package ij.process;

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.Prefs;

This is an 8-bit image and methods that operate on that image. Based on the ImageProcessor class
from "KickAss Java Programming" by Tonny Espeset.
public class ByteProcessor extends ImageProcessor {

    static final int ERODE=10, DILATE=11;
    protected byte[] pixels;
    protected byte[] snapshotPixels;
    private int bgColor = 255; //white
    private boolean bgColorSet;
    private int min=0, max=255;
    private int binaryCount, binaryBackground;

    /**Creates a ByteProcessor from an AWT Image. */
    public ByteProcessor(Image img) {
        width = img.getWidth(null);
        height = img.getHeight(null);
        pixels = new byte[width * height];
        PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, width, height, false);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        cm = pg.getColorModel();
        if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel)
            pixels = (byte[])(pg.getPixels());
            System.err.println("ByteProcessor: not 8-bit image");
        if (((IndexColorModel)cm).getTransparentPixel()!=-1) {
            IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel)cm;
            int mapSize = icm.getMapSize();
            byte[] reds = new byte[mapSize];
            byte[] greens = new byte[mapSize];
            byte[] blues = new byte[mapSize];   
            cm = new IndexColorModel(8, mapSize, reds, greens, blues);

    /**Creates a blank ByteProcessor of the specified dimensions. */
    public ByteProcessor(int width, int height) {
        this(width, height, new byte[width*height], null);

    /**Creates a ByteProcessor from a byte array. */
    public ByteProcessor(int width, int height, byte[] pixels) {
        this(width, height, pixels, null);

    /**Creates a ByteProcessor from a pixel array and IndexColorModel. */
    public ByteProcessor(int width, int height, byte[] pixels, ColorModel cm) {
        if (pixels!=null && width*height!=pixels.length)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(WRONG_LENGTH);
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.pixels = pixels; = cm;

    /** Creates a ByteProcessor from a TYPE_BYTE_GRAY BufferedImage. */
    public ByteProcessor(BufferedImage bi) {
        if (bi.getType()!=BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type!=TYPE_BYTE_GRAYY");
        WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
        DataBuffer buffer = raster.getDataBuffer();
        pixels = ((DataBufferByte) buffer).getData();
        width = raster.getWidth();
        height = raster.getHeight();

    /** Creates a ByteProcessor from an ImageProcessor. 16-bit and 32-bit
     * pixel data are scaled from min-max to 0-255 if 'scale' is true.
     * @see ImageProcessor#convertToByteProcessor
     * @see ImageProcessor#convertToShortProcessor
     * @see ImageProcessor#convertToFloatProcessor
     * @see ImageProcessor#convertToColorProcessor
    public ByteProcessor(ImageProcessor ip, boolean scale) {
        ImageProcessor bp;
        if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor)
            bp = ip.duplicate();
            bp = ip.convertToByte(scale);
        this.width = bp.getWidth();
        this.height = bp.getHeight();
        this.pixels = (byte[])bp.getPixels(); = bp.getCurrentColorModel();

    public Image createImage() {
        if (cm==null) cm = getDefaultColorModel();
        if (ij.IJ.isJava16()) return createBufferedImage();
        if (source==null) {
            source = new MemoryImageSource(width, height, cm, pixels, 0, width);
            img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(source);
        } else if (newPixels) {
            source.newPixels(pixels, cm, 0, width);
            newPixels = false;
        } else
        return img;

    Image createBufferedImage() {
        if (raster==null) {
            SampleModel sm = getIndexSampleModel();
            DataBuffer db = new DataBufferByte(pixels, width*height, 0);
            raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, db, null);
        if (image==null || cm!=cm2) {
            if (cm==null) cm=getDefaultColorModel();
            image = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
            cm2 = cm;
        return image;
    /** Returns this image as a BufferedImage. */
    public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() {
        if (isDefaultLut()) {
            BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
            Graphics g = bi.createGraphics();
            g.drawImage(createImage(), 0, 0, null);
            return bi;
        } else
            return (BufferedImage)createBufferedImage();

    /** Returns a new, blank ByteProcessor with the specified width and height. */
    public ImageProcessor createProcessor(int width, int height) {
        ImageProcessor ip2;
        ip2 =  new ByteProcessor(width, height, new byte[width*height], getColorModel());
        if (baseCM!=null)
            ip2.setMinAndMax(min, max);
        return ip2;

    public ImageProcessor crop() {
        ImageProcessor ip2 = createProcessor(roiWidth, roiHeight);
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])ip2.getPixels();
        for (int ys=roiY; ys<roiY+roiHeight; ys++) {
            int offset1 = (ys-roiY)*roiWidth;
            int offset2 = ys*width+roiX;
            for (int xs=0; xs<roiWidth; xs++)
                pixels2[offset1++] = pixels[offset2++];
        return ip2;
    /** Returns a duplicate of this image. */ 
    public ImageProcessor duplicate() { 
        ImageProcessor ip2 = createProcessor(width, height); 
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])ip2.getPixels(); 
        System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, pixels2, 0, width*height); 
        return ip2; 

