package ij.gui;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.util.*;
import ij.plugin.Colors;
import ij.plugin.filter.Analyzer;
import ij.macro.Interpreter;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.measure.Measurements;
import ij.measure.ResultsTable;

/** This class creates an image that line graphs, scatter plots and plots of vector fields
 *  (arrows) can be drawn on and displayed.
 *  Note that the clone() operation is a shallow clone: objects like arrays, the plot objects,
 *  the ImagePlus etc. of the clone remain the same as those of the original.
 * @author Wayne Rasband
 * @author Philippe CARL, CNRS, philippe.carl (AT) (log axes, arrows, ArrayList data)
 * @author Michael Schmid (axis grid/ticks, resizing/panning/changing range, high-resolution)
public class Plot implements Cloneable {

    /** Text justification. */
    public static final int LEFT=ImageProcessor.LEFT_JUSTIFY, CENTER=ImageProcessor.CENTER_JUSTIFY, RIGHT=ImageProcessor.RIGHT_JUSTIFY;
    /** Legend positions */
    //NOTE: These have only bits of LEGEND_POSITION_MASK set. The flags of the legend are stored as flags of the legend PlotObject.
    public static final int TOP_LEFT=0x90, TOP_RIGHT=0xA0, BOTTOM_LEFT=0xB0, BOTTOM_RIGHT=0xC0, AUTO_POSITION=0x80;
    /** Masks out bits for legend positions; if all these bits are off, the legend is turned off */
    private static final int LEGEND_POSITION_MASK = 0xf0;
    /** Legend has its curves in bottom-to-top sequence (otherwise top to bottom) */
    public static final int LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP = 0x100;
    /** Legend erases background (otherwise transparent) */
    public static final int LEGEND_TRANSPARENT = 0x200;
    /** Display points using a circle (5 pixels in diameter if line thickness<=1, otherwise 7). */
    public static final int CIRCLE = 0;
    /** Display points using an X-shaped mark. */
    public static final int X = 1;
    /** Connect points with solid lines. */
    public static final int LINE = 2;
    /** Display points using a square box-shaped mark. */
    public static final int BOX = 3;
    /** Display points using an tiangular mark. */
    public static final int TRIANGLE = 4;
    /** Display points using an cross-shaped mark. */
    public static final int CROSS = 5;
    /** Display points using a single pixel. */
    public static final int DOT = 6;
    /** Draw black lines between the dots and a circle with the given color at each dot */
    public static final int CONNECTED_CIRCLES = 7;
    /** Names for the shapes as an array */
    final static String[] SHAPE_NAMES = new String[] {
            "Circle", "X", "Line", "Box", "Triangle", "+", "Dot", "Connected Circles"};
    /** Names in nicely sorting order for menus */
    final static String[] SORTED_SHAPES = new String[] {
    /** flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks */
    public static final int X_NUMBERS = 0x1;
    /** flag for numeric labels of x-axis ticks */
    public static final int Y_NUMBERS = 0x2;
    /** flag for drawing major ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) x axis */
    public static final int X_TICKS = 0x4;
    /** flag for drawing major ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) y axis */
    public static final int Y_TICKS = 0x8;
    /** flag for drawing vertical grid lines for x axis */
    public static final int X_GRID = 0x10;
    /** flag for drawing horizontal grid lines for y axis */
    public static final int Y_GRID = 0x20;
    /** flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in x direction (results in unused space) */
    public static final int X_FORCE2GRID = 0x40;
    /** flag for forcing frame to coincide with the grid/ticks in y direction (results in unused space) */
    public static final int Y_FORCE2GRID = 0x80;
    /** flag for drawing minor ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) x axis */
    public static final int X_MINOR_TICKS = 0x100;
    /** flag for drawing minor ticks on linear (non-logarithmic) y axis */
    public static final int Y_MINOR_TICKS = 0x200;
    /** flag for logarithmic x-axis */
    public static final int X_LOG_NUMBERS = 0x400;
    /** flag for logarithmic y axis */
    public static final int Y_LOG_NUMBERS = 0x800;
    /** flag for ticks (major and minor, if space) on logarithmic x axis */
    public static final int X_LOG_TICKS = 0x1000;
    /** flag for ticks (major and minor, if space) on logarithmic y axis */
    public static final int Y_LOG_TICKS = 0x2000;
    //leave 0x4000, 0x8000 reserved for broken axes?
    /** The default flags, will be modified by PlotWindow.noGridLines and PlotWindow.noTicks (see getDefaultFlags) */
    public static final int DEFAULT_FLAGS =  X_NUMBERS + Y_NUMBERS + /*X_TICKS + Y_TICKS +*/
            X_GRID + Y_GRID + X_LOG_TICKS + Y_LOG_TICKS;

    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy x axis range. */
    // This must be 0x1 because bit shift operations are used for the other axes
    public static final int X_RANGE = 0x1;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy y axis range */
    public static final int Y_RANGE = 0x2;
    //0x4, 0x8 reserved for secondary axes
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy text of axis labels */
    public static final int COPY_SIZE = 0x10;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy text of axis labels */
    public static final int COPY_LABELS = 0x20;
    /** Flag for copying from a template: copy legend */
    public static final int COPY_LEGEND = 0x40;

    /** The default margin width left of the plot frame (enough for 5-digit numbers such as unscaled 16-bit
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int LEFT_MARGIN = 60;
    /** The default margin width right of the plot frame
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = 20;
    /** The default margin width above the plot frame
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int TOP_MARGIN = 13;
    /** The default margin width below the plot frame
     *  @deprecated Not a fixed value any more, use getDrawingFrame() to get the drawing area */
    public static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN = 42;
    /** minimum width of frame area in plot */
    public static final int MIN_FRAMEWIDTH = 160;
    /** minimum width of frame area in plot */
    public static final int MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT = 90;
    /** key in ImagePlus properties to access the plot behind an ImagePlus */
    public static final String PROPERTY_KEY = "thePlot";

    private static final int MIN_X_GRIDSPACING = 45;    //minimum distance between grid lines or ticks along x at plot width 0
    private static final int MIN_Y_GRIDSPACING = 30;    //minimum distance between grid lines or ticks along y at plot height 0
    private final double MIN_LOG_RATIO = 3;             //If max/min ratio is less than this, force linear axis even if log required. should be >2
    private static final int LEGEND_PADDING = 4;        //pixels around legend text etc
    private static final int LEGEND_LINELENGTH = 20;    //length of lines in legend
    private static final int USUALLY_ENLARGE = 1, ALWAYS_ENLARGE = 2; //enlargeRange settings
    private static final double RELATIVE_ARROWHEAD_SIZE = 0.2; //arrow heads have 1/5 of vector length
    private static final int MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH = 3;
    private static final int MAX_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH = 20;

    static final int ZOOM_AS_PREVIOUS = -20202020;  //when zooming at this coordinate, it rather uses the previous zoom center
    Rectangle frame = null;                         //the clip frame, do not use for image scale
    float scale = 1.0f;                             //everything will be scaled with this number so the plot can be resized
    //The following the margin sizes actually used. They are modified for font size and also scaled for high-resolution plots
    int leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN, rightMargin = RIGHT_MARGIN, topMargin = TOP_MARGIN, bottomMargin = BOTTOM_MARGIN;
    int frameWidth;                         //width corresponding to plot range; frame.width is larger by 1
    int frameHeight;                        //height corresponding to plot range; frame.height is larger by 1

    double xMin = Double.NaN, xMax, yMin, yMax;     //current plot range, logarithm if log axis
    double[] currentMinMax = new double[]{Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN, 0}; //current plot range, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax but never logarithmic
    double[] defaultMinMax = new double[]{Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN, 0}; //default plot range
    double[] savedMinMax = new double[]{Double.NaN, 0, Double.NaN, 0};  //keeps previous range for revert
    int[] enlargeRange;                             //whether to enlarge the range slightly to avoid values at the axes (0=off, USUALLY_ENLARGE, ALWAYS_ENLARGE)
    boolean logXAxis, logYAxis;                     //whether to really use log axis (never for small relative range)

    Font defaultFont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, PlotWindow.fontSize); //default font for labels etc.
    Font currentFont;                               //font as changed by setFont or setFontSize
    Font xLabelFont;                                //font for text labels
    Font yLabelFont;
    String xLabel;                                  //axis label
    String yLabel;
    int templateFlags = COPY_SIZE | COPY_LABELS | COPY_LEGEND;  //for passing on what should be kept when 'live' plotting (PlotMaker)
    private double xScale, yScale;                  //pixels per data unit
    private int xBasePxl, yBasePxl;                 //pixel coordinates corresponding to 0
    private double previousXZoom = Double.NaN;
    private double previousYZoom = Double.NaN;
    private int maxIntervals = 12;                  //maximum number of intervals between ticks or grid lines
    private int tickLength = 7;                     //length of major ticks
    private int minorTickLength = 3;                //length of minor ticks
    private Color gridColor = new Color(0xc0c0c0);  //light gray
    private Color frameColor =;
    private int flags;                              //these define axis layout
    private ImageProcessor ip;
    private ImagePlus imp;                          //if we have an ImagePlus, updateAndDraw on changes
    private boolean frozen;                         //modifications (size, range, contents) don't update the ImageProcessor
    private String title;
    private boolean invertedLut;                    //grayscale plots only, set in Edit>Options>Appearance
    private boolean isColor;                        //whether a color plot is needed
    private boolean plotDrawn;
    private boolean antialiasedText = true;
    int plotWidth = PlotWindow.plotWidth;
    int plotHeight = PlotWindow.plotHeight;
    PlotMaker plotMaker;
    Vector<PlotObject> allPlotObjects = new Vector<PlotObject>();   //all curves, labels etc.
    PlotObject legend;                              //the legend (if any)
    private Color currentColor;                     //for next objects added
    private Color currentColor2;                    //2nd color for next object added (e.g. line for CONNECTED_CIRCLES)
    float currentLineWidth;
    float frameLineWidth;
    private int currentJustification = LEFT;
    private boolean ignoreForce2Grid;               // after explicit setting of range (limits), ignore 'FORCE2GRID' flags
    //private boolean snapToMinorGrid;              // snap to grid when zooming to selection
    private Color backgroundColor;
    /** Construct a new PlotWindow.
     *  Note that the data xValues, yValues passed with the constructor are plotted last,
     *  with the settings (color, lineWidth) at the time when 'draw' or 'getProcessor' is called.
     *  These data are plotted as a LINE.
     * @param title the window title
     * @param xLabel    the x-axis label
     * @param yLabel    the y-axis label
     * @param xValues   the x-coodinates, or null. If null and yValues is not null, integers starting at 0 will be used for x.
     * @param yValues   the y-coodinates, or null for providing no data yet.
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues, yValues, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This version of the constructor accepts double arrays. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] xValues, double[] yValues) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(xValues):null, yValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(yValues):null, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This is a constructor that works with JavaScript. */
    public Plot(String dummy, String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues, yValues, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This is a version of the constructor with no intial arrays. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, (float[])null, (float[])null, getDefaultFlags());

    /** This is a version of the constructor with no intial arrays. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, int flags) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, (float[])null, (float[])null, flags);

    /** This version of the constructor has a 'flags' argument for
        controlling the appearance of ticks, grid, etc. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, float[] xValues, float[] yValues, int flags) {
        this.title = title;
        this.flags = flags;
        setXYLabels(xLabel, yLabel);
        if (yValues != null && yValues.length>0) {
            addPoints(xValues, yValues, /*yErrorBars=*/null, LINE, /*label=*/null);
            allPlotObjects.get(0).flags = PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA;

    /** This version of the constructor accepts double arrays and has a 'flags' argument. */
    public Plot(String title, String xLabel, String yLabel, double[] xValues, double[] yValues, int flags) {
        this(title, xLabel, yLabel, xValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(xValues):null, yValues!=null?Tools.toFloat(yValues):null, flags);

    /** Returns the title of the image showing the plot (if any) or title of the plot */
    public String getTitle() {
        return imp == null ? title : imp.getTitle();

    //n__ begin setLimits
     * Sets the x-axis and y-axis range. Updates the image if existing.
     * Accepts NaN values to indicate auto-range
    public void setLimits(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax) {
        boolean containsNaN = (Double.isNaN(xMin + xMax + yMin + yMax));
        if (containsNaN && allPlotObjects.isEmpty())//can't apply auto-range without data
        boolean[] auto = new boolean[4];
        double[] range = {xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax};
        if (containsNaN) {
            double[] extrema = getMinAndMax(true, 0xff);

            for (int jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++)
                if (Double.isNaN(range[jj])) {
                    range[jj] = extrema[jj];
                    auto[jj] = true;
            double left = range[0];
            double right = range[1];
            double bottom = range[2];
            double top = range[3];
            //set semi-auto to full-auto if it would result in reverse axis direction
            if ((auto[0] || auto[1]) && (left >= right)) {
                left = extrema[0];
                right = extrema[1];
                auto[0] = true;
                auto[1] = true;
            if ((auto[2] || auto[3]) && (bottom >= top)) {
                bottom = extrema[2];
                top = extrema[3];
                auto[2] = true;
                auto[3] = true;
            //Add 3% extra space to automatic borders
            double extraXLin = (right - left) * 0.03;
            double extraYLin = (top - bottom) * 0.03;
            double extraXLog = (Math.log(right) - Math.log(left)) * 0.03;
            double extraYLog = (Math.log(top) - Math.log(bottom)) * 0.03;

            boolean isLogX = hasFlag(X_LOG_NUMBERS);
            boolean isLogY = hasFlag(Y_LOG_NUMBERS);

            if (auto[0] && !isLogX)
                range[0] = left - extraXLin;//extra space (linear)
            if (auto[1] && !isLogX)
                range[1] = right + extraXLin;
            if (auto[2] && !isLogY)
                range[2] = bottom - extraYLin;
            if (auto[3] && !isLogY)
                range[3] = top + extraYLin;

            if (auto[0] && isLogX)
                range[0] = Math.exp(Math.log(left) - extraXLog);//extra space (log)
            if (auto[1] && isLogX)
                range[1] = Math.exp(Math.log(right) + extraXLog);
            if (auto[2] && isLogY)
                range[2] = Math.exp(Math.log(bottom) - extraYLog);
            if (auto[3] && isLogY)
                range[3] = Math.exp(Math.log(top) + extraYLog);
        defaultMinMax = range;//change pointer of defaultMinMax
        enlargeRange = null;
        ignoreForce2Grid = true;
        if (plotDrawn)
    //n__ end setLimits
    /** Returns the current limits as an array xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax.
     *  Note that future versions might return a longer array (e.g. for y2 axis limits) */
    public double[] getLimits() {
        return new double[] {xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax};

