexOf("xor")!=-1)
op = 6;
if (op==-1) {
for (int i=0; i<lcOperators.length; i++) {
if (params.indexOf(lcOperators[i])!=-1) {
op = i;
return op;
ImagePlus calculate(ImagePlus img1, ImagePlus img2, boolean apiCall) {
ImagePlus img3 = null;
if (img1.getCalibration().isSigned16Bit() || img2.getCalibration().isSigned16Bit())
floatResult = true;
if (floatResult && !(img1.getBitDepth()==32&&img2.getBitDepth()==32))
createWindow = true;
int size1 = img1.getStackSize();
int size2 = img2.getStackSize();
if (apiCall) {
if (processStack && (size1>1||size2>1))
img3 = doStackOperation(img1, img2);
img3 = doOperation(img1, img2);
return img3;
boolean stackOp = false;
if (size1>1) {
int result = IJ.setupDialog(img1, 0);
if (result==PlugInFilter.DONE)
return null;
if (result==PlugInFilter.DOES_STACKS) {
img3 = doStackOperation(img1, img2);
stackOp = true;
} else
img3 = doOperation(img1, img2);
} else
img3 = doOperation(img1, img2);
if (Recorder.record) {
String params = operators[operator];
if (createWindow) params += " create";
if (floatResult) params += " 32-bit";
if (stackOp) params += " stack";
if (Recorder.scriptMode()) {
Recorder.recordCall("ImageCalculator", "ic = new ImageCalculator();");
Recorder.recordCall("ImagePlus", "imp1 = WindowManager.getImage(\""+img1.getTitle()+"\");");
Recorder.recordCall("ImagePlus", "imp2 = WindowManager.getImage(\""+img2.getTitle()+"\");");
Recorder.recordCall("ImagePlus", "imp3 =\""+params+"\", imp1, imp2);");
} else
Recorder.record("imageCalculator", params, img1.getTitle(), img2.getTitle());
Recorder.setCommand(null); }
return img3;
ImagePlus doStackOperation(ImagePlus img1, ImagePlus img2) {
ImagePlus img3 = null;
int size1 = img1.getStackSize();
int size2 = img2.getStackSize();
if (size1>1 && size2>1 && size1!=size2) {
IJ.error("Image Calculator", "'Image1' and 'image2' must be stacks with the same\nnumber of slices, or 'image2' must be a single image.");
return null;
if (createWindow) {
img1 = duplicateStack(img1);
if (img1==null) {
IJ.error("Calculator", "Out of memory");
return null;
img3 = img1;
int mode = getBlitterMode();
ImageWindow win = img1.getWindow();
if (win!=null)
else if (Interpreter.isBatchMode() && !createWindow && WindowManager.getImage(img1.getID())!=null)
ImageStack stack1 = img1.getStack();
StackProcessor sp = new StackProcessor(stack1, img1.getProcessor());
try {
if (size2==1)
sp.copyBits(img2.getProcessor(), 0, 0, mode);
sp.copyBits(img2.getStack(), 0, 0, mode);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
IJ.error("\""+img1.getTitle()+"\": "+e.getMessage());
return null;
img1.setStack(null, stack1);
if (img1.getType()!=ImagePlus.GRAY8) {
if (img3==null)
return img3;
ImagePlus doOperation(ImagePlus img1, ImagePlus img2) {
ImagePlus img3 = null;
int mode = getBlitterMode();
ImageProcessor ip1 = img1.getProcessor();
ImageProcessor ip2 = img2.getProcessor();
Calibration cal1 = img1.getCalibration();
Calibration cal2 = img2.getCalibration();
if (createWindow)
ip1 = createNewImage(ip1, ip2);
else {
ImageWindow win = img1.getWindow();
if (win!=null)
else if (Interpreter.isBatchMode() && !createWindow && WindowManager.getImage(img1.getID())!=null)
Undo.setup(Undo.FILTER, img1);
if (floatResult) ip2 = ip2.convertToFloat();
try {
ip1.copyBits(ip2, 0, 0, mode);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
IJ.error("\""+img1.getTitle()+"\": "+e.getMessage());
return null;
if (!(ip1 instanceof ByteProcessor))
if (createWindow) {
img3 = new ImagePlus("Result of "+img1.getTitle(), ip1);
} else
return img3;
ImageProcessor createNewImage(ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2) {
int width = Math.min(ip1.getWidth(), ip2.getWidth());
int height = Math.min(ip1.getHeight(), ip2.getHeight());
ImageProcessor ip3 = ip1.createProcessor(width, height);
if (floatResult) {
ip1 = ip1.convertToFloat();
ip3 = ip3.convertToFloat();
ip3.insert(ip1, 0, 0);
return ip3;
private int getBlitterMode() {
int mode=0;
switch (operator) {
case 0: mode = Blitter.ADD; break;
case 1: mode = Blitter.SUBTRACT; break;
case 2: mode = Blitter.MULTIPLY; break;
case 3: mode = Blitter.DIVIDE; break;
case 4: mode = Blitter.AND; break;
case 5: mode = Blitter.OR; break;
case 6: mode = Blitter.XOR; break;
case 7: mode = Blitter.MIN; break;
case 8: mode = Blitter.MAX; break;
case 9: mode = Blitter.AVERAGE; break;
case 10: mode = Blitter.DIFFERENCE; break;
case 11: mode = Blitter.COPY; break;
case 12: mode = Blitter.COPY_ZERO_TRANSPARENT; break;
return mode;
ImagePlus duplicateStack(ImagePlus img1) {
Calibration cal = img1.getCalibration();
ImageStack stack1 = img1.getStack();
int width = stack1.getWidth();
int height = stack1.getHeight();
int n = stack1.getSize();
ImageStack stack2 = img1.createEmptyStack();
try {
for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) {
ImageProcessor ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i);
ImageProcessor ip2 = ip1.crop();
if (floatResult) {
ip2 = ip2.convertToFloat();
stack2.addSlice(stack1.getSliceLabel(i), ip2);
catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
stack2 = null;
return null;
ImagePlus img3 = new ImagePlus("Result of "+img1.getTitle(), stack2);
if (img3.getStackSize()==n) {
int[] dim = img1.getDimensions();
img3.setDimensions(dim[2], dim[3], dim[4]);
if (img1.isComposite()) {
img3 = new CompositeImage(img3, 0);
if (img1.isHyperStack())
return img3;