    /**Make a snapshot of the current image.*/
    public void snapshot() {
        if (snapshotPixels==null || (snapshotPixels!=null && snapshotPixels.length!=pixels.length))
            snapshotPixels = new byte[width * height];
        System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, snapshotPixels, 0, width*height);
    /** Reset the image from snapshot.*/
    public void reset() {
        if (snapshotPixels!=null)
    /** Swaps the pixel and snapshot (undo) arrays. */
    public void swapPixelArrays() {
        if (snapshotPixels==null) return;   
        byte pixel;
        for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++) {
            pixel = pixels[i];
            pixels[i] = snapshotPixels[i];
            snapshotPixels[i] = pixel;

    /** Restore pixels that are within roi but not part of mask. */
    public void reset(ImageProcessor mask) {
        if (mask==null || snapshotPixels==null)
        if (mask.getWidth()!=roiWidth||mask.getHeight()!=roiHeight)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(maskSizeError(mask));
        byte[] mpixels = (byte[])mask.getPixels();
        for (int y=roiY, my=0; y<(roiY+roiHeight); y++, my++) {
            int i = y * width + roiX;
            int mi = my * roiWidth;
            for (int x=roiX; x<(roiX+roiWidth); x++) {
                if (mpixels[mi++]==0)
                    pixels[i] = snapshotPixels[i];

    public void setSnapshotPixels(Object pixels) {
        snapshotPixels = (byte[])pixels;

    public Object getSnapshotPixels() {
        return snapshotPixels;

    /** Sets pixels that are within roi and part of the mask to the foreground
        color. Does nothing if the mask is not the same size as the ROI. */
    public void fill(ImageProcessor mask) {
        if (mask==null)
            {fill(); return;}
        int roiWidth=this.roiWidth, roiHeight=this.roiHeight;
        int roiX=this.roiX, roiY=this.roiY;
        if (mask.getWidth()!=roiWidth||mask.getHeight()!=roiHeight) {
            mask = getMask();
            if (mask==null||mask.getWidth()!=roiWidth||mask.getHeight()!=roiHeight)
        byte[] mpixels = (byte[])mask.getPixels();
        for (int y=roiY, my=0; y<(roiY+roiHeight); y++, my++) {
            int i = y * width + roiX;
            int mi = my * roiWidth;
            for (int x=roiX; x<(roiX+roiWidth); x++) {
                if (mpixels[mi++]!=0)
                    pixels[i] = (byte)fgColor;

    public int getPixel(int x, int y) {
        if (x>=0 && x<width && y>=0 && y<height)
            return pixels[y*width+x]&0xff;
            return 0;
    public final int get(int x, int y) {return pixels[y*width+x]&0xff;}
    public final void set(int x, int y, int value) {pixels[y*width+x] = (byte)value;}
    public final int get(int index) {return pixels[index]&0xff;}
    public final void set(int index, int value) {pixels[index] = (byte)value;}
    public final float getf(int x, int y) {return pixels[y*width+x]&0xff;}
    public final void setf(int x, int y, float value) {pixels[y*width+x] = (byte)(value+0.5f);}
    public final float getf(int index) {return pixels[index]&0xff;}
    public final void setf(int index, float value) {pixels[index] = (byte)value;}

    static double oldx, oldy;

    /** Uses the current interpolation method (BILINEAR or BICUBIC) 
        to calculate the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y). */
    public double getInterpolatedPixel(double x, double y) {
        if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC)
            return getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(x, y, this);
        else {
            if (x<0.0) x = 0.0;
            if (x>=width-1.0) x = width-1.001;
            if (y<0.0) y = 0.0;
            if (y>=height-1.0) y = height-1.001;
            return getInterpolatedPixel(x, y, pixels);

    final public int getPixelInterpolated(double x, double y) {
        if (interpolationMethod==BILINEAR) {
            if (x<0.0 || y<0.0 || x>=width-1 || y>=height-1)
                return 0;
                return (int)Math.round(getInterpolatedPixel(x, y, pixels));
        } else if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC) {
            int value = (int)(getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(x, y, this)+0.5);
            if (value<0) value = 0;
            if (value>255) value = 255;
            return value;
        } else
            return getPixel((int)(x+0.5), (int)(y+0.5));
    public float getPixelValue(int x, int y) {
        if (x>=0 && x<width && y>=0 && y<height) {
            if (cTable==null)
                return pixels[y*width + x]&0xff;
                return cTable[pixels[y*width + x]&0xff];
        } else
            return 0f;

    /** Sets the foreground drawing color. */
    public void setColor(Color color) {
        drawingColor = color;
        fgColor = getBestIndex(color);

    /** Sets the default fill/draw value, where 0<=value<=255. */
    public void setValue(double value) {
        fgColor = (int)value;
        if (fgColor<0) fgColor = 0;
        if (fgColor>255) fgColor = 255;

    /** Sets the background fill value, where 0<=value<=255. */
    public void setBackgroundValue(double value) {
        bgColor = (int)value;
        if (bgColor<0) bgColor = 0;
        if (bgColor>255) bgColor = 255;
        bgColorSet = true;

    /** Returns the background fill value. */
    public double getBackgroundValue() {
        return bgColor;

    /** Stores the specified real value at (x,y). Does
        nothing if (x,y) is outside the image boundary.
        Values outside the range 0-255 are clamped. */
    public void putPixelValue(int x, int y, double value) {
        if (x>=0 && x<width && y>=0 && y<height) {
            if (value>255.0)
                value = 255.0;
            else if (value<0.0)
                value = 0.0;
            pixels[y*width + x] = (byte)(value+0.5);