    /** Sets the canvas size in unscaled pixels and sets the scale to 1.0.
     * If the scale remains 1.0, this will be the size of the resulting ImageProcessor.
     * When not called, the canvas size is adjusted for the plot frame size specified
     * in Edit>Options>Plots. */
    public void setSize(int width, int height) {
        //IJ.log("setSize "+width+"x"+height+ " old: "+ip);
        if (ip != null && width == ip.getWidth() && height == ip.getHeight()) return;
        Dimension minSize = getMinimumSize();
        plotWidth = Math.max(width, minSize.width) - (leftMargin+rightMargin);
        plotHeight = Math.max(height, minSize.height) - (topMargin+bottomMargin);
        scale = 1.0f;
        ip = null;
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();

    /** The size of the plot including borders with axis labels etc., in pixels */
    public Dimension getSize() {
        if (ip == null)
        return new Dimension(ip.getWidth(), ip.getHeight());

    /** Sets the plot frame size in (unscaled) pixels. This size does not include the
     *  borders with the axis labels.
     *  This frame size in pixels divided by the data range defines the image scale.
     *  This method does not check for the minimum size MIN_FRAMEWIDTH, MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT.
     *  Note that the black frame will have an outer size that is one pixel larger
     *  (when plotted with a linewidth of one pixel). */
    public void setFrameSize(int width, int height) {
        plotWidth = width;
        plotHeight = height;
        ip = null;
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();

    /** The minimum plot size including borders, in pixels (at scale=1) */
    public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
        return new Dimension(MIN_FRAMEWIDTH + leftMargin + rightMargin,
                MIN_FRAMEHEIGHT + topMargin + bottomMargin);

    /** Adjusts the format with another plot as a template, using the current
     *  (usually default) flags of this plot. Does not modify the properties of
     *  individual data sets (marker symbol, color, line thickness...).
     *  <code>plot</code> may be null; then the call has no effect. */
    public void useTemplate(Plot plot) {
        useTemplate(plot, templateFlags);
    /** Adjusts the format with another plot as a template. Flags determine what to
     *  copy from the template. Does not modify the properties of
     *  individual data sets (marker symbol, color, line thickness...).
     *  <code>plot</code> may be null; then the call has no effect. */
    public void useTemplate(Plot plot, int templateFlags) {
        if (plot == null) return;
        this.flags = plot.flags;
        this.defaultFont = plot.defaultFont;
        this.currentFont = plot.currentFont;
        this.xLabelFont = plot.xLabelFont;
        this.yLabelFont = plot.yLabelFont;
        this.currentLineWidth = plot.currentLineWidth;
        this.frameLineWidth = plot.frameLineWidth;
        this.currentColor = plot.currentColor;
        this.frameColor = plot.frameColor;
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_LABELS) != 0) {
            this.xLabel = plot.xLabel;
            this.yLabel = plot.yLabel;
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_LEGEND) != 0) {
        for (int i=0; i<currentMinMax.length; i++)
            if ((templateFlags>>(i/2)&0x1) != 0) {
                currentMinMax[i] = plot.currentMinMax[i];
                if (!plotDrawn) defaultMinMax[i] = plot.currentMinMax[i];
        if ((templateFlags & COPY_LEGEND) != 0) {
            if (plot.legend != null)
                this.legend = plot.legend.clone();
            int plotPObjectIndex = 0;
            int plotPObjectNumber = plot.allPlotObjects.size();
            for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
                if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                    while(plotPObjectIndex<plotPObjectNumber && plot.allPlotObjects.get(plotPObjectIndex).type != PlotObject.XY_DATA)
                        plotPObjectIndex++; //skip everything that has no label
                    if (plotPObjectIndex>=plotPObjectNumber) break;
                    plotObject.label = plot.allPlotObjects.get(plotPObjectIndex).label;
        setFrameSize(plot.plotWidth, plot.plotHeight);
        this.templateFlags = templateFlags;

    /** Sets the scale. Everything, including labels, line thicknesses, etc will be scaled by this factor.
     *  Should be called before creating the plot. */
    public void setScale(float scale) {
        this.scale = scale;
        if (scale > 20f) scale = 20f;
        if (scale < 0.7f) scale = 0.7f;
        plotDrawn = false;

    /** Sets the labels of the x and y axes. Labels may be null.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setXYLabels(String xLabel, String yLabel) {
        this.xLabel = xLabel!=null && xLabel.length()>0 ? xLabel : "";
        this.yLabel = yLabel!=null && yLabel.length()>0 ? yLabel : "";

    /** Sets the maximum number of intervals in a plot.  
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setMaxIntervals(int intervals) {
            maxIntervals = intervals;

    /** Sets the length of the major tick in pixels.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setTickLength(int tickLength) {
            tickLength = tickLength;

    /** Sets the length of the minor tick in pixels. */
    public void setMinorTickLength(int minorTickLength) {
            minorTickLength = minorTickLength;

    /** Sets the flags that control the axes format.
     *  Does not modify the flags for logarithmic axes on/off and the FORCE2GRID flags.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setFormatFlags(int flags) {
        int unchangedFlags = X_LOG_NUMBERS | Y_LOG_NUMBERS | X_FORCE2GRID | Y_FORCE2GRID;
        flags = flags & (~unchangedFlags);    //remove flags that should not be affected
        this.flags = (this.flags & unchangedFlags) | flags;

    /** Returns the flags that control the axes */
    public int getFlags() {
        return flags;

    /** Sets the X Axis format to Log or Linear.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setAxisXLog(boolean axisXLog) {
        flags = axisXLog ? flags | X_LOG_NUMBERS : flags & (~X_LOG_NUMBERS);

    /** Sets the Y Axis format to Log or Linear.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if it is shown already). */
    public void setAxisYLog(boolean axisYLog) {
        flags = axisYLog ? flags | Y_LOG_NUMBERS : flags & (~Y_LOG_NUMBERS);

    /** Sets whether to show major ticks at the x axis.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */

    public void setXTicks(boolean xTicks) {
        flags = xTicks ? flags | X_TICKS : flags & (~X_TICKS);

    /** Sets whether to show major ticks at the y axis.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setYTicks(boolean yTicks) {
        flags = yTicks ? flags | Y_TICKS : flags & (~Y_TICKS);

    /** Sets whether to show minor ticks on the x axis (if linear). Also sets major ticks if true and no grid is set.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setXMinorTicks(boolean xMinorTicks) {
        flags = xMinorTicks ? flags | X_MINOR_TICKS : flags & (~X_MINOR_TICKS);
        if (xMinorTicks && !hasFlag(X_GRID))
            flags |= X_TICKS;

    /** Sets whether to show minor ticks on the y axis (if linear). Also sets major ticks if true and no grid is set.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setYMinorTicks(boolean yMinorTicks) {
        flags = yMinorTicks ? flags | Y_MINOR_TICKS : flags & (~Y_MINOR_TICKS);
        if (yMinorTicks && !hasFlag(Y_GRID))
            flags |= Y_TICKS;

    /** Sets the properties of the axes. Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible
     *  (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setAxes(boolean xLog, boolean yLog, boolean xTicks, boolean yTicks, boolean xMinorTicks, boolean yMinorTicks,
            int tickLenght, int minorTickLenght) {
        setAxisXLog       (xLog);
        setAxisYLog       (yLog);
        setXMinorTicks    (xMinorTicks);
        setYMinorTicks    (yMinorTicks);
        setXTicks         (xTicks);
        setYTicks         (yTicks);
        setTickLength     (tickLenght);

    /** Sets log scale in x. Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible
     *  (if the image is shown already). */

    public void setLogScaleX() {

    public void setLogScaleY() {

    /** The default flags, taking PlotWindow.noGridLines, PlotWindow.noTicks into account */
    public static int getDefaultFlags() {
        int defaultFlags = 0;
        if (!PlotWindow.noGridLines) //note that log ticks are also needed because the range may span less than a decade, then no grid is visible
            defaultFlags |= X_GRID | Y_GRID | X_NUMBERS | Y_NUMBERS | X_LOG_TICKS | Y_LOG_TICKS;
        if (!PlotWindow.noTicks)
        return defaultFlags;

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
     * @param xValues   the x coordinates, or null. If null, integers starting at 0 will be used for x.
     * @param yValues   the y coordinates (must not be null)
     * @param yErrorBars error bars in y, may be null
     * @param label     Label for this curve or set of points, used for a legend and for listing the plots
    public void addPoints(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float[] yErrorBars, int shape, String label) {
        if (xValues==null || xValues.length==0) {
            xValues = new float[yValues.length];
            for (int i=0; i<yValues.length; i++)
                xValues[i] = i;
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(xValues, yValues, yErrorBars, shape, currentLineWidth, currentColor, currentColor2, label));
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();
    /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
     * @param x         the x coordinates
     * @param y         the y coordinates
    public void addPoints(float[] x, float[] y, int shape) {
        addPoints(x, y, null, shape, null);

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double arrays. */
    public void addPoints(double[] x, double[] y, int shape) {
        addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), shape);
    /** This a version of addPoints that works with JavaScript. */
    public void addPoints(String dummy, float[] x, float[] y, int shape) {
        addPoints(x, y, shape);

    public void add(String shape, double[] x, double[] y) {
        addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), null, toShape(shape), null);

    /** Returns the number for a given plot symbol shape, -1 for xError and -2 for yError (all case-insensitive) */
    public static int toShape(String str) {
        str = str.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        int shape = Plot.CIRCLE;
        if (str.contains("curve") || str.contains("line"))
            shape = Plot.LINE;
        if (str.contains("connected"))
            shape = Plot.CONNECTED_CIRCLES;
        else if (str.contains("box"))
            shape = Plot.BOX;
        else if (str.contains("triangle"))
            shape = Plot.TRIANGLE;
        else if (str.contains("cross") || str.contains("+"))
            shape = Plot.CROSS;     
        else if (str.contains("dot"))
            shape = Plot.DOT;       
        else if (str.contains("xerror"))
            shape = -2;
        else if (str.contains("error"))
            shape = -1;
        else if (str.contains("x"))
            shape = Plot.X;
        return shape;

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists.
     * Must be called before the plot is displayed. */  
    public void addPoints(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, int shape) {
        addPoints(getDoubleFromArrayList(x), getDoubleFromArrayList(y), shape);

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot or adds a curve if shape is set to LINE.
     * @param x         the x-coodinates
     * @param y         the y-coodinates
     * @param errorBars         the vertical error bars, may be null
     * @param shape     CIRCLE, X, BOX, TRIANGLE, CROSS, DOT or LINE
    public void addPoints(double[] x, double[] y, double[] errorBars, int shape) {
        addPoints(Tools.toFloat(x), Tools.toFloat(y), Tools.toFloat(errorBars), shape, null);

    /** Adds a set of points to the plot using double ArrayLists.
     * Must be called before the plot is displayed. */  
    public void addPoints(ArrayList x, ArrayList y, ArrayList z, int shape) {
        addPoints(getDoubleFromArrayList(x), getDoubleFromArrayList(y), getDoubleFromArrayList(z), shape);

    public double[] getDoubleFromArrayList(ArrayList list) {
        double[] targ = new double[list.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
            targ[i] = ((Double) list.get(i)).doubleValue();
        return targ;
    /** Adds a set of points that will be drawn as ARROWs.
     * @param x1        the x-coodinates of the beginning of the arrow
     * @param y1        the y-coodinates of the beginning of the arrow
     * @param x2        the x-coodinates of the end       of the arrow
     * @param y2        the y-coodinates of the end       of the arrow
    public void drawVectors(double[] x1, double[] y1, double[] x2, double[] y2) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(Tools.toFloat(x1), Tools.toFloat(y1),
                Tools.toFloat(x2), Tools.toFloat(y2), currentLineWidth, currentColor));

    public static double calculateDistance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
        return java.lang.Math.sqrt((x2 - x1)*(double)(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(double)(y2 - y1));

    /** Adds a set of vectors to the plot using double ArrayLists.
     *  Does not support logarithmic axes.
     *  Must be called before the plot is displayed. */ 
    public void drawVectors(ArrayList x1, ArrayList y1, ArrayList x2, ArrayList y2) {
        drawVectors(getDoubleFromArrayList(x1), getDoubleFromArrayList(y1), getDoubleFromArrayList(x2), getDoubleFromArrayList(y2));

    /** Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints). */
    public void addErrorBars(float[] errorBars) {
        PlotObject mainObject = getLastCurveObject();
        if (mainObject != null)
            mainObject.yEValues = errorBars;
        else throw new RuntimeException("Plot can't add y error bars without data");
    /** Adds vertical error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints). */
    public void addErrorBars(double[] errorBars) {

    /** This is a version of addErrorBars that works with JavaScript. */
    public void addErrorBars(String dummy, float[] errorBars) {

    /** Adds horizontal error bars to the last data passed to the plot (via the constructor or addPoints). */
    public void addHorizontalErrorBars(double[] xErrorBars) {
        PlotObject mainObject = getLastCurveObject();
        if (mainObject != null)
            mainObject.xEValues = Tools.toFloat(xErrorBars);
        else throw new RuntimeException("Plot can't add x error bars without data");

    /** Draws text at the specified location, where (0,0)
     * is the upper left corner of the the plot frame and (1,1) is
     * the lower right corner. Uses the justification specified by setJustification(). */
    public void addLabel(double x, double y, String label) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(label, x, y, currentJustification, currentFont, currentColor, PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LABEL));