    /** Stores the specified value at (x,y). Does
        nothing if (x,y) is outside the image boundary.
        Values outside the range 0-255 are clamped. */
    public final void putPixel(int x, int y, int value) {
        if (x>=0 && x<width && y>=0 && y<height) {
            if (value>255) value = 255;
            if (value<0) value = 0;
            pixels[y*width + x] = (byte)value;

    /** Draws a pixel in the current foreground color. */
    public void drawPixel(int x, int y) {
        if (x>=clipXMin && x<=clipXMax && y>=clipYMin && y<=clipYMax)
            pixels[y*width + x] = (byte)fgColor;

    /** Returns a reference to the byte array containing this image's
        pixel data. To avoid sign extension, the pixel values must be
        accessed using a mask (e.g. int i = pixels[j]&0xff). */
    public Object getPixels() {
        return (Object)pixels;

    /** Returns a copy of the pixel data. Or returns a reference to the
        snapshot buffer if it is not null and 'snapshotCopyMode' is true.
        @see ImageProcessor#snapshot
        @see ImageProcessor#setSnapshotCopyMode
    public Object getPixelsCopy() {
        if (snapshotPixels!=null && snapshotCopyMode) {
            snapshotCopyMode = false;
            return snapshotPixels;
        } else {
            byte[] pixels2 = new byte[width*height];
            System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, pixels2, 0, width*height);
            return pixels2;

    public void setPixels(Object pixels) {
        if (pixels!=null && this.pixels!=null && (((byte[])pixels).length!=this.pixels.length))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("");
        this.pixels = (byte[])pixels;
        if (pixels==null) snapshotPixels = null;
        raster = null;
        image = null;
    /** Returns the smallest displayed pixel value. */
    public double getMin() {
        return min;

    /** Returns the largest displayed pixel value. */
    public double getMax() {
        return max;

    /** Maps the entries in this image's LUT from min-max to 0-255. */
    public void setMinAndMax(double min, double max) {
        if (max<min)
        this.min = (int)min;
        this.max = (int)max;
        if (rLUT1==null) {
            if (cm==null)
            baseCM = cm;
            IndexColorModel m = (IndexColorModel)cm;
            rLUT1 = new byte[256]; gLUT1 = new byte[256]; bLUT1 = new byte[256];
            m.getReds(rLUT1); m.getGreens(gLUT1); m.getBlues(bLUT1); 
            rLUT2 = new byte[256]; gLUT2 = new byte[256]; bLUT2 = new byte[256];
        if (rLUT2==null)
        int index;
        for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
            if (i<min) {
                rLUT2[i] = rLUT1[0];
                gLUT2[i] = gLUT1[0];
                bLUT2[i] = bLUT1[0];
            } else if (i>max) {
                rLUT2[i] = rLUT1[255];
                gLUT2[i] = gLUT1[255];
                bLUT2[i] = bLUT1[255];
            } else {
                index = i-this.min;
                index = (int)(256.0*index/(max-min));
                if (index < 0)
                    index = 0;
                if (index > 255)
                    index = 255;
                rLUT2[i] = rLUT1[index];
                gLUT2[i] = gLUT1[index];
                bLUT2[i] = bLUT1[index];
        cm = new IndexColorModel(8, 256, rLUT2, gLUT2, bLUT2);
        newPixels = true;
        if (min==0.0 && max==255.0) source = null;
        minThreshold = NO_THRESHOLD;

    /** Resets this image's LUT. */
    public void resetMinAndMax() {
        setMinAndMax(0, 255);

    public void setThreshold(double minThreshold, double maxThreshold, int lutUpdate) {
        super.setThreshold(minThreshold, maxThreshold, lutUpdate);
        if (this.minThreshold<0.0 && this.minThreshold!=NO_THRESHOLD)
            this.minThreshold = 0.0;
        if (this.maxThreshold>255.0)
            this.maxThreshold = 255.0;

    /** Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of
        the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface. */
    public void copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode) {
        ip = ip.convertToByte(true);
        new ByteBlitter(this).copyBits(ip, xloc, yloc, mode);

    /* Filters start here */

    public void applyTable(int[] lut) {
        int lineStart, lineEnd;
        for (int y=roiY; y<(roiY+roiHeight); y++) {
            lineStart = y * width + roiX;
            lineEnd = lineStart + roiWidth;
            for (int i=lineEnd; --i>=lineStart;)
                pixels[i] = (byte)lut[pixels[i]&0xff];