    /* Draws text at the specified location, using the coordinate system defined
     * by setLimits() and the justification specified by setJustification(). */
    public void addText(String label, double x, double y) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(label, x, y, currentJustification, currentFont, currentColor, PlotObject.LABEL));

    /** Adds an automatically positioned legend, where 'labels' is a 
        newline-delimited list of curve or point lables. To modify the legend's 
        style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'. */
    public void addLegend(String labels) {
        addLegend(labels, null);
    public void addLegend(String labels, String options) {
        int flags = Plot.AUTO_POSITION;
        if (options!=null) {
            options = options.toLowerCase();
            if (options.contains("top-left"))
                flags |= Plot.TOP_LEFT;
            else if (options.contains("top-right"))
                flags |= Plot.TOP_RIGHT;
            else if (options.contains("bottom-left"))
                flags |= Plot.BOTTOM_LEFT;
            else if (options.contains("bottom-right"))
                flags |= Plot.BOTTOM_RIGHT;
            if (options.contains("bottom-to-top"))
                flags |= Plot.LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP;
            if (options.contains("transparent"))
                flags |= Plot.LEGEND_TRANSPARENT;
        setLegend(labels, flags);

    /** Adds a legend. The legend will be always drawn last (on top of everything).
     *  To modify the legend's style, call 'setFont' and 'setLineWidth' before 'addLegend'
     *  @param labels labels of the points or curves in the sequence of the data added, tab-delimited or linefeed-delimited.
     *  The labels of the datasets will be set to these values. If null or not given, the labels set
     *  previously (if any) will be used.
     *  @param flags  Bitwise or of position (AUTO_POSITION, TOP_LEFT etc.), LEGEND_TRANSPARENT, and LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP if desired.
     *  Updates the image (if it is shown already). */
    public void setLegend(String labels, int flags) {
        legend = new PlotObject(labels, currentLineWidth == 0 ? 1 : currentLineWidth,
                currentFont == null ? defaultFont : currentFont, currentColor == null ? : currentColor, flags);
        if (plotDrawn) updateImage();

    /** Sets the justification used by addLabel(), where <code>justification</code>
     * is Plot.LEFT, Plot.CENTER or Plot.RIGHT. Default is LEFT. */
    public void setJustification(int justification) {
        currentJustification = justification;
    /** Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot. 
     *  For selecting the color of the curve passed with the constructor,
     *  use <code>setColor</code> before <code>draw</code>.
     *  The frame and labels are always drawn in black. */
    public void setColor(Color c) {
        currentColor = c;
        currentColor2 = null;
    public void setColor(String color) {

    /** Changes the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot.
     *  It also sets secondary color: This is the color of the line for CONNECTED_CIRCLES,
     *  and the color for filling open symbols (CIRCLE, BOX, TRIANGLE).
     *  Set it to null or use the one-argument call setColor(color) to disable filling.
     *  For selecting the color of the curve passed with the constructor,
     *  use <code>setColor</code> before <code>draw</code>.
     *  The frame and labels are always drawn in black. */
    public void setColor(Color c, Color c2) {
        currentColor = c;
        currentColor2 = c2;
    /** Sets the drawing color for the next objects that will be added to the plot. */
    public void setColor(String c1, String c2) {
        setColor(Colors.getColor(c1,, Colors.getColor(c2,;

    /** Set the plot frame background color. */
    public void setBackgroundColor(Color c) {
        backgroundColor = c;

    /** Set the plot frame background color. */
    public void setBackgroundColor(String c) {

    /** Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot. */
    public void setLineWidth(int lineWidth) {
        currentLineWidth = lineWidth;

    /** Changes the line width for the next objects that will be added to the plot. */
    public void setLineWidth(float lineWidth) {
        currentLineWidth = lineWidth;

    /* Draws a line using the coordinate system defined by setLimits(). */
    public void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentLineWidth, 0, currentColor, PlotObject.LINE));
    /** Draws a line using a normalized 0-1, 0-1 coordinate system,
     * with (0,0) at the top left and (1,1) at the lower right corner.
     * This is the same coordinate system used by addLabel(x,y,label).
    public void drawNormalizedLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentLineWidth, 0, currentColor, PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LINE));

    /* Draws a line using the coordinate system defined by setLimits(). */
    public void drawDottedLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int step) {
        allPlotObjects.add(new PlotObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, currentLineWidth, step, currentColor, PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE));

    /** Sets the font for all following drawLabel etc. operations. The currently set font when
     *  displaying the plot determines the font of all labels & numbers
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setFont(Font font) {
        currentFont = font;

    /** Sets the font size and style for all following drawLabel etc. operations. This leaves
     *  the font name and style of the previously used fonts unchanged. The currently set font
     *  when displaying the plot determines the font of the numbers at the axes.
     *  That font also sets the default label font size, which may be overridden by
     *  setAxisLabelFontSize or setXLabelFont, setYLabelFont.
     *  Styles are defined in the Font class, e.g. Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD.
     *  Set <code>style</code> to -1 to leave the style unchanged.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setFont(int style, float size) {
        if (size < 9) size = 9f;
        if (size > 24) size = 24f;
        Font previousFont = currentFont == null ? defaultFont : currentFont;
        if (style < 0) style = previousFont.getStyle();

    /** Sets the size of the x and y label font size and style. Styles are defined
     *  in the Font class, e.g. Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD.
     *  Set <code>style</code> to -1 to leave the style unchanged.
     *  Call updateImage() thereafter to make the change visible (if the image is shown already). */
    public void setAxisLabelFont(int style, float size) {
        if (size < 9) size = 9f;
        if (size > 33) size = 33f;
        Font usualFont = currentFont == null ? defaultFont : currentFont;
        if (xLabelFont == null) xLabelFont = usualFont;
        if (yLabelFont == null) yLabelFont = usualFont;
        setXLabelFont(xLabelFont.deriveFont(style < 0 ? xLabelFont.getStyle() : style, size));
        setYLabelFont(xLabelFont.deriveFont(style < 0 ? yLabelFont.getStyle() : style, size));

    /** Sets the xLabelFont; must not be mull. If this method is not used, the last setFont
     *  of setFontSize call before displaying the plot determines the font, or if neither
     *  was called, the font size of the Plot Options is used. */
    public void setXLabelFont(Font font) {
        xLabelFont = font;

    /** Sets the yLabelFont; must not be null. */
    public void setYLabelFont(Font font) {
        yLabelFont = font;

    /** Determines whether to use antialiased text (default true) */
    public void setAntialiasedText(boolean antialiasedText) {
        this.antialiasedText = antialiasedText;

    /** Obsolete; replaced by setFont(). */
    public void changeFont(Font font) {

    /** Get the x coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null)
     *  or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'. Returns null if neither exists */
    public float[] getXValues() {
        PlotObject p = getMainCurveObject();
        return p==null ? null : p.xValues;

    /** Get the y coordinates of the data set passed with the constructor (if not null)
     *  or otherwise of the data set of the first 'addPoints'. Returns null if neither exists */
    public float[] getYValues() {
        PlotObject p = getMainCurveObject();
        return p==null ? null : p.yValues;

    /** Get an array with human-readable designations of the PlotObjects (curves, labels, ...)
     *  in the sequence they are plotted (i.e., foreground last). **/
    public String[] getPlotObjectDesignations() {
        int nObjects = allPlotObjects.size();
        String[] names = new String[nObjects];
        if (names.length == 0) return names;
        String[] labels = null;
        if (legend != null && legend.label != null)
            labels = legend.label.split("[\t\n]");
        int iData = 1, iArrow = 1, iLine = 1, iText = 1;                        //Human readable counters of each object type
        int firstObject = allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA) ? 1 : 0; //PlotObject passed with constructor is plotted last
        for (int i=0, p=firstObject; i<nObjects; i++, p++) {
            if (p >= allPlotObjects.size()) p = 0;                              //might be PlotObject passed with Constructor
            PlotObject plotObject = allPlotObjects.get(p);
            int type = plotObject.type;
            String label = plotObject.label;
            switch (type) {
                case PlotObject.XY_DATA:
                    names[i] = "Data Set "+iData+": "+(labels!=null && labels.length>=iData ?
                            labels[iData-1] : "(" + plotObject.yValues.length + " data points)");
                case PlotObject.ARROWS:
                    names[i] = "Arrow Set "+iArrow+" ("+ plotObject.xValues.length + ")";
                case PlotObject.LINE: case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LINE: case PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE:
                    String detail = "";
                    if (type == PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE) detail = "dotted ";
                    if (plotObject.x ==plotObject.xEnd) detail += "vertical";
                    else if (plotObject.y ==plotObject.yEnd) detail += "horizontal";
                    if (detail.length()>0) detail = " ("+detail.trim()+")";
                    names[i] = "Straight Line "+iLine+detail;
                case PlotObject.LABEL: case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LABEL:
                    String text = plotObject.label.replaceAll("\n"," ");
                    if (text.length()>45) text = text.substring(0, 40)+"...";
                    names[i] = "Text "+iText+": \""+text+'"';
        return names;

    /** Get the style of the i-th PlotObject (curve, label, ...) in the sequence
     *  they are plotted (i.e., foreground last), as String with comma delimiters:
     *  Main Color, Secondary Color (or "none"), Line Width [, Symbol shape for XY_DATA] **/
    public String getPlotObjectStyles(int i) {
        if (allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) i++;
        if (i == allPlotObjects.size()) i = 0;                      //PlotObject passed with Constructor (#0) is last
        PlotObject plotObject = allPlotObjects.get(i);
        String styleString = Colors.colorToString(plotObject.color) + "," +
                Colors.colorToString(plotObject.color2) + "," +
        if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA)
            styleString += ","+SHAPE_NAMES[plotObject.shape];
        return styleString;

    /** Set the style of the i-th PlotObject (curve, label, ...) in the sequence
     *  they are plotted (i.e., foreground last), from a String with comma delimiters:
     *  Main Color, Secondary Color (or "none"), Line Width [, Symbol shape for XY_DATA] **/
    public void setPlotObjectStyles(int i, String styleString) {
        if (allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) i++;
        if (i == allPlotObjects.size()) i = 0;                      //PlotObject passed with Constructor (#0) is last
        PlotObject plotObject = allPlotObjects.get(i);
        String[] items = styleString.split(",");
        plotObject.color = Colors.decode(items[0].trim(), plotObject.color);
        plotObject.color2 = Colors.decode(items[1].trim(), null);
        float lineWidth = plotObject.lineWidth;
        if (items.length >= 3) try {
            plotObject.lineWidth = Float.parseFloat(items[2].trim());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {};
        if (items.length >= 4)
            plotObject.shape = toShape(items[3].trim());

    /** Sets the plot range to the initial value determined from minima&maxima or given by setLimits.
     *  Updates the image if existing and updateImg is true */
    public void setLimitsToDefaults(boolean updateImg) {
        System.arraycopy(defaultMinMax, 0, currentMinMax, 0, defaultMinMax.length);
        if (plotDrawn && updateImg) updateImage();

    /** Sets the plot range to encompass all data. Updates the image if existing. */
    public void setLimitsToFit(boolean updateImg) {
        currentMinMax = getMinAndMax(true, 0xff);
        if (Double.isNaN(defaultMinMax[0]))
            System.arraycopy(currentMinMax, 0, defaultMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);
        if (plotDrawn && updateImg) updateImage();

    /** reverts plot range to previous values and updates the image */
    public void setPreviousMinMax() {
        if (Double.isNaN(savedMinMax[0])) return;  //no saved values yet
        double[] swap = new double[currentMinMax.length];
        System.arraycopy(currentMinMax, 0, swap, 0, currentMinMax.length);
        System.arraycopy(savedMinMax, 0, currentMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);
        System.arraycopy(swap, 0, savedMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);

    /** Draws the plot (if not done before) in an ImageProcessor and returns the ImageProcessor with the plot. */
    public ImageProcessor getProcessor() {
        return ip;

    /** Returns the plot as an ImagePlus.
     *  If an ImagePlus for this plot already exists, displays the plot in that ImagePlus and returns it. */
    public ImagePlus getImagePlus() {
        if (plotDrawn)
        if (imp != null) {
            if (imp.getProcessor() != ip) imp.setProcessor(ip);
            return imp;
        } else {
            ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(title, ip);
            return imp;

    /** Sets the ImagePlus where the plot will be displayed. If the ImagePlus is not
     *  known otherwise (e.g. from getImagePlus), this is needed for changes such as
     *  zooming in to work correctly. It also sets the calibration of the ImagePlus.
     *  The ImagePlus is not displayed or updated.
     *  'imp' may be null to disconnect the plot from its ImagePlus */
    public void setImagePlus(ImagePlus imp) {
        if (this.imp != null)
            this.imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, null);
        this.imp = imp;
        if (imp != null) {
            imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, this);

    /** Adjusts a Calibration object to fit the current axes.
     *  For log axes, the calibration refers to the base-10 logarithm of the value */
    public void adjustCalibration(Calibration cal) {
        if (xMin == xMax)   //tiff images can't handle infinity in scale, see TiffEncoder.writeScale
            xScale = 1e6;
        if (yMin == yMax)
            yScale = 1e6;
        cal.xOrigin = xBasePxl-xMin*xScale;
        cal.pixelWidth  = 1.0/Math.abs(xScale); //Calibration must not have negative pixel size
        cal.yOrigin = yBasePxl+yMin*yScale;
        cal.pixelHeight = 1.0/Math.abs(yScale);
        cal.setInvertY(yScale >= 0);
        if (xMin == xMax)
            xScale = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        if (yMin == yMax)
            yScale = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    /** Displays the plot in a PlotWindow and returns a reference to the PlotWindow.
     *  Note that the PlotWindow might get closed immediately if its 'listValues' and 'autoClose'
     *  flags are set */
    public PlotWindow show() {
        if ((IJ.macroRunning() && IJ.getInstance()==null) || Interpreter.isBatchMode()) {
            imp = getImagePlus();
            if (getMainCurveObject() != null) {
                imp.setProperty("XValues", getXValues()); // Allows values to be retrieved by 
                imp.setProperty("YValues", getYValues()); // by Plot.getValues() macro function
            return null;
        if (imp != null) {
            Window win = imp.getWindow();
            if (win instanceof PlotWindow && win.isVisible()) {
                updateImage();          // show in existing window
                return (PlotWindow)win;
            } else
        PlotWindow pw = new PlotWindow(this);       //note: this may set imp to null if pw has listValues and autoClose are set
        if (IJ.isMacro() && imp!=null) // wait for plot to be displayed
        return pw;