    public void convolve3x3(int[] kernel) {
        int v1, v2, v3;    //input pixel values around the current pixel
        int v4, v5, v6;
        int v7, v8, v9;
        int scale = 0;
        int k1=kernel[0], k2=kernel[1], k3=kernel[2],
        k4=kernel[3], k5=kernel[4], k6=kernel[5],
        k7=kernel[6], k8=kernel[7], k9=kernel[8];
        for (int i=0; i<kernel.length; i++)
            scale += kernel[i];
        if (scale==0) scale = 1;
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])getPixelsCopy();
        int xEnd = roiX + roiWidth;
        int yEnd = roiY + roiHeight;
        for (int y=roiY; y<yEnd; y++) {
            int p  = roiX + y*width;            //points to current pixel
            int p6 = p - (roiX>0 ? 1 : 0);      //will point to v6, currently lower
            int p3 = p6 - (y>0 ? width : 0);    //will point to v3, currently lower
            int p9 = p6 + (y<height-1 ? width : 0); // ...  to v9, currently lower
            v2 = pixels2[p3]&0xff;
            v5 = pixels2[p6]&0xff;
            v8 = pixels2[p9]&0xff;
            if (roiX>0) { p3++; p6++; p9++; }
            v3 = pixels2[p3]&0xff;
            v6 = pixels2[p6]&0xff;
            v9 = pixels2[p9]&0xff;
            for (int x=roiX; x<xEnd; x++,p++) {
                if (x<width-1) { p3++; p6++; p9++; }
                v1 = v2; v2 = v3;
                v3 = pixels2[p3]&0xff;
                v4 = v5; v5 = v6;
                v6 = pixels2[p6]&0xff;
                v7 = v8; v8 = v9;
                v9 = pixels2[p9]&0xff;
                int sum = k1*v1 + k2*v2 + k3*v3
                        + k4*v4 + k5*v5 + k6*v6
                        + k7*v7 + k8*v8 + k9*v9;
                sum = (sum+scale/2)/scale;   //add scale/2 to round
                if (sum>255) sum = 255;
                if (sum<0) sum = 0;
                pixels[p] = (byte)sum;

    /** Filters using a 3x3 neighborhood. The p1, p2, etc variables, which
        contain the values of the pixels in the neighborhood, are arranged
        as follows:
            p1 p2 p3
            p4 p5 p6
            p7 p8 p9
    public void filter(int type) {
        int p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9;
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])getPixelsCopy();
        if (width==1) {
            filterEdge(type, pixels2, roiHeight, roiX, roiY, 0, 1);
        int offset, sum1, sum2=0, sum=0;
        int[] values = new int[10];
        if (type==MEDIAN_FILTER) values = new int[10];
        int rowOffset = width;
        int count;
        int binaryForeground = 255 - binaryBackground;
        for (int y=yMin; y<=yMax; y++) {
            offset = xMin + y * width;
            p2 = pixels2[offset-rowOffset-1]&0xff;
            p3 = pixels2[offset-rowOffset]&0xff;
            p5 = pixels2[offset-1]&0xff;
            p6 = pixels2[offset]&0xff;
            p8 = pixels2[offset+rowOffset-1]&0xff;
            p9 = pixels2[offset+rowOffset]&0xff;

            for (int x=xMin; x<=xMax; x++) {
                p1 = p2; p2 = p3;
                p3 = pixels2[offset-rowOffset+1]&0xff;
                p4 = p5; p5 = p6;
                p6 = pixels2[offset+1]&0xff;
                p7 = p8; p8 = p9;
                p9 = pixels2[offset+rowOffset+1]&0xff;

                switch (type) {
                    case BLUR_MORE:
                        sum = (p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8+p9+4)/9;
                    case FIND_EDGES: // 3x3 Sobel filter
                        sum1 = p1 + 2*p2 + p3 - p7 - 2*p8 - p9;
                        sum2 = p1  + 2*p4 + p7 - p3 - 2*p6 - p9;
                        sum = (int)Math.sqrt(sum1*sum1 + sum2*sum2);
                        if (sum> 255) sum = 255;
                    case MEDIAN_FILTER:
                        values[1]=p1; values[2]=p2; values[3]=p3; values[4]=p4; values[5]=p5;
                        values[6]=p6; values[7]=p7; values[8]=p8; values[9]=p9;
                        sum = findMedian(values);
                    case MIN:
                        sum = p5;
                        if (p1<sum) sum = p1;
                        if (p2<sum) sum = p2;
                        if (p3<sum) sum = p3;
                        if (p4<sum) sum = p4;
                        if (p6<sum) sum = p6;
                        if (p7<sum) sum = p7;
                        if (p8<sum) sum = p8;
                        if (p9<sum) sum = p9;
                    case MAX:
                        sum = p5;
                        if (p1>sum) sum = p1;
                        if (p2>sum) sum = p2;
                        if (p3>sum) sum = p3;
                        if (p4>sum) sum = p4;
                        if (p6>sum) sum = p6;
                        if (p7>sum) sum = p7;
                        if (p8>sum) sum = p8;
                        if (p9>sum) sum = p9;
                    case ERODE:
                        if (p5==binaryBackground)
                            sum = binaryBackground;
                        else {
                            count = 0;
                            if (p1==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p2==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p3==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p4==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p6==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p7==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p8==binaryBackground) count++;
                            if (p9==binaryBackground) count++;                          
                            if (count>=binaryCount)
                                sum = binaryBackground;
                            sum = binaryForeground;
                    case DILATE:
                        if (p5==binaryForeground)
                            sum = binaryForeground;
                        else {
                            count = 0;
                            if (p1==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p2==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p3==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p4==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p6==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p7==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p8==binaryForeground) count++;
                            if (p9==binaryForeground) count++;                          
                            if (count>=binaryCount)
                                sum = binaryForeground;
                                sum = binaryBackground;
                pixels[offset++] = (byte)sum;
        if (xMin==1) filterEdge(type, pixels2, roiHeight, roiX, roiY, 0, 1);
        if (yMin==1) filterEdge(type, pixels2, roiWidth, roiX, roiY, 1, 0);
        if (xMax==width-2) filterEdge(type, pixels2, roiHeight, width-1, roiY, 0, 1);
        if (yMax==height-2) filterEdge(type, pixels2, roiWidth, roiX, height-1, 1, 0);