    /** Draws the plot specified for the first time. Does nothing if the plot has been drawn already.
     *  Call getProcessor to retrieve the ImageProcessor with it.
     *  Does no action with respect to the ImagePlus (it any) */
    public void draw() {
        //IJ.log("draw(); plotDrawn="+plotDrawn);
        if (plotDrawn) return;

    /** Freezes or unfreezes the plot. In the frozen state, the plot cannot be resized or updated,
     *  and the Plot class does no modifications to the ImageProcessor.
     *  Changes are recorded nevertheless and become effective with <code>setFrozen(false)</code>. */
    public void setFrozen(boolean frozen) {
        this.frozen = frozen;
        if (!frozen) {  // unfreeze operations ...
            if (imp != null && ip != null) {
                ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas();
                if (ic instanceof PlotCanvas)
            ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
            if (win != null) win.updateImage(imp); //show any changes made during the frozen state

    public boolean isFrozen() {
        return frozen;
    /** Draws the plot again, ignored if the plot has not been drawn before or the plot is frozen
     *  If the ImagePlus exist, updates it and its calibration. */
    public void updateImage() {
        if (!plotDrawn || frozen) return;
        if (imp == null) return;

    /** Returns the rectangle where the data are plotted.
     *  This rectangle includes the black outline frame at the top and left, but not at the bottom
     *  and right (when the frame is plotted with 1 pxl width).
     *  The image scale is its width or height in pixels divided by the data range in x or y. */
    public Rectangle getDrawingFrame() {
        if (frame == null)
            getBlankProcessor(); //setup frame if not done yet
            return new Rectangle(frame.x, frame.y, frameWidth, frameHeight);

    /** Creates a new high-resolution plot by scaling it and displays that plot if showIt is true.
     *  <code>title</code> may be null, then a default title is used. */
    public ImagePlus makeHighResolution(String title, float scale, boolean antialiasedText, boolean showIt) {
        Plot hiresPlot = null;
        try {
            hiresPlot = (Plot)clone();  //shallow clone, thus arrays&objects are not cloned
        } catch (Exception e) {return null;}
        hiresPlot.ip = null;
        hiresPlot.imp = null;
        if (!plotDrawn) hiresPlot.getInitialMinAndMax();
        hiresPlot.defaultMinMax = currentMinMax.clone();
        ImageProcessor hiresIp = hiresPlot.getProcessor();
        if (title == null || title.length() == 0)
            title = getTitle()+"_HiRes";
        title = WindowManager.makeUniqueName(title);
        ImagePlus hiresImp = new ImagePlus(title, hiresIp);
        Calibration cal = hiresImp.getCalibration();
        if (showIt) {
        hiresPlot.dispose(); //after drawing, we don't need the plot of the high-resolution image any more
        return hiresImp;

    /** Releases the ImageProcessor and ImagePlus associated with the plot.
     *  May help garbage collection because some garbage collectors
     *  are said to be inefficient with circular references. */
    public void dispose() {
        if (imp != null)
            imp.setProperty(PROPERTY_KEY, null);
        imp = null;
        ip = null;

    /** Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes and inverted x axes */
    public double descaleX(int x) {
        if (xMin == xMax) return xMin;
        double xv = (x-xBasePxl)/xScale + xMin;
        if (logXAxis) xv = Math.pow(10, xv);
        return xv;

    /** Converts pixels to calibrated coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes */
    public double descaleY(int y) {
        if (yMin == yMax) return yMin;
        double yv = (yBasePxl-y)/yScale +yMin;
        if (logYAxis) yv = Math.pow(10, yv);
        return yv;

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log x axis and inverted x axis */
    public double scaleXtoPxl(double x) {
        if (xMin == xMax) {
            if (x==xMin) return xBasePxl;
            else return x>xMin ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        if (logXAxis)
            return xBasePxl+(Math.log10(x)-xMin)*xScale;
            return xBasePxl+(x-xMin)*xScale;

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log y axis */
    public double scaleYtoPxl(double y) {
        if (yMin == yMax) {
            if (y==xMin) return yBasePxl;
            else return y>yMin ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        if (logYAxis)
            return yBasePxl-(Math.log10(y)-yMin)*yScale;
            return yBasePxl-(y-yMin)*yScale;

    /** Calibrated coordinates to integer pixel coordinates */
    private int scaleX(double x) {
        if (xMin == xMax) {
            if (x==xMin) return xBasePxl;
            else return x>xMin ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (logXAxis)
            return xBasePxl+(int)Math.round((Math.log10(x)-xMin)*xScale);
            return xBasePxl+(int)Math.round((x-xMin)*xScale);

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes */
    private int scaleY(double y) {
        if (yMin == yMax) {
            if (y==yMin) return yBasePxl;
            else return y>yMin ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (logYAxis)
            return yBasePxl-(int)Math.round((Math.log10(y)-yMin)*yScale);
            return yBasePxl-(int)Math.round((y-yMin)*yScale);

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes and inverted x axes. Returns -1 instead NaN for log x axis and zero or negative x */
    private int scaleXWithOverflow(double x) {
        if (!logXAxis || x>0)
            return scaleX(x);
            return xScale > 0 ? -1 : ip.getWidth();

    /** Converts calibrated coordinates to pixel coordinates. In contrast to the image calibration, also
     *  works with log axes and inverted x axes. Returns -1 instead NaN for log y axis and zero or negative y */
    private int scaleYWithOverflow(double y) {
        if (!logYAxis || y>0)
            return scaleY(y);
            return yScale > 0 ? ip.getHeight() : -1;

    /** Scales a value of the original plot for a high-resolution plot. Returns an integer number of pixels >=1 */
    int sc(float length) {
        int pixels = (int)(length*scale + 0.5);
        if (pixels < 1) pixels = 1;
        return pixels;

    /** Scales a font of the original plot for a high-resolution plot. */
    Font scFont(Font font) {
        float size = font.getSize2D();
        return scale==1 ? font : font.deriveFont(size*scale);

    /** Converts the plot to color if the given color requires it */
    void checkForColor(Color c) {
        if (c == null) return;
        if (c.getRed() != c.getGreen() || c.getGreen() != c.getBlue())
            isColor = true;

    /** Draws the plot contents (all PlotObjects and the frame and legend), without axes etc. */
    void drawContents(ImageProcessor ip) {
        float lineWidth = 1;
        Color color =;
        Font font = defaultFont;

        // draw all the plot objects in the sequence they were added, except for the one of the constructor
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (!plotObject.hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) {
                //properties lineWidth, Font, Color set for one object remain for the next object unless changed
                if (plotObject.lineWidth > 0)
                    lineWidth = plotObject.lineWidth;
                    plotObject.lineWidth = lineWidth;
                if (plotObject.color != null)
                    color = plotObject.color;
                    plotObject.color = color;
                if (plotObject.font != null)
                    font = plotObject.font;
                    plotObject.font = font;
                //IJ.log("type="+plotObject.type+" color="+plotObject.color);
                drawPlotObject(plotObject, ip);

        // draw the line passed with the constructor last, using the settings present when calling 'draw'
        if (allPlotObjects.size()>0 && allPlotObjects.get(0).hasFlag(PlotObject.CONSTRUCTOR_DATA)) {
            PlotObject mainPlotObject = allPlotObjects.get(0);
            if (mainPlotObject.lineWidth == 0)
                mainPlotObject.lineWidth = currentLineWidth == 0 ? 1 : currentLineWidth;
            lineWidth = mainPlotObject.lineWidth;
            if (mainPlotObject.color == null)
                mainPlotObject.color = currentColor == null ? : currentColor;
            drawPlotObject(mainPlotObject, ip);
        } else {
            if (currentLineWidth > 0) lineWidth = currentLineWidth; //linewidth when drawing determines frame linewidth

        // finally draw the frame & legend
        frameLineWidth = lineWidth;
        if (frameLineWidth == 0) frameLineWidth = 1;
        if (frameLineWidth > 3) frameLineWidth = 3;
        int x2 = frame.x + frame.width - 1;
        int y2 = frame.y + frame.height - 1;
        ip.moveTo(frame.x, frame.y);    // draw the frame. Can't use ip.drawRect because it is inconsistent for different lineWidths
        ip.lineTo(x2, frame.y);
        ip.lineTo(x2, y2);
        ip.lineTo(frame.x, y2);
        ip.lineTo(frame.x, frame.y);
        if (legend != null && (legend.flags & LEGEND_POSITION_MASK) != 0)
            drawPlotObject(legend, ip);

        plotDrawn = true;

    /** Creates the processor if not existing, clears the background and prepares
     *  it for plotting. Also called by the PlotWindow class to prepare the window. */
    ImageProcessor getBlankProcessor() { 
        float marginScale = 0.2f + 0.8f*(currentFont == null ? defaultFont : currentFont).getSize2D()/12f;
        if (marginScale < 0.7f) marginScale = 0.7f;
        if (marginScale > 2f) marginScale = 2f;
        leftMargin   = sc(LEFT_MARGIN*marginScale);
        rightMargin  = sc(RIGHT_MARGIN*marginScale);
        topMargin    = sc(TOP_MARGIN*marginScale);
        bottomMargin = sc(BOTTOM_MARGIN*marginScale);
        frameWidth  = sc(plotWidth);
        frameHeight = sc(plotHeight);
        int width  = frameWidth + leftMargin + rightMargin;
        int height = frameHeight + topMargin + bottomMargin;
        if (ip == null || width != ip.getWidth() || height != ip.getHeight() || (isColor && (ip instanceof ByteProcessor))) {
            if (isColor) {
                ip = new ColorProcessor(width, height);
            } else {
                ip = new ByteProcessor(width, height);
                invertedLut = Prefs.useInvertingLut && !Interpreter.isBatchMode() && IJ.getInstance()!=null;
                if (invertedLut) ip.invertLut();
            if (imp != null) imp.setProcessor(ip);
        if (ip instanceof ColorProcessor)
            Arrays.fill((int[])(ip.getPixels()), 0xffffff);
            Arrays.fill((byte[])(ip.getPixels()), invertedLut ? (byte)0 : (byte)0xff);

        frame = new Rectangle(leftMargin, topMargin, frameWidth+1, frameHeight+1);
        if (backgroundColor!=null) {
        return ip;

    /** Calculate the actual range, major step interval and set variables for data <-> pixels scaling */
    double[] makeRangeGetSteps() {
        double[] steps = new double[2];
        logXAxis = hasFlag(X_LOG_NUMBERS);
        logYAxis = hasFlag(Y_LOG_NUMBERS);

        for (int i=0; i<currentMinMax.length; i+=2) {  //for x and y direction
            boolean logAxis = hasFlag(i==0 ? X_LOG_NUMBERS : Y_LOG_NUMBERS);
            //don't zoom in too much (otherwise float conversion to int pixels may be wrong)
            double range = currentMinMax[i+1]-currentMinMax[i];
            double mid = 0.5*(currentMinMax[i+1]+currentMinMax[i]);
            double relativeRange = Math.abs(range/mid);
            if (!logAxis)
                relativeRange = Math.min(relativeRange, Math.abs(range/(defaultMinMax[i+1]-defaultMinMax[i]))); 
            if (range != 0 && relativeRange<1e-4) {
                currentMinMax[i+1] = mid + 0.5*range*1e-4/relativeRange;
                currentMinMax[i] = mid - 0.5*range*1e-4/relativeRange;
            //no log range if range is too small or not positive values
            if (logAxis) {
                double rangeRatio = currentMinMax[i+1]/currentMinMax[i];
                if (!(rangeRatio > MIN_LOG_RATIO || 1./rangeRatio > MIN_LOG_RATIO) ||
                    !(currentMinMax[i] > 10*Float.MIN_VALUE)  || !(currentMinMax[i+1] > 10*Float.MIN_VALUE))
                logAxis = false;
            //for log axes, temporarily work on the logarithm
            if (logAxis) {
                currentMinMax[i] = Math.log10(currentMinMax[i]);
                currentMinMax[i+1] = Math.log10(currentMinMax[i+1]);
            // calculate grid or major tick interval
            if ((i==0 && !simpleXAxis()) || (i==2 && !simpleYAxis())) {
                int minGridspacing = i==0 ? MIN_X_GRIDSPACING : MIN_Y_GRIDSPACING;
                int frameSize = i==0 ? frameWidth : frameHeight;
                double step = Math.abs((currentMinMax[i+1] - currentMinMax[i]) *
                        Math.max(1.0/maxIntervals, (float)sc(minGridspacing)/frameSize+0.06)); //the smallest allowable step
                step = niceNumber(step);
                if (logAxis && step < 1)
                    step = 1;
                steps[i/2] = step;
                //modify limits to grid or minor ticks if desired
                boolean force2grid = hasFlag(i==0 ? X_FORCE2GRID : Y_FORCE2GRID) && !ignoreForce2Grid;
                if (force2grid) {
                    int i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(currentMinMax[i],currentMinMax[i+1])/step+1.e-10);
                    int i2 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.max(currentMinMax[i],currentMinMax[i+1])/step-1.e-10);
                    if (currentMinMax[i+1] > currentMinMax[i]) {    // care about inverted axes with max<min
                        currentMinMax[i] = i1 * step;
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = i2 * step;
                    } else {
                        currentMinMax[i] = i2 * step;
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = i1 * step;
                //} else if (snapToMinorGrid) {
                //  double stepForSnap = niceNumber(0.15*step);
                //  if (!logXAxis || stepForSnap >= 0.999) {    //don't snap on log axis if minor ticks are not full decades
                //      currentMinMax[i] = stepForSnap * Math.round(currentMinMax[i]/stepForSnap);
                //      currentMinMax[i+1] = stepForSnap * Math.round(currentMinMax[i+1]/stepForSnap);
                //  }
                } else if (enlargeRange != null) {
                    // Enlarge range slightly (only in y direction) so that markers at min, max are not hidden by the frame
                    range = currentMinMax[i+1]-currentMinMax[i];
                    double tmpMin = currentMinMax[i] - 0.015*range;
                    if (enlargeRange[i] == USUALLY_ENLARGE)       // 'weak' enlarging: dont traverse zero
                        currentMinMax[i] = (tmpMin*currentMinMax[i] <= 0) ? 0 : tmpMin;
                    else if (enlargeRange[i] == ALWAYS_ENLARGE)   // always enlarge
                        currentMinMax[i] = tmpMin;
                    double tmpMax = currentMinMax[i+1] + 0.015*range;
                    if (enlargeRange[i+1] == USUALLY_ENLARGE)
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = (tmpMax*currentMinMax[i+1] <= 0) ? 0 : tmpMax;
                    else if (enlargeRange[i+1] == ALWAYS_ENLARGE)
                        currentMinMax[i+1] = tmpMax;
            if (i==0) {
                xMin = currentMinMax[i];
                xMax = currentMinMax[i+1];
                logXAxis = logAxis;
            } else {
                yMin = currentMinMax[i];
                yMax = currentMinMax[i+1];
                logYAxis = logAxis;
            if (logAxis) {
                currentMinMax[i] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[i]);
                currentMinMax[i+1] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[i+1]);
        //snapToMinorGrid = false;
        enlargeRange = null;
        ignoreForce2Grid = false;