    void filterEdge(int type, byte[] pixels2, int n, int x, int y, int xinc, int yinc) {
        int p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9;
        int sum=0, sum1, sum2;
        int count;
        int binaryForeground = 255 - binaryBackground;
        int bg = binaryBackground;
        int fg = binaryForeground;
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
            if ((!Prefs.padEdges && type==ERODE) || type==DILATE) {
                p1=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x-1,y-1); p2=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x,y-1); p3=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x+1,y-1);
                p4=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x-1,y); p5=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x,y); p6=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x+1,y);
                p7=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x-1,y+1); p8=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x,y+1); p9=getEdgePixel0(pixels2,bg,x+1,y+1);
            }  else if (Prefs.padEdges && type==ERODE) {
                p1=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg, x-1,y-1); p2=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x,y-1); p3=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x+1,y-1);
                p4=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg, x-1,y); p5=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x,y); p6=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x+1,y);
                p7=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x-1,y+1); p8=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x,y+1); p9=getEdgePixel1(pixels2,fg,x+1,y+1);
            } else {
                p1=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x-1,y-1); p2=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x,y-1); p3=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x+1,y-1);
                p4=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x-1,y); p5=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x,y); p6=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x+1,y);
                p7=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x-1,y+1); p8=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x,y+1); p9=getEdgePixel(pixels2,x+1,y+1);
            switch (type) {
                case BLUR_MORE:
                    sum = (p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8+p9+4)/9;
                case FIND_EDGES: // 3x3 Sobel filter
                    sum1 = p1 + 2*p2 + p3 - p7 - 2*p8 - p9;
                    sum2 = p1  + 2*p4 + p7 - p3 - 2*p6 - p9;
                    sum = (int)Math.sqrt(sum1*sum1 + sum2*sum2);
                    if (sum> 255) sum = 255;
                case MIN:
                    sum = p5;
                    if (p1<sum) sum = p1;
                    if (p2<sum) sum = p2;
                    if (p3<sum) sum = p3;
                    if (p4<sum) sum = p4;
                    if (p6<sum) sum = p6;
                    if (p7<sum) sum = p7;
                    if (p8<sum) sum = p8;
                    if (p9<sum) sum = p9;
                case MAX:
                    sum = p5;
                    if (p1>sum) sum = p1;
                    if (p2>sum) sum = p2;
                    if (p3>sum) sum = p3;
                    if (p4>sum) sum = p4;
                    if (p6>sum) sum = p6;
                    if (p7>sum) sum = p7;
                    if (p8>sum) sum = p8;
                    if (p9>sum) sum = p9;
                case ERODE:
                    if (p5==binaryBackground)
                        sum = binaryBackground;
                    else {
                        count = 0;
                        if (p1==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p2==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p3==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p4==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p6==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p7==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p8==binaryBackground) count++;
                        if (p9==binaryBackground) count++;                          
                        if (count>=binaryCount)
                            sum = binaryBackground;
                        sum = binaryForeground;
                case DILATE:
                    if (p5==binaryForeground)
                        sum = binaryForeground;
                    else {
                        count = 0;
                        if (p1==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p2==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p3==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p4==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p6==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p7==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p8==binaryForeground) count++;
                        if (p9==binaryForeground) count++;                          
                        if (count>=binaryCount)
                            sum = binaryForeground;
                            sum = binaryBackground;
            pixels[x+y*width] = (byte)sum;
            x+=xinc; y+=yinc;

    final int getEdgePixel(byte[] pixels2, int x, int y) {
        if (x<=0) x = 0;
        if (x>=width) x = width-1;
        if (y<=0) y = 0;
        if (y>=height) y = height-1;
        return pixels2[x+y*width]&255;

    final int getEdgePixel1(byte[] pixels2, int foreground, int x, int y) {
        if (x<0 || x>width-1 || y<0 || y>height-1)
            return foreground;
            return pixels2[x+y*width]&255;

    final int getEdgePixel0(byte[] pixels2, int background, int x, int y) {
        if (x<0 || x>width-1 || y<0 || y>height-1)
            return background;
            return pixels2[x+y*width]&255;

    public void erode() {
        if (isInvertedLut())
    public void dilate() {
        if (isInvertedLut())

    public void erode(int count, int background) {
        binaryCount = count;
        binaryBackground = background;

    public void dilate(int count, int background) {
        binaryCount = count;
        binaryBackground = background;

    public void outline() {
        new BinaryProcessor(this).outline();
    public void skeletonize() {
        new BinaryProcessor(this).skeletonize();
    private final int findMedian (int[] values) {
    //Finds the 5th largest of 9 values
        for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
            int max = 0;
            int mj = 1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++)
                if (values[j] > max) {
                    max = values[j];
                    mj = j;
            values[mj] = 0;
        int max = 0;
        for (int j = 1; j <= 9; j++)
            if (values[j] > max)
                max = values[j];
        return max;

    public void medianFilter() {

    /** Adds pseudorandom, Gaussian ("normally") distributed values, with
        mean 0.0 and the specified standard deviation, to this image or ROI. */
    public void noise(double standardDeviation) {
        Random rnd=new Random();
        int v, ran;
        boolean inRange;
        for (int y=roiY; y<(roiY+roiHeight); y++) {
            int i = y * width + roiX;
            for (int x=roiX; x<(roiX+roiWidth); x++) {
                inRange = false;
                do {
                    ran = (int)Math.round(rnd.nextGaussian()*standardDeviation);
                    v = (pixels[i] & 0xff) + ran;
                    inRange = v>=0 && v<=255;
                    if (inRange) pixels[i] = (byte)v;
                } while (!inRange);

    /** Scales the image or selection using the specified scale factors.
        @see ImageProcessor#setInterpolate
    public void scale(double xScale, double yScale) {
        double xCenter = roiX + roiWidth/2.0;
        double yCenter = roiY + roiHeight/2.0;
        int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
        if (!bgColorSet && isInvertedLut()) bgColor = 0;
        if ((xScale>1.0) && (yScale>1.0)) {
            //expand roi
            xmin = (int)(xCenter-(xCenter-roiX)*xScale);
            if (xmin<0) xmin = 0;
            xmax = xmin + (int)(roiWidth*xScale) - 1;
            if (xmax>=width) xmax = width - 1;
            ymin = (int)(yCenter-(yCenter-roiY)*yScale);
            if (ymin<0) ymin = 0;
            ymax = ymin + (int)(roiHeight*yScale) - 1;
            if (ymax>=height) ymax = height - 1;
        } else {
            xmin = roiX;
            xmax = roiX + roiWidth - 1;
            ymin = roiY;
            ymax = roiY + roiHeight - 1;
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])getPixelsCopy();
        ImageProcessor ip2 = null;
        if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC) {
            ip2 = new ByteProcessor(getWidth(), getHeight(), pixels2, null);
        boolean checkCoordinates = (xScale < 1.0) || (yScale < 1.0);
        int index1, index2, xsi, ysi;
        double ys, xs;
        if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC) {
            for (int y=ymin; y<=ymax; y++) {
                ys = (y-yCenter)/yScale + yCenter;
                index1 = y*width + xmin;
                index2 = width*(int)ys;
                for (int x=xmin; x<=xmax; x++) {
                    xs = (x-xCenter)/xScale + xCenter;
                    int value = (int)(getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(xs, ys, ip2)+0.5);
                    if (value<0) value = 0;
                    if (value>255) value = 255;
                    pixels[index1++] = (byte)value;
        } else {
            double xlimit = width-1.0, xlimit2 = width-1.001;
            double ylimit = height-1.0, ylimit2 = height-1.001;
            for (int y=ymin; y<=ymax; y++) {
                ys = (y-yCenter)/yScale + yCenter;
                ysi = (int)ys;
                if (ys<0.0) ys = 0.0;           
                if (ys>=ylimit) ys = ylimit2;
                index1 = y*width + xmin;
                index2 = width*(int)ys;
                for (int x=xmin; x<=xmax; x++) {
                    xs = (x-xCenter)/xScale + xCenter;
                    xsi = (int)xs;
                    if (checkCoordinates && ((xsi<xmin) || (xsi>xmax) || (ysi<ymin) || (ysi>ymax)))
                        pixels[index1++] = (byte)bgColor;
                    else {
                        if (interpolationMethod==BILINEAR) {
                            if (xs<0.0) xs = 0.0;
                            if (xs>=xlimit) xs = xlimit2;
                            pixels[index1++] =(byte)((int)(getInterpolatedPixel(xs, ys, pixels2)+0.5)&255);
                        } else
                            pixels[index1++] = pixels2[index2+xsi];

    /** Uses bilinear interpolation to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y). */
    private final double getInterpolatedPixel(double x, double y, byte[] pixels) {
        int xbase = (int)x;
        int ybase = (int)y;
        double xFraction = x - xbase;
        double yFraction = y - ybase;
        int offset = ybase * width + xbase;
        int lowerLeft = pixels[offset]&255;
        int lowerRight = pixels[offset + 1]&255;
        int upperRight = pixels[offset + width + 1]&255;
        int upperLeft = pixels[offset + width]&255;
        double upperAverage = upperLeft + xFraction * (upperRight - upperLeft);
        double lowerAverage = lowerLeft + xFraction * (lowerRight - lowerLeft);
        return lowerAverage + yFraction * (upperAverage - lowerAverage);