        // calculate what we need to convert the data to screen pixels
        xBasePxl = leftMargin;
        yBasePxl = topMargin + frameHeight;
        xScale = frameWidth/(xMax-xMin);
        if (!(xMax-xMin!=0.0))    //if range==0 (all data the same), or NaN shift zero level so one can see the curve
            xBasePxl += sc(10);
        yScale = frameHeight/(yMax-yMin);
        if (!(yMax-yMin!=0.0))
            yBasePxl -= sc(10);
        //IJ.log("x,yScale="+(float)xScale+","+(float)yScale+" xMin,max="+(float)xMin+","+(float)xMax+" yMin.max="+(float)yMin+","+(float)yMax);

        return steps;

    void getInitialMinAndMax() {
        int axisFlags = 0;
        if (Double.isNaN(defaultMinMax[0])) axisFlags |= X_RANGE;
        if (Double.isNaN(defaultMinMax[2])) axisFlags |= Y_RANGE;
        if (axisFlags != 0)
            defaultMinMax = getMinAndMax(false, axisFlags);
        setLimitsToDefaults(false);         //use the range values to start with, but don't draw yet

    /** Gets the minimum and maximum values from the first XY_DATA or VECTOR plotObject or all such plotObjects;
     *  axisFlags determine for which axis to calculate the min&max (X_RANGE for x axis, Y_RANGE for y axis);
     *  for the other axes the limit is taken from defaultMinMax
     *  Array elements returned are xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax. Also sets enlargeRange to tell which limits should be enlarged
     *  beyond the minimum or maximum of the data */
    double[] getMinAndMax(boolean allObjects, int axisFlags) {
        double[] allMinMax = new double[]{Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE};
        for (int i=0; i<allMinMax.length; i++)
            if (((axisFlags>>i/2) & 1)==0)    //keep default min & max for this axis
                allMinMax[i] = defaultMinMax[i];
        enlargeRange = new int[allMinMax.length];
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA || plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS) {
                getMinAndMax(allMinMax, enlargeRange, plotObject, axisFlags);
                if (!allObjects) break;
        return allMinMax;

    /** Gets the minimum and maximum values from an XY_DATA or VECTOR plotObject;
     *  axisFlags determine for which axis (X_RANGE for x axis, Y_RANGE for y axis)
     *  The minimum modifies allMinAndMax[0] (x), allMinAndMax[2] (y); the maximum modifies [1], [3].
     *  Sets the enlargeRange variables */
    void getMinAndMax(double[] allMinAndMax, int[] enlargeRange, PlotObject plotObject, int axisFlags) {
        if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
            if ((axisFlags & X_RANGE) != 0) {
                int suggestedEnlarge = 0;
                if (plotObject.shape==DOT || plotObject.yEValues != null) //these can't be seen if merging with the frame
                    suggestedEnlarge = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
                else if (plotObject.shape != LINE)
                    suggestedEnlarge = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, suggestedEnlarge, 0, plotObject.xValues, plotObject.xEValues);
            if ((axisFlags & Y_RANGE) != 0) {
                int suggestedEnlarge = 0;
                if (plotObject.shape==DOT || plotObject.xEValues != null) //these can't be seen if merging with the frame
                    suggestedEnlarge = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
                else if (plotObject.shape != LINE)
                    suggestedEnlarge = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange,  suggestedEnlarge, 2, plotObject.yValues, plotObject.yEValues);
        } else if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS) {
            if ((axisFlags & X_RANGE) != 0) {
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 0, plotObject.xValues, null);
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 0, plotObject.xEValues, null);
            if ((axisFlags & Y_RANGE) != 0) {
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 2, plotObject.yValues, null);
                getMinAndMax(allMinAndMax, enlargeRange, ALWAYS_ENLARGE, 2, plotObject.yEValues, null);

    /** Gets the minimum and maximum values for a dataset, taking error bars (if not null) into account.
     *  The minimum modifies allMinAndMax[axisIndex] the maximum modifies allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1]
     *  If minAndMax is not null, it is extended to include the new min&max.
     *  Also cares about whether the range should be enlarged to avoid hiding markers at the edges */
    void getMinAndMax(double[] allMinAndMax, int[] enlargeRange, int suggestedEnlarge,
            int axisIndex, float[] data, float[] errorBars) {
        int nMinEqual = 0, nMaxEqual = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
            double v1 = data[i];
            double v2 = data[i];
            if (errorBars != null && i<errorBars.length) {
                v1 -= errorBars[i];
                v2 += errorBars[i];
            if (v1 < allMinAndMax[axisIndex]) {
                allMinAndMax[axisIndex] = v1;
                nMinEqual = 1;
                enlargeRange[axisIndex] = suggestedEnlarge;
                if (suggestedEnlarge == 0 && i>0 && i<data.length-1) //for lines except at the end: also enlarge
                    enlargeRange[axisIndex] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
            } else if (v1 == allMinAndMax[axisIndex])
            if (v2 > allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1]) {
                allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1] = v2;
                nMaxEqual = 1;
                enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = suggestedEnlarge;
                if (suggestedEnlarge == 0 && i>0 && i<data.length-1) //for lines except at the end: also enlarge
                    enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
            } else if (v2 == allMinAndMax[axisIndex+1])
        //lines with many points (>10%) at min or max?
        if (enlargeRange[axisIndex] == 0 && nMinEqual > 2 && nMinEqual*10 > data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
        if (enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] == 0 && nMaxEqual > 2 && nMaxEqual*10 > data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = USUALLY_ENLARGE;
        //all data at min or max?
        if (nMinEqual == data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex] = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
        if (nMaxEqual == data.length)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = ALWAYS_ENLARGE;
        //min or max set previously, but not with proper enlarge range?
        if (nMinEqual>0 && enlargeRange[axisIndex]<suggestedEnlarge)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex] = suggestedEnlarge;
        if (nMaxEqual>0 && enlargeRange[axisIndex+1]<suggestedEnlarge)
            enlargeRange[axisIndex+1] = suggestedEnlarge;

    void saveMinMax() {
        System.arraycopy(currentMinMax, 0, savedMinMax, 0, currentMinMax.length);

    /** Zooms to a range given in pixels and updates the image */
    void zoomToRect(Rectangle r) {
        currentMinMax[0] = descaleX(r.x);
        currentMinMax[1] = descaleX(r.x + r.width);
        currentMinMax[2] = descaleY(r.y + r.height);
        currentMinMax[3] = descaleY(r.y);
        //snapToMinorGrid = true; //get nice bounds when zooming in

    //n__ begin zoomOnRangeArrow
     * Zooms in or out when the user clicks one of the overlay arrows at the
     * axes. Index numbers start with 0 at the 'down' arrow of the lower side of
     * the x axis and end with the up arrow at the upper side of the y axis.
    void zoomOnRangeArrow(int arrowIndex) {
        if (arrowIndex < 8) {//0..7 = arrows, 8 = Reset Range
            int axisIndex = (arrowIndex / 4) * 2;  //0 for x, 2 for y
            double min = axisIndex == 0 ? xMin : yMin;
            double max = axisIndex == 0 ? xMax : yMax;
            double range = max - min;
            boolean isMin = (arrowIndex % 4) < 2;
            boolean shrinkRange = arrowIndex % 4 == 1 || arrowIndex % 4 == 2;
            double factor = Math.sqrt(2);
            if (shrinkRange)
                factor = 1.0 / factor;
            if (isMin)
                min = max - range * factor;
                max = min + range * factor;
            boolean logAxis = axisIndex == 0 ? logXAxis : logYAxis;
            if (logAxis) {
                min = Math.pow(10, min);
                max = Math.pow(10, max);
            currentMinMax[axisIndex] = min;
            currentMinMax[axisIndex + 1] = max;

        if (arrowIndex == 8)
//n__ end zoomOnRangeArrow
    /** Zooms in or out on a point x, y in screen coordinates. If x>0, default in both directions,
     *  if the cursor is below the x axis, only in x direction, if the cursor is left of the y axis, only in y direction.
     *  If x < 0, zooms on center; if x == ZOOM_AS_PREVIOUS, zooms on the center of the previous zoom
     *  operation */

    void zoom(int x, int y, double zoomFactor) {
        boolean zoomIn = zoomFactor > 1.0;
        boolean zoomAsPrevious = x==ZOOM_AS_PREVIOUS && (!Double.isNaN(previousXZoom) || !Double.isNaN(previousYZoom));
        if (!zoomAsPrevious) {
            previousXZoom = Double.NaN;
            previousYZoom = Double.NaN;
        boolean cursorLeft = x >= 0 && x<leftMargin-1;
        boolean cursorBottom = y>topMargin+frameHeight+1;
        boolean zoomX = (!cursorLeft && !zoomAsPrevious) || (!Double.isNaN(previousXZoom) && zoomAsPrevious);
        boolean zoomY = cursorLeft || !cursorBottom || (!Double.isNaN(previousYZoom) && zoomAsPrevious);
        if (cursorLeft && cursorBottom) // if cursor is in bottom left corner, zoom in y as if cursor was outside
            x = -1;
        //IJ.log("x,y="+x+","+y+" zx="+zoomX+" zy="+zoomY+" zPrev="+zoomAsPrevious);
        for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex<currentMinMax.length; axisIndex+=2) {
            if (axisIndex==0 && !zoomX) continue;
            if (axisIndex==2 && !zoomY) continue;
            boolean logAxis = axisIndex==0 ? logXAxis : logYAxis;
            double min = axisIndex==0 ? xMin : yMin;
            double max = axisIndex==0 ? xMax : yMax;
            double mid = 0.5 * (min + max);
            if (zoomAsPrevious) {
                mid = axisIndex==0 ? previousXZoom : previousYZoom;
                if (logAxis) mid = Math.log10(mid);
            double span = max - min;
            if (x >= 0) { //cursor inside? zoom on cursor
                mid = axisIndex==0 ? descaleX(x) : descaleY(y);
                if (logAxis) mid = Math.log10(mid);
            if (axisIndex==0)
                previousXZoom = logAxis ? Math.pow(10, mid) : mid;
                previousYZoom = logAxis ? Math.pow(10, mid) : mid;
            //IJ.log("d="+(axisIndex==0 ? "X":"Y")+" x,y="+x+","+y+" mid="+(float)mid);
            double newHalfSpan = 0.5 * span / zoomFactor;
            currentMinMax[axisIndex] = mid - newHalfSpan;
            currentMinMax[axisIndex+1] = mid + newHalfSpan;
            if (logAxis) {
                currentMinMax[axisIndex] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[axisIndex]);
                currentMinMax[axisIndex+1] = Math.pow(10, currentMinMax[axisIndex+1]);

    /** Moves the plot range by a given number of pixels and updates the image */
    void scroll(int dx, int dy) {
        if (logXAxis) {
            currentMinMax[0] /= Math.pow(10, dx/xScale);
            currentMinMax[1] /= Math.pow(10, dx/xScale);
        } else {
            currentMinMax[0] -= dx/xScale;
            currentMinMax[1] -= dx/xScale;
        if (logYAxis) {
            currentMinMax[2] *= Math.pow(10, dy/yScale);
            currentMinMax[3] *= Math.pow(10, dy/yScale);
        } else {
            currentMinMax[2] += dy/yScale;
            currentMinMax[3] += dy/yScale;

    /** Whether to draw simple axes without ticks, grid and numbers only for min, max*/
    private boolean simpleXAxis() {
        return !hasFlag(X_TICKS | X_MINOR_TICKS | X_LOG_TICKS | X_GRID | X_NUMBERS);

    private boolean simpleYAxis() {
        return !hasFlag(Y_TICKS | Y_MINOR_TICKS | Y_LOG_TICKS | Y_GRID | Y_NUMBERS);