    /** Creates a new ByteProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
        @see ij.process.ImageProcessor#setInterpolate
    public ImageProcessor resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight) {
        if (roiWidth==dstWidth && roiHeight==dstHeight)
            return crop();
        if ((width==1||height==1) && interpolationMethod!=NONE)
            return resizeLinearly(dstWidth, dstHeight);
        double srcCenterX = roiX + roiWidth/2.0;
        double srcCenterY = roiY + roiHeight/2.0;
        double dstCenterX = dstWidth/2.0;
        double dstCenterY = dstHeight/2.0;
        double xScale = (double)dstWidth/roiWidth;
        double yScale = (double)dstHeight/roiHeight;
        if (interpolationMethod!=NONE) {
            if (dstWidth!=width) dstCenterX+=xScale/4.0;
            if (dstHeight!=height) dstCenterY+=yScale/4.0;
        ImageProcessor ip2 = createProcessor(dstWidth, dstHeight);
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])ip2.getPixels();
        int inc = getProgressIncrement(dstWidth,dstHeight);
        double xs, ys;
        int index1, index2;
        if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC) {
            for (int y=0; y<=dstHeight-1; y++) {
                if (inc!=0&&y%inc==0) showProgress((double)y/dstHeight);
                ys = (y-dstCenterY)/yScale + srcCenterY;
                index1 = width*(int)ys;
                index2 = y*dstWidth;
                for (int x=0; x<=dstWidth-1; x++) {
                    xs = (x-dstCenterX)/xScale + srcCenterX;
                    int value = (int)(getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(xs, ys, this)+0.5);
                    if (value<0) value = 0;
                    if (value>255) value = 255;
                    pixels2[index2++] = (byte)value;
        } else {
            double xlimit = width-1.0, xlimit2 = width-1.001;
            double ylimit = height-1.0, ylimit2 = height-1.001;
            for (int y=0; y<=dstHeight-1; y++) {
                if (inc!=0&&y%inc==0) showProgress((double)y/dstHeight);
                ys = (y-dstCenterY)/yScale + srcCenterY;
                if (interpolationMethod==BILINEAR) {
                    if (ys<0.0) ys = 0.0;
                    if (ys>=ylimit) ys = ylimit2;
                index1 = width*(int)ys;
                index2 = y*dstWidth;
                for (int x=0; x<=dstWidth-1; x++) {
                    xs = (x-dstCenterX)/xScale + srcCenterX;
                    if (interpolationMethod==BILINEAR) {
                        if (xs<0.0) xs = 0.0;
                        if (xs>=xlimit) xs = xlimit2;
                        pixels2[index2++] = (byte)((int)(getInterpolatedPixel(xs, ys, pixels)+0.5)&255);
                    } else
                        pixels2[index2++] = pixels[index1+(int)xs];
        if (inc!=0) showProgress(1.0);
        return ip2;

    /** Rotates the image or ROI 'angle' degrees clockwise.
        @see ImageProcessor#setInterpolationMethod
    public void rotate(double angle) {
        if (angle%360==0)
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])getPixelsCopy();
        ImageProcessor ip2 = null;
        if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC) {
            ip2 = new ByteProcessor(getWidth(), getHeight(), pixels2, null);
        double centerX = roiX + (roiWidth-1)/2.0;
        double centerY = roiY + (roiHeight-1)/2.0;
        int xMax = roiX + this.roiWidth - 1;
        if (!bgColorSet && isInvertedLut()) bgColor = 0;
        double angleRadians = -angle/(180.0/Math.PI);
        double ca = Math.cos(angleRadians);
        double sa = Math.sin(angleRadians);
        double tmp1 = centerY*sa-centerX*ca;
        double tmp2 = -centerX*sa-centerY*ca;
        double tmp3, tmp4, xs, ys;
        int index, ixs, iys;
        double dwidth=width, dheight=height;
        double xlimit = width-1.0, xlimit2 = width-1.001;
        double ylimit = height-1.0, ylimit2 = height-1.001;
        if (interpolationMethod==BICUBIC) {
            for (int y=roiY; y<(roiY + roiHeight); y++) {
                index = y*width + roiX;
                tmp3 = tmp1 - y*sa + centerX;
                tmp4 = tmp2 + y*ca + centerY;
                for (int x=roiX; x<=xMax; x++) {
                    xs = x*ca + tmp3;
                    ys = x*sa + tmp4;
                    int value = (int)(getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(xs, ys, ip2)+0.5);
                    if (value<0) value = 0;
                    if (value>255) value = 255;
                    pixels[index++] = (byte)value;
        } else {
            for (int y=roiY; y<(roiY + roiHeight); y++) {
                index = y*width + roiX;
                tmp3 = tmp1 - y*sa + centerX;
                tmp4 = tmp2 + y*ca + centerY;
                for (int x=roiX; x<=xMax; x++) {
                    xs = x*ca + tmp3;
                    ys = x*sa + tmp4;
                    if ((xs>=-0.01) && (xs<dwidth) && (ys>=-0.01) && (ys<dheight)) {
                        if (interpolationMethod==BILINEAR) {
                            if (xs<0.0) xs = 0.0;
                            if (xs>=xlimit) xs = xlimit2;
                            if (ys<0.0) ys = 0.0;           
                            if (ys>=ylimit) ys = ylimit2;
                            pixels[index++] = (byte)(getInterpolatedPixel(xs, ys, pixels2)+0.5);
                        } else {
                            ixs = (int)(xs+0.5);
                            iys = (int)(ys+0.5);
                            if (ixs>=width) ixs = width - 1;
                            if (iys>=height) iys = height -1;
                            pixels[index++] = pixels2[width*iys+ixs];
                    } else
                        pixels[index++] = (byte)bgColor;