    /** Draws ticks, grid and axis label for each tick/grid line.
     *  The grid or major tick spacing in each direction is given by steps */
    void drawAxesTicksGridNumbers(double[] steps) {
        Font scFont = scFont(currentFont==null ? defaultFont : currentFont);
        Font scFontMedium = scFont.deriveFont(scFont.getSize2D()*10f/12f); //for y-axis numbers if full size does not fit
        Font scFontSmall = scFont.deriveFont(scFont.getSize2D()*9f/12f);   //for subscripts
        int extraWidth = scFont.getSize()/3; //right-justified font has extra space at the right
        FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics();
        int fontAscent = fm.getAscent();
        int yOfXAxisNumbers = topMargin + frameHeight + fm.getHeight()*5/4 + sc(3);
        // ---  A l o n g   X   A x i s
        if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS | (logXAxis ? (X_TICKS | X_MINOR_TICKS) : X_LOG_TICKS) + X_GRID)) {
            Font baseFont = scFont;
            boolean majorTicks = logXAxis ? hasFlag(X_LOG_TICKS) : hasFlag(X_TICKS);
            boolean minorTicks = hasFlag(X_MINOR_TICKS);
            double step = steps[0];
            int i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(xMin, xMax)/step-1.e-10);
            int i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(xMin, xMax)/step+1.e-10);
            int digits = getDigits(xMin, xMax, step, 7);
            int y1 = topMargin;
            int y2 = topMargin + frameHeight;
            if (xMin==xMax) {
                if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS)) {
                    String s = IJ.d2s(xMin,getDigits(xMin, 0.001*xMin, 5));
                    int y = yBasePxl;
                    ip.drawString(s, xBasePxl-ip.getStringWidth(s)/2, yOfXAxisNumbers);
            } else {
                if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS)) {
                    int w1 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[0], logXAxis ? -1 : digits));
                    int w2 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[1], logXAxis ? -1 : digits));
                    int wMax = Math.max(w1,w2);
                    if (wMax > Math.abs(step*xScale)-sc(8)) {
                        baseFont = scFontMedium;   //small font if there is not enough space for the numbers

                for (int i=0; i<=(i2-i1); i++) {
                    double v = (i+i1)*step;
                    int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + leftMargin;
                    if (hasFlag(X_GRID)) {
                        ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y2);
                    if (majorTicks) {
                        ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+sc(tickLength));
                        ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-sc(tickLength));
                    if (hasFlag(X_NUMBERS)) {
                        if (logXAxis || digits<0) {
                            drawExpString(logXAxis ? Math.pow(10,v) : v, logXAxis ? -1 : -digits,
                                    x, yOfXAxisNumbers-fontAscent/2, CENTER, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
                        } else {
                            String s = IJ.d2s(v,digits);
                            ip.drawString(s, x-ip.getStringWidth(s)/2, yOfXAxisNumbers);
                boolean haveMinorLogNumbers = i2-i1 < 2;        //nunbers on log minor ticks only if < 2 decades
                if (minorTicks  && (!logXAxis || step > 1.1)) { //'standard' log minor ticks only for full decades
                    step = niceNumber(step*0.19);               //non-log: 4 or 5 minor ticks per major tick
                    if (logXAxis && step < 1) step = 1;
                    i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(xMin,xMax)/step-1.e-10);
                    i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(xMin,xMax)/step+1.e-10);
                    for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                        double v = i*step;
                        int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + leftMargin;
                        ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+sc(minorTickLength));
                        ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-sc(minorTickLength));
                } else if (logXAxis && majorTicks && Math.abs(xScale)>sc(MIN_X_GRIDSPACING)) {      //minor ticks for log
                    int minorNumberLimit = haveMinorLogNumbers ? (int)(0.12*Math.abs(xScale)/(fm.charWidth('0')+sc(2))) : 0;   //more numbers on minor ticks when zoomed in
                    i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(xMin,xMax)-1.e-10);
                    i2 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.max(xMin,xMax)+1.e-10);
                    for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                        for (int m=2; m<10; m++) {
                            double v = i+Math.log10(m);
                            if (v > Math.min(xMin,xMax) && v < Math.max(xMin,xMax)) {
                                int x = (int)Math.round((v - xMin)*xScale) + leftMargin;
                                ip.drawLine(x, y1, x, y1+sc(minorTickLength));
                                ip.drawLine(x, y2, x, y2-sc(minorTickLength));
                                if (m<=minorNumberLimit)
                                    drawExpString(Math.pow(10,v), 0, x, yOfXAxisNumbers-fontAscent/2, CENTER, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
        // ---  A l o n g   Y   A x i s
        int maxNumWidth = 0;
        if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS | (logYAxis ? (Y_TICKS | Y_MINOR_TICKS) : Y_LOG_TICKS) + Y_GRID)) {
            Font baseFont = scFont;
            boolean majorTicks = logYAxis ? hasFlag(Y_LOG_TICKS) : hasFlag(Y_TICKS);
            boolean minorTicks = logYAxis ? hasFlag(Y_LOG_TICKS) : hasFlag(Y_MINOR_TICKS);
            double step = steps[1];
            int i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(yMin, yMax)/step-1.e-10);
            int i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(yMin, yMax)/step+1.e-10);
            int digits = getDigits(yMin, yMax, step, 5);
            int x1 = leftMargin;
            int x2 = leftMargin + frameWidth;
            if (yMin==yMax) {
                if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS)) {
                    String s = IJ.d2s(yMin,getDigits(yMin, 0.001*yMin, 5));
                    maxNumWidth = ip.getStringWidth(s);
                    int y = yBasePxl;
                    ip.drawString(s, leftMargin-1, y+fontAscent/2+sc(1));
            } else {
                int w1 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[2], logYAxis ? -1 : digits));
                int w2 = ip.getStringWidth(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[3], logYAxis ? -1 : digits));
                int wMax = Math.max(w1,w2);
                if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS)) {
                    if (wMax > leftMargin-sc(2)-extraWidth - (yLabel.length()>0 ? fm.getHeight() : 0)) {
                        baseFont = scFontMedium;   //small font if there is not enough space for the numbers
                //IJ.log(IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[2],digits)+": w="+w1+"; "+IJ.d2s(currentMinMax[3],digits)+": w="+w2+baseFont+" Space="+(leftMargin-sc(4+5)-fm.getHeight()));
                for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                    double v = step==0 ? yMin : i*step;
                    int y = topMargin + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale);
                    if (hasFlag(Y_GRID)) {
                        ip.drawLine(x1, y, x2, y);
                    if (majorTicks) {
                        ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+sc(tickLength), y);
                        ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-sc(tickLength), y);
                    if (hasFlag(Y_NUMBERS)) {
                        int w = 0;
                        if (logYAxis || digits<0) {
                            w = drawExpString(logYAxis ? Math.pow(10,v) : v, logYAxis ? -1 : -digits,
                                    leftMargin, y, RIGHT, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
                        } else {
                            String s = IJ.d2s(v,digits);
                            w = ip.getStringWidth(s);
                            ip.drawString(s, leftMargin-1, y+fontAscent*2/3+1);
                        if (w > maxNumWidth) maxNumWidth = w;
            boolean haveMinorLogNumbers = i2-i1 < 2;        //nunbers on log minor ticks only if < 2 decades
            if (minorTicks  && (!logYAxis || step > 1.1)) { //'standard' log minor ticks only for full decades
                step = niceNumber(step*0.19);               //non-log: 4 or 5 minor ticks per major tick
                if (logYAxis && step < 1) step = 1;
                i1 = (int)Math.ceil (Math.min(yMin,yMax)/step-1.e-10);
                i2 = (int)Math.floor(Math.max(yMin,yMax)/step+1.e-10);
                for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                    double v = i*step;
                    int y = topMargin + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale);
                    ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+sc(minorTickLength), y);
                    ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-sc(minorTickLength), y);
            if (logYAxis && majorTicks && Math.abs(yScale)>sc(MIN_X_GRIDSPACING)) {      //minor ticks for log within the decade
                int minorNumberLimit = haveMinorLogNumbers ? (int)(0.4*Math.abs(yScale)/fm.getHeight()) : 0;    //more numbers on minor ticks when zoomed in
                i1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.min(yMin,yMax)-1.e-10);
                i2 = (int)Math.ceil(Math.max(yMin,yMax)+1.e-10);
                for (int i=i1; i<=i2; i++) {
                    for (int m=2; m<10; m++) {
                        double v = i+Math.log10(m);
                        if (v > Math.min(yMin,yMax) && v < Math.max(yMin,yMax)) {
                            int y = topMargin + frameHeight - (int)Math.round((v - yMin)*yScale);
                            ip.drawLine(x1, y, x1+sc(minorTickLength), y);
                            ip.drawLine(x2, y, x2-sc(minorTickLength), y);
                            if (m<=minorNumberLimit) {
                                int w = drawExpString(Math.pow(10,v), 0, leftMargin-sc(1), y, RIGHT, fontAscent, baseFont, scFontSmall);
                                if (w > maxNumWidth) maxNumWidth = w;
        // --- Write min&max of range if simple style without any axis format flags
        String xLabelToDraw = xLabel;
        String yLabelToDraw = yLabel;
        if (simpleYAxis()) { // y-axis min&max
            int digits = getDigits(yMin, yMax, 0.001*(yMax-yMin), 6);
            String s = IJ.d2s(yMax, digits);
            int sw = ip.getStringWidth(s);
            if ((sw+sc(4)) > leftMargin)
                ip.drawString(s, sc(4), topMargin-sc(4));
                ip.drawString(s, leftMargin-ip.getStringWidth(s)-sc(4), topMargin+10);
            s = IJ.d2s(yMin, digits);
            sw = ip.getStringWidth(s);
            if ((sw+4)>leftMargin)
                ip.drawString(s, sc(4), topMargin+frame.height);
                ip.drawString(s, leftMargin-ip.getStringWidth(s)-sc(4), topMargin+frame.height);
            if (logYAxis) yLabelToDraw += " (LOG)";
        int y = yOfXAxisNumbers;
        if (simpleXAxis()) { // x-axis min&max
            int digits = getDigits(xMin, xMax, 0.001*(xMax-xMin), 7);
            ip.drawString(IJ.d2s(xMin,digits), leftMargin, y);
            String s = IJ.d2s(xMax,digits);
            ip.drawString(s, leftMargin + frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(s)+6, y);
            y -= fm.getHeight();
            if (logXAxis) xLabelToDraw += " (LOG)";
        } else
            y += sc(1);
        // --- Write x and y axis text labels
        ip.setFont(xLabelFont == null ? scFont : scFont(xLabelFont));
        ip.drawString(xLabelToDraw, leftMargin+(frame.width-ip.getStringWidth(xLabel))/2, y+ip.getFontMetrics().getHeight());
        if (yLabel.length() > 0) {
            int xOfYLabel = leftMargin-maxNumWidth-extraWidth-sc(4);
            if (xOfYLabel < 0) xOfYLabel = 0;
            drawYLabel(yLabelToDraw, xOfYLabel, topMargin, frame.height, yLabelFont == null ? scFont : scFont(yLabelFont));

    /** Returns the smallest "nice" number >= v. "Nice" numbers are .. 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 ... */
    double niceNumber(double v) {
        double base = Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log10(v)-1.e-6));
        if (v > 5.0000001*base) return 10*base;
        else if (v > 2.0000001*base) return 5*base;
        else return 2*base;

    /** draw something like 1.2 10^-9; returns the width of the string drawn.
     *  'Digits' should be >=0 for drawing the mantissa (=1.38 in this example), negative to draw only 10^exponent
     *  Currently only supports center justification and right justification (y of center line)
     *  Fonts baseFont, smallFont should be scaled already*/
    int drawExpString(double value, int digits, int x, int y, int justification, int fontAscent, Font baseFont, Font smallFont) {
        String base = "10";
        String exponent = null;
        String s = IJ.d2s(value, digits<=0 ? -1 : -digits);
        if (Tools.parseDouble(s) == 0) s = "0"; //don't write 0 as 0*10^0
        int ePos = s.indexOf('E');
        if (ePos < 0)
            base = s;   //can't have exponential format, e.g. NaN
        else {
            if (digits>=0) {
                base = s.substring(0,ePos);
                if (digits == 0)
                    base = Integer.toString((int)Math.round(Tools.parseDouble(base)));
                base += "\u00B710"; //middot as multiplication symbol ".10"
            exponent = s.substring(ePos+1);
        //IJ.log(s+" -> "+base+"^"+exponent+"  maxAsc="+fontAscent+" font="+baseFont);
        int width = ip.getStringWidth(base);
        if (exponent != null) {
            int wExponent = ip.getStringWidth(exponent);
            width += wExponent;
            if (justification == CENTER) x += width/2;
            ip.drawString(exponent, x, y+fontAscent*3/10);
            x -= wExponent;
        ip.drawString(base, x, y+fontAscent*7/10);
        return width;

    // Number of digits to display the number n with resolution 'resolution';
    // (if n is integer and small enough to display without scientific notation,
    // no decimals are needed, irrespective of 'resolution')
    // Scientific notation is used for more than 'maxDigits' (must be >=3), and indicated
    // by a negative return value
    static int getDigits(double n, double resolution, int maxDigits) {
        if (n==Math.round(n) && Math.abs(n) < Math.pow(10,maxDigits-1)-1) //integers and not too big
            return 0;
            return getDigits2(n, resolution, maxDigits);