    public void flipVertical() {
        int index1,index2;
        byte tmp;
        for (int y=0; y<roiHeight/2; y++) {
            index1 = (roiY+y)*width+roiX;
            index2 = (roiY+roiHeight-1-y)*width+roiX;
            for (int i=0; i<roiWidth; i++) {
                tmp = pixels[index1];
                pixels[index1++] = pixels[index2];
                pixels[index2++] = tmp;
    public int[] getHistogram() {
        if (mask!=null)
            return getHistogram(mask);
        int[] histogram = new int[256];
        for (int y=roiY; y<(roiY+roiHeight); y++) {
            int i = y * width + roiX;
            for (int x=roiX; x<(roiX+roiWidth); x++) {
                int v = pixels[i++] & 0xff;
        return histogram;

    public int[] getHistogram(ImageProcessor mask) {
        int rx=roiX, ry=roiY, rw=roiWidth, rh=roiHeight;
        if (mask.getWidth()!=rw||mask.getHeight()!=rh)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(maskSizeError(mask));
        int v;
        int[] histogram = new int[256];
        byte[] mpixels = (byte[])mask.getPixels();
        for (int y=ry, my=0; y<(ry+rh); y++, my++) {
            int i = y*width + rx;
            int mi = my*rw;
            for (int x=rx; x<(rx+rw); x++) {
                if (mpixels[mi++]!=0) {
                    v = pixels[i] & 0xff;
        return histogram;

    /** Sets pixels less than or equal to level to 0 and all other pixels to 255. */
    public void threshold(int level) {
        for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++) {
            if ((pixels[i] & 0xff) <= level)
                pixels[i] = 0;
                pixels[i] = (byte)255;

    public void applyLut() {
        if (rLUT2==null)
        if (isInvertedLut())
            for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
                pixels[i] = (byte)(255 - rLUT2[pixels[i]&0xff]);
            for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
                pixels[i] = rLUT2[pixels[i] & 0xff];
        setMinAndMax(0, 255);

    /** Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel. */
    public void convolve(float[] kernel, int kernelWidth, int kernelHeight) {
        ImageProcessor ip2 = convertToFloat();
        new ij.plugin.filter.Convolver().convolve(ip2, kernel, kernelWidth, kernelHeight);
        ip2 = ip2.convertToByte(false);
        byte[] pixels2 = (byte[])ip2.getPixels();
        System.arraycopy(pixels2, 0, pixels, 0, pixels.length);
    public FloatProcessor[] toFloatProcessors() {
        FloatProcessor[] fp = new FloatProcessor[1];
        fp[0] = (FloatProcessor)convertToFloat();
        return fp;
    public void setFromFloatProcessors(FloatProcessor[]  fp) {
        ImageProcessor ip2 = fp[0].convertToByte(false);

    public float[][] toFloatArrays() {
        float[][] a = new float[1][];
        //ImageProcessor fp = crop();
        ImageProcessor fp = convertToFloat();
        a[0] = (float[])fp.getPixels();
        return a;
    public void setFromFloatArrays(float[][] arrays) {
        ImageProcessor ip2 = new FloatProcessor(roiWidth, roiHeight, arrays[0], null);
        ip2 = ip2.convertToByte(false);
        //insert(ip2, roiX, roiY); 

    /** Returns a FloatProcessor with the same image, no scaling or calibration
    *  (pixel values 0 to 255).
    *  The roi, mask, lut (ColorModel), threshold, min&max are
    *  also set for the FloatProcessor
    *  @param channelNumber   Ignored (needed for compatibility with ColorProcessor.toFloat)
    *  @param fp              Here a FloatProcessor can be supplied, or null. The FloatProcessor
    *                         is overwritten by this method (re-using its pixels array 
    *                         improves performance).
    *  @return A FloatProcessor with the converted image data
    public FloatProcessor toFloat(int channelNumber, FloatProcessor fp) {
        int size = width*height;
        if (fp == null || fp.getWidth()!=width || fp.getHeight()!=height)
            fp = new FloatProcessor(width, height, new float[size], cm);
        float[] fPixels = (float[])fp.getPixels();
        for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
            fPixels[i] = pixels[i]&0xff;
        fp.setMinAndMax(min, max);
        fp.setThreshold(minThreshold, maxThreshold, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);
        return fp;
    /** Sets the pixels from a FloatProcessor, no scaling.
    *  Also the min&max values are taken from the FloatProcessor.
    *  @param channelNumber   Ignored (needed for compatibility with ColorProcessor.toFloat)
    *  @param fp              The FloatProcessor where the image data are read from.
    public void setPixels(int channelNumber, FloatProcessor fp) {
        float[] fPixels = (float[])fp.getPixels();
        float value;
        int size = width*height;
        for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            value = fPixels[i] + 0.5f;
            if (value<0f) value = 0f;
            if (value>255f) value = 255f;
            pixels[i] = (byte)value;
        setMinAndMax(fp.getMin(), fp.getMax());
    /** Returns 'true' if this is a binary image (8-bit-image with only 0 and 255). */
    public boolean isBinary() {
        for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++) {
            if (pixels[i]!=0 && pixels[i]!=(byte)255)
                return false;
        return true;
    public int getBitDepth() {
        return 8;

    byte[] create8BitImage() {
        return pixels;