    // Number of digits to display the range between n1 and n2 with resolution 'resolution';
    // Scientific notation is used for more than 'maxDigits' (must be >=3), and indicated
    // by a negative return value
    static int getDigits(double n1, double n2, double resolution, int maxDigits) {
        if (n1==0 && n2==0) return 0;
        return getDigits2(Math.max(Math.abs(n1),Math.abs(n2)), resolution, maxDigits);

    static int getDigits2(double n, double resolution, int maxDigits) {
        int log10ofN = (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(n))+1e-7);
        int digits = resolution != 0 ?
                -(int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(resolution))+1e-7) : 
                Math.max(0, -log10ofN+maxDigits-2);
        int sciDigits = -Math.max((log10ofN+digits),1);
        //IJ.log("n="+(float)n+"digitsRaw="+digits+" log10ofN="+log10ofN+" sciDigits="+sciDigits);
        if (digits < -2 && log10ofN >= maxDigits)
            digits = sciDigits; //scientific notation for large numbers
        else if (digits < 0)
            digits = 0;
        else if (digits > maxDigits-1 && log10ofN < -2)
            digits = sciDigits; // scientific notation for small numbers
        return digits;

    static boolean isInteger(double n) {
        return n==Math.round(n);

    private void drawPlotObject(PlotObject plotObject, ImageProcessor ip) {
        //IJ.log("DRAWING type="+plotObject.type+" lineWidth="+plotObject.lineWidth+" shape="+plotObject.shape);
        int type = plotObject.type;
        switch (type) {
            case PlotObject.XY_DATA:
                if (plotObject.yEValues != null)
                    drawVerticalErrorBars(plotObject.xValues, plotObject.yValues, plotObject.yEValues);
                if (plotObject.xEValues != null)
                    drawHorizontalErrorBars(plotObject.xValues, plotObject.yValues, plotObject.xEValues);
                boolean drawMarker = plotObject.hasMarker();
                boolean drawLine = plotObject.hasCurve();
                if (plotObject.shape == CONNECTED_CIRCLES)
                    ip.setColor(plotObject.color2 == null ? : plotObject.color2);
                if (drawLine)
                    //draw line
                    drawFloatPolyline(ip, plotObject.xValues, plotObject.yValues, 
                            Math.min(plotObject.xValues.length, plotObject.yValues.length));
                if (drawMarker) {
                    int markSize = plotObject.getMarkerSize();
                    if (plotObject.hasFilledMarker()) {
                        //fill markers with secondary color
                        for (int i=0; i<Math.min(plotObject.xValues.length, plotObject.yValues.length); i++)
                            if ((!logXAxis || plotObject.xValues[i]>0) && (!logYAxis || plotObject.yValues[i]>0))
                                fillShape(plotObject.shape, scaleX(plotObject.xValues[i]), scaleY(plotObject.yValues[i]), markSize);
                    // draw markers
                    for (int i=0; i<Math.min(plotObject.xValues.length, plotObject.yValues.length); i++)
                        if ((!logXAxis || plotObject.xValues[i]>0) && (!logYAxis || plotObject.yValues[i]>0))
                            drawShape(plotObject.shape, scaleX(plotObject.xValues[i]), scaleY(plotObject.yValues[i]), markSize);
            case PlotObject.ARROWS:
                for (int i=0; i<plotObject.xValues.length; i++) {
                    int xt1 = scaleX(plotObject.xValues[i]);
                    int yt1 = scaleY(plotObject.yValues[i]);
                    int xt2 = scaleX(plotObject.xEValues[i]);
                    int yt2 = scaleY(plotObject.yEValues[i]);
                    double dist = calculateDistance(xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2);
                    if (xt1==xt2 && yt1==yt2)
                        ip.drawDot(xt1, yt1);
                    else if (dist < sc(1.5f*MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH))
                        ip.drawLine(xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2);
                    else {
                        int arrowHeadLength = (int)(dist*RELATIVE_ARROWHEAD_SIZE+0.5);
                        if (arrowHeadLength > sc(MAX_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH)) arrowHeadLength = sc(MAX_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH);
                        if (arrowHeadLength < sc(MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH)) arrowHeadLength = sc(MIN_ARROWHEAD_LENGTH);
                        drawArrow(xt1, yt1, xt2, yt2, arrowHeadLength);
            case PlotObject.LINE:
                ip.drawLine(scaleX(plotObject.x), scaleY(plotObject.y), scaleX(plotObject.xEnd), scaleY(plotObject.yEnd));
            case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LINE:
                int ix1 = leftMargin + (int)(plotObject.x*frameWidth);
                int iy1 = topMargin  + (int)(plotObject.y*frameHeight);
                int ix2 = leftMargin + (int)(plotObject.xEnd*frameWidth);
                int iy2 = topMargin  + (int)(plotObject.yEnd*frameHeight);
                ip.drawLine(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2);
            case PlotObject.DOTTED_LINE:
                ix1 = scaleX(plotObject.x);
                iy1 = scaleY(plotObject.y);
                ix2 = scaleX(plotObject.xEnd);
                iy2 = scaleY(plotObject.yEnd);
                double length = calculateDistance(ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2) + 0.1;
                int n = (int)(length/plotObject.step);
                for (int i = 0; i<=n; i++)
                    ip.drawDot(ix1 + (int)Math.round((ix2-ix1)*(double)i/n), iy1 + (int)Math.round((iy2-iy1)*(double)i/n));
            case PlotObject.LABEL:
            case PlotObject.NORMALIZED_LABEL:
                if (plotObject.font != null)
                int xt = type==PlotObject.LABEL ? scaleX(plotObject.x) : leftMargin + (int)(plotObject.x*frameWidth);
                int yt = type==PlotObject.LABEL ? scaleY(plotObject.y) : topMargin + (int)(plotObject.y*frameHeight);
                ip.drawString(plotObject.label, xt, yt);
            case PlotObject.LEGEND:
                drawLegend(plotObject, ip);

    /** Draw the symbols for data points */
    void drawShape(int shape, int x, int y, int size) {
        int xbase = x-sc(size/2);
        int ybase = y-sc(size/2);
        int xend = x+sc(size/2);
        int yend = y+sc(size/2);
        switch(shape) {
            case X:
            case BOX:
            case TRIANGLE:
                ip.drawLine(x,ybase-sc(1),xend+sc(1),yend); //height must be odd, otherwise rounding leads to asymmetric shape
            case CROSS:
            case DOT:
                ip.drawDot(x, y); //uses current line width
            default: // CIRCLE, CONNECTED_CIRCLES: 5x5 oval approximated by 5x5 square without corners
                if (sc(size) < 5.01) {
                    ip.drawLine(x-1, y-2, x+1, y-2);
                    ip.drawLine(x-1, y+2, x+1, y+2);
                    ip.drawLine(x+2, y+1, x+2, y-1);
                    ip.drawLine(x-2, y+1, x-2, y-1);
                } else {
                    int r = sc(0.5f*size-0.5f);
                    ip.drawOval(x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r);

    /** Fill the area of the symbols for data points (except for shape=DOT)
     *  Note that ip.fill, ip.fillOval etc. can't be used here: they do not care about the clip rectangle */
    void fillShape(int shape, int x0, int y0, int size) {
        int r = sc(size/2)-1;
        switch(shape) {
            case BOX:
                int widthOrHeight = 2*sc(size/2);
                for (int dy=-r; dy<=r; dy++)
                    for (int dx=-r; dx<=r; dx++)
                        ip.drawDot(x0+dx, y0+dy);
            case TRIANGLE:
                int ybase = y0 - r - sc(1);
                int yend = y0 + r;
                double halfWidth = sc(size/2)+sc(1)-1;
                double hwStep = halfWidth/(yend-ybase+1);
                for (int y=yend; y>=ybase; y--, halfWidth -= hwStep) {
                    int dx = (int)(Math.round(halfWidth));
                    for (int x=x0-dx; x<=x0+dx; x++)
            case CIRCLE:
                int rsquare = (r+1)*(r+1);
                for (int dy=-r; dy<=r; dy++)
                    for (int dx=-r; dx<=r; dx++)
                        if (dx*dx + dy*dy <= rsquare)
                            ip.drawDot(x0+dx, y0+dy);

    /** Adds an arrow from position 1 to 2 given in pixels; 'size' is the length of the arrowhead
     *  WARNING: Use as a public method is not supported any more because it is incompatible with rescaling */
    public void drawArrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double size) {
        double dx = x2 - x1;
        double dy = y2 - y1;
        double ra = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        dx /= ra;
        dy /= ra;
        int x3 = (int) Math.round(x2 - dx * size);  //arrow base
        int y3 = (int) Math.round(y2 - dy * size);
        double r = 0.3 * size;
        int x4 = (int) Math.round(x3 + dy * r);
        int y4 = (int) Math.round(y3 - dx * r);
        int x5 = (int) Math.round(x3 - dy * r);
        int y5 = (int) Math.round(y3 + dx * r);
        ip.moveTo(x1, y1); ip.lineTo(x2, y2);
        ip.moveTo(x4, y4); ip.lineTo(x2, y2); ip.lineTo(x5, y5);

    private void drawVerticalErrorBars(float[] x, float[] y, float[] e) {
        int nPoints = Math.min(Math.min(x.length, y.length), e.length);
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            if (Float.isNaN(x[i]) || Float.isNaN(y[i]) || (logXAxis && !(x[i] >0))) continue;
            int x0 = scaleX(x[i]);
            int yPlus = scaleYWithOverflow(y[i] + e[i]);
            int yMinus = scaleYWithOverflow(y[i] - e[i]);
            ip.lineTo(x0, yPlus);

    private void drawHorizontalErrorBars(float[] x, float[] y, float[] e) {
        int nPoints = Math.min(Math.min(x.length, y.length), e.length);
        float[] xpoints = new float[2];
        float[] ypoints = new float[2];
        for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            if (Float.isNaN(x[i]) || Float.isNaN(y[i]) || (logXAxis && !(y[i] >0))) continue;
            int y0 = scaleY(y[i]);
            int xPlus = scaleXWithOverflow(x[i] + e[i]);
            int xMinus = scaleXWithOverflow(x[i] - e[i]);
            ip.lineTo(xPlus, y0);

    /** Draw a polygon line; NaN values interrupt it. For reasonable performance, line segments that
     *  are definitely completely out of the plot range are no drawn, otherwise a plot of 1000 points
     *  may need many tens of seconds when zoomed in to e.g. 10-6 of the full range */
    void drawFloatPolyline(ImageProcessor ip, float[] x, float[] y, int n) {
        if (x==null || x.length==0) return;
        int x1, y1;
        boolean isNaN1;
        int x2 = scaleX(x[0]);
        int y2 = scaleY(y[0]);
        boolean isNaN2 = Float.isNaN(x[0]) || Float.isNaN(y[0]) || (logXAxis && x[0]<=0) || (logYAxis && y[0]<=0);
        for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
            x1 = x2;
            y1 = y2;
            isNaN1 = isNaN2;
            x2 = scaleX(x[i]);
            y2 = scaleY(y[i]);
            isNaN2 = Float.isNaN(x[i]) || Float.isNaN(y[i]) || (logXAxis && x[i]<=0) || (logYAxis && y[i]<=0);
            if (!isNaN1 && !isNaN2)
                ip.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    /** Vertical text for y axis label */
    void drawYLabel(String yLabel, int xRight, int yFrameTop, int frameHeight, Font scaledFont) {
        if (yLabel.equals(""))
        FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics();
        int w =  ip.getStringWidth(yLabel) + sc(5);
        int h =  fm.getHeight()+sc(1);
        ImageProcessor label = new ByteProcessor(w, h);
        if (invertedLut)
        label.drawString(yLabel, 0, h);
        label = label.rotateLeft();
        int y2 = yFrameTop + (frameHeight-ip.getStringWidth(yLabel))/2;
        if (y2 < yFrameTop) y2 = yFrameTop;
        int x2 = Math.max(xRight-h, 0);
        ip.insert(label, x2, y2);

    /** Draw the legend */
    void drawLegend(PlotObject legendObject, ImageProcessor ip) {
        ip.setFont (scFont(legendObject.font));
        String[] labels = null;
        if (legendObject.label != null)
            labels = legendObject.label.split("[\t\n]");
        int n = 0;
        int nLabels = 0;
        int maxStringWidth = 0;
        float maxLineThickness = 0;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                if (labels != null && n < labels.length && labels[n].length()>0)
                    plotObject.label = labels[n];   // sets the label
                if (plotObject.label != null) {     //label exists: was set now or previously
                    int w = ip.getStringWidth(plotObject.label);
                    if (w > maxStringWidth) maxStringWidth = w;
                    if (plotObject.lineWidth > maxLineThickness) maxLineThickness = plotObject.lineWidth;
        if (nLabels == 0) return;
        if (antialiasedText && scale > 1)       //fix incorrect width of large fonts
            maxStringWidth = (int)((1 + 0.004*scale) * maxStringWidth);
        int frameThickness = sc(legendObject.lineWidth > 0 ? legendObject.lineWidth : 1);
        FontMetrics fm = ip.getFontMetrics();
        int lineHeight = fm.getHeight();
        int height = nLabels*lineHeight + 2*sc(LEGEND_PADDING);
        int width = maxStringWidth + sc(3*LEGEND_PADDING + LEGEND_LINELENGTH + maxLineThickness);
        int positionCode = legendObject.flags & LEGEND_POSITION_MASK;
        if (positionCode == AUTO_POSITION)
            positionCode = autoLegendPosition(width, height, frameThickness);
        Rectangle rect = legendRect(positionCode, width, height, frameThickness);
        int x0 = rect.x;
        int y0 = rect.y;

        if (!legendObject.hasFlag(LEGEND_TRANSPARENT)) {
            ip.setRoi(x0, y0, width, height);
        } else if (hasFlag(X_GRID | Y_GRID)) {  //erase grid
            int grid = ip instanceof ColorProcessor ? (gridColor.getRGB() & 0xffffff) : ip.getBestIndex(gridColor);
            for (int y=y0; y<y0+height; y++)
                for (int x=x0; x<x0+width; x++)
                    if ((ip.getPixel(x, y) & 0xffffff) == grid)
                        ip.drawDot(x, y);
        ip.drawRect(x0-frameThickness/2, y0-frameThickness/2, width+frameThickness, height);
        boolean bottomUp = legendObject.hasFlag(LEGEND_BOTTOM_UP);
        int y = y0 + frameThickness/2 + sc(LEGEND_PADDING) + lineHeight/2;
        if (bottomUp) y += (nLabels-1) * lineHeight;
        int xText = x0 + frameThickness/2 + sc(2f*LEGEND_PADDING + LEGEND_LINELENGTH + maxLineThickness);
        int xMarker = x0 + frameThickness/2 + sc(LEGEND_PADDING + 0.5f*(LEGEND_LINELENGTH + maxLineThickness));
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA && plotObject.label != null) {
                if (plotObject.hasFilledMarker()) {
                    fillShape(plotObject.shape, xMarker, y, plotObject.getMarkerSize());
                int lineWidth = sc(plotObject.lineWidth);
                if (plotObject.hasMarker()) {
                    drawShape(plotObject.shape, xMarker, y, plotObject.getMarkerSize());
                if (plotObject.hasCurve()) {
                    Color c = plotObject.shape == CONNECTED_CIRCLES ?
                            (plotObject.color2 == null ? : plotObject.color2) :
                    ip.drawLine(x0+frameThickness/2+sc(LEGEND_PADDING)+lineWidth, y, xText-sc(LEGEND_PADDING)-lineWidth, y);
                ip.drawString(plotObject.label, xText, y+ lineHeight/2);
                y += bottomUp ? -lineHeight : lineHeight;

    /** The legend area; positionCode should be TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, etc. */
    Rectangle legendRect(int positionCode, int width, int height, int frameThickness)  {
        boolean leftPosition = positionCode == TOP_LEFT || positionCode == BOTTOM_LEFT;
        boolean topPosition  = positionCode == TOP_LEFT || positionCode == TOP_RIGHT;
        int x0 = (leftPosition) ?
                leftMargin + sc(2*LEGEND_PADDING) + frameThickness/2 :
                leftMargin + frameWidth - width - sc(2*LEGEND_PADDING) - frameThickness/2;
        int y0 = (topPosition) ?
                topMargin + sc(LEGEND_PADDING) + frameThickness/2 :
                topMargin + frameHeight - height - sc(LEGEND_PADDING) + frameThickness/2;
        if (hasFlag(Y_TICKS))
            x0 += (leftPosition ? 1 : -1) * sc(tickLength - LEGEND_PADDING);
        if (hasFlag(X_TICKS))
            y0 += (topPosition ? 1 : -1) * sc(tickLength - LEGEND_PADDING/2);
        return new Rectangle(x0, y0, width, height);

    /** The position code of the legend position where the smallest amount of foreground pixels is covered */
    int autoLegendPosition(int width, int height, int frameThickness) {
        int background = ip instanceof ColorProcessor ? (0xffffff) : (ip.isInvertedLut() ? 0 : 0xff);
        int grid = ip instanceof ColorProcessor ? (gridColor.getRGB() & 0xffffff) : ip.getBestIndex(gridColor);
        int bestPosition = 0;
        int minCoveredPixels = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int positionCode : new int[]{TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT}) {
            Rectangle rect = legendRect(positionCode, width, height, frameThickness);
            int coveredPixels = 0;
            for (int y = rect.y - frameThickness/2; y <= rect.y + rect.height + frameThickness/2; y++)
                for (int x = rect.x - frameThickness/2; x <= rect.x + rect.width + frameThickness/2; x++) {
                    int pixel = ip.getPixel(x, y) & 0xffffff;
                    if (pixel != background && pixel != grid)
                        coveredPixels ++;
            if (coveredPixels < minCoveredPixels) {
                minCoveredPixels = coveredPixels;
                bestPosition = positionCode;
        return bestPosition;

    /** Returns the x, y coordinates at the cursor position or the nearest point as a String */
    String getCoordinates(int x, int y) {
        if (frame==null) return "";
        String text = "";
        if (!frame.contains(x, y))
            return text;
        double xv = descaleX(x); // cursor location
        double yv = descaleY(y);
        boolean yIsValue = false;
        if (!hasMultiplePlots()) {
            PlotObject p = getMainCurveObject(); // display x and f(x) instead of cursor y
            if (p != null) {
                double bestDx = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                double xBest = 0, yBest = 0;
                for (int i=0; i<Math.min(p.xValues.length, p.yValues.length); i++) {
                    double xp = p.xValues[i];
                    if (Math.abs(xp-xv) < bestDx) {
                        bestDx = Math.abs(xp-xv);
                        xBest = xp;
                        yBest = p.yValues[i];
                if (xScale != 0 && bestDx*xScale < 50) {    //ignore points more than 50 pixels away in x
                    xv = xBest;
                    yv = yBest;
                    yIsValue = true;
                } else
                    xv = Double.NaN;
        if (!Double.isNaN(xv)) {
            text =  "X=" + IJ.d2s(xv, getDigits(xv, 0.001*(xMax-xMin), 6))+", Y";
            if (yIsValue) text += "(X)";
            text +="="+ IJ.d2s(yv, getDigits(yv, 0.001*(yMax-yMin), 6));
        return text;
        //}catch(Exception e){IJ.handleException(e);return "ERR";}

    /** Returns a reference to the PlotObject having the data passed with the constructor or (if that was null)
     *  the first x & y data added later. Otherwise returns null. */
    private PlotObject getMainCurveObject() {
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA)
                return plotObject;
        return null;

    /** Returns a reference to the PlotObject with x & y data (points, curve) added last, or null if none. */
    private PlotObject getLastCurveObject() {
        for (int i=allPlotObjects.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            if (allPlotObjects.get(i).type == PlotObject.XY_DATA)
                return allPlotObjects.get(i);
        return null;

    /** returns whether there are several plots so that one cannot give a single y value for a given x value */
    private boolean hasMultiplePlots() {
        int nPlots = 0;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS)
                return true;
            else if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                nPlots ++;
                if (nPlots > 1) return true;
        return nPlots > 1;

    public void setPlotMaker(PlotMaker plotMaker) {
        this.plotMaker = plotMaker;
    PlotMaker getPlotMaker() {
        return plotMaker;

    /** Returns the labels of the datasets as linefeed-delimited String.
     *  If the label is not set, a blank line is added */
    String getDataLabels() {
        String labels = "";
        boolean first = true;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.type == PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    labels += '\n';
                if (plotObject.label != null) labels += plotObject.label;
        return labels;

    /** Creates a ResultsTable with the plot data. Returns an empty table if no data. */
    public ResultsTable getResultsTable() {
        return getResultsTable(true);

    /** Creates a ResultsTable with the data of the plot. Returns an empty table if no data. 
     *  Does not write the first x column if writeFirstXColumn is false.
     *  x columns equal to the first x column are never written, independent of writeFirstXColumn */
    public ResultsTable getResultsTable(boolean writeFirstXColumn) {
        ResultsTable rt = new ResultsTable();
        // find the longest x-value data set and count the data sets
        int nDataSets =  0;
        int tableLength = 0;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects)
            if (plotObject.xValues != null) {
                tableLength = Math.max(tableLength, plotObject.xValues.length);
        if (nDataSets == 0) return null;
        // enter columns one by one to lists of data and headings
        ArrayList<String> headings = new ArrayList<String>(2*nDataSets);
        ArrayList<float[]> data = new ArrayList<float[]>(2*nDataSets);
        int dataSetNumber = 0;
        int arrowsNumber = 0;
        PlotObject firstXYobject = null;
        for (PlotObject plotObject : allPlotObjects) {
            if (plotObject.type==PlotObject.XY_DATA) {
                boolean sameX =  firstXYobject != null && Arrays.equals(firstXYobject.xValues, plotObject.xValues);
                boolean sameXY = sameX && Arrays.equals(firstXYobject.yValues, plotObject.yValues); //ignore duplicates (e.g. Markers plus Curve)
                boolean writeX = firstXYobject==null?writeFirstXColumn:!sameX;
                addToLists(headings, data, plotObject, dataSetNumber, writeX, /*writeY=*/!sameXY, nDataSets>1);
                if (firstXYobject == null) firstXYobject = plotObject;
            } else if (plotObject.type==PlotObject.ARROWS) {
                addToLists(headings, data, plotObject, arrowsNumber, /*writeX=*/true, /*writeY=*/true, nDataSets>1);
        // populate the ResultsTable
        int nColumns = headings.size();
        for (int line=0; line<tableLength; line++) {
            for (int col=0; col<nColumns; col++) {
                String heading = headings.get(col);
                float[] values = data.get(col);
                if (line<values.length)
                    rt.setValue(heading, line, values[line]);
                    rt.setValue(heading, line, "");
        // set the decimals (precision) of the table columns
        nColumns = rt.getLastColumn() + 1;
        for (int i=0; i<nColumns; i++)
            rt.setDecimalPlaces(i, getPrecision(rt.getColumn(i)));

        return rt;

    // when writing data in scientific mode, use at least 4 decimals behind the decimal point
    static final int MIN_SCIENTIFIC_DIGITS = 4;
    // when writing float data, precision should be at least 1e-5*data range
    static final double MIN_FLOAT_PRECISION = 1e-5;

    void addToLists(ArrayList<String> headings, ArrayList<float[]>data, PlotObject plotObject,
            int dataSetNumber, boolean writeX, boolean writeY, boolean multipleSets) {
        if (writeX) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "XStart" : "X";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;
        if (writeY) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "YStart" : "Y";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;
        if (plotObject.xEValues != null) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "XEnd" : "XERR";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;
        if (plotObject.yEValues != null) {
            String label = plotObject.type == PlotObject.ARROWS ? "YEnd" : "ERR";
            if (multipleSets) label += dataSetNumber;

    /** get the number of digits for writing a column to the results table or the clipboard */
    static int getPrecision(float[] values) {
        int setDigits = Analyzer.getPrecision();
        int measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements();
        boolean scientificNotation = (measurements&Measurements.SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION)!=0;
        if (scientificNotation) {
            if (setDigits<MIN_SCIENTIFIC_DIGITS)
                setDigits = MIN_SCIENTIFIC_DIGITS;
            return -setDigits;
        boolean allInteger = true;
        float min = Float.MAX_VALUE, max = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
            if ((int)values[i]!=values[i] && !Float.isNaN(values[i])) {
                allInteger = false;
            if (values[i] < min) min = values[i];
            if (values[i] > max) max = values[i];
        if (allInteger)
            return 0;
        int digits = (max - min) > 0 ? getDigits(min, max, MIN_FLOAT_PRECISION*(max-min), 15) :
                getDigits(max, MIN_FLOAT_PRECISION*Math.abs(max), 15);
        if (setDigits>Math.abs(digits))
            digits = setDigits * (digits < 0 ? -1 : 1);     //use scientific notation if needed
        return digits;

    /** Whether a given flag 'what' is set */
    boolean hasFlag(int what) {
        return (flags&what) != 0;

/** This class contains the data and properties for displaying a curve, a set of arrows, a line or a label in a plot
 *  Note that all properties such as lineWidths and Fonts have to be scaled up for high-resolution plots. */
class PlotObject implements Cloneable {
    /** constants for the type of objects */
    public final static int XY_DATA = 0, ARROWS = 1, LINE = 2, NORMALIZED_LINE = 3, DOTTED_LINE = 4,
            LABEL = 5, NORMALIZED_LABEL = 6, LEGEND = 7;
    /** flags */
    public final static int CONSTRUCTOR_DATA = 1;
    /** if true, the object is a label, o */
    public int type = XY_DATA;
    /** bitwise combination of flags, or the position of a legend */
    public int flags;
    /** The x and y data arrays, the error bars. These arrays also serve as x0, y0, x1, y1
     *  arrays for plotting arrays of arrows */
    public float[] xValues, yValues, xEValues, yEValues;
    /** Type of the points, such as Plot.LINE, Plot.CROSS etc. */
    public int shape;
    /** The line width in pixels for 'small' plots */
    public float lineWidth;
    /** The color of the object, must not be null */
    public Color color;
    /** The secondary color (for filling closed symbols and for the line of CIRCLES_AND_LINE, may be null for unfilled/default */
    public Color color2;
    /* Labels and lines only: Position (NORMALIZED objects: relative units 0...1) */
    public double x, y;
    /* Lines only: End position*/
    public double xEnd, yEnd;
    /* Dotted lines only: step */
    public int step;
    /** A label for the y data of the curve, a text to draw, or the text of a legend (tab-delimited lines) */
    public String label;
    /** Labels only: Justification can be Plot.LEFT, Plot.CENTER or Plot.RIGHT */
    public int justification;
    /** Labels only: the font; maybe null for default */
    public Font font;

    /** Constructor for XY_DATA, i.e., a curve or set of points */
    PlotObject(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float[] yErrorBars, int shape, float lineWidth, Color color, Color color2, String yLabel) {
        this.type = XY_DATA;
        this.xValues = xValues;
        this.yValues = yValues;
        this.yEValues = yErrorBars;
        this.shape = shape;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.color = color;
        this.color2 = color2;
        this.label = yLabel;

    /** Constructor for a set of arrows */
    PlotObject(float[] x1, float[] y1, float[] x2, float[] y2, float lineWidth, Color color) {
        this.type = ARROWS;
        this.xValues = x1;
        this.yValues = y1;
        this.xEValues = x2;
        this.yEValues = y2;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.color = color;

    /** Constructor for a line */
    PlotObject(double x, double y, double xEnd, double yEnd, float lineWidth, int step, Color color, int type) {
        this.type = type;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.xEnd = xEnd;
        this.yEnd = yEnd;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.step = step;
        this.color = color;

    /** Constructor for a label or NORMALIZED_LABEL */
    PlotObject(String label, double x, double y, int justification, Font font, Color color, int type) {
        this.type = type;
        this.label = label;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.justification = justification;
        this.font = font;
        this.color = color;

    /** Constructor for the legend. <code>flags</code> is bitwise or of TOP_LEFT etc. and LEGEND_TRANSPARENT if desired */
    PlotObject(String labels, float lineWidth, Font font, Color color, int flags) {
        this.type = LEGEND;
        this.label = labels;
        this.lineWidth = lineWidth;
        this.font = font;
        this.color = color;
        this.flags = flags;

    /** Whether a given flag 'what' is set */
    boolean hasFlag(int what) {
        return (flags&what) != 0;

    /** Whether an XY_DATA object has a curve to draw */
    boolean hasCurve() {
        return type == XY_DATA && (shape == Plot.LINE || shape == Plot.CONNECTED_CIRCLES);

    /** Whether an XY_DATA object has markers to draw */
    boolean hasMarker() {
        return type == XY_DATA && (shape == Plot.CIRCLE || shape == Plot.X || shape == Plot.BOX || shape == Plot.TRIANGLE ||
                shape == Plot.CROSS || shape == Plot.DOT || shape == Plot.CONNECTED_CIRCLES);

    /** Whether an XY_DATA object has markers that can be filled */
    boolean hasFilledMarker() {
        return type == XY_DATA && color2 != null && (shape == Plot.CIRCLE || shape == Plot.BOX || shape == Plot.TRIANGLE);

    /** Size of the markers for an XY_DATA object with markers */
    int getMarkerSize () {
        return lineWidth<=1 ? 5 : 7;

    /** A shallow clone and does not duplicate arrays*/
    public PlotObject clone() {
        try {
            return (PlotObject)(super.clone());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            return null